Senior Prank Night
Estel's POV
"How goes your end?" I ask Katherine as I got ready to leave. I'm late meeting Caroline and the others. I promised to help with senior prank night. Even though I graduated.
"We should have his location soon, what about you?" she asks me.
"I feel like he is here already, I'll do everything in my power to stop him" I tell her. "Tell Damon, I said hi" I add before hanging up. I left the house and start to drive to the school. When Caroline calls. "Hi Care, I'm on my way" I assure her.
"Can you get more toilet paper and red cups?" she asks me quietly.
"Already in the car" I lie.
"You're a life saver" she states. "Eta?" she asks.
"Five minutes" I tell her. I hear a bunch of mouse traps go off. And everyone groan.
"Ohh! Oh, come on! Seriously?! Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!" I hear her shout. I laugh and hang up. I pull into the service station. I grab toilet paper and cups. I was paying for them when I have a vision of Care in danger.
I arrive at the school and run to the gym. I see Klaus snap Tyler's neck. I raise my hand holding him and his sister in place. "Ah wondered when you would appear" Klaus says with a with.
"Where's my sister?" I demand.
"No idea" he tells me.
"Really?" I ask and start to chant. His sister screams in pain.
"What are you doing?" he demands.
"Killing your sister" I tell him as she sags in relief. "Now tell me where mine is and let us discuss this mutter like civilized people Niklaus. Otherwise Rebekah here dies" I state.
"So you're her reincarnate" she groans.
"Yep" I say. "Niklaus?" I ask.
"You kill her, I kill your sister" he states. I chant and he falls to the ground in pain.
"I am more powerful then you give me credit for Niklaus, do not test me" I tell him. As I let him relax.
"Rebekah knows where she is" he states.
"Good she can take me to her" I state.
"Not until you tell me how to make my hybrids" he tells me.
"Not going to happen" I tell him. "I'm a dead woman walking anyway. I am not going to give her another reason to kill me" I sate. "You want to know how to make your hybrids, ask her yourself" I tell him.
"Fine, I will" he states I release him along with Rebekah. "You know what I want" he says looking at Bonnie. "Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena...for safe-keeping" he tells her. He grabs Elena's arm and looks at her. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Matt. Rebekah looks at Elena.
"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier" Rebekah states. I have a flash of the original.
"Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?" Klaus asks her.
"No, she is going to take me to my sister" I tell him. "But by all means bring Tyler along" I tell her. She grabs him and drags him over to me. "Lead the way and Klaus if my sister dies. So does yours" I tell him before leaving with Rebekah.
'Kill Elena' the voice snaps.
'Not until I know my sister is safe' I snap back.
"You hearing her now?" Rebekah asks me.
"Not your concern" I tell her.
"You look just like her, well how I'd expect her to look at your age" she states.
"Yeah, well I'm not her. Just a reincarnation, created to stop Klaus from breaking his curse" I state.
"I knew my mother was powerful. But never knew she was that powerful" she states.
"Your mother had many secrets. Then again so do you and your brothers" I state. We reach a classroom and I spot Care unconscious. "Caroline!" I shout and rush to her side. I sigh in relief, when I see she only had a snapped neck and would wake soon. I kiss her forehead. "So glad you're safe little sister" I say. I take off a necklace and put it on her.
"What's that?" Rebekah asks.
"None of your business" I tell her. "I take it he died with Klaus' blood in his system?" I ask nodding to Tyler.
"Yes, if Bonnie succeeds he will be Klaus first hybrid" she states.
"And your mother will have another reason to kill me" I state.
"We could protect you, I mean we are technically family" she tells me.
"I have a family and I will die to protect it" I tell her. "Besides no one can stand against your mother if she ever returns" I state. "She gave me magic back and can take it away" I add.
"She's dead, how much power could she have?" she asks me. I give her a look. "Right, she created you from beyond the grave" she matters. Care wakes and I hug her tightly.
"Estel" she says hugging me back.
"Don't scare me like that little sister" I tell her.
"I'm sorry" she tells me. "Tyler?" she asks.
"Dead for now, but may live" I tell her.
"What's going on?" she demands.
"Think of it as he's having a nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid" Rebekah tells her. I notice her playing with Care's phone. She finds a picture of Elena wearing her necklace and storms off.
'Kill Elena now, otherwise I will kill your mother and sister leaving you alone. Forever and always' the voice tells me.
'You would not' I sneer.
'I would' she states. I look at my sister conflicted. I can't lose her or mum. 'Elena or them' she tells me.
'Fine' I snap at her as tears fill my eyes.
"Estel, you ok?" Care asks me.
"I'm sorry Care, I have to do this. To protect you and mum" I tell her as I get to my feet.
"What are you talking about? Do what?" she asks me.
"Better if you don't know" I tell her. I kiss her forehead. "I love you Care, always and forever" I tell her and left. I track Elena to a hallway. I grab her and pull her into a classroom.
"Estel, am I glad to see you" she states.
"I'm sorry Elena, she's giving me no choice" I tell her.
"Who?" she asks confused. I start to choke her. "Estel, that hurts!" she shouts.
"I'm sorry Elena, it was you or them" I tell her. I go to snap her neck. Except someone snaps mine and my world goes dark.
Third persons POV
"We've got to stop meeting like this" Klaus states. "Now why would you friend try to kill you" he muses.
"She said she had no choice. It was me or them" Elena coughs.
"Well then, lets test a theory shall we?" he asks her with a smirk. He has Stefan turn off his emotions and feed on her. Before having Tyler drink her blood and he becomes a hybrid. He smirks happily and has Elena taken to drain her of blood. He put the unconscious Estel in his car.
When Damon appeared name drop Mikael. He saved Elena while Klaus fled. Leaving his sister, but taking Estel with him. Estel wakes up on the road. "Where am I?" she asks.
"Not in Mystic Falls" Klaus tells her. She glares at him. She attempted to use her magic. But nothing happened and he smirks. "Something wrong?" he asks me.
"She took it back" Estel mutters. "You succeed" she adds as she starts to breath hard. "Oh god mum, Care I'm so sorry" she says as tears fill her eyes.
"She threatened your family, of course" he says. "Well rest assured, as long as you don't go against me. I'll ensure she never touches them" he tells her.
"You can't stop her, if she wants to come back and kill my family. She will" she states.
"Not while I have her locked away in a coffin" he states. "Now, we have much to discuss. But first we have werewolves to hunt" he adds. Estel sