( All right and creds to the wonderful people that created these characters and shows, I am just doing this to expand my passion for writing. Please enjoy)
Life; life had never been kind to Theodora Fyododorovna. Even at her birth she had managed to disappoint her parents for something as simple as not being born a boy. As if a child could be blamed for that.
Her father Felix took one look at her and the frown that settled on his brow never left, at the age of three little Theo began to complain to her mother about the loud voices she'd hear whenever she came into contact with another person. Theo's mother however was too busy to care for the young girl, downing yet another bottle of alcohol while she ignored her daughter's cries.
Theo's sole comfort came from her babushka Anna. Her old grandmother that lived in a room upstairs, practically bed ridden due to her old age. Although, with one look from her little Theo, Anna's dull, dark and tightly curtained room fills with light. Anna would tell stories about her beloved Russia and sing old lullabies about the about the dangers of the forest or about the harsh winters even though Theo's favourite stories would always include wolves.
But alas, life is always too shot and at the age of seven life stripped little Theo the only light she had left in her life. Her babushka died in her sleep, Theo however knew differently because she had witnessed Felix her father walking out of the dark room with a pillow when he grabbed ahold of her hand at the funeral she saw how Felix had ended her life. That day as they lowered her grandmothers coffin into the ground Theo discovered that she was different from other girls.
Theodora would often replay the events of her early life like a movie, focusing on her memories was an escape from the minds of the other inmates as she sits on the windowsill in the common room of the psychiatric ward. Turn out that a child with the ability to hear the thoughts of people's minds and being able to see their memories from the slitest touch was a one way ticket to being ilnstotusionolised. Although it is not the minds of the other patients she finds disturbing, it's the thoughts of the guards. They have sick twisted minds and she can see and feel it all whenever they touch her and at night she'd lie awake to await her fate. Some nights she'd be waiting for them ready to fight them off, Theo would use all her powers to try to fight them off telling who ever would listen about their deepest secrets. But even with all that power she was powerless in controlling her gifts without the pair of gloves to protect her senses the thoughts and memories were paralizing so they would keep her locked up but not before her body is covered in bruises and cuts.
However on this day she heard the voice that stood out between the sea of whispers. A woman walked into the facility along with two men in black suits, the red headed woman was tall and dressed in a very peculiar manner.
"Oh dear, a beauty such as yourself should not be wasted away inside these walls it is absolutely criminal and I will not stand for it!"
Theo meets the eyes of the redheaded woman suspiciously trying to read her. The woman however just smiles.
"My name is Myrtle Snow, I am a-"
"I know why you're here" Theodoras voice spoke softly her voice hoarse, it had been years since she last spoke.
"Ah, yes! You are have a truly remarkable gift Theodora that is why we come to collect you to help you control your powers" Theo shocked her head.
"It is not a gift it's a curse" Theo replies.
"My dear Theodora women are taught from a young age not to stand out, something that is quite preposterous. We are not normal women we are witches and as such we need to stand together against the feible minded." Myrtle sighs, "Come with us child and you will have a life worth living, a home, a family."
Theo breaks the intense stare she has been giving the redheaded woman, her soft words whispering promising proposals. "If I go with you I am walking down a path that will lead to my death"
"All roads lead to Rome dearest and we shall all meet our maker eventually, but life is the journey not the destination."
Myrtle was right, even Theo would have to be a fool not to agree with that. Theo had often seen the colonial mansion in the streets of New Orleans in her dreams, she'd lay in her bed and listen to the laughter and agony she will experience inside those walls. Although anywhere was better than here. Myrtle took one last look at the girl and stood up from her place next to her on the windowsill and Theo looked at the gloved hand of the elder woman that was right in front of her and she grasped it firmly with her own as they walked out together never to return.
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