"Did I heared it right? Or my ears are ringing in the shock of seeing Arnavji's/Arnav beta's calm posture?" This was the thought running on the would be bride mind and as same with two other elders.
They three stuck their index finger on their respective ears and rubbed them harshly in attempt to clear their misconspection. Still the scene was was same. Khushi fingers rested comfortably on his left arm while he's looking at her without blink.
Confirming they're not hallucinating by pinching themselves and hissed when it pained, they called them.
"Arnav beta..."
"Hey Sankadevi..."
Every calls went on deaf ears. Payal, Garima and buaji shared a knowing glance. They're not blind nor innocent to understand the looks Arnav and khushi share yet they couldn't digest it. They're always north and south. If khushi loves sweet he's allergic to it. If khushi loves chai, he loves black coffee which was blunt according to khushi. If khushi loves to eat on dhabba his preference was always high end air conditioned restaurants. If khushi loves desi he was sophisticated. If khushi loves to talk non stop, he's a complete introvert. If khushi loves simple things, his choices always carries an aura which screams his extravagant. If khushi prefers to walk to reach some destination, he prefers cars or maybe airplanes when khushi loves train. If khushi is aloud which attracts half of the population, his looks and richness appeal everyone. If khushi loves to mingle with everyone he prefers aloof even better he'll escape from there. If khushi was upset she'll do few tonnes of jelabi while he screams at the person's face whoever dare to disturb him. If everyone love to befriend with her, they'll not dare to go near him. From the day khushi met him, all she did was to curse him, chide him, scold him, complain about him, challenged him, standing against his each and every thoughts and decision. And the top priority was own by khushi's friend devimaiyya while he'll never turn towards the direction of the temple. Could these big differences be overlooked? No... But they can't deny the fact that there was some wavelength passing between them. The scene happening before them was evident for that.
Is this called Opposite attracts? Are they both into each other? Can it be possible? Arnav and khushi can't be in the same line or Can they? Is that's why khushi always talk about him? She never talked about shyam like she do about Arnav even before they came to know his true colours. Was that mean she loved him from the start? Is this why she refused for marriage?...
As their thoughts were conversing over the scene unwrapping before them, the sole reason of their thoughts were busy in their own world where everything else was out of their head.
Khushi's eyes fixated on him without blinking, her fingers froze on his arm hearing his sorry.
Why is he saying sorry? For which reason his sorry is valid? For which insult she should consider this sorry? Should it be for his misbehaviour on that night when they meet for first time? Or Should it be for releasing her video on news channels? Or Should it be for sending her into that crumpling building? Or Should it be for every insults he hurl at her whenever chance was given? Or Should it be for making her wait today?
Even if he's sorry for every little thing he had inflicted on her, could she accept him? Could she forget her torn heart when he was the one who tore it? Could she overcome the insults without keeping it in heart? Could she forget the horrible heart break she had faced on diwali night? Could she let her heart beat and fly again without fearing for rejection? Can she risk her heart again despite knowing there was plentiful options out there for him to hurt her? The answer was a BIG NO... She is not ready to face another heart break and this time it would be more painful and manifolds hundred times than earlier if it breaks again. She can't bear the ruthless ASR once again when she was experiencing a caring, doting Arnav. This time it would be mutual from two sides, she is not going to face another situation like diwali night. Determined on her thoughts she stepped back making Arnav frown on losing her contact.
Pulling her forward at instant he took her palms and put it on his forehead.
Capturing his thoughts and wish she stubbornly took her hand back with straight face. His frown turned into anger when she refused to look into his eyes.
"Why are you withdrawing back dammit?" He yelled in low voice through his gritting teeth.
"Why did you come here? What help do you want?" She asked without meeting his eyes.
"That was not the answer for my question" He said keeping tab on his anger.
"Even what you said was not an answer to my question" She shrugged her shoulders while her insides are screaming for her stupidity. When everything was going fine what was the need to go back and make it as square one?
She waited for an outburst but that never came instead she was spun around and went crashed against his chest. She placed her palms on his sides to balance herself with her dilated eyes. She never thought he would do something like this in the hall. Gasps echoed on the hall.
Damn.. They're standing in the hall. Anyone can come in at any time. Wait, buaji, amma and jiji was standing here when he arrived isn't it... She thought racking her brain and it took no time for her to gasp when realisation dawn on her. Her hug, her banter, her pushing them away and behaved as if he only exist, everything came crystal clear on her brain. She squirmed on his arms.
"Leave me Arnavji.." She wriggled her arms against his torso.
When she turned around to notice her family he forcefully turn her chin towards him.
"What is rummaging in your pea sized brain? All was going well dammit, why did you withdraw back now?" He yelled tightening his grip on her caring not to hurt her like earlier.
"Why did you say sorry to me? Whom am I that The great ASR is asking apology" She retorted back in irritation when he refused to leave her. It would be a lie if her question came out of her mouth was the result of irritation, she knows which button should be pushed. She is not the same naive girl who fought against her heart not knowing the name of the feeling she felt for him on the diwali night. It was not only the physical desire that made her submit herself to him when he was drawn towards her. Then she doesn't realise her love but now she does...
Her words instigated a fire on him. How dare this chit of girl to retort back? You're complaining as if you didn't love that quality of hers, his heart mocked him following his useless egoistic brain.
Yeah..So what? Is it a rule that she should always back answer me? Or just because I love that quality it was not needed for me to bend to her, his brain intervened not to let his heart win.
Then why the hell do you said sorry? His heart smiled in victory when his brain was searching for points to back answer.
Overpowered by his heart he took hold of her right palm from his torso and placed it against his thudding heart.
"Because you deserve it. For all..." He stopped too ashamed to admit his reckless behaviour.
Khushi's breath hitched in throat, her next set of saliva was left unswallowed in shock.
Not only her there're other occupants too. They turned as mere spectator when they were left unacknowledged. Who thought they would see the ASR indirectly proposing to the person whom he claimed to hate from the start.
His eyes lowered in guilt automatically, while her palms shivered feeling his heart galloping against his rib cage like hers as if they're in some competition.
It syncs with me...
The thought made her smile amidst of her astonishment.
'Still he doesn't said the three words' The voice was heard distant in her brain.
"Bhai.." Everyone spell broke down when they heard the panic filled voice.
When they darted their eyes to the source of the voice all they saw was a profusely sweating aakash, with moist eyes, shivering hands and a half broken specs on his eyes. His watch was dangling for its life. His shirt and pants were covered with dust. His hairs were ruffled here and there clearly showing he ruffled it in worry. His face screams restlessness, worry, anxiety, pain, hurt and fear.
That's all for now. How's it? I am planning to turn this into an ff. Hopefully twenty chapters with lot of twist and turns, new characters, drama with lot of arshi bond. Unlike my other stories, this would be fully focused on their bond. Can't promise an mind blowing romance but hopefully their bond will appeal you. Are you guys exited?
Stay tuned!
Thank you very much on your support on previous chapter. It means a lottttt♥️♥️♥️♥️ I was overwhelmed when you guys voted on first part even before the story took its shape. Very very thank you guys♥️♥️
Hope you all like this update!!
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