chapter 15 (edited)
Sejal goes to flashback
Approx 5 year ago
A room in show. In that room a girl is sitting at edge of bed near window. She is checking random messages. She look outside the window and thinks how their life changed in some months. Than a boy with an unconscious figure enter the room due to which that girl come out of her thoughts and turn toward the door. Her expression changes to horrified one. That girl revealed to Sejal.
Sejal's pov
It is night time. I am sitting in our hotel room checking some random msg. I mean doing timepass and I looked outside window thinking about Riddhu. How much vansh bhai care for her. Because of her death Riddhu goes in depression but vansh bhai is always with her. He always try everything to divert Riddhima’s mind to make her happy. Doctor told us to change environment around her so that’s how we ended up in delhi. It’s been a month and now Riddhu is recovering. We all her happy that in these one month she didn’t get panic attack. with a voice I turned to door of room and found vyom standing their with unconscious Riddhu. Seeing her in that condition I shouted.
S : Riddhuuuu…
Sejal pov end here.
Then with the help of Sejal vyom lay her on the bad then Sejal ask
S : Vyom what happen to her. She is
with vansh bhai right then...
Vy : I don't know I was going to meet
her and vansh . And in the way
I found her unconscious. I tried to
call vansh but his phone is
switched off
Sejal tried to call vansh , and as vyom said , his phone is switched off till now. She look at vyom and he gives 'I-told-you' look.
S : I am here with Riddhu you go to
your room.
Vy : but how can I leave sunshine in
this condition and moreover you
can't order me.
S : Vyom I know you will take orders
From Riddhu only. I am just
requesting you.
Vyom and leaves not before telling her that he inject Riddhima a particular medicine of hers and now she will get her concious on morning.
Next morning, Riddhima is shivering (shaking) in her sleep. Vyom and sejal rush to her. She get up with jerk and started breathing heavily saying
R : He... he... Sna... Snatch... My... My...
S : Riddhu calm down... Sshhu....
calm down
She make Riddhima drink water. Riddhima become somewhat normal. Then Riddhima notice she is in hotel room. She is trying to figure out. Vyom sense this and tell her that he found her on road in unconscious state.
S : but how you reached there. You
were with Vansh bhai right.
Listening this Riddhima huges Sejal and started crying ,keeping her head on her chest. Lock her hand in side of Sejal waist. Saying
R : He snatched from me seju. He snatched my everything seju. He snatched.
Riddhima is crying and repeating same thing again and again. After sometime Sejal break the hug wipe her tears. Again make her drink water. Now Riddhima’s crying convert into sobs and hiccups. Then she become somewhat normal. Vyom asked
Vy : Sunshine now tell us what happened and what vansh snatched from you
R : today I told vansh who killed her but when he listened the name of person behind it he became very angry. I know he will get angry but he blamed me . He also said I don’t trust him that’s why I started my investigation.
S : what… Unhe ye to sochna chahiye tha ki tu unhe intentionally hurt kiyu karagi.
Vy : exactly
R : You know he said as he hide that he is a mafia and I hate mafia that’s why hurt him intentionally. He said I don’t deserve to be his.... how can he… he snatched my
And again started crying and saying
R : Seju , why he did that with me. He
snatched my everything in a blink.
After her death I thought vansh is
with me but he...
She cry her heart out. Then Sejal make her eat her medicine. With effect of medicine Riddhima goes in deap sleep
Vyom goes from there to knows vansh where about. After sometime he returned and informed Sejal that vansh leaves for Mumbai. Listening this Sejal become angry how can he leave Riddhima here.
Seeing Riddhima's condition sejal became determined that till she is with Riddhima she will not let vansh come again in Riddhima's life.
Flashback end
Sejal tell Sia what happen that night. Although she also didn't know what actually happened between vansh and Riddhima.
S : She lost her. We all know
importance of her in Riddhu's life. And then that separation trigger her and she again start having panic attack. It take 3 year for her get out from all these.
Sejal's eye clear show how much she hate that person now, whom once in point of her life she gave the position, respect and love that a brother deserves.
S : once I with you played cupid in
their love story. And now see how
destiny played now I myself want
Mr Raisinghnia to stay far away
from her as possible.
Saying this Sejal chuckled sadly.
After listening all this Sia is unable to say anything. She don't know who is right who is wrong , but even now she want them together again. That's why she insist Riddhima to be her physio. She very well know that Riddhima can't deny her after seeing that emotional face of hers.
She console sejal
Sia : Di you know very well that
vansh bhai is the only solu....
Se : Noooo.. he can never.
Sia : but...
Se : can't you see her condition Sia
That's it for today chapter
What vansh snatched from Riddhima. What actually happened that Riddhima is this much broken. Who is “her”. When Sejal herself don’t want Riddhima to stay near vansh then who she agreed for this mission
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