Rory's outfit
Rory sat down beside her mother as she sipped on her coffee when Elena came downstairs
"Jenna! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" Elena asked
"Uh-huh." Jenna nodded
"And you have no objection?" She asked .
"He could be more quiet." Rory muttered and Jenna looked at her daughter
"And he could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out. Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Jenna said
"Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan Scumfell." Rory said.
"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes. And have you heard from Stefan?" Jenna asked
"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago. 'Hi, um, Rory, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days.'" Rory's voice went low and Elena laughed
"Haven't you called him?" She asked.
"Nope. Not going to either." Rory said
"And you're ok with everything?" Jenna asked
"No, I'm not ok with any of it. But at this point I don't really don't care and I don't want to talk about it."
"Ok, then." Jenna backed off.
"The sexy suds car wash is tomorrow. The football team and the band have committed. Well, not all the band. Just the ones who could pull off the bikini. I want, in your face, sexy. I mean, it's a fund raiser, for god's sake." Caroline said as she walked down the hall
"Unbelievable. It's like nothing happened." Elena said as they stood by her locker
"She's in denial." Bonnie said and Rory nodded.
"Hey." Rory heard Stefan's voice behind her
"Hey. You know, I gotta go. Be somewhere right now." Bonnie said and Elena nodded
"Okay, I'll catch up later." Rory said and they walked off.
"I'm so sorry I haven't called." He said
"I think I'll live." Rory smiled
"I was dealing with Damon." He said.
"And did you...deal with Damon?" She asked
"Yes. Yeah." He nodded
"For four days?"
"You have every right to be upset with me. But can I explain it all to you? Please." Stefan said
"Sure. When?" She asked
"I gotta be home after school, but The Grill, around four o'clock?" He said.
"Okay, my shift ends at 4 I expect you to be there."
"Thanks." He smiled and Rory went to her classes.
"Still no sign of Stefan?" Elena asked as she finished playing pool with Matt
"Yes and my shift finished an hour ago." Rory sighed
"I'm so sorry that I'm late." Rory turned to see Stefan. Elena slowly back away to let them talk
"What happened?" She asked.
"I got held up." He said
"Is everything ok?" She asked
"There was this thing with my uncle." Stefan said.
"And you couldn't call and tell me that you were going to be an hour late? I mean I'm still in the uniform I could of changed." She asked
"I'm really sorry. It was unavoidable."
"What was unavoidable?" She asked and he stayed silent.
"Okay, its none of my business." She sighed and went to leave.
"I know you. My God." A man gasped
"I'm sorry?" Stefan asked
"I know you. How can it be?" The man asked.
"I think you have the wrong person, sir." Stefan dismissed,
"You haven't aged a day." The man said
"I'm sorry. Excuse me. Hey, can we...can I take you home and we can talk about it? Is that ok?" He said.
"Wait, what was that?" Rory asked
"I--I don't know. uh, nothing." Stefan dismissed
"Right, nothing. I'm going to go home and change." Rory walked away.
Rory changed into her PJs and went downstairs with damp hair and she heard something in the kitchen
"Mom? Mom?" she walked into the kitchen to see someone different, "Stefan? What are you doing here?" Rory asked
"Dinner. Elena told me that Chicken Parmesan is one of your favourites, and I happen to be a good cook. The Italian roots demand it. I can even make my own homemade mozzarella. Only tonight, it is unfortunately store bought. Sorry." He apologised.
"What are you trying to do?" She asked
"You want to know me, right? Well, I figure if you're going to banish me from your life, you should at least, um, know who you're banishing. So let's start with Katherine." He said
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"She was...the most beautiful girl that I had ever met. She had this perfect olive skin. And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous. I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun. She knew how to have a good time. But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled and selfish, and, um, impulsive. Enter Damon. He claims that he was with her first. I don't know. I do know that I did some things that...I'm not proud of. And my biggest regret...is not being able to make it right before she died. I miss her, but...I'm no longer crippled by her loss."
"She's dead? Oh I feel like a bitch." Rory groaned.
"I'm an avid reader, a huge Fitzgerald fan, 'The Great Gatsby', his masterpiece. But I'm no snob. I love some good Grisham. I think 'Seinfeld' is the best American television show for the past 50 years, but 'I Love Lucy' is all-time. "The loving cup" episode was the best, I think. Huge Scorsese fan. I can watch 'Taxi Driver' over and over again." He said
"Here, let me, I need to clear my conscious." She said and starts to cut the garlic.
