Death must be easy. That is why some people choose to close the whole book b'cuz of one chapter instead of reading all the chapters and wait for a worthy end.
Do they ever regret it? As they feel the life in them going out. Do they ever realized what a big mistake they have made? Do they feel guilty after committing such a sin? Do they ever think they have made a bad move as they take thier last breath? They ever realized that they have been living in a delusion which led them to thier end?
Yes! A delusion. Some people would call it depression or the hard time life gives. It's all a delusion of our mind. People get depressed when some certain persons leaves them thinking they don't have a life without that certain person. But in reality it's just a delusion of our mind. Your mind got rely on that person so much that you starts to think you can't live without them when in reality you, my dear are the one that you can't live without. Losing yourself in the grief of someone that have left you is the time when your soul die.
Life never gives hard time. It's us who make it even complicated. Our mind, that make us feel so weak. That make us think we are losing the war and there's no way out when in reality there are infinite ways to win the war and get out of field. But us being the 'human' we are. Have to make everything more complicated and feel defeated without even trying. We overthink where we have to think calmly. We let out our frustration where we have to take deep breath and figure things out. But no! All we do is run away from the field.
I am not saying that running away is bad. No! Sometimes you have to run away. So far that even your problems can't chase you but you can't run forever. There will be a time when you have to fight and chase away your problems. A time when you have to fight the war with your mind and control it inside of letting it tame you. And once you win, my dear you would never regret it. You would never regret sticking with your life, your struggles and read all the chapters of your life. There may be a reason to die but there are uncountable reasons to live.
And those who fight are happy in the end. They feel grateful looking back and choosing to fight instead of running away. They might regret they once have choosed to run away but now! They feel proud. They may have been scared but they took the right decision on the right time of fighting instead of running away. Instead of getting lost in the chaos of mind they found themselves in the midst of chaos. They choosed to be a Warrior in the world full or worrier. And now when they will die naturally they won't regret thier decision. They won't regret any single second of thier demise as they take thier last breath. If anything they would cherish it.
And always remember -
you are the author of your life. So write it beautifully, poetically and carefully...
-you are a Warrior...
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