It was in fact, not fine.
Upon entering my private room, Seokjin and Hoseok remained frozen in the doorway like they saw death in person until I pulled them inside to close the door behind us - I wasn't in favor of other knights seeing inside, not that there was much to see either way.
I had warned them that there wasn't much in my room, but I am imagining that we do not have the same definition of 'not a lot', hence their reactions. It made me feel kind of bad, but they quickly got a hold of themselves in order to avoid making me feel any more self-conscious than I already was.
"It's neat and simple, your room carries a warmth that does resemble you a lot" Hoseok had spoken with a tight smile, eyes filled with watery sadness. He had meant those words sincerely, they were a compliment and indeed felt as such, but I could see that it also wounded him to see that there was not more to see that carried emotional value for me.
After all, it's not like I could keep the food sent by my mother as decoration, and other than the letters written to me on occasions, there was nothing else to put over my desk, nor was I concerned about that reality of mine until now.
But as I filled my bag with my few possessions, including the sword given to me by Namjoon along with the charm from my sister, I saw for the first time that my room never really felt like my own.
Perhaps because I never tried to make it feel like anything else than what it was. A temporary shelter for until I could make it back to my real home, to my family.
It was a weird thing to process as a whole, a confirmation of what Hoseok and I had talked about last time, but it was easier with the men by my side. They were the proof that things were about to change, that things would get better. It gave me hope for the future, no matter how small.
Once done with that simple task, we'd then joined the others in the hall where we found them with bags of food that were given to us by the cooks after hearing of our departure, and upon hearing from Taehyung and Jimin that Commander Rayner gave his permission as expected - he also gave his farewell as he couldn't come see me in person - I decided to head to the stable to see Eclipse one last time before leaving.
That is where I am currently, with my horse's face between my hands and my lips on her nose.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Eclipse. But I promise you, we'll meet again in Goldwyn, you're not going to be left here alone. If knights come and bother you because I'm gone, I give you permission to kick them, and make it count. They have a snake and jewels down there that could do with less performance, so start there if needed, okay? But only if necessary, I don't want them to hurt you while I'm not here to protect you".
Eclipse nods her head in understanding, the mission clear in her mind. She must make them regret ever being bad towards me, and saving future generations from being born from such awful beings is one way to go at it.
She will make sure to accomplish that with at least one knight, for her own satisfaction.
"I am glad I am not one of your enemies, dear Aithne and Eclipse. I fear what would happen to me if I ever did something wrong to either one of you" Namjoon's voice speaks from behind me after witnessing my little moment with my girl, and I chuckle while looking over my shoulder to see them all waiting for me.
Taehyung already said goodbye to his horse, but independent as he seems to be, Bear didn't really care all that much. He paid more attention to me honestly, most likely hoping to get those scratches again, which I gave very briefly before running to Eclipse so she wouldn't throw a tantrum.
"If you do something bad to me, Namjoon, I assure you that I won't have to say a single thing for my girl to jump on you and make you regret ever breathing in my direction. But she seems to like you all quite a bit so I'm sure you'll be fine. And anyway, I don't believe you would be capable of hurting me, you're much better than the knights of Orton".
A loud sigh of relief from Jungkook makes me grin in amusement, and I pat Eclipse's side one last time before stepping back to gaze at her from a distance.
"You be good, okay? Take care of yourself and keep Bear company when he needs it, it's going to be the two of you against everyone else in here after all. Besides the kids anyway, they're not too bad".
"Yet" Yoongi chimes in, which makes me give a disappointed exhale.
How sad is it that he's right?
I readjust my bag over my shoulder, then turn my back to the horses so I can stare at the dragon knights instead.
I'd never really seen all of them together from such an angle before... but they look pretty intimidating with the sun's light flashing onto their hair from the back like this. It's creating that halo that makes them look more from another world than mine.
I'd never paid attention to that extent, but they are absolutely gorgeous beings, aren't they? All of them. How was I even made their human mate when I look nowhere as gracious as them? Goodness, what am I getting into?
