fortnite ❁
dedicated to my first solo win.
yes, that's me sisters ^ on my cute little ramp
(im sorry if you hate fortnite. i really don't care lol.)
make sure to follow me too, im almost at 1k!
hashtag get yanna to 1k
ethan cringed at the sight before him. "you're awful. shoot shoot!" he yelled.
"im trying!" you attempted to aim your gun at the jumping person in front of you. you fail and see you placed number eighty-seven out of ninety. "well fuck. i almost had it."
"no you didn't!" ethan spazzed. "you weren't even close!"
you roll your eyes in annoyance. "relax dude. it's no big deal, we can just try again next round. im sure i'll win and get a victory royale."
"i need a break," ethan speaks exhaustingly. he exits the room and you whip out your gamer headphones that had been tucked away in your back pocket for hours.
you plugged them in and began your solo. you jumped out of the bus and parachuted to flush factory, where hardly anyone ever went. you gathered loot and materials in order to survive your journey.
"make sure to drink your shields kiddos," you said to no one in particular. once you were full on shield and health, you made your journey to shifty shafts where a treasure chest had your name on it. it offered you a golden gun, which you did not know the name of, but you picked it up anyway.
then out of nowhere, footsteps emerged.
where ever could they be from?
you saw a person hopping around, so you pulled out your sniper and shot him dead. you ran over and picked up all his shitty loot also.
the circle was shrinking and only twenty people were left. you had to make a very short journey from shifty shafts to greasy grove, where you knew some shit was gonna go down.
while on your way there, you heard shots coming north. thankfully they weren't towards you, and you took it as a chance to safely get to greasy grove.
you ran around trying to find people to kill but you unfortunately found none. but the circle only kept getting smaller and smaller.
from the corner of your eye you saw a no skin peeping from the top of a house. you took out your trusty grenade launcher and fired away. it did no damage since your shots weren't that great. but amazingly, someone did the dirty work for you and shot them dead.
it was now only you and this other person. you were caught in the storm, your health was getting shorter and shorter as the time counted down. you ran until you heard footsteps nearing you.
you built a little ramp and looked around for the culprit. he shot you, and that's when all hell broke loose.
you hopped around and pulled out your golden gun. "come on, come on," you spoke. you began to shoot at him without aiming, and suddenly your shots were in slow motion. his body vanished and a victory sound played for you.
"#1 VICTORY ROYALE" the screen read.
"hell yeah!" you yelled. "suck on that america!"
ethan walked in confused. "what's going on?" he looked at the screen and saw your win. "what? how the fuck!"
you flipped your hair. "i just have it like that."
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