"As far as music, it's pretty much across the board. Um, Dylan, Hendrix, Patsy, Willie. A little Bon Jovi, well, a lot of Bon Jovi. You know what? I even like that one Lady Gaga song." He said and she chuckled
"I didn't say anything. Hey, this is for the garlic bread, right? Because I'm not eating garlic unless you agree to, too." Rory said.
"Are you kidding? I love garlic." He said and then suddenly Rory cuts her finger with the knife
"Ow! Fuck." She winced
"You ok? um..." He asked
"Yeah. Think so." She walked to the sink and she looked into the window to see Stefan's face change. The same face she saw in her dream.
She quickly turned to see him turned away from her
"I--I, uh, I think I got something in my eye." He said
"Stefan. Hey. Stefan! Um, I think that my nightmare has turned into full-blown hallucinations." She said as she saw his face completely fine
"Part of your charm." He said and he looked at her then took a step closer. He then hesitantly pull away but Rory grabbed his collar and kissed him.
He pulled her closer by her waist as her hands trailed to his jawline, she smiled through the kiss as she felt fireworks went off.
She couldn't be happier.
Rory's outfit
"No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay ya laters. We are not running a charity here." Caroline said as Elena and Rory stood at the carwash
"No, we are not." Elena said and they both looked at Rory
"No we are not." She muttered.
"Hi." Stefan announced his presence, Rory turned and hugged him
"Hey." She smiled up at him
"The event is called sexy suds, you know. Come on, Elena." Caroline said and they both walked off.
"Did we just get scolded?" Stefan asked
"And judged, yeah." Rory nodded
"Lucky for me, I guess you're going to have to take that off." She fiddled with the zip on his hoodie
"I think you have to go first." He said
"If you insist." She said and unzipped her hoodie and took it off to reveal her swimsuit.
Stefan looked her up and down then took off his hoodie
"So are you going to kiss me or am I going to have make the first move like last night?" She asked her arms crossed. He smiled at her before he pulled her in close and kissed her.
Rory and Stefan were washing a car when she looked at his ring
"Not to state the obvious but you're getting soap in that." She said
"Oh, it's fine." He said
"I noticed that Damon has one, too. Is there a story behind it?" She asked.
"Yeah, it's the family crest from the Italian renaissance." He said and she approached him and he held out his hand
"What's the stone?" She asked
"It's called lapis lazuli." He said.
"Oh expensive. You sure you don't want to take it off. I could put it in my bag." Rory suggested
"No, it's...it's fine, really. Thanks, though." He smiled
"Okay. I'm gonna get some towels." She said
Rory then walked over to Elena and Caroline who were at the table
"Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things." She said
"I'll go get some more. Mind the money." Caroline said to her and Elena before leaving.
"That'll be $20." Elena said and Rory looked up from her phone to see the man from last night
"I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine. At the grill." She said
"Well, I...I thought it was somebody I knew." He said.
"Stefan Salvatore." She said
"Nah, it can't be. It's just my mind playing tricks on me." He dismissed
"Where do you think you'd seen him before?" Rory asked.
"When I first moved here, I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house." He said
"Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. I mean, none of us knew he was even here until the attack." He said.
"The attack?" Elena asked
"His uncle got killed. Mauled by an animal in the woods." He said and they both looked at each other
"His uncle? Zach?"
"Mm-mmm. Joseph." He said
"I'm sorry, sir. I don't think I'm familiar with the story." Rory said
"Oh, how could you? I mean, this happened years ago." He shook his head.
"Grandpa, you gotta go. Mom wants you home. Ok?" Tiki said and then turned to the girls
"He wasn't bugging you, was he? He's a little alzy-heimer." He said
"Low blow." Rory muttered.
"No, he was sweet," Elena said and the two caught up to him, "hey, sir, I'm sorry. Um, are you sure that the man that you saw, that you knew, his name was Stefan Salvatore?"
"Yes. I remember his ring and his brother-"
"Damon?" Rory asked.
"Yeah. Stefan and Damon Salvatore." He nodded
"When was this?" Rory asked
"It was early June, 1953. Yeah. June, 1953." He said.
