lani was walking up the steps as she saw the miles guy coming ou, he smiled at her and walked passed her. she turned to see him go into his car she saw the other guy from earlier, she couldn't shake this feeling every time she looked at him
she turned away and walked inside smirking at her sister "what?" eve said as she closed the door "oh nothing... how was your day?" lani didnt want to be in her sisters business unless she wanted lani involved into it
"it was good how was the studio?" she asked her as lani put her bag down "it was good till I saw this guy" she said stopping what she was doing thinking about him, she really couldn't shake this feeling she had anytime she was around him "who was it?" eve said curiously "I dont know who he was but when I saw him this familiar feeling came to my heart and then my head started hurting, but it stopped soon after" she said
eves eyes widened realizing she was talking about lewis "weird right?" lani said as she looked at her sister, eve nodded her in agreement "very weird" she picked her phone up "I gotta go and make a phone call, ill be back" she said walking away before lani could say anything
lani went upstairs to her room "hey lani can you help me?" Brandon asked her before she went into her room" she turned towards his room and walked inside. she stopped and her eyes caught a glimpse of a poster of the guy from the studio "fuck" she said holding her head, her brother turned around and noticed her bent over with her head hanging.
"you okay? what's wrong?" he said in a worried voice, she didnt want him to worry so she put on a fake smile and went through the pain " nothing! I hit my toe, but im fine" she said lying "what did you want me to help with?" she said granting through the pain
"can you help me hang these?" he said holding up black curtains, she smiled at him "sure I can" she said as she went to one side of the window and he went to the other side. they attached them to the pole and put it on the hinge that was mounted to the wall "perfect thank you" he said giving her a hug
"welcome" she walked out and went to her room she closed the door "fuck fuck" she said over and over as the pain got worse, she closed her eyes trying to breath through the pain and something flashed in her mind it was her and somebody that she could barely make out on a beach. she was laughing and smiling and then it went away and so did her headache.
she was confused and not understanding what that was and who was with her as she barely could make the person out. it felt so real to her though it felt like she was there with them, she felt safe. she closed her eyes trying to see the flashback again but nothing happened, she sighed "you're going crazy sevyn" she said to herself
she got up and walked into her bathroom and she started the shower, as she waited for the water to warm up she looked at herself in the mirror smiling at the women she was looking at but something in her kept telling her she wasnt as happy as she put on. she pushed that thought to the back of her head tho
she played some music while she got into the shower she sang along with the song as she washed her body "I guess it's better that, It's over now 'Cause all the things that" she sung "You lied to me about Was just too much for me" she grabbed the shampoo and put some in her hand as she massaged it in her hair"I believe you are a rainbow , All the Heaven I need to see, You're my promise everlasting, ah, Where you are, I hope to be, oh"
she washed the soap out her hair, put her conditioner in her and combed it in her hair. she waited 10 minute before washing it out, as she got out the shower she grabbed her hair mask, ran it through her hair and wrapped it up as she set a timer for 25 minutes.
her phone started ringing so she looked down but didnt know the number. she was hesitant to pick up but did "hello?" she said "hello this is Jacqueline with helping hand" she said, lani remember she did work with them before she even won an award but never actually went to get it "I was wondering since now you are more public if you would do us the honor to perform a song for us" she asked hoping lani would say yes
lani walked over to her day planner that was on her computer that her manager set up to add things to the dates so lani would know "what night is it?" she said as she looked at calendar "its gonna be for January 10th" the woman said.
lani looked at the 10th and noticed she was free for that day so she added that performance to the calendar "I would love to" she said smiling, she could hear the ladies excitement over the phone "thank you so much! I will put you down now" she said as she explained the details of the night to lani and what time she should be there and everything
after lani got the run down, she gave her Jacks number who was one of her many managers and told her if she needed anything to contact him instead. they said their goodbye and as lani hung up, her timer went off. she went to wash the mask off and did French braids for her hair before she put her bonnet on
she walked downstairs and noticed she was the only up in the house. she looked at the time "10:45pm" it read on the stove, she walked over to the living room and turned the tv on. right now the Monaco news was talking about the upcoming race
which lani didnt know they even did a race here, she was gonna change the channel when that same man came cross her tv and her fingers wouldn't let her change it, she just stared at him. she couldn't fight the feelings she was having till her head started hurting again "fuck my life" she yelled out as she closed her eyes again
this time she was able to clearly see around her, she was at a local beach sitting at a dinner table, she looked around and her eyes landed on a man. she couldn't make out his feature still but she could hear his voice "you're too beautiful to be crying" he disappeared as she opened her eyes, a tear fell down while she looked around.
that flashback felt so real, she could still hear his voice in her head. she looked up at the tv and turned it off, she didnt know why every time she looked at him she would have these flashback but she wanted to find out who he was. she got up and went upstairs to bed
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