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Heart my body, mind and soul
To whom I say this, you'll never know
Your lies like bullets pierce my soul
For now my heart is anything but whole
Barely breathing with labored breaths
Having died over a thousand deaths
I plunge myself into the darkness
For who would ever want this mess?
For some questions are better left unsaid
For all you know, I might be dead.
To all the victims of bullying, I'm so sorry you deserved so much better.
Some of us were allowed to wear ourselves out by sobbing our soul out and there are some who aren't allowed to show what they feel on the inside. I was one of them too.
There will always be people who'll tell you that you aren't the only one who has goes through this, that there are others out there just like you who may have to go through a tougher time than you have. Just because they say that doesn't mean what you've gone through isn't valid.
People will say that you should cover up the scars you received from what you've had to go through because it'll remind you of a time when you were weak, I think the scars you bare make you stronger and are a reminder of the fact that you emerged as a survivor even through these rough times.
While I never had anyone stand up for me or tell me to never lose hope, I'm being the for you by telling you this:
No matter what people say or do, stay strong and remember that you are worth being loved and fighting for. Don't waste another moment thinking about the people who don't respect you as a human being because they aren't worth it.
You are perfect just the way you so don't let this messed up world change you.
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