A Shota and a Loli ^o^ (OLD)
I'm gonna do a digital version of this. I was drawing in a badly lit room when I drew it, and I actually really like it. So ye. XD
He's the humanized version of TheNewEclipse's "Eclipsiraptor :D And he looks like a shota boy T_T
Next, a sketch request that has taken forever for me to get to for my Kouhai xAlienConfirmed She looks like a loli o__o
Just gotta try and do Stormy's, then I think I'm done with all the old sketch requests! :D
Tagged by TheVelveteenChibi ^-^
1. Yes, yes I do like anime! :D
2. Er... I don't have a Pokemon Go! team. I could never sign up cause the servers were always down when I tried. X'D But I'd pick team Mystic (I know that just about everyone picks that, but I have a bias for the color blue XD)
3. 4"11 1/2 ft :o
4. My favorite number... Is... Uh... 3...? I don't have one really, but I like groups of 3 so I will go with that. XD
5. Female who identifies as a potato ^u^
That was a terrible joke, I'm so sorry. XD
6. BLUE OF COURSE! :D But red is my second favorite ^u^ Wait... Am I... MARY?!
If you've played or seen gameplay of Ib, you will understand. ;-;
7. I don't play video games nyself, but I really love the simple pixel RPG games like Ib, and Undertale. Mad Father was good too, but I didn't like any of the characters so it doesn't make my favorites list. :3
8. Other? Is this supposed to be like a random fact? Idek o.o
9. I'm not on any sports teams at school, but I like swimming, it's fun^u^
10. I have a personal YouTube account, but none that I make videos on. :o
11. I fractured my left arm twice. Once in a really lame way which I refuse to speak of, and once when I tripped over my own feet while roller skating, and landed on it weird. I know I'm lame, I know... X'D
12. I've played Pokemon Heartgold, and back when I was like, 7, I had Pokemon Blue :o
13. A dog who keeps peeing on the side of the bathtub T_T
14. Kind of a a gray-blue with a tiny hint of lavender o.o
Yeah, just doing one of the tags. ^o^
Oh, and do you guys remember how I said in the last chapter that I had a deviantart account where I ironically made bad art?
Yeah, I don't. I have a DA, but that's not what I post on it XD
But anyway how would you feel if I were to make a new joke art book on here? I'd post bad art, crappy comics, and type idiotically. Basically it would just be a ridiculous meme. :3 Tell me what you think! ^-^
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