Chapter 74
Hiii my lovely readers... 😍😍😍😘😘😘
Karna and Duryodhan started searching for Urvi and Arjun respectively. Duryodhan still was determinant that Arjun is somewhat involved, if he finds Arjun he will find Urvi. Karna couldn't distract his mind; Urvi is more important to him but he couldn't deny that he's thinking about Arjun too.
They started searching the whole kingdom. But it wasn't easy. Kampilya was divided into North Panchal and South Panchal. They searched not only inside the city but also to the forest area of Panchal. But neither Urvi was there nor Arjun.
It was easier said than done. The first day ended in despair.
Karna and Duryodhan were given guest rooms in Panchal's palace. When Duryodhan came with a plate of food for Karna, he denied that unless he found Urvi, he wouldn't eat something.
Duryodhan said hotly.
Duryodhan- Are you crazy, Mitra?! How are you going to face Urvi, if she sees you like this?! Do you think she would be happy knowing that you left eating because of her? Think about her, Mitra. You need to stay strong until you find her.
Karna- But Mitra...
Duryodhan- No, I'm not going to hear any of your excuses.
Karna sat on a settee, ignoring Duryodhan's insistence.
Karna- You already know that Mitra... I wouldn't be able to take even one bite.
Duryodhan- Yes, I know. I would be same if anything has happened to my priye like that. But she would have hoped that I should remain strong in her absence.
Duryodhan sat before him and took one bite and offered it to Karna and spoke gruffly, but his voice full of affection for his brother.
Duryodhan- If you are going to be this stubborn, then so will be I. My sister Urvi will otherwise accuse me of not taking good care of you. Now eat please.
Karna saw his brother too. It's such a difficult task after knowing Duryodhan as his brother and not been able to reveal it.
It was even more difficult task for Duryodhan to do so, when his heart was full of Karna's love. When would the day come when he would be able to announce Karna as his brother, wondered Duryodhan with a desperation.
Karna took the bite and amazingly feed a bite to Duryodhan also who was overwhelmed by the affection showed by Karna.
Karna left there after a moment to search for Urvi again in the midst of night. And Duryodhan remains there thinking with a heavy heart that if this is the way Pandavas love each other, when one brother is affected another couldn't eat.
Duryodhan may not feel but he understands Karna's anguish. Just the thought of his beloved leaving him has shook Duryodhan, but Karna was facing Urvi's missing. Why is happening to his brother, thought Duryodhan with a painful sigh.
Duryodhan also left to search Urvi.
Three days passed in their searching but all in vain. There is not one trace of either Urvi or Arjun. The search in Panchal have almost come to an end.
It was the fourth day of their searching in Panchal.
Draupadi, like always have gone to the daily ritual of morning prayers.
She saw Angaraj.
As Duryodhan and Angaraj have divided forces in their search, she approached Karna. She was curious to know whom he was searching with this much desparation.
Draupadi- Pranipaat, Angaraj!
Karna- Pranipaat, Princess Panchali!
She offered him the Prasad which he accepted.
Karna- Thank you.
Draupadi- Angaraj Karna, did you find who you're searching for???
Karna- No. But I will. It seems that our search in Panchal have come to naught, we are leaving today.
Draupadi- Oh! I'd hoped you would have find the person you were searching. Angaraj, if you don't mind me asking you, who are you searching?
Karna- My betrothed (fiancee).
Draupadi was stunned. He doesn't look like a person who would let anything happens to his loved ones lest his betrothed, as she has seen him treating his friend Prince Duryodhan in a very brotherly way. He's very protective to him, so he would be immensely protective towards his fiancee.
Draupadi- Your what!!! Your Betrothed? How could be that possible??? I mean how could be she missing???
Karna shook his head.
Karna- I don't know. I tucked her to her bed and the next morning, she was gone. Literally gone, like vanished in the thin air. She was nowhere to be found. I searched her everywhere in my palace and Kingdom too... But she wasn't there.
Draupadi- Maybe she may have gone somewhere and come soon.
Karna- Nope. She couldn't see me worried even for a moment and she knows that if she wanted to go somewhere, she would have told me, so that I won't get worried. No, she has not somewhere deliberately.
Draupadi- this is really quite strange. If she has not gone deliberately somewhere, then where would she be?? Have someone abducted her??
Draupadi asked the obvious. Karna denied vehemently.
Karna- No. Why would anyone abduct her? She is the most sweet, innocent, loving person in the world. Everyone loves her.
Draupadi- You loves her so much, right. But any would tries to steal someone who's the best. I will pray to Narayan that wherever she is, she should be well and you will find her sooner.
Karna sighed tautly. He also prayed to God that wherever Urvi is, she might be safe.
Draupadi was very confused that how could this situation be happening. Why would his fiancee be missing. Her mind was wandering everywhere, and conversationally she continued.
Draupadi- It's really shocking for me to know that someone is missing. You know Angaraj, the day I met you, I met a Brahman kumar who was also searching for someone and coincidentally he was also an archer.
Karna got intrigued.
Karna- What was his name???
Draupadi- I don't know Angaraj. I didn't get the opportunity to ask him. He was gone before I could ask him something.
Karna- What happened exactly???
Draupadi hesitated.
Draupadi- It was nothing.
Karna- No, no. Please tell. I've already told you about my matter. Couldn't you do the same?
Draupadi took a breath.
