Chapter 16
Karna and Duryodhan went to Kalinga/Pragjyotishpur a day before the Swayamvar. Duryodhan demeanor become poised and regal. Ofcourse not with Karna, whenever they got some free time, they teased each other.
It was evening time. Duryodhan was somewhat excited and was anticipating for Karna to go and give Princess Bhanumati his love letter.
The palace was celebrating some celebration for several days about the Swayamvar. Karna reached the door and said the guards, that he's a messenger of Prince Duryodhan of Hastinapur. They were not letting him in but he was insistent that he would give this letter of Duryodhan's to Princess Bhanumati in person. Finally, They let him in.
Princess Bhanumati came to him.
Indeed she could be considered the living beauty matching equally the handsomeness of Prince Duryodhan.
Bhanumati (haughtily)- How dare you come in celebration exclusively made for unmarried girls. Don't you wish for your life, messenger?
Karna(in a firm voice, proudly)- My life and death are already dedicated to Prince Duryodhan. I don't wish for anything else, Princess. Neither I am here to interrupt anyone's celebration. I'm here, only to give you a message from my friend, Duryodhan. I'll return only after taking your answer.
Impressed by his audacity, she said that he couldn't be any ordinary messenger, for which he answered that he is Angaraj Karna. He gave her the letter of Duryodhan.
Bhanumati read it.
Bhanumati (full arrogance)- Here is your answer Angaraj. This letter is written in honey-dripped words. Anyone could have written this poetic words. Who knows that the words really are feelings of your friend or any poet's imagination. Tell him to attend my 'Swayamvar' and if your friend is as brave and deserving as everyone says, and IF I like him, then why won't I wouldn't give him a Chance. And for your friend's letter's answer, tell him he'll have his answer on my Swayamvar.
The day of Swayamvar.
The palace was decorated so beautifully and its grandeur was showing from each and every inch of it. Many Pandits had come, and done the ritual which were made for the wedding. Now only the princess has to put the garland on her selected groom and rest of the ceremonies would take place.
Princes of many kingdoms were invited. Shishupal of Chedi kingdom, son of King Dhanadesh, Prince Rukmi(brother of Rukmini), Prince Vakra, Prince Virat, prince Kashyap, king Jarasandh of magadha kingdom.Prince of Maling, Avanti, Maccha and many kingdoms were attending the occasion.
Prince Duryodhan also come with his flashy emblem of Hastinapur. He was arrogant about the fact that the princess will choose no one but him.
All the guest were welcomed properly and the beginning of Swayamvar will start after the princess arrival.
Announcement was made that the Princess Bhanumati has arrived. She with a garland in her hand will stop by each prospected groom and whom she would like and sees that warrior capable of being her husband, she will put the garland on him. And if that didn't happen then princes without getting offended took their seats and wouldn't get furious.
The occasion of Swayamvar begins.
Princess stopped by every prospected groom but didn't garland anyone. Duryodhan was getting extremely proudful that she is going to choose him.
Princess admonished every prince present there. She has so much pride and arrogance in her beauty that she considered every prince beneath her.
When she come by Duryodhan she admonishes him in her same haughtiness, that a prince who couldn't express his feelings on his own, how can he be considered brave. And giving him a smirk she went by.
Duryodhan somewhat liked her haughtiness. He thought indeed she's my equal.
But the other rejected prince who were humiliated by rejection tried to humiliate him by speaking of Contest/tournament day on how Arjun had bested him. Duryodhan's mood soured.
He took the princess hand and carried her on his shoulder.
Duryodhan- She is mine. And I am challenging all of you. Try to stop me if you can.
It was an open challenge. The other insulted princes started attacking him as to preserve their pride. Duryodhan with his magnificent mace defeated them. But one of the cunning prince tried to attack him deceitfully. He shot an arrow. Karna at the same time arrived and took the arrow on his chest which made the arrow break into pieces.