"She's in awe, isn't she? Close your mouth, hun, before you start drooling or swallow a fly" Seokjin teases me when I haven't said anything yet, and my cheeks start to burn as I try to defend myself with murmurs of words that make no sense, which makes them smile with adoration.
"I am not. The light was blinding me" I finally mumble before stumping between them to walk out of the stable. How can I admit that I was, in fact, in awe? I would then look stupid, and I don't like looking stupid.
I've never been one to stare at men like this before, so why would I start now? Because of their mark on my skin? Pfft. Please.
"Aww, it's okay to like what you see, love" Jimin coos as he runs to join my side before I get too far away from them. "We like what we see too, whenever we gaze at you. Our adorable little human, your pink cheeks are the cutest thing I've ever seen".
I clear my throat in embarrassment, then proceed to run through the nearest gate leading outside of the fortress to flee their comments, though I should've expected that they would only run after me without even breaking a sweat and with laughter on their lips.
"Our mate's shyness is a real delight. It makes me want to scoop her up in my arms and gaze at her all day long as we bask in the evening sun". A sigh. "Perhaps I could even receive a kiss on the cheek then, if she felt generous".
My heart stutters at the words making it to my ears, did I hear that well? Did Yoongi really just say that aloud? A k-kiss?
Why does he talk of me as if I might be a princess? I am a knight! One who carries swords and fights against the enemies proudly! I do not get carried and I do not kiss cheeks!
Without slowing down, I look behind me to frown at the one who sports the huge grin on his face, clearly amused by the reaction he caused, though it quickly vanishes from his lips the next second for a reason that I, for a moment, ignore.
Until the mistake happens.
I miss a step once at the other end of the fortress' gates, and that seals my fate as I come tumbling down quicker than I can react to save myself.
I gasp stupidly before falling into the grass that thankfully grows well in this area, and I remain exactly where I am now laying with my red face burrowed into the weed, humiliation keeping me from looking up as the dragon knights quickly join me on the ground to make sure I am fine.
"Oh dear, look what you've done, Yoongi. Your words have made her so disorganized that she even forgot how to run in her surprise".
"I don't mind. She doesn't have to walk at all if she wishes so. I'll carry her in my arms anytime she desires it".
"I do believe it's the first time I hear him being so open to his need for affection. Our little human seems to have opened the gates of his flooding love, and it is meant only for her while we get the crumbs. I am not in any position to complain, though, as I am the same. I would carry her to the world's end and back too, if I was granted the chance".
I clench my fists by my head before looking up at the first man kneeling before me, and my eyes meet Jungkook's as I try to contain the fire that threatens to leave from my ears at any time now. How do I ask for help in such an occasion? Should I flee with him alone? He hasn't made fun of me yet.
His cool eyes stare into mine in silence for what feels like forever, and suddenly, he reaches out to my arms to lift me up to my feet as if I weighed nothing before pulling me close, my face hidden against his chest as he stares down at the others with a protective arm around me.
"That's enough, hyungs. I know that we're all excited at the prospect of getting closer to our youngest mate, but you forget that this is all very new for her. You're clearly overwhelming her at the moment, seeing as she looked at me pleading for help just now".
I could almost hear the wind in the trees' leaves nearby if not for the fact that Jungkook's heart is beating with so much strength against my ear. Each thuds against his ribcage can be felt throughout my whole being, and it's quite fascinating, though my situation keeps me from enjoying it.
"We have let ourselves get too excited yet again, haven't we? It's hard to remain calm when we can finally go back home with her, but I understand how it might be too much for her" Namjoon utters finally with a deep sigh, it is truly hard to push aside old habits like this.
Teasing is part of their bond, so it feels natural to pull me into this pace of theirs even though I have yet to really get used to both their touch and presence. It's hard to figure out where the limits stand in this new bond with me, but they are willing to figure them all out so that they can help me be more at ease, which they desire more than anything.
"Sorry" Yoongi murmurs next as he steps closer, forehead bumping between my shoulder blades where his fire warmth seeps into my very bones while he breathes softly, he feels like he keeps messing up and he feels terrible about it.
"We don't mean to keep pushing your limits, sweetheart, I guess we simply lack common sense for human matters. It's too easy to tease you when you react so adorably, but we'll be more careful from now on, until you feel more comfortable with us".
I bite on my lips as I listen to his apology, I am really making this difficult for them, aren't I?
"I'm just... I get really embarrassed and it's a foreign feeling for me. I am not a romantic, nor do I know how to accept affection. I am a knight and grew up with only one mindset - do not show weakness to those who may use it against you. That's how I grew up, but all of a sudden, you come here and say things that make me feel shy all the time, as if my training meant nothing after all".
"Your training as a knight and your being shy as a mate are not linked together, Aithne" Yoongi counters quickly once I've spoken my mind, and I close my mouth to let him continue when he moves to Jungkook's side to enter my line of sight.
"You being shy means that you are not indifferent to your mates, that has nothing to do with how strong of a knight you are and in no way nullifies the efforts you put into your training. Feeling love and anything else related to that emotion does not make you weak in any way, nor does it make you any less of a knight".
I frown, face still hiding against Jungkook's chest as I feel Yoongi's gaze burn into my temple.
The knights of Orton would think otherwise, though I admit that they are not by any means a good example of what is required of women knights. Being the only woman here, I tried very hard to become the ideal version of myself that I could think of to protect myself, but that also meant becoming numb to my feelings as I trained day and night.
These dragons suddenly appeared into my life, and by the same occasion, so did my emotions, though it was tenfold what they used to be, which I was not expecting. They brought back to life a side of me that I had burrowed deep underneath my feet, a side of me that I thought made me weaker than other knights.
Here lies another mistake of mine, it would seem.
"I may have a... distorted vision of what a woman knight must be like, then" I eventually admit, though it costs me to say those words aloud. If I think about it... I never got any role model whom I could learn from, did I? I've always been the only woman in my life ever since I left home. What a sad thought.
"I always believed I should always be in full control of my emotions, that I should not let them through in any occasions. It has been hard to do with you lately... though I could not understand why exactly. Until now, that is".
Jungkook's hand settles over my head for a gentle petting that makes me rest my entire weight against him, how do they always get me in this state so easily?
"It must have been hard on your own, sweet mate... I'm sorry that you had to depend only on yourself for all this time, to the point that your own emotions felt like something to deny for your own safety. You should be proud of how far you've made it on your own, for you are a strong knight, no matter what others - or yourself - have to say on the matter" he muses softly, a tenderness in both his voice and in the way he caresses my hair, and my eyes begin to tear up against my will.
It takes all of my strength to resist crying, and I instead sniffle until the emotion passes, as I've always done in the past. I wipe my eyes quickly before moving away from Jungkook with my gaze locked on the ground.
"Can we... can we keep this conversation for another time and leave Orton for now? I don't feel able to allow myself this vulnerability at this instant. I hope you won't take it personal, it's just hard to open up so abruptly".
Before anyone else can say anything, Hoseok makes a step forward with his heavy eyes on his mates.
"Let's give her a break, since she clearly needs one, most especially from us. Today has been a lot already, not to forget this entire week, I fail to imagine what it must be like for her. I think we've done more than enough for the time being".
Jimin nods, his face firm with acceptance, they've done more than enough indeed.
"Agreed. Let's keep things light and simple from now on, no more teasing and flirting until we make it back home. I'm sure she's enough on her plate considering that she's anticipating the reunion with her family, so let's not add any more to her shoulders. Yoongi, if you could please shift, now would probably be a good time for that".
The mentioned dragon doesn't answer to the request, but he steps away from our group to reach further into the clearing anyway, for he was about to do it as soon as he heard me.
He stops at a safe distance from us, and before I can even look up from my feet with relief as I hear them so effortlessly accept my selfish request, a gust of wind suddenly makes me lose my footing before Jungkook pulls me close for the few seconds that it lasts, and only then do I notice the shadow that now covers us from the sun.
I push the hair out of my face and look up to find the same black dragon that I'd seen a few days ago now standing in front of us, and his nostrils flare a little when he stares at us again, as if proud of the stars he can see in our eyes. He looks majestic, even more than I remembered.
