Sexy Suds Car Wash
(Forbes house) Estel's POV
It's been four days since Damon hurt Caroline and I have not heard from him since. I got a message though saying he'd left town. More likely Stefan has him locked up somewhere. Anyway I'm in Caroline's room and I finally asked her about what happened that day she was hurt.
"I remember the party. Damon came up behind me, and he was kissing my neck, or biting my neck. I passed out. It's like there's holes in my memory lately. It's just weird. Maybe I let him bite me" she says.
"Well he's gone now and out of our lives" I tell her.
"Can we just not talk about it, ok? Don't want to talk about Damon. I don't want to talk about any of it. Just want to go back to normal" she tells me.
"Agreed, now I have to go pick out a bikini for tomorrow" I tell her smiling. I leave her room and hear a knock on the front door. I go answer it and see Bonnie. "Hey Bonnie, here to see Caroline?" I ask her.
"Yes, she is helping me choose my outfit for tomorrow" she states.
"She's in her room, have fun" I tell her and she leaves. I go to my room and look at my bikinis. I decide to wear my blue one with matching blue shorts. I lay them out on the bed ready for tomorrow and go have a shower.
(Next day)
The Sexy Suds Car Wash is about to start. Caroline is giving her speech. "No friend discounts. No freebies. No pay ya laters. We are not running a charity here. No, we are not" she says.
"No we are not" we all repeat. I'm glad she's back to her old self and that Damon is gone. Hopefully he stays gone. My neck has finally healed and I no longer have to wear those ridiculous scarfs. Which I am thrilled about.
I walk over to Stefan and Elena. "The event is called sexy suds, you know" I tell them smiling. Then go back over to Caroline. She and I are en-charge of the till. "I think we are going to raise more money then last year" I tell her smiling.
"I hope so, it'll look great on my Miss Mystic Falls form" she tells me smiling.
"Every little event helps" I tell her. "Are you on the dance comity this year?" I ask her.
"Of course" she says smiling. "I already have outfit ideas planned for each decade dance" she adds.
"Of course you do" I say rolling my eyes and she shoves me lightly. I chuckle. Just then Elena approaches us. "What do you need Elena?" I ask her smiling.
"Hey, we're out of towels and those shimmy things" she tells us.
"I'll go get some more. Mind the money with Estel" Care says and leaves.
"So how are things with Stefan?" I ask Elena casually as she sits beside me.
"Strained, he's hiding things from me" she states.
"I'm sure he has a good reason" I assure her.
"Estel, why are we no longer friends? We used to be real close" she says.
"I know and I'm sorry for ignoring you all these years. And for not being there when your parents died. You needed all your friends and I wasn't there for you. But I promise to make more of an effort in future" I assure her.
"I'd like that, I miss our friendship" she tells me. An elderly man approaches us. "That'll be $20. I saw you last night. You were talking to a friend of mine. At the grill?" she asks him. As I take the twenty from him.
"Well, I...I thought it was somebody I knew" he tells her.
"Stefan Salvatore" Elena says.
"Nah, it can't be. It's just my mind playing tricks on me" he tells her.
"Where do you think you'd seen him before?" she asks him.
"When I first moved here, I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house" he answers. "Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. I mean, none of us knew he was even here until the attack" he states.
"The attack?" she asks him confused.
"His uncle got killed. Mauled by an animal in the woods" the man explains.
"His uncle? Zach?" Elena asks. She's close to figuring out what the Salvatores are. Should I wanr Stefan and stop her?
"Mm-mmm. Joseph" the man says shaking his head.
"I'm sorry, sir. I don't think I'm familiar with the story" Elena tells him.
"Oh, how could you? I mean, this happened years ago" he tells her. Just then Tikki approaches us.
"Grandpa, you gotta go. Mom wants you home. Ok?" she tells the old man. He nods his head and starts to leave. "He wasn't bugging you, was he? He's a little alzy-heime" she tells us.
"No, he was sweet" Elena says and leaves.
"Tikki I have to stay here with the money, could you have someone sweep the pavement?" I ask her.
"I have the perfect person for the job" she tells me smiling. She grabs the broom and walks away. I continue to serve the customers.
"Fire!" someone shouts. I look up to see Bonnie focusing on the wet ground. With her powers, Bonnie starts a fire and Tiki's car burns. I sigh and mutter a spell and the fire goes out as Stefan stands in front of Bonnie. I go back to the till.
The car wash ends with no farther accidents. But Caroline and Elena never returned. I was worried about both of them. But I got no feeling of Caroline in danger. I was packing up when Stefan approaches me. "Hey, have you seen Elena?" he asks me.
"No, not for a while" I tell him.
"You think she went home?" he asks me.
"Most likely, but not sure" I say shrugging. He thanks me and goes to leave. "Hey. I'm not saying this for you. I'm saying it for her. But she's big on trust. So whatever you're holding back from her, the more you try to hide it, the more she won't stop till she figures it out" I tell him. He nods his head and leaves.
I pack up everything and go home. I see Caroline home talking to mum. "Mom, if I want to talk boys, I'll call dad. At least he's successfully dating one" Care says and goes upstairs.
"Well that was dramatic, I'll talk to her mum" I assure her.
"Are you still dating Damon Salvatore?" she asks me curious.
"We weren't dating and I haven't heard from him in days" I tell her. "Don't you have work tonight?" I ask her. She nods her head and gives me a hug before leaving.
Picture above of Estel in her car wash outfit and on the external link of the Sexy Suds Car Wash.
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