Hair Coloring Tutorials! + RAFFLE! :D
SKDJEJFKS I HIT 500 FOLLOWERS!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH ;u; You have made my day! <3 I'm gonna talk about what I wanna do to celebrate later in the chapter since you guys probably just came for art XD
So then, looks like it's time for some drawing tutorials, eh? ^o^
Lol, I should've done a "how to draw hair" first, but I seriously don't even know how to explain since my process is weird af, involves mostly just trial and error, and overall is just hectic and hit-or-miss ;-; So uh... Have a Mark Crilley video. ;-;
So I'll start the coloring tutorial off with traditional!
What I used to color: Copic markers, Gelly Roll gel pen, white Prismacolor colored pencil.
Copic colors: E11, E13, E23, E18 (in order from lightest to darkest used)
You of course don't need these colors, or even materials specifically. This technique should work for colored pencils, and maybe watercolor as well. (Idk about watercolor, cause I've never tried it with anything like this) You just need to make sure you have:
1. A very light base color
2. A light color for blending
3. A medium color for shading and some blending
4. A dark color for shadows and dark shading.
So let's begin! I collaged these to save chapter space since the picture limit is 20 :')
Step 1: Use your base color to cover a large area where your highlight will be. Make sure you cover a good bit just in case. Better to cover more than needed than not enough! The reason for this is streaking. (Mainly only an issue with markers and/or watercolor paints)
Step 2 (optional). Use your dark color to mark a line where a dark portion will be. Put this pretty close to your highlight area.
3. Use your light or medium color to begin shading below the dark area. I'd reccomend the light color since this area won't have a highlight, so you'll wanna cover all of it.
4. Use your dark color to make marks on the already-dark line. They should be short and spiky, and different sizes to hint at texture. Use your medium or light color to blend. Also blend a little above the dark line.
5. Use your medium color to make various texture lines. Do this from the dark line, and the bottom of the hair strands. Blend it slightly with your light color.
6. Repeat the process, but try to darken the little strands you already drew within the large strand.
7-8. Repeat from step 1-6
15. Use a white colored pencil to add more highlights to the highlighted area. You want it to stand out, so lightly color within the lightest hair strands. You want this to be noticeable , but not overly eye-catching.
16. (Optional) Use a gel pen (preferably 0.5 mm or thinner) to add more light strands. These should be rare and spread out. You don't want them to REALLY stand out. And voila! Hair! :D
Simple digital hair shading next ^o^
Step 1 - Base color, self explanatory
Step 2 - Use airbrush tool to add some contrasting colors.
Step 3 - Define your strands. Here, I used the "Soft light" effect so that the strands and shadows I added would blend into the airbrush colors. I went outside some of my lineart to make the hair a bit more interesting.
Step 4 - Add highlights. You can define individual strands, or be lazy like me and just do light spots. It just depends on how detailed you want it to look XD
Step 5 - Yes, I redid the skin and eye. And skipped ahead... I forgot to save more pics ;-; But anyway, this is just kinda enhancing stuff. Added more white highlights to the hair, airbrushed more, that's about it. XD
Also, you can use my old hair coloring tutorial for yet another way to color digitally :3
So uh, I'm being slow with more tutorials, but I will do them... Eventually XDD Hands will DEFINITELY come soon since it's pretty easy to explain.
Now for the art I've done this week :D
School doodle of a semi-realistic Monochi! I usually have a lot of time after tests since I finish relatively quickly, so ye XD
Then, _Ryuuuu challenged me to make an attempt at the pen challenge...
Second attempt XD Myako with Neko ears!
...5th attempt I think? Random girl with scarf :3
8th attempt... Tohru Adachi from Persona 4 :3 used copics for shading this time.
I think I've gotten better since I was last challenged, whaddya think? :p
Anyway... I wanna tag now >:)
RC_Phoenix (Send it to me on Instagram, you drunkard -_-)
T0YMAK3R I know you aren't really into drawing, but why not? :D
XinYingTee Hue... Huehue ;)
Lol, it's pretty bad, but that's okay! At least I managed to remember early enough in the day that I could draw this real quick :')
Misaki: ...Hnph. Thanks, peasant... >/////> But you're right, your portrayal is awful. I am much cuter than that. But, I'll give you points for effort.
Anyway! Who's up for a 500 followers raffle? :D
I'll randomly pick one person to get a request! ^o^ (Even though I'm still working on others still XD) So all you gotta do to enter is... COMMENT A BAD PUN! Yes, make me cringe as much as you can, and you will have the chance to win a drawing! I think it's boring to just say " just uh... comment something. Or say you wanna join." Does anyone get any joy out of that? Probably not. So let's make this raffle a bad pun contest too! Whoever comes up with the worst pun will get a traditional sketch... Or maybe full out drawing? Idek XD
I've probably confused everyone... So to sum it up:
Worst pun = Traditional drawing request
Random name I pick from the punny people = Digital request
You have until November 21st, 11:59 p.m. to enter :3
Mmk, I'll just do some tags now XD
Tagged by: Scorpio_19981109
1. Hair color?
Platinum blonde/white
2. Eye color?
Bleu! Kinda gray, kinda violet, mostly blue. XD
3. Favorite book?
Uh... Idk anymore. ;-; I really don't have a favorite right now. So tragic ;-;
4. Favorite color?
Misaki: ...Calm down, slave -_-
5. Last song you listened to?
Re-education, Len and Rin Kagamine
6. OTP?
Currently... Han Han X Jim Jum (Hannah X Jumin) ;) rins-tail
7. Favorite anime?
...You can't do this to me ;-; I REFUSE TO ANSWER! I PLEAD THE, UH.. 5TH? ;-;
8. Favorite smell?
Vanilla, freshly baked sweets, freshly washed and dried laundry... Thebloodofmyenemies.... They all make me feel calm and pleasant ^o^
9. Favorite song?
10. Future job?
Hopefully animator, or artist... Anything that doesn't involve me living under a pile of cardboard o_o
11. Favorite game?
Persona 4 Golden atm. :D
12. What would you do with 1 million dollars?
...Save it. Money is something I don't get much of. I ain't spending it if I get it XD
13. Crush?
14. Fictional crush?
15. Favorite food?
...You can't do this. I have the right to remain silent ;-;
16. What did you get for Valentine's day this year?
Nah, I got candy last Valentine's day XD
17. Who would win a battle?
Uh... If we're talking me VS anyone else,
Whoever is against me.
...I don't work out, I am short af, and easily overpowered XD
18. Best friend?
Real life:
I love everyone else too, but I don't talk to anyone but these guys on a daily basis very often... XD
19. Are you da bus driver?
20. Tag people
I don't have to listen to you! Imma rebel! A trend-setter! A awesome, smexy, amazing, kawaii potato! >:(
Tagged by: MusicalDragon
1. Uh... Second favorite currently since I already answered this XD
Still haven't watched, BUT DANG THIS OP IS CATCHY! O_O
2. No. I don't do these things called "sports" *_-
3. Don't have one ;-;
4. Don't have one right now ;-; I barely ever watch TV XD
5. Uh... ;-;
6. Blue! :D
7. ...
Nah, crab legs XD
8. Iced coffee o_o Or, sweet tea ^o^
9. Still Persona 4 Golden m8 XD But Dangnronpa and Undertale are right up there too.
10. Uh...
Love is all about...
You can leave now ;-;
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