His tallness does make me wonder how I'm to climb over his back for the ride though, and even seeing him lower himself onto the ground, knees folded beneath him and his wings tucked against his sides to avoid being stepped on by any of us is not enough to offer me an idea of how I'm going to do this.
Thankfully, that's where Namjoon decides to finally join my side with a respectful distance between us, his warmth almost overwhelming as he is the total opposite of Jungkook's cooler temperature. He glances down at me with a smile and I attempt one of my own, feeling a bit awkward.
"Since this is your first time riding a dragon, my dear, and since it is not as easy as one would think, I do recommend that you let me carry you onto his back for this one time, just so that we can avoid you getting hurt before you make it back to your family. Would that be alright with you?".
With my lips pursed, I bashfully nod my head, knowing well that he wouldn't have offered if he didn't believe it absolutely necessary. My ego will have to keep quiet in the meantime, because going back to my family wounded in any way is not exactly the reunion that I wish for.
He makes a small sound in contentment before leaning down a bit so he can put an arm behind my knees and my back, and once sure that he won't drop me, I wrap my arms around his strong shoulders so he can pull me off the ground and against his sturdy chest where beats an equally strong heart.
Jimin sweetly takes my bag from my arms to keep me from having to worry about it in the sky, and Namjoon then closes the distance between us and Yoongi's dragon form.
Seeing him in his true form in open field like this feels very different from when I saw him within the fortress, and finding his dark eyes on my form as we get closer would probably scare me if I didn't know him so kind.
Once at his folded arm, Namjoon begins a smooth ascent over his limbs with experienced jumps all the while keeping me steady in his hold, and the higher we get as we make it to Yoongi's back, the more I realize just how gigantic dragons truly are.
I understand why I could've gotten hurt were I to fall in my attempt at climbing such a big creature. I could most definitely break an arm in my fall, and that is the last thing a knight desires. Anything that keeps us from our work is worth sneering at.
It takes a good minute since holding me is more of a bother than it is helpful, but Namjoon eventually gets us atop the dragon and gently settles me down at the base of Yoongi's neck before explaining himself as he positions me properly.
"There we go... you're going to want your legs on both sides of his neck, tucked right underneath these scales here. They won't shift so they don't risk crushing your legs with every moves he makes, and they'll keep the wind from moving you out of position. As for these scales right here behind your back, they'll keep you from slipping backwards during ascents and descents. I'll be right behind you, though, so you don't have to worry about anything, everything will go smoothly".
He then adds as he sits down himself, "If you feel like you're losing your balance at any time, let me know and we'll see how we can make you feel more secure, alright? There's no need to feel ashamed since, like I said, riding dragons is harder than it looks" he assures me, apparently already knowing that I would in fact feel ashamed if that happened, which is not that hard to see in my eyes.
I nod my head, already feeling overwhelmed that I'm sitting on a dragon for the first time in my life. It's just like when I first sat on Eclipse all those years ago but... a hundred times worse. No, it's a thousand times worse.
When Yoongi's sudden move of his head tilts me to the side, Namjoon naturally presses himself to my back with his legs pushing against my own to keep me stable and I gulp thickly as I try to find what to do with my hands. Do I not hold onto something while we're in the sky?
Observant as he is, Namjoon somehow guesses my concern and takes a gentle hold of my hands before bringing them to the same scales that currently cover my legs, and he makes sure to let me feel the edges that offer me a safe grip.
"If you need to hold something, these are the scales that you want. Or you can hold onto me, should you feel the need for it. You only need to ask and I will do anything in my power to make you feel more comfortable".
I nod my head slowly as he releases my hands to let me test what I was taught. I appreciate that he doesn't urge me in one direction rather than the other, instead leaving me to figure out what is best for myself. I can try to do this on my own, or I can lean on him and let him help.
Just when I believe that I'm getting more confident with staying upright - Yoongi raises his huge head from the ground to see if we're ready to go, a move that rises us and tilts me the slightest bit against Namjoon who seems more than used to all of this.
