Sophia suddenly remembered what Fred had said about her wand. He said that it was great for defensive spells and that George could hardly utter a jinx before it was able to be blocked. She silently took it upon herself to stand in the line of fire and let the twins use their close connection to attack at the same time. Before they could even see her, Sophia swished her wand in front of her to perform the protection charm and stepped in front of the door way.
The red and yellow curses bounced off the invisible field and allowed Fred and George to fire the Stunning curse into the house. Dolohov froze in his place and fell flat against the wooden floor, dust and dirt flying up from his frame disturbing it's placing. The house went silent, allowing the twins to step out from behind the door frame and stare at the frozen Death Eater on the floor.
"Never would of thought of that," George admitted to Sophia's tactic.
"It was stupid though," Fred added and glared down to Sophia who stood beside him. "You should have said you were gonna do that."
"Well it worked didn't it? You were the one that said my wand was good for defensive spells," she shrugged at him and walked further into the house, kicking away Dolohov's wand and encasing him with the Incacerous curse. Ropes squeezed him tightly and prevented any movement for when he would come out of his daze.
Looking up from the man, Sophia looked around her house and saw that only the two rooms on either side of her were the only ones in a mess. Dolohov had obviously come to the house in search of her or even for Remus and carelessly threw about their furniture. Whether it was out of frustration or a luring tactic, it could be fixed with a swish of her wand.
Everything went back into its place with the table and chairs fixing themselves and the limited amount of food being flown back into the fridge. George decided to investigate around the kitchen out of curiosity and caution for any jinxes that may had been put around by Dolohov. Fred and Sophia decided to drag Dolohov out of the walkway and out on to the grass outside, snapping his wand in the process so he couldn't curse them while their backs were turned.
George pulled open cabinets and cupboards, pocking his head around despite the dust and dirt. He hoped that there wouldn't be any boggarts around as this would be the sort of environment they'd thrive in, but his attention was drawn from the thought. There were hardly any plates or cups stored around the kitchen, and the stove and oven looked like they hadn't been used in years. He pulled open the old fridge and crouched down to peer inside, seeing that only three things sat inside that definitely weren't edible at this point. There was only a rotten apple, leftover chicken pieces and an old block of cheese. George's nose wrinkled at the sight and stood to his full height, making Fred and Sophia look at him suspiciously from his jerking movement.
"Looks like your dad hasn't been here for ages Soph," he pointed a finger inside the fridge and Sophia walked forward to see.
"No, it always looks like that," she shook her head and walked away nonchalantly, spiking both Fred and George's interest.
"What do you mean?" Fred questioned. "You always have rotten food in your fridge?"
"We didn't really use the fridge. Didn't have the food for it," Sophia shrugged and sat down at the dining table, avoiding the twins' stare.
"Didn't have the food for it..." Fred repeated quietly before realising what she meant.
It suddenly all fell into place. He always remembered how starving she'd always be when she would come to the Burrow for the holidays or step on to the Hogwarts Express and immediately grab things from the trolley lady. Molly would always make a scene when she would first hug Sophia in greeting and say how skinny she was before immediately making her something to eat. She never complained and would finish her meal within seconds. Whenever she didn't come to The Burrow during the school holidays, she would stay at Hogwarts. Fred would usually find this odd, but now he realised it was because of the guarantee of food everyday that her father couldn't provide for her.
Fred grew up in a household of warmth and love even though the money wasn't always present. Molly would always have meals on the table, taking things from their own veggie patch and going to discount markets. He didn't know what it was like to have an empty stomach despite his lanky build. Sophia however, wasn't as lucky.
"Don't give me those looks," Sophia spoke up as she spotted Fred and George's pitiful stares. "We've got other things to worry about."
"B-But why didn't you tell us?" George questioned. "We could have come over with some of Mum's food. She's always making extra."
"It wasn't and isn't your guys' problem. You had seven people to worry about. Nine when Bill and Charlie came home," Sophia waved her hand dismissively. She didn't want to get into this subject but she knew the two would push her to spill the story. It was part of the reason why she had never invited them over to her house during holiday times. Not only was she embarrassed by its coldness and constant untidy state, they were bound to want to stay for lunch or dinner. And there was never any guarantee that there would be one available for all of them.
"Let's just go please," she silenced Fred and stood up from the table, feeling a heavy weight in her stomach as she walked past him and George.
The two followed after her with every intention to continue their pestering only to stop once they reached the door frame again. The ropes that once held Dolohov were left weak and unraveled on the floor, while the man himself was gone. He was nowhere in sight but his wand was still snapped and among the grass.
"He must of apparated wandless," George mentioned, voicing all three of their suspicions.
Luckily, the twins had decided to drop the subject of Sophia childhood appetite and focused on venturing to where Remus would most likely be. They apparated to Tonks' parents house, as they knew where it was from it being an alternative safe house during the transporting of Harry from Privet Drive to The Burrow. It was similar to the Weasley home as it sat in the middle of field, only there weren't any added rooms as it looked to be of an old Victorian style.
