chapter 14
Urvi has so many questions to ask, she don't know from where to start.
She was in deep thought, in her concern for Karna, she forgot about the important thing that's going to turn the situation from now on. That, by taking Duryodhan's side Karna had sounded the conch shell of the great war. Because there would only be two sides: righteous and unrighteous. And Duryodhan's side is going to label unrighteous.
On the second last day of Mahabharat, on day 17th, Karna was destined to die on the hands of Arjun.
Urvi(mumbling to herself)- No. I'm not going to let Karna die. I don't know why I feel for him, what I feel for him. But the truth is I feel for him and it's strong. Karna is not going to die. Because this time, TIME is going to change. I'll change it. I'm going to make that time machine. And you, my dear Karna are going to go with me in my time. Willingly or unwillingly.
She met Pitamah Bheesma on his way.
Urvi- Pranipaat Mahamahim.
Pitamah- Mahamahim not pitamah? I can see you're still disturbed about my saying to you.
She didn't answer for a moment, but couldn't hold herself from asking.
Urvi- Why didn't you help him? (They both know who she was talking about).
Pitamah- it's not about him, daughter. It wasn't even competition, they had made it a political war. I've seen the four generations of this dynasty, the hunger for throne, the cold war between Dhritrashta and Pandu haven't ended till now. And this alliance of Karna with Duryodhan, I don't know how the life of Karna is going to turn. God bless and give all my kinsmen some 'sadbuddhi'.
Without further explanation he was gone. As if saying this words, he was saying not to her but himself.
Meanwhile in a chamber in this very palace. Adhirath was saying the same words to Karna.
Urvi saw Duryodhan. She has this urge in her to thank him for what he did for Karna, but at the same time to know what is going on his mind about Karna. Is it genuine or just a guile?
Urvi(halting him)- Prince Duryodhan. Pranipaat.
Duryodhan- Pranipaat princess Urvi.
How can I help you? (In full attitude).
Urvi- Nothing.
She was happy that prince Duryodhan stood up for Karna but suddenly she remembered one thing. Let me test Duryodhan. And for that she needs courage. As she would have to condemned Karna.
Urvi- Prince Duryodhan. It's commendable that you stood for that man. But like everyone is saying, was it truly that you were impressed by his valor and competence or you just want to make humiliate Arjun? (She choked for a moment). Just to belittle Arjun you befriended a SUTPUTRA.
Duryodhan(sternly)- Princess! If this had been said by a man, he wouldn't have been able to stand in front of me now.
From somewhere Shakuni mama joined the conversation.
Shakuni(in his shakuni accent)- Mere bacche! Let her be. She is from Arjun's side. She would always say in favour of him, just like Princess Subhadra. Let's go.
Duryodhan(showing arrogantly his cutted palm) you know what it is? It's a mark of our friendship. A mark of our unbreakable vow of friendship. His insult is my insult now. And if it wouldn't for you to be a guest of Hastinapur, I would have thrown you out of this palace right now.
From somewhere else Kunti joined the conversation. Urvi mentally kicked herself. In her mind she thought wow. Now the whole palace is going to join me. So much for a test.
Kunti- Have the royal family had forgotten all the discipline to how to talk to a girl, Duryodhan?
Duryodhan (arrogantly)- Then tell this guest of yours not to put her nose in someone else's business. (And with that he left).
Urvi was astonished for Kunti favouring her. If just she had favoured Karna a little, history would have been changed. She was angry with her about it.
Urvi(testingly)- Thankyou Kunti bua. You couldn't see doing some one insult in front of you. I don't even belong to this place. (A pause). Why didn't anyone say anything when everyone was insulting Karna?
...... He's even related to you all.
Kunti's face paled.
Urvi- He's a subject of your Hastinapur. (taking pity on her. She could see the visible pain, angst, and agony not announcing Karna as her son). But all wells that ends well. He's now a king. No one can insult him now. He's a good and honorable and brave man. He deserved it all.
When Kunti didn't say anything, Urvi just hugged her. She wanted to speak all about Karna to her but couldn't. And saying goodnight they went their way.
Urvi concluded in her mind. Kunti Bua loves Karna, it's visible in her face. Dushta Duryodhan (she chuckled silently) no Dear Duryodhan as you're dear to Karna, I could give you the benefit of doubt. Maybe you really feel genuine about Karna. But mamashree, you stay out of Karna, otherwise someday I'll mix poison in your drink as that's your favourite move. (she laughed inwardly).