It's barely anything to shift me in my position but it gets me gasping and grabbing onto the scales in panic anyway, because while it doesn't really impact me in any way, I am still very much out of my comfort zone.
His rumbly laugh is felt more than it's heard when he finds me gaping at him and I feel the heat creep onto my face, adrenaline keeping me from letting go despite the new stability.
How am I ever going to get used to this? It's a lot scarier than I thought it would be, I hadn't at all considered what it would be like when this dragon would begin to move - as is required if we want to get anywhere. I'm honestly starting to regret this, but it's too late to change my mind now.
"Are you okay, dear? Do you need anything to be done from me or Yoongi? Is this too much?" Namjoon checks in on me with concern in his voice, and though I should be honest right now and tell him that I'm starting to freak out, I shake my head because I'll be damned if I back down now.
"N-no, I'm just fine. This is a breeze" I lie through my teeth, and Yoongi hears that as the obvious permission that it is to fully stand from the ground, wings stretching on either side of us to prepare for the flight to come while I turn fully white in nerves and fears.
My fingers are unable to let go of the scales anymore, it sure feels like Yoongi is having his fun from tormenting me even though I know very well that it is not his intention at all, for I can see that he's trying to be careful even in his gentle steps that could accomplish at least twenty of my own at once.
With deep breaths, I try to look down to where the others are still standing, observant to my first experience of a dragon ride, but seeing as they're pretty small already from how high we are right now, I immediately bring my gaze back to Yoongi's neck in front of me, breath now stuck in my chest.
I'm going to die, I won't survive this, I'm sure.
Why did I say that I wanted to go back to the capital on a dragon of all things? I should've decided to go with Eclipse! She's a lot more safer than this!
"Breathe, my love" Namjoon says with a chuckle when he finds my knuckles turning white, a colour that matches my face while he remains his usual golden handsome that can only be explained by the fact that he too is a dragon.
"I am breathing" I utter lowly in response, another lie is what this is, but he chuckles once more while repeating the same words. "Breathe. It's going to be fine, I am here with you. I'm not letting you fall, never".
I try to allow in a deep inhale at his words, but when Yoongi lets his wings flap to test the wind surrounding us, I instinctively reach out to Namjoon behind me, hands grabbing one of his arms tightly as my heart squeezes and panics in my chest.
"There, there" the man muses while wrapping an arm around my waist and over my stomach to keep me steadier against him, and I have never been more thankful for physical support than I currently am as I grip onto him with all of my strength when Yoongi begins to run forward all of a sudden, faster and faster until he makes a jump before letting his wings take over to bring us into the sky.
The sound of them as they beat through the air loudly almost deafens me, and my eyes are shut tightly as I feel us reach higher and higher into a sky that I only ever saw from the ground, be it grass, sand or mountains.
It's a good thing that Namjoon told me the uses of each scales as I can feel the way they keep me still, for I am not moving an inch despite the lack of anything to hold onto other than the man himself, and I am incredibly thankful for this because if I'd been left on my own for the first time, I would already be falling down at this very moment.
It feels like an eternity until the flight finally stabilizes and Yoongi stops flapping his wings to instead glide smoothly through the air, but when he does, I already feel as if I just lost years of my life due to this frightful experience.
I would've expected the wind to be loud in my ears from our speed and height, but it's surprisingly quiet now as I begin to allow one eye to open to glance around me.
Even the feeling of the wind against my skin is not as uncomfortable as I would've thought. It's cold but not... ice cold. Maybe it is Namjoon and Yoongi's combined body heat that helps.
"So, how was it for a first time?" Namjoon finally asks after making sure that I'm not close to passing out - he would've had to keep a close eye on me if that were the case - and though I am very far from being relaxed yet, I let some tension bleed out from my shoulders as I look over them to glance at him.
"It was... er. Intense".
Terrifying, utterly terrifying, but that I won't say. I think it shows enough on my face as it is.
He smiles before tightening his hold around me. He would say that it's to keep me safe and to reassure me, but he really just wants to feel me closer while he has the chance to do so. Who knows when he will have this opportunity another time?
