prank ❁
dolans are posting twice a week now & harry styles is going to be on james cordon for a week.
life is going f.ucking great.
requested by: DreamyyMary
hope you enjoy babe (:
"hey guys, we're back," grayson whispers to the camera. "well it's just me and mary. as you guys know it's april first, which means the national prank day."
"national prank day? that's not a thing, gray," i say confused. yeah it was called 'april fools day' but it wasn't national prank day.
"whatever! we're pranking ethan today," he snickers. "so a couple of days ago, i asked you guys to tweet the hashtag ethan dolan nudes, and ethan has no idea about it, since i deleted the tweets and he didn't have his phone at the time."
"and he's still sleeping, so we have to set up the cameras quietly and wake him up with the good news," i laugh. "see you guys in a few, or in like two seasons due to editing."
"what she said," he laughs and turns off the camera. "so you set up this camera," he hands me the camera, "and I'll set up the second camera." i nod and quietly creep into ethan's room. he lays on his back in bed with loud snores coming from his mouth. how was it possible that he looked good even when he slept?
i placed the camera at an angle and hid it with a towel. he wouldn't see it, i hope. grayson does the same and he gives me a thumbs up when he's done. well, here goes nothing. gray and i pull out our phones and log onto twitter to see #ethandolannudesleaked trending number one.
"holy shiggy! grayson!" i whisper. "it's number one in the world!" the dolan twin fandom was absolutely crazy in the best way.
"you ready?" gray asks and i nod.
"ethan!" i yell and shake his body. he jolts awake and stares at me in a panic.
"baby, what's wrong?" he asks and sees grayson by his bed. "what's going on?"
"check your twitter, bro," grayson sits on his bed and scrolls through his phone. ethan grabs his phone and goes on twitter to only be confused when he looks at trending.
"what the f.uck?" he grabs at his hair and shakes his head. "bro, what the hell!" he laughs hysterically unamused. "i don't have any nudes leaked! mary?"
"i didn't leak them!" i protest and hold up my hands.
"then how else would they've leaked?"
"wait, you sent nudes? dude, gross!" grayson cringes and puts on a disgusted face.
"shut up, grayson!" he continues to scroll through the hashtag before he sees a tweet that made him stop and drop his phone on the bed. "you guys are a.ssholes," he laughs and grabs me by the waist. i let out a yelp and he cuddles his head into my neck.
"what just happened?" grayson questions.
"you guys pranked me. mary would never leak my nudes and i saw your tweets that you deleted," ethan gave him the middle finger and gray laughed. "i can't believe you were in on it too!"
"oops?" I laugh and get out of ethan's arm to retrieve my phone that fell on the floor. twitter is still open and i see #graysondolanisoverparty trending number three in the world. "yo! you guys see number three on trending?" i scroll through the hashtag more and see what it's all about. apparently grayson hit a fan, but he's never do that.
"what the-" grayson laughs. "they think i hit a fan? are you serious? that's disgusting!" he types more into his phone and my phone dings.
new tweet from @graysondolan !
never in my life would i ever hit a fan. that's fu👑 disgusting.
"anyways!" grayson clears his throat "you guys wanna get pizza and watch a movie?"
"yeah, sure," me and ethan say in sync.
"relationship goals!" grayson yells on his way out the door.
"we sure as hell are!" ethan yells back and grabs me by the waist again and kisses me until the pizza man arrives. "i love you."
"i love you more, dolan."
"guys! pick a movie!" ethan and i exit his room and plop down on the couch and choose the movie 'moana' because it's the greatest movie ever. it was the perfect ending to a chaotic april fools day.
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