"Caroline finally freed you, huh?" Stefan approached them
"Uh, I don't know where she went. She abandoned us. I'm going to see Jenna." Elena said
"Hey, I realised earlier, I had no idea that your family was from Italy." Rory said.
"No? Last name Salvatore didn't do it for you, I thought you were all about history?" He said
"Right. Duh. Are there any other Salvatores in Mystic Falls?" Rory asked
"My uncle Zach." Stefan said.
"Where did everyone else go?" She asked in a playful tone
"Kinda just spread out." He said
"Hmm." She nodded.
"Why?" He asked
"I'm just trying to learn more about you." She said
"Hmm." And he nodded.
Rory walked up to her mom and her cousin who happen to be standing next to Logan Fell
"Your car was done an hour ago." She teased
"You're saying that out loud why?" Jenna asked.
"Hi. Rory, right? I think I met you once when you were 10." Logan said
"Oh really I must have forgotten due to the trauma of seeing your face." Rory smiled and Logan looked at Jenna
"Your emotional maturity level when we were together." She said smiling at her daughter.
"Ouch. Here I thought we were making progress." He said
"Anyway, is he enough in your good graces that I can ask him for a favour?" Rory said
"If i do her a favour, will i get back in your good graces?" Logan asked.
"Uh, a very reluctant maybe to both." Jenna said
"Done. Wait. One condition. Dinner, tonight, your house." Logan suggested
"Fine. But you're eating leftovers." She said.
"Ooh. What do you need?" Logan asked
"Do you have access to old news stories, say, fifties?" Rory asked
"Yeah, at the station. Between the archives and the Internet, we pretty much have everything." He said.
"I have this report for extra credit. It'd be a life saver." She said
"Heading there now. Let's go." He said
"Are you coming?" Rory asked Elena and she nodded.
"If anyone asks, you don't know where I went. I don't want Caroline to know that I left." Elena said to Jenna who nodded.
"We digitised all our archives last year. You can pull all the remote footage right up on screen. What is it exactly you're looking for?" Logan asked
"An incident from 1953. If it even happened--at the old Salvatore boarding house." Rory said.
"Sorry, one second. Yeah? Fire? All right, be right there." He said on the phone
"I gotta go. You believe there's actual news to cover in this town? All right, use keywords to search the database. It's pretty easy to navigate. And Brady down in tech will help you out with anything you need." He said.
"Okay. Thanks." Rory said
"All right? Oh, hey. Could you put in a good word for me with Jenna?" He asked
"You got it." Elena said.
"All right. Good luck."
"Still nothing." Elena said scrolling through the footage
"Wait! There." Rory said and Elena played the footage.
"This is Franklin Fell reporting to you from the Salvatore Boarding House, where a brutal animal attack has ended in tragedy. Ok, they're bringing out the bodies. See if you can get closer. Is that the nephew?" The camera zoomed in and Rory and Elena see Stefan in the background.
"No fucking way." Rory said.
Rory was in Elena's room pacing as Elena looked on her laptop
"So lets debrief. Someone who never grows old..." Rory said
"The man said 1953." Elena said
"Never gets hurt..." She then said.
"His hand." Rory said
"Someone who changes in ways that can't be explained..." Elena read off the screen
"I saw his face change last night." Rory said.
"Girls bitten..."
"Bodies drained of blood..." Rory said.
"Wait Matt said Vicki said something..." Elena said
"What did she say?" She asked
Rory quickly ran downstairs
"Where are you going?" Elena asked
"You don't have a license." She said
"Well, if this is a goodbye remember me so." She said and went out the door and got in the car
"Right, how do I start this thing."
Stefan went downstairs and opened the door to see Rory
"What are you?" She asked
"You know." He said.
"No, I don't." She said
"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here." He said
"I don't want to believe it." She said.
"Everything you know...And every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" He asked
"What are you exactly?" She asked
"I'm a vampire." He said.
"Okay." She nodded and then started to pace and then stopped
"You're coming with me." She grabbed his arm to see the wooden stake in his hand
"What the fuck is that?" She asked and he went to answer.
"You know what, bring it with you. You're driving."
"You drove here?" He asked
"Not the best judgement I know." She said.