"You did not fall unconscious and that's pretty impressive, if you must know. Most humans flying on a dragon for the first time end up having to be caught by said dragon because they pass out mid-flight. So while you do not seem convinced that you did well, let me assure you that you did wonderfully".
Oh. How encouraging.
"How lovely" is my only answer, though it makes his smile widen. He could hear the sarcasm laced in my tone, which he finds more amusing than he should probably admit.
"Indeed. Lovely indeed".
The occasional flapping of Yoongi's wings keep my mind awake as I don't dare look down yet, though I am starting to wonder what has become of our other mates left behind. Will they join us soon? Did something happen down there that we are not aware of?
I am about to ask Namjoon about them when I eventually hear a strange sound that resembles that of an army of dragons coming over, which... might as well be true considering that they are dragons.
It takes only a short moment before I finally find them taking position around us, colourful dragons that I can somehow recognize due to hair or eye colours that I saw all week, and they are just as big as Yoongi if not more, which is a worrying thought that I push to the back of my mind.
Seokjin's dragon is of a cold grey as he remains to our right, and I can guess that it is Taehyung to our left due to the deep green of his scales, which is absolutely beautiful as it's almost like emerald. Then there is Jungkook who's a mix of green and blue, and Jimin who is entirely blue.
Hoseok is red like fire as he flies right in front of us, and to be in the middle of this... needless to say that it feels like a dream, one that I don't particularly want to wake up from at the moment. I'm sure I could get used to this... right?
I find that a few of them are holding onto the bags of food or belongings that we all carried with us with their claws, and it makes sense that this is what kept them behind for a bit longer until they could join us in the sky. They must have had to arrange them in order to not drop them mid-flight.
"Impressive, right? This sight never gets old, no matter how many times I see it" Namjoon muses as he observes the way I stare around me with wonder in my eyes, my worries forgotten so easily when I get to literally be part of a dragon pack as we fly amongst the white fluffy clouds.
"It really is... I knew that dragons were magnificent, but seeing so many of them from so close feels like a dream. It's so strange to think that I personally know each of them" I answer softly, words that makes him smile and hum as he too takes in the sight that our mates make.
"Those are peaceful moments that are very dear to me, and I hope that you will grow to like them just as much as I do. Being allowed this peace with the people that you love... it is a very special thing that not many dragons are granted".
Seokjin turns his head towards us and I almost burst into laughter when I see him wink at us like he would in human form, there's a playful glint in his eyes that helps to calm my mind and body, especially now that everything is so stable once more.
"Have you known the others for a long time, Namjoon? I heard about how Hoseok and Seokjin met, but that's about it. It seemed to have happened a really long time ago though".
The question flees my lips as quickly as it appears in my head, and the man makes a small sound as he thinks back to the past while resting his chin over my shoulder, more than conscious of the way it makes my heart skip a beat, though it's mostly to make sure I hear him well.
"Hmm... the older us dragons get, the more we tend to lose track of time, so it would be hard to tell but... I have served at least five different kings in Goldwyn, and before that, I used to protect a smaller city where I was born, though it doesn't exist anymore due to war. It's actually during that war that I first met Yoongi".
I raise my eyebrows in interest, five kings... I imagine he's been at the castle for around three hundred years then.
"As you know, Yoongi's way of fighting is pretty sneaky. That day, when war broke out and reached my city... the enemy tried to find every dragons that were hiding as humans to kidnap them. At the time... I believe it was the Ordyr Empire who tried to invade our territory. They wanted to get more of us as slaves, and since we've always lived in peace with the humans, they thought we'd be easy preys.
"Yoongi proved them wrong though. He was there that day, and he walked around and slit throats until every enemy soldiers were dead on the ground. Not a single soul saw him on the hunt up until he stopped in front of me with blood all over him. Needless to say that it was a very strange meeting between two mates".
I lean slightly to the side to see Yoongi's dragon head from where I am, and when I see the deep line of his mouth curled into a grin, it doesn't take a genius to see that he's still proud of that achievement of his.
"You didn't fight back, then? Before Yoongi saved you, I mean" I ask Namjoon as I lean back against him out of my own volition, I'm getting used to feeling him so close now. It's more comforting than I'd like to admit, but I also want to keep feeling that way.