Draupadi- Actually, I haven't told it to my father also. That day, before I came, I went to the temple as usual with my maids, but then all of sudden a Rakshas came out of nowhere. Before I could do anything, a Brahman kumar who was near the temple come to our aid. Like you chanted a mantra and an arrow appears, he too chanted a mantra and his bow appeared and then he slayed the Rakshas as if it was no big deal. I thanked him. And after a while he left.
Karna was getting the vibe that the Brahman kumar was none other than Arjun, because Arjun has the competence to perform such feat with an ease. But what is he doing here in Panchal, pondered Karna. Did he really have something to do with Urvi???
Karna- Is someone else was with him??? Any man or woman???
Draupadi- No... He was alone I think, I didn't see anyone else with him. And he said he's in search of someone and then without explaining anything he was gone.
Karna- Did he say where he was going or who he is searching?!
Draupadi- No. He didn't specify. Maybe he was gone that same day as I never saw him again and he wasn't even from the Panchal.
Duryodhan also came back to Karna. He asked Karna.
Duryodhan- Did you find her, Mitra.
Draupadi gave the Prasad to Duryodhan also who looked at her suspiciously.
Karna- Take it, Mitra. It's an offering of God. And.. No, I didn't find her, she is not here. I think we should proceed our searching. And now is the time to leave Panchal.
Duryodhan- I was thinking the same.
Karna spoke to Draupadi.
Karna- Thank you again for the hospitality and conveniences of Panchal, Princess. It's time, we should take our leave.
Draupadi nodded.
Draupadi- All the best finding her, Angaraj. I hope you will find your betrothed soon. When will we meet again???
Karna said softly.
Karna- I will invite you on my wedding. Will you come???
Draupadi smiled vibrantly because on the notion that Angaraj will find his betrothed soon and their wedding will take place.
Draupadi- I will be honoured, Angaraj. I will definitely come. I have to go now. All the best again to you two.
She left.
Duryodhan and Karna discussed with each other.
Duryodhan- Where next???
Karna- If I have to search the whole of the Aryavart, I will. By the way, Arjun was here.
Duryodhan- What?! Was Urvi was with him???
Karna- No Mitra. He himself was in search of someone.
Karna told Duryodhan everything that Draupadi informed him.
Duryodhan said accusingly.
Duryodhan- That means he is searching for Urvi too.
Karna chided him disproving.
Karna- That means he has not abducted Urvi, Mitra.
Duryodhan- Yes, yes. But think about it, who could he be searching for???
That also bothered Karna. Who is Arjun searching?!
Karna- Urvi is our priority. Let's go, Mitra.
Karna and Duryodhan left Panchal, but Karna was distracted by the thoughts of Arjun every now and then.
They went from one kingdom after another.
Arjun was searching for Balram dau. It was a little bit easier for him to search Dau, because if he could ask about Dau, anyone can easily tell him if Dau was here or not as he was in his country tour.
Arjun was thinking about Subhadra and was making plans not to let Dau marry her off to Duryodhan.
In Dwarka
Devi Rukmini went to their chamber. Shri Krishna was looking out of the window and was in deep thought. She approached him.
Rukmini- Arya, it's time for you to take your food.
Shri Krishna turned towards her.
Krishna- Did Urvi take her food???
Rukmini- I have to force fed her. She was crying.
Krishna didn't visit Urvi today because she was constantly asking for explanation and the right time has not come for revelation. A little patience and everything will be cleared as water.
Krishna- So she has lost her faith in me???
Rukmini smiled faintly.
Rukmini- No, Arya. She has her utmost faith in you. She was crying for Karna. She can not bear the pain Karna would be feeling in her absence. She is hoping that he didn't feel betrayed. And the worry that has caused Karna, she couldn't bear it also.
Rukmini saw Karna with her divine vision.
Rukmini- Why is all this happening to Karna, Arya... Is it his fate??? What's the matter with Karna finding Urvi and why is Arjun is involved in this???
Krishna- You are as impatient as Urvi.
Rukmini smiled.
Krishna- Everything happening in Karna's life is not his fate, love. It's his Karma.
Rukmini- And where his Karma is leading him into???
Krishna uttered in grave voice.
Krishna- Digvijay.
Rukmini- What?! Digvijay??? But it happened after Pandavas in their vanvas and agyaatvas after the Dyut(dice game).
Krishna- The time has changed but Karna will definitely achieve all of it. In the alternate universe, Karna has become Digvijay Karna with his passion and willfulness and he did it because of Duryodhan... But this time, he will become Digvijay because of Urvi. While in his way of searching Urvi, he unknowingly will conquer all the four directions of Aryavart.
Rukmini nodded but asked her confusion.
Rukmini- Why Arjun???
Krishna- Arjun is the single most goal in Karna's life, but this time Arjun will be the distraction in search of Urvi... If Karna will conquer his distraction too... He will get it all.
Rukmini- But why now Arya... Karna already knew that Arjun is his brother. He has no ill-will towards Arjun. Where is this all leading to???
Krishna- Their fate. Karna, Urvi, Duryodhan, Arjun... Their fate has interconnected now. Even if they want, they can not fight with their fate or let's say... They have to fight with their fate.
Rukmini nodded. This is something bigger than what her Arya was revealing. She put her hand on his arm.
Rukmini- This is going to be tough time to all of them.
Krishna nodded too.
Krishna- Toughest. Let's see how they fare.
Rukmini- one more question. Is it going to take too much time???
Krishna- Sooner. Much sooner.
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