Rory dragged Stefan into her house and into her room
"You made me drive here?" He asked
"Yes because what I am about to ask you might require some comfort and what's better than my room." She said.
"What is it?" He asked and she sighed
"Show me." She said
"Your face changes, show me." She repeated he then closed his eyes and veins appeared from under his eyes, fangs started to appear then he opened his eyes. Rory stepped closer hesitantly before reaching to his face. Her thumb grazed over his fangs as she looked into his dark eyes.
"You're beautiful." She whispered.
Rory sat on her bed as she looked up at him
"All those animal attacks, those people who died?" She asked
"That was Damon." He said
"Yes. I don't drink human blood. That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does. I'll explain everything to you." He said and she nodded.
"How are you not freaking out about this?" He asked
"I used to read and write vampire fan fiction. I've dreamed of this moment." She smiled up at him.
Rory's outfit
The next day
Rory and Stefan sat down outside of the Grill
"You know when you Google 'vampire' you get a world of fiction. A lot of fan fiction but fiction none the less. What's the reality?" She asked
"I can tell you whatever you wanna know." He said.
"I know you eat garlic." She said
"Yes." He nodded
"And somehow, sunlight's not an issue. Thankfully you don't sparkle, that'd be an ick." She said.
"Hi, here are your drinks." The waitress put down the drinks
"Thank you." They smile
"We have rings that protect us." He said and held out his hand and she played with the ring on his finger.
"Crucifixes?" She asked
"Decorative." He answered
"Holy water?" She asked
"Drinkable." He answered.
"Mirrors?" She asked
"Myth." He said
"That's a relief it would be such a shame if you couldn't see how hot you are." She said.
"You said you don't kill to survive." She said
"Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful." He said
"But why would he get involved with Caroline?" She asked.
"Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me." He said
"He was hurting her." She said
"He was feeding on her. He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her, he would have." He said.
"Are there any others, aside from you and Damon?" She asked
"Not in Mystic Falls; not anymore." He shook his head
"Not anymore?" She asked further.
"There was a time when this town was...very much aware of vampires, and it didn't end well for anybody. That's why it's important that you don't tell anyone." He said
"Okay." She said and kissed his hand.
Stefan and Rory drove to a place in the woods
"What are we doing here?" She asked as they get out the car
"I want to show you something." He asked.
"...In the middle of nowhere?" She asked gently
"This...Didn't used to be nowhere. Used to be my home." He said
"It looks so..." She trailed off as she took it all in.
"Old? It's because they are." He said
"Wait. How long have you..." She looked over at him
"I've been 17 years old since 1864." He said.
"And I felt old being one year older than you." She said.
"You said you wanted to know. I'm not gonna hold anything back. Half a century before the boarding house was even built, this was my family's home. Damon and I...We were both born here. The Salvatore brothers, best friends." He said and began to tell the story.
"You knew Katherine in 1864? Damon made it seem like..." Rory asked
"Damon was trying to make you think that...I was still heartbroken. He saw that I was happy with you, and he wanted to ruin it." He said
"All because you loved the same women 145 years ago? Commitment." She said.
"She wasn't just any girl."
"She chose me. I escorted her to the ball at the original Lockwood mansion." He told
"The first founder's party...Where you signed the registry." Rory connected the dots
"I didn't care that I had gotten something that my brother wanted. I didn't even care if it hurt him. I only knew that I wanted her." He said.
"So he was upset." She said
"That's the thing about Damon. He doesn't get mad. He just gets even." Stefan told her
"What Damon wants, Damon usually gets. I didn't know it at the time, but...Turns out that night...Katherine was with him, too." He said.
"So he stole her from you, not the other way around?" She asked
"Turns out she wasn't ours to steal." He said
"She could control my mind; and Damon's. She compelled each of us to keep the secret from the other. She wanted all of us to be together. Forever. Didn't work out that way, but...Damon and I, looks like we're stuck with each other...Like it or not." He said.
Stefan pulled out Damon's ring from a ruin
"Is that Damon's ring?" She said
"I took it from him, but I have to give it back." He said.
"Why didn't you just compel me to forget?" She asked
"Because that necklace holds vervain, it makes you immune from it. Well it should, Damon said he tried to compel you but you didn't have it on." He said
"It fell in the car, I didn't want to take any chances so I kept it in there." She explained.
