XIX: Vulnerability
December 31 2025
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An icy chill grabbed hold of Natasha as she got up from under her warm sheets and James' warm skin. She turned to look out the large window in front of her, the sky was dark but had a tint of blue. It was right before dawn. The sun hasn't shown his face yet. James shifted as he realized Natasha was no longer in his arms.
"Natalia?" He whispered.
"Da (Yes)?"
His hand ran down her back, feeling her smooth skin. "Come back to bed." His voice filled with unfinished sleep.
"Moye zhelaniye sna teryayetsya (My desire to sleep is lost)." Natasha responded as she kept her eyes on the slow rise of light.
James leaned on his arm, watching Natasha's hair fall around her shoulders. "Togda moye zhelaniye poteryano slishkom (Then my desire is lost too)."
Natasha turned to James, her hair caught in the movement. His metal arm somehow shined when there was very little light to reflect. She leaned in and planted a kiss on his soft lips, their smiles broke the intimacy. "Solntse podnimayetsya , i my dolzhny tozhe (The sun is rising and we should too)." Natasha gave him another quick kiss.
"Pochemu tak khochetsya vybrat'sya iz posteli (Why so eager to get out of bed)?" James wondered.
"Chem ran'she my khoronim yego zadnitsu , tem luchshe. (The sooner we bury his ass the better)." Natasha said with a genuine smile on her face.
Light began to pour across the dark sky, like the sun filled the moon with a hunger for warmth. It was breathtaking, seeing the sky slowly change into something grander by the second. Natasha stared at the magic happening before her eyes. The sky that was once filled with the brightest stars was now filled with the brightest light. Morning has awaken.
James stood up and held Natasha's waist as she continued watching, his lips grazing her shoulder. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Natasha said with wonder in her silent tone.
"I've seen a sky that nothing can compare to, not the sparkling nights or the blinding days. Something more detailed and delicate than any wonder. Someone with more color and blends than any piece of art hung on an empty wall." His fingers roamed her waist. "Someone with more curves than a Roman statue." His finger was now on her chin, tilting her head to his, their lips centimeters apart. "Your beauty and flaws are compared to no others, you are breathtakingly beautiful."
Natasha's eyes filled with tears. She was shocked at the answer that came out of his mouth, she never felt so vulnerable in all her years of pain and destruction. This time it did not affect her position, it made her feel like love was not a weakness. For the first time she felt so madly in love that it consumed her bones and her heart. Silence was the only thing around them, complete and utter silence.
His eyes said so much at that moment, and Natasha did not realize that James was also in a vulnerable state. He just poured his heart out to her, he was bleeding for her. A man who also went through hell and back was speaking his heart after so much betrayal in his life. It broke her heart then mended just as quickly. There was so much in this very moment that made her realize that she has always had a home.
That home was in him.
James' hands were still on her waist and his sky was still on her forest. Nothing mattered except the words that were spoken.
"I love you Yasha." Natasha whispered like they were surrounded by crowds of people, tears streamed down her face. "I love you so much it hurts."
A large smile grew across his face and tears followed behind. He never expected to open up so quickly and so soon to her but it was itching and scratching at the back of his head for so long. Her arms were now around his neck, her heat radiating off of his. The intimate line between them shattered like thin glass. His finger's raked her auburn hair as he pulled her in for one last kiss, like the sun and the moon, there was a hunger for light.
Sunlight spilled into their room, creating a spotlight around them as their kiss grew stronger. The sun's warmth protecting them from darkness.
James pulled away and held her chin in his hands. "I love you Natalia Alianovna Romanova."
Those words were forever going to sit on their lips, never going to fade away.
The morning was welcomed by the smell of pancakes and coffee. Sam and Wanda sat on the kitchen table while Clint continued making pancakes.
"Good morning love birds." Clint said while paying attention to his masterpiece.
"You mean you and Sam or...?" Natasha said sarcastically.
He took a sip of the coffee beside him. "Very funny, and what do birds eat?"
"Not black widows." Natasha winked at Clint as she picked up a pipping hot cup of coffee and sat beside Wanda.
Clint turned to James who place his hand on his shoulder. "How are we still alive?" Clint asked James who stood beside him.
"I think you're asking the wrong assassin Barton." He said while laughing.
James sipped his coffee while watching Natasha and Wanda talk, his wound was now healed and he could not stop thinking about it.
Clint looked at James. "You both look too happy today." James turned to Clint whose attention was back on the pancakes.
"How so?" James sipped his coffee again.
Clint smirked.
He then choked on the hot liquid. "No, not even close."
"Cause there's only a few things that make Natasha happy." Clint winked.
James turned back to Natasha. "Then you don't know her."
Natasha caught James' eyes and smiled.
Clint placed his cup down. "Well then, pancakes are ready!"
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