"I was no knight back then. I had a weapon but barely knew how to use it. To be frank, protecting my city as a dragon was done more easily thanks to my aura that intimidated the smaller creatures than it was due to my fighting skills, so when the army attacked us... I didn't know what to do. Shifting to my dragon form was too dangerous as I risked killing many of my neighbours and friends as well as exposing my identity, so the best I could do at the time was to hide within the crowd".
I make a sound in understanding as I nod my head, I probably would've hid too in his shoes. If he'd tried to fight back, he might not be here with us today. He was lucky that no one noticed his golden eyes before it was too late.
Still, it's curious to hear about their life from before they became dragon knights. One would expect that they were always at the castle to protect the Empire, but hearing their stories confirms that this is clearly a false belief.
"After Yoongi saved us, many knights from the Capital joined us and brought the people to safety. I remember feeling lost back then, I'd just lost my purpose after all, but Yoongi already knew that he would bring me back to the castle with him after I voiced that I would like to learn the art of swordsmanship like him. He took care of my training himself, and it's not long after that when we met Seokjin, then Hoseok. A few years later brought us Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, and centuries later, you".
"The baby of the group" I let out with a pout, because it's the truth. I am in my twenties while they are in their... what? Four hundreds?
Namjoon chuckles, the warm sound sending tingles to my heart.
"You could be two hundred years old that you would still be our baby, my love. Age doesn't mean much for dragons, though I'm well aware that it is everything for humans".
Those last words are said carefully, and I can understand why he would be wary of that concept.
Why he would be scared of it.
I am a human.
We're not meant to live past... fifty years old, though some rare people make it past their sixties before succumbing to illnesses.
While they're happy to have me into their life at the moment, a new mate to cherish as they like to say, there will come a day when my death becomes a memory that will hurt them until their last breath, if it ever comes.
If we take into account my current age, we have at the most... thirty and a few years left together before I die.
"It's unfair to the seven of you... getting a human mate like me seems like a very petty joke from the universe" I mumble with a frown, I already hate the simple thought of what my existence will do to them.
If I wasn't careful of my thoughts, my mind would even wander towards a dangerous zone that I know they would burn down to a crisp if only they could. What's even the point of this if I'm going to die soon anyway?
Namjoon's arm around me squeezes gently, and he almost presses his lips onto my neck before voting against it after remembering what was decided earlier.
He instead inhales deeply before closing his eyes while the others listen intently, unable to do anything else as they cannot speak with words that I can understand.
"We don't know yet why you were made our mate, Aithne, but there is so much that we have yet to know about ourselves that I wouldn't be surprised if our mark changed you in some ways. We'll have to keep an eye on your state for now, until we can make more sense of this. The bond is something indestructible, and the universe wouldn't have given you to us if it was going to take you back just as fast.
"I do not want to make any wild guesses for now, but I would like for you to not worry about the unknown, and to not think about time and what of it is left or anything else that might take you from us. That's all I ask of you, if you would accept that for me. Let us enjoy the time we spend together, and let us face the future as it comes".
I purse my lips before softly settling one hand over his own that covers my waist, and he slowly parts his fingers so ours can intertwine together, my palm pressed to the back of his hand.
I don't see how a human like myself could fit the lifespan of a dragon, but as he said, a human becoming the mate of multiple dragons, let alone one, is unheard of and filled with the unknown, so we cannot make any guesses of what might happen at the moment.
It's anxiety inducing for sure, but maybe this is also the beginning of a change that the world is only seeing for the first time because of us.
"Do you think it might be possible that other humans might also be other dragons' mates? What if we're not the only ones in this situation? What if the others have simply... not met, yet?" I voice my new question aloud, one that has every dragons turning their eyes towards me.
None of them had even thought of that before, but it's true. What if we were only the first of many others in the same situation?
"Then... we would have even more questions that need answers, dear" Namjoon answers, his mind running wild with all the possibilities that my question has brought to light.
Might this be a new era that will bring change to the world as we know it?
What has the universe in store for us?
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