"Rory, I feel this tether pulling me towards you and I cannot explain it." He said
"So do I." She looked up at him
"The issue is... so does Damon." He said and she looked away.
"I need to tell you something." She said
"What?" He asked
"I may have told someone about this." She motioned towards him.
"Elena. Last night, she was helping me and I couldn't keep her in the dark." She said.
"I understand as long as she doesn't tell anyone." He said
"Okay." She said.
Stefan and Rory walked into the house to see Vicki, Elena, Jeremy and Matt all there
"What's going on?" Rory asked
"She's really messed up." Matt said motioning to Vicki as Elena stood next to her.
"Elena, back up. Vicki, look at me. Focus. You're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be fine. Guys, take her up to bed. Shut the blinds. She's gonna be ok. Come on. Come on." He said and Matt and Jeremy do so.
"You know what's wrong with her?" Elena asked
"Yeah." He nodded
"What is it?" Rory asked.
"She's transitioning." He said
"Transitioning to what?" Elena asked
"A vampire."
"Damon must have gotten to her. She's new. She hasn't completed her transformation yet." He explained
"And how does one do that?" Rory asked
"She has to feed on human blood." He said.
"And what if she doesn't?" Elena asked
"She'll die. She may only have a few hours."
"She's upstairs with them right now." Elena said.
"It's ok. She doesn't know what's happening to her yet." Stefan tried to reassure
"So when is she gonna know?" Rory asked
"Right now, she doesn't remember anything. A part of her is still human, but slowly, the deeper she gets into the transition, the memories will start to come back, and then she'll know she has to make the choice." He said.
"The same choice you made?" Elena asked
"No." He said
"Vick. Vicki!" Matt shouted and they saw Vicki run out the door and they all ran outside.
"She was fine, and then she just...she just freaked out." Jeremy said
"I'm gonna go look for her. Call me if you hear anything." Matt said
"I can track her." Stefan said to Rory.
"Go." She said and he left with Matt.
It was night and there was still no sign of anyone
"Maybe we should check in with Matt." Jeremy said
"He'll call when he finds her." Elena said
"Well, what are we supposed to do?" He said.
"We wait. We're supposed to wait." She said
"I don't know what's wrong with her." Jeremy said
"She'll be fine. It'll all be fine." Rory said and then the doorbell rings and Elena opened the door to see Damon.
She pushed him back and closes the door behind her and looks at him
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked
"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan finally 'fessed up." He said
"He also said that you tried to compel me at the game. Low blow." She crossed her arms.
"How aren't you afraid of me?" He wondered
"He also said you having a tether towards me as well as he does which is great knowing how Katherine turned out." She said and he stepped closer
"Say that again. I dare you." He said and she stepped closer to him.
"No I fucking dare you to hurt me." She said as she looked him in the eye
"You drool in your sleep." He said and then leans closer to her
"Be careful on who you invite into your house." He whispered and then sped away leaving Rory standing on her porch.
Rory sat on the porch when Stefan approached her
"Holy fuck you're bleeding." She stood up and walked towards him
"No, it's ok. It's ok. I'm ok." He reassured
"I couldn't stop her. I tried." He said.
"What does that mean?" She asked
"She fed, and then I lost her." He said
"Oh, god."
"I'll take care of it. I'll find her, and I will show her that she can live like I do. I will make sure that she does not hurt anybody, Rory. I promise you." He said
"What do I tell Jer and...and Matt, her brother?" She asked
"We'll come up with a story." He said.
"Okay. I'm just so glad you're okay." She hugged him
"I'll convince Elena to help with the story. She's not completely on board." She said
"I understand." He said and she kissed him.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She said.
Rory's outfit
The next day
"Sorry." Rory heard Elena say as she walked downstairs
"Oh, no, it's cool, I'm done." Jeremy said
"You're up early. Where are you going?" Rory asked.
"Police station. They're organising the search party for Vicki, so..."
"Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?" Elena asked
"What? You're kidding me, right?" Jeremy looked at her as if she were crazy.
"You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for." Elena justified
"Yeah, your lips keep movin'. I don't know why." Jeremy said and left and Rory turned to Elena.
"Right I'm gonna go skip school." She said.
"Yeah, what is it? Is it a skunk? Saint Bernard? Bambi?" Rory heard Damon say as she walked into the house to see Damon and Stefan surrounding a newly vampire Vicki
"You killed Bambi?" She asked and they all turned to her
"What are you doing here?" Damon asked.
"Stefan invited me. He also said the door was open and to let myself in. Speaking of... nice place you both got." She said looking around
"What is this?" She asked holding up a bottle of bourbon
"Careful that is mine." He said.
"Well, I thought vampires couldn't get drunk so..." She poured a little into the glass and drank it
"Tasty." She smiled up at Damon.
"Go on. Give it a try." The attention was brought back to Stefan as he tried to give Vicki the blood
"She's new. She needs people blood. She can't sustain on that stuff." Damon said
"Yeah, why can't I have people blood?" Vicki asked.
"Yeah." Damon said
"Because it's wrong to pray on innocent people, Vicki." Stefan said
"Yeah, go for all of the rapists and the abusers." Rory smiled at Vicki as Stefan gave her a look.
"You don't have to kill to feed. Just find someone really tasty and then erase their memory afterwards. It's so easy." Damon said
"No, no, no. There's no guarantee that you can control yourself, okay? It takes years to learn that. You could easily kill somebody, and then you have to carry that with you for the rest of your life, which, if I haven't made clear, is eternity." Stefan said.
"Don't listen to him. He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. I say snatch, eat, erase." Damon said and Rory turned to him
"And look how well that's turning out with Caroline. Trauma." She said.
"Hey, look at me. We choose our own path. Our values and our actions, they define who we are." Stefan said
"Okay, count deepak. I am outta here." Damon said and went away
"Can I have some more?" Vicki asked looking at the blood.
"Coffee is our friend. It's the caffeine. It circulate through our veins, and it warms our body so we're not so cold to the touch." Stefan said
"Well, what if I wanna drink human blood?" Vicki asked
"You're gonna have to learn to live with that urge and fight it on a daily basis one day at time." He said.
"Oh god! Don't start with that whole 12 steps thing. School counsellor has been down that road, and it doesn't work for me." She groaned
"It can work. It's your choice, Vicki." Stefan said
"So you've never tasted human blood?" She asked.
"Not in a long time." He shook his head
"How long?" She asked
"Years and years. I'm not proud of my past behaviour." He said.
"Does this sketchy feeling ever go away? It's like I have a massive hangover. This daylight thing is a bitch. I need more blood. Where's your bathroom? I have to pee. Why do I have to pee? I thought I was dead." Vicki asked and left the room.
Stefan then turned to Rory who smiled in amusement
"I'm going to, uh...I'm gonna get her some more. All right. I'll be quick." He said and left and just then Vicki re-entered.
"False alarm. My body's feeling really funky. It's a good funk, but it's weird." She said
"Who are you texting?" Rory asked as she saw Vicki on her phone
"Jeremy." She said.
"Vicki, I don't think that's the best idea right now." Rory advised
"Oh come on don't you start. I'm gonna see whoever I wanna see." Vicki snapped
"Vicki you're having an urge for blood that you're not completely in control yet." Rory tried to explain.
"I would never hurt Jeremy." Vicki said
"I just think for just now there's some space." She said
"Oh really? And how long have you been preparing the 'you're not good enough' speech? I'm assuming it predates the whole vampire thing." She said.
"This isn't about being good enough this is about a process and I think we can all agree it wouldn't be the best thing at this time." Rory said
"Really? And what are you going to do about it?" Vicki sped her to the wall with her hand on her throat.
"You know, as much as this is my thing. It's really not at this moment." Rory gasped as she clawed at Vicki's hand that was getting a tighter grip on her throat.
"How about we talk this out over thumper?" She suggested before Vicki was pushed away from her and she sped off.
Rory looked up to see Damon holding out his hand to her; she took it and he helped her up,
"Looks like she did a number on you." He said as he looked at her neck,
"Let's get you cleaned up." He said.
Damon led Rory into his room,
"Holy shit, this is bigger than my old apartment." She rasped
"Shh, don't talk." He held his finger to lips as they walked to the bathroom.
He looked at her and then the sink counter, he walked over and looked around
"Jump up there." He motioned to the counter and she looked at it before stood with her hands on the counter, he then looked back at her with a smirk.
