When I first discovered poetry, it was like unpacking a gift
Like a sealed dam of new words had been broken open with a rift
And suddenly I found so many new ways of expression to sift
Like a little child, I was so excited by this gift
Playing with the rhymes, making them shift
Didn't care if they made sense or not, it was terrific
Had never thought it would become just another gimmick
Now I'm in the craft so deep I touched a dead end
I feel like I can't know no better, is it the time to end?
Because the words, they feel as easy as water to bend
Even though without rhymes its really hard to fend
Perhaps I sound arrogant, but I won't defend
Fact is if you can't get better, you think you are the best
And then it is for the best that the journey ends
Cause after the glorious peak, steep decline is the only trend
And its better to walk out than to be booed offstage by a friend
Plus, I too have got sins to repent and a soul to mend
Ambition and inaction, a deadly cocktail that can send
Even the strongest ones packing back to their kent
And I must face it, no one asked me to chase it
Not all poets are meant to go for it and race it
But an idea, once settled in the mind
Won't go out and will forever remind
That there was a dream you wanted to achieve and now you can't rewind
That you can search for all you want but you'll never be able to find
What you were seeking for, cause you left it behind.
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