Sophia knocked on the door with Fred and George standing closely behind, ready to have a repeat of the Lupin residence and have a Death Eater appear in the hallway. But the door was opened slowly by a familiar bubble-gum pink woman who looked surprised to see the three. But it was nothing compared to how surprised Sophia was to see the baby boy sitting in her arms with the same colourful pink hair.
"Sophia!" Tonks cheered and wrapped one arm around her shoulders, hugging her lightly against her side. "It's good to see you!"
"T-Tonks... who's baby is that?" Sophia ignored her greeting and pulled out of the embrace to point at the baby who was gurgling mindlessly. The few strands of hair on his head went an electric blue before morphing into a neon green, making Tonks beam and run a hand over his soft head.
"It's rude to point love," Fred voiced and lowered Sophia's finger from pointing accusingly at the infant.
"I suppose we'd better tell you..." Tonks nervously smiled and stepped aside, letting Sophia and the twins to wonder into the house. While Fred and George looked around in interest, Sophia's eyes were glued to the baby who was starting to fuss in Tonks' arms. She also eyed the young woman's hand where a golden ring sat on full display.
"My parents are out for the moment," she stated as she shut the door and headed towards the living room, bouncing the boy in her arms up and down to sooth his whining. "I'm sure you've got a lot of questions-"
"Love, who was at the door-" a new voice rang throughout the room and Sophia turned to see her father standing there, a baby bottle in his hands that had just been warmed up from the tip of his wand. The two froze at the sight of each other, the air suddenly awkward and tense as the twins and Tonks looked to each other with a similar grimace.
Sophia looked to the bottle in Remus' hands and her suspicions were confirmed. Her eyes flickered to the child before narrowing in on her father's ring finger where a gold band sat; identical to the one Tonks wore on the same finger. Not only had her father gotten married while Sophia was away, he had given her a baby brother. Her mind raced as she noticed how brown the baby's eyes were, a mixture of both his mother's and father's dark irises. His hair was dead giveaway as it flashed through the entire colour wheel before occasionally settling on the pink colour that matched Tonks'. There was now doubt that he was their child.
"So when were you going to tell me?" Sophia questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest. "When he was old enough to do magic?"
"The time was never there Sophia," Remus sighed, passing the warm bottle to his wife. The baby immediately latched on to it and quietly drank his meal, leaving his father and older sister to have a stare off in the living room.
"Even so, you could have told me you guys were hitched at least!" she cried. "How come I never saw the bump?!"
"Disillusion charm," Tonks mumbled. "Remus thought it would be best for not only you, but for me. If Death Eaters saw, I wouldn't be able to defend myself as well as I used to."
Sophia faltered at the new information and flicked her gaze to the infant. She hadn't thought about how dangerous it could be to be pregnant while being part of the Order. Not only that, Remus was considered a half-breed. One of the main values of You Know Who is to be a pure-blood wizard, and Remus definitely wasn't that. Tonks' father was also a Muggle-born, which also wouldn't sit well with Death Eaters. The sight of an offspring could be lethal for them both.
"What's his name?" she decided to ask, her tone much more calm and sympathetic.
"Teddy," Remus answered with the hint of a smile, becoming giddy and excited to talk about his new son. "The second child to carry on the Lupin name."
"Errr about that..." Fred butted in and stepped beside Sophia, slipping her hand into his subtly. Sophia was thankful that he had decided to speak for her as having her father suddenly introduce her to his new wife and child was mind boggling enough.
"Sophia may be-" Fred glanced at George for a moment before swallowing in preparation. "-Mrs Weasley now."
Tonks got the idea immediately and stopped bouncing Teddy in her arms, staring wide eyed at Sophia and Fred with her mouth forming a prominent 'O'. Teddy reached for a strand of his mother's hair and started to tug at it playfully, pulling her out of her trance and made her blink rapidly. She took hold of his chubby hand and unlatched it from her hair, looking from him back up to the two with large eyes. Sophia read her expression first before turning to Remus' and could tell that he hadn't quite processed it yet.
Remus blinked with a puzzled look and looked between Fred and Sophia for more information. When he received nothing, he started to ponder over what Fred had said in more detail. He singled out the main words and an equation started to form on it's own.
Sophia may be Mrs Weasley now.
Sophia, Mrs Weasley.
Sophia = Mrs Weasley.
"O-Oh..." Remus' head jerked into a form of a nod and cleared his throat. "T-That's... that's great."
"Really?" Sophia looked hopefully up to her Father. "You don't mind?"
"W-Well it is a little surprising," Remus noted. "And I did expect it to happen sometime. I would have liked to have been there, but I would have also liked you to be at our wedding too. And I do hope you haven't got a bump that you've been casting a Disillusion charm over-"
"No no no definitely not," she shook her head rapidly, letting out yet another nervous laugh.
"Right then," Remus nodded. "Well, congratulations."
"You too."
"You better treat her right then," Remus pointed at Fred playfully.
"And you better do the same," Sophia pointed at Tonks in the same manner.
It'll get more eventful after this chap now I swear lol. I just needed to get the sentimental stuff out of the way before the very end ;)
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