"Oh come on." He said and grabbed her under her thighs before lifting her up onto the counter
"Thanks." She mumbled
"Right, now I need to find this first aid thing." He said before looking past her legs to see a cabinet.
He then kneeled down and parted her legs, goosebumps started to appear on her skin as her breath hitched. He glanced up at her with an innocent look as he opened the cabinet and saw the first aid box and then put it on the counter next to her.
"This is just gonna help with the inflammation of the soon to be bruise." Damon tilted her head up and applied a cream to the area
"I'll just say Christian Grey fucks hard." She let out a breathy chuckle then winced
"Yeah that's gonna leave one hell of a bruise." He said.
Rory looked up at him, her brown eyes met his blue eyes as she gave a slight smile
"Thank you." She whispered,
"Well, surprisingly I would do anything for you." He sighed
"Really thank you. I'd probably end up like Bambi in the cup if you didn't come sooner." She joked and he just looked at her.
"I'm being serious. I would do anything for you." He said, her eyes softened. He slowly stepped closer to her and leaned in.
Then Rory's pinged and she looked to see a message from Elena,
"I should go." She said
"Yeah." He nodded and helped her off the counter as she held his shoulders.
"Thanks again." She said and then proceeded to walk out of the room and out of the house with only one thought on her mind.
She really fucked up.
"I'm back." Rory announced as she walked through the door
"Hey. How's everything?" Elena asked
"Good. Well ish." She said.
"She can't go near Jeremy." Elena said
"At the moment no she can't but once she gets the hang of all of this she should be fine. I have hope." She said
"Did Vicki do that to you?" Elena asked looking at Rory's neck.
"There was a little disagreement about seeing Jeremy but it should be handled."
"There is no way she is seeing him." Elena shook her head
"Elena-" Rory then got cut off by her walking to the kitchen.
"You gotta call me, Vic. I don't get it. What's going on with you? Just...just call me please." They heard Jeremy say on the phone and Elena and Rory walked into the kitchen.
"Hey. So, um, do you wanna hang out tonight? We could go to the, uh, Halloween thing at school. Could be fun!" Elena said.
"Cool. Sure. Sounds uh...sounds fun. Can't wait." He said unenthusiastically
"I know you're upset about Vicki. I heard she called Matt. But you can't be with her. She needs to get better. The best thing you can do for her is let her go." Elena said
"What does that even mean, 'let her go'? Oh, okay, sure. Since we're such experts on letting people go, right?" He said.
"I know you may not see it, but trust me Jer. It's for the best." Elena said
"Look, for months after mom and dad died, I felt like crap, like 'nothing really even mattered' crap. Now all of a sudden, I get these moments and things started to feel just a little bit better, and Vicki was in every single of 'em. So you may not see it, but trust me. Keeping me away from her is not for the best." Jeremy walked back upstairs and Rory looked at her cousin.
"Well that went well."
Rory's outfit
Elena and Rory went to the school in their costumes. Out of everyone they saw no one had been able to guess Rory's consume right. The three of them saw Matt wearing a doctor's outfit
"You went with last year's costume too, huh?" He said to Elena
"Yeah. I didn't know that I was coming till an hour ago." She said.
"Me neither. And you're going as...you?" Matt turned to Jeremy, who just walked away
"He's not talking to me right now. We got into fight." Elena said
"Yeah, I got into it with Vic too, when she got home. I'm trying not to smother her tonight, but part of me didn't wanna let her out of my sight." Matt said.
"She's here?" Rory asked
"Yeah, you can't miss her. She's a vampire. What are you supposed to be, GI Jane?" Matt guessed
"Really?" Rory asked and shook her head.
"Where did Jeremy go?" Elena asked
"Elena what's the matter?" Matt asked
"I..I've gotta find him." She said and took Rory's hand and dragged her away.
Rory and Elena were looking all over the school when they saw Stefan with Vicki
"Thank God." Rory sighed
"What's the matter?" Stefan asked
"I lost track of Jeremy. I was worried." Elena said.
"What's goin' on?" Matt said
"Hey. uh, everything's fine." Stefan said
"I told you to quit bothering me." Vicki pulled away from Stefan.
"No. Vicki, don't do this." Elena said
"Matt, he won't leave me alone." Vicki said
"You need to back off, man." Matt said.