Duryodhan smirked arrogantly seeing his friend for his aid. Alone he was undefeatable but with Karna, he becomes invincible.
Karna with his powerful arrows made an wall between them and other princes.
They reached their chariot. And they went Straightly to Hastinapur where already preparation for welcoming the new bride is taking place.
The commotion made Princess Bhanumati faint. Karna, on the chariot expressed the cruciality of the Situation that abducting a bride is not right. He will support him only if he vow that he(Duryodhan) will never harm Bhanumati. Give her time for her love, acceptance and dedication. Duryodhan concurred.
All the celebration were going so grand in the palace. Karna attented it.
After the completion of ceremonies he decided to go to his house. Check his parents and children whom he had missed a lot.
It was early in the morning as all rituals took the whole night. When he comes to his home, Radha ma rushed towards him and hugged him. Karna heart melted. It was because of her he had been able to do everything. Ever since his childhood when baba Adhirath opposed his learning of arts like Kshtriyas, his mother had supported him. He started calling himself Radheya from his childhood to give dedication and honour to her mother. Baba was not home. He asked about his children. Radha ma told that they were practicing their daily archery practice.
At a distance of few feet, near a tree they were practicing. He got stunned and stopped in his way when he saw Urvi laughing and playing with his boys.
What she's doing here, she must have been gone by now. He was ecstatic.
When he was in Anga, not a single of his days had passed without thinking about her. Firstly he was frustrated, then annoyed, then determined. If he can help Duryodhan on his love matter. He would have to be a man enough to sort his matter by himself, he thought. Wherever she lives, I'll go there and try to know about her, and journey the other halfway of the friendship she talked about.
He hid behind a tree to see them what they are doing.
Vrishasena shoots an arrow and it struck the bull's eyes. Karna smiled proudly.
Vrishasena- It's your turn, princess Urvi.
Urvi had made a makeshift bows and arrows for herself. She tried for three times. All of them missed. They went here and there but never touched the wooden pad where the aim is marked.
Urvi(pouting)- What is this Vrishu??? I am practicing for so many days and it's not happening. Maybe your father told you some secret about archery which you're not telling me.
All of them laughed.
Karna was in the ninth cloud. His children are so reserved that they didn't make friends easily and to see them playing with her, he was beyond elated.
And one other thing, she was teasing them in my, he repeated, MY name. It means she still thinks about me. Whatever it is, it's not one-sided. Each boys took their turn. And it was again her turn.
Urvi (cheekily)- watch this time. I'll take that bull's eye right here right now. She shooted, unfortunately this time it went beyond the wooden pad. She sighed. Two more chances left.
He laughed silently. Poor baby. She even don't know how to properly arch the bow and was trying futilely. He put his Vijaya Dhanush diagonally on his chest. And this time when she arched her bow he put his hands around her on the bow and string and shoots. Bull's eye. Boom.
Urvi was flabbergasted. What happened.
Karna's here.. he's here... inside she was jumping like an idiot. Outside she was still-shocked.
He, without saying anything to her, bring out his Vijaya, put it on her hand, surrounded her and commanded.
Karna(nodding towards the aim)- Take your stance(position)... They both put their hands on the grip/handle of the riser (centre piece of a bow) and others at the string. They arched the bow with an arrow on it. Look only at your aim, he said. (Urvi thinking in her mind- my whole body is tingling... You are standing so near me... you idiot, how can I see the aim.) Focus(he grunted).... Take a deep breath (she did, he left the string part, but was holding only the handle)... Hold your breath... Release... (And with that she released the arrow and her breathe also.)
Bull's eye... Urvi was looking open-mouthed at the aim..
She looked at the children. Their expression same as hers. And she started jumping.. she run to them.. I did it .. I did it .. they all were jumping with her. Little miniature Karna's.. all of them.
Karna was standing at a near distance. He was grinning from ear to ear. So cute, he thought. ❤️❤️❤️
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