Karna when left the chamber after his father told him for the umpteenth time, that let's go home. Don't involve in this tug of war. They are making you king just because they want to use you against their family feud and all that. He stroke the last attack saying you are a sutputra Karna, don't forget about that. This is all a facade. Let's go home, son. He couldn't hear anything about Duryodhan, and left the room.
He was on his way when he saw that, Prince Duryodhan, GandharRaj, Queen Kunti and Urvi were in a heated debate, he wanted to interrupt, but thought otherwise.
When Duryodhan came to him, he asked what all that was about.
Duryodhan- If it wasn't for the guest of Krishna, I would have thrown her out of this palace.
Karna- who?
Duryodhan- that insolent brat, princess Urvi.
Karna got alert hearing her name. For two days ever since she had come to Hastinapur, she was haunting him on his dreams. He felt sometimes hot and flustered and sometimes agitated.
Karna- relax, friend. What did she do?
Duryodhan(didn't say anything for a moment)- she was accusing me.
Karna(stunned)- What? Why?
Duryodhan- she accused me saying that I befriended you only to belittle Arjun. Otherwise....
Karna- otherwise? Otherwise what?
Duryodhan- otherwise why did I befriend a sutputra.
Karna's jaw clenched. He was shocked that she was seeing him in the same parameter society was seeing.
Something broke inside him. Maybe a hope.
Karna- Let it be! Let's go.
Urvi was roaming in the palace. She had met dozen more people she didn't want to meet right now. Where is he? Where is he? She was mumbling to herself. Oh there he was. Before he could go she called him from behind.
Urvi- Angraj Karna? (No response, still going) Angraj Karna( no response). Radheya Karna stop this moment. He stopped and turned.
She rushed towards him. She doesn't know what she wants to say. Just talk to him. Yeah, she remembered. They have to be friends. Otherwise how would he'll go with her. They just stare each other for a moment.
Karna(remembering what Duryodhan said)- What happened Princess? (He said princess as if he is accusing)
Urvi(in one breath)- I feel sorry for what happened today with you. It shouldn't have happened. But I am happy that Prince Duryodhan stood up for you. You really are a valiant man. I... I only want to congratulate you.
Karna- Why?
Urvi- Why what?
Karna-why do you feel sorry for me? It is because I am a SUTPUTRA???
Urvi(open mouthed)- No... Never... What did I do?
Karna- You did nothing, princess.
For god sake, Urvi wants to yell, stop calling me a princess over and over again. I am no princess... But a NASA scientist who was stuck in these freaking other dimension of time. But she didn't.
When Urvi didn't say anything.
Karna- I don't want your sympathy. (and turned, Urvi hold his hand, the way he did her's on their first encounter.
Urvi- Empathy.
He turned.
Urvi(still holding his hand)- it's not sympathy but empathy and I would be honoured to have a great friend like you, who is brave, competent, honest.
Karna- we can't be friends.
Urvi- why?
Karna(shrugging)- you're a princess and I am a sutputra.
Urvi (turning his palm, and fingering his cut)- you just made an unbreakable vow of friendship with Prince Duryodhan. Why can't we be friends then???
From a distant, Subhadra called her. Urvi come, Dushala is asking for you. Karna tugged his hand back.
Karna- Go!
Urvi started to go. He was still standing there, watching her go. She turned.
Urvi- We're halfway in path of friendship Radheya. You didn't answer me on the formal Angraj. I've walked my halfway of friendship. Yours is left. You can give me your answer any other time, Karna. Good night.
And then she was gone.
Karna(thinking)- how can I be friends with you, damn it. Every time I think of you, I got hot & flustered & bothered. Every time you come near me I got tingling in my whole body. How can I be friends with you and not think embracing you tightly in my arms when I see you. And with you thinking me as a sutputra which indeed is my identity, It's better that our path never cross. It's better we never see each other.
Urvi while going to sleep. Oh god! I think I have made a fool of myself. What he must be thinking about me? We haven't even properly met each other.
I have not have my lattes and cappuccino for three days that's why I am going crazy.
She with a thud lied on her bed. I am going to sleep, damn you! Don't bother me in my dreams. And with that she put pillow on her head and sleep.
But the dreams, they were not so obedient. This time it was not haunting. He was playfully chasing her. Both of them laughing. He holds her hand, but when she turned to look at him. He was nowhere to be seen.
And the very next day he was gone. Actually gone.
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