"Matt, it's...it's okay." Elena said
"No, it's not okay. What the hell is your problem?" Matt said stepping closer to him
"Stefan. She's gone." Rory said and they both run to find her again.
Elena and Rory were still searching when they run out to the back entrance and see Vicki attacking Jeremy and ran over to them
"Vicki, no!" She shouted and hits her with a wooden plank. Vicki grabbed her then threw her into a pile of garbage while Stefan grabbed Vicki and held her against the bus while Rory held Jeremy.
"Vicki!" Jeremy shouted in Rory's arms then Vicki disappeared.
"Go. get inside. Go!" Stefan shouted as Rory, Elena and Jeremy ran as Stefan searched for Vicki. They got to the door but before they could go in side Vicki pushed Jeremy out of the way and grabbed Rory then bit down into her skin. Rory screamed in pain but it soon disappeared as Stefan stabbed Vicki with a wooden stake killing her.
"Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! Vicki!" Jeremy shouted but Stefan held onto him as he started to sob.
"Get him out of here." Rory said to Elena as Stefan called Damon
"What?" He said over the phone
"I need your help." Stefan said.
Rory sat down beside Vicki's body as her arm bleed out
"You should go. I got this." Rory lifted her head to see Damon
"What are you going to do with her?" She asked
"Burn her. Or bury her in the backyard like hamster, whatever mood I'm in today." He joked but she just stayed silent
"Let's get you back, Lara Croft." He said taking her hand making her stand up.
"What did you just call me?" She asked
"Lara Croft. Tomb Raider. That is your costume right?" He asked
"Yes it is. No one has been able to get it."
"Are you kidding me? How could they not get it? 1, it's a great game and 2, Angelina Jolie was so hot in the role." Damon said and Rory smiled
"I know right. Bisexual awakening." She said and smiled up at him
"Thank you."
"No problem." He smiled
"I'll let you deal with..." She motioned behind her
"I'll see you at your house." He said and she nodded.
Rory walked up the stairs of her porch to see Stefan
"Where is he?" Rory asked
"Inside with Elena." Stefan said and she walked into the house to see Jeremy in Elena's arms. Elena looked up at her cousin and then back at her brother.
"Do you understand what happened tonight?" She asked
"No. I don't understand. I mean, I know what I saw, but...I don't understand." Jeremy said
"She was going to kill Rory." Elena said.
"Now she's dead. Vicki's dead." Jeremy started to cry
"I'm so sorry, Jer." Rory said
"Make it stop. It hurts." He sobbed.
"Shh, shh, shh, shh. It's okay. it's okay." Elena soothed
"Why does everybody have to die on me?" He asked through as sob
"Oh, my god. come here." Rory said and hugged them both.
Rory and Elena walked out to the porch to see Stefan
"Are you okay?" Rory asked
"I, uh...I wanted to help her. But instead, uh...How's he doin'?" Stefan asked
"He's a mess. I don't want him going through this again. He's just a kid." Rory said.
"Rory, what can I do? I...What can I do to help? I'll do anything." He said
"Can you make him forget?" Elena jumped in
"Elena..." Rory looked at her.
"Rory, please. I don't know how he'll ever get past this. I just want him to forget everything that happened." She said to her
"If I did it, there's no guarantee that it would work...Because of who I am. Because of how I live. I don't have the ability to do it right." Stefan interjected
"I can do it. If this is what you want...I'll do it." Damon appeared and looked over at Rory.
"It's what she wants." Elena said
"Elena really?" Rory asked
"Rory, he's already in pain. He can't go through this again, he needs this." Elena said and Rory gave a small hesitant nod.
"What do you want him to know?" Damon asked Elena
"I want you to tell him that Vicki left town and she's not coming back. That he shouldn't look for her or worry about her. He's gonna miss her, but he knows it's for the best." She said and he walked inside with Elena.
"I'm not sure how I feel about this." Rory said taking a seat
"I have a feeling this is gonna bite us in the ass." She said leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Probably." He said and then Damon came outside.
"It's done." He said
"Thank you both." Rory said and went back inside and straight to her room, she looked at her arm and began to wrap bandages around it. She then got ready for bed, she laid there staring up at the ceiling with dread bubbling in her stomach.
Life was as fucked up as she was.
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