8| Brother's talk
"Bhai what's with you and khushiji?" Aakash asked cautiously gauging his bhai reaction. If he find slight irritation or annoyance in Arnav stance, he planned to run away from there even before his bhai could utter his, what the.
Arnav raised his brows at his audacity for asking this question and shrugged his shoulders "Nothing"
Aakash furrowed his brows trying to read his inarticulate brother. He know, there is surely something brewing up between them else Arnav would not been hugging her when he saw them at Gupta house.
Mustering the courage he stood infront Arnav blocking him "Bhai isn't it a good idea. We marrying sisters and there won't be any tiff between our partners and we wouldn't be forced to stay apart. I never imagined this would happen..."
"Don't talk rubbish aakash. Today is your marriage dream about that rather than investigating me" Eventhough a smile threatening to broke out from Arnav lips he managed to mask his emotions.
"I may be younger to you bhai. But I know what you are and what you like. We are living in same house bhai. I can see the difference" He couragely confronted him.
Arnav raised his brows in shock.
"If you know me so well then you know the answer for this question too" Arnav effortlessly dodged the topic and turned the table.
Akash sulked at Arnav answer "Bhai this is not fair. Won't you give me the privilege of knowing your feelings after khushiji"
"Then you'll get to know after her"
"That does mean you didn't confide your feelings with her" Aakash shrieked in shock.
Arnav cursed himself for indirectly letting out his feelings.
"Bhai don't delay to let khushiji know about your feelings. Life is unpredictable bhai. Didn't we experienced enough of it? Our.. di life was perfect till today morning that's what we thought but see now... I don't know how di would take all this.. Bhai I am scared of her reaction. Bhai..." Aakash voice cracked at the end as the conversation took another direction.
Arnav hopped from his place "AAKASH Di will not do anything like maa did. Do you hear me? She'll not leave us. She has me, you, Nani and she has our everyone's SUPPORT"
"Yes bhai, she'll not. She has us. Calm down" Aakash hugged him without second thought. He rubbed his back trying to soothe his tense muscles for first time. It was always di who will console Arnav whenever he was upset. But when the problem was about his di the tables turned. The ever stiff, indifferent brother of his accepted his effort of providing support.
He clearly remembered the day when his Bua family crumpled down. The day along with Arnav he too teased his di one or two times siding with Arnav. From the start he's always a shy boy. Maybe it was the effect of single child or maybe the patience and calmness was the result of bearing his over exciting loud mother. Di was so beautiful, so happy. Like every child he too thought, life was a smooth path with small harmless stones. But that day broke all the bubbles. Starting from ever exciting day in which no one imagined that everything will turn upside down crashing all the souls. The mistake of single person swallowed a whole family robbing the happiness of the family till eternity. Rest was not to be explained in words.
Aakash broke the hug and adjusted his spectacles averting his eyes. An awkwardness filled the room as the brothers stood with hesitation waiting for other to initiate the talk. Aakash though bravely confronted him, he felt reluctant to meet his bhai eyes whom he never openly questioned nor shared his emotions. As nature Arnav was uncertain to proceed the conversation further.
"Er.. Bhai don't you think it's high time you should take a step forward in your personal life" Aakash cleared his throat knowing he'll not get this golden chance once again if he missed it now.
Arnav shook his head "First we should concentrate on di"
Aakash face turned serious "Don't mistake me bhai. But I want to know what place khushiji have in your life"
Arnav shocked at the tone of his voice and his question "What rubbish aakash?"
"As soon to be brother-in-law of her, I want assurance of her life. I can see your love for her but other than that..." He trailed down his words and gazed directly at Arnav's stunned eyes. He's not his brother now but brother-in-law/brother of Khushi who wish to cross check the groom before handing her life to him. Just because Arnav is his bhai, he cannot afford Khushi life with him.
The stunned eyes of Arnav soon turned rigid when his brain registered Aakash words "Do you think I am playing around with her" His words and clenched jaws shows his rage.
Aakash remains calm, composed man who has only task in hand "I am not saying you're playing around with her. I am asking about her place. You always say, only di matters to you, only di has priority in your life, only Di's happiness matters to you. So I am afraid what if she fell into your prey of priority? There's no assurance that you'll not take her for granted in order to please di. What if she got hurt in the process?"
Arnav looked at him in disbelief "Aakash that was before I realised my feelings for her"
Aakash shook his head not accepting his reason "You just did now bhai. Didn't you said first we'll look after di? Even khushiji was affected by Shyam. If the truth come open before everyone khushiji also will be affected though not more than di. But wouldn't she get depressed when everyone question her. Tell me are you going to lend your support or going to keep silent planning to look into the matter later. If you're going to do so, then I am sorry to say bhai you're not loving her enough to give her the right of belonging you. I am not accusing you or anything. I am stating the fact, you need to change your priorities. If you're planning to lead a happy life with her then you should abandon your priorities and give equal weightage to both"
"Does it apply only to me or it will apply to you too?" Arnav asked with raised brows.
Aakash forehead creased in uncertain "I didn't get you bhai"
"I think it applies to you Aakash. Don't you think you're in the same position as mine though quite twisted one" Arnav saw him frowning and realised he didn't get the point, so he continued.
"Don't you think there was cold war between Payal and Mami. Moreover if I am not wrong mami was not aware of Payal's first broken marriage"
Aakash stood rooted to his spot by the similarity he pointed out.
"Don't you think everything will be out once Shyam matter come out. What do you think Mami will do? Doesn't she demand your priority? She's not going to accept Payal wholeheartedly. If Khushi was like your sister, then Payal was also my sister. Do you think I'll sit quiet if you mess with her?"
Aakash bend his head down with a small smile "Ok I agree you're elder one"
"Don't worry aakash, before problem could touch her it should pass through me. She's my responsibility. If di was my mother then she was my better half. And not to forget the whom in question will not let me do any mistake" Arnav said with smile.
"Uff... Tough night ahead for us bhai" Aakash closed his eyes as anxiousness start to spread to his system.
"Leave everything on me. Enjoy your wedding. You dreamed about this day a lot" Arnav said placing his palm on his shoulder in assurance. Whatever assurance they keep throwing to each other, deep down they know this night would not be easy.
"Hey Aakash, nannav what are you chatting without me"
They both sighed seeing Nk coming inside with chips pocket on his hand.
"Aakash don't be a spoilt sport like nannav. Today is your marriage" Nk sneered gobbling the chips.
Arnav shook his head in despair and took his mobile to call the person who can lessen his anxiousness. Moving aside to the poolside he dialled her number.
"Khushi..." He whispers as soon as call was attended.
"What happened arnavji? Why are you sounding dull?" She cooed from another side.
He gripped the mobile phone tight in his fist as the strange urge of wanting to see her hit him hard "Di..." He couldn't whisper more than this. He fear if he spoke more than one word he'll broke down.
"You're there for her" She repeated what she said few hours before.
"But I ne.. ed.. YOU. Will you be on my side when.. she face the horrible truth of her life? Will you be my supp..?"
On the other side Khushi who was on mission to make him to say the three words got worried hearing his vulnerable voice. Not wanting him to break down she chirped from other side.
"Is this a question to ask? I'll be there soon arnavji. Wait for me"
Arnav lips stretched a little as her, wait for me reminded him of his order at morning. He said to her in the same way she's saying.
"I'll be waiting..." He whispered and added with smirk "You know I have little patience"
"I know, I know.. laadgovernor..." Her annoyed voice boomed before it got end. Arnav rubbed his forehead with a smile. The worried heart got rest as soon as he was done with her phone call. The restlessness he felt ceased spreading silence. Who knows it must be a Silence before storm!
Update after a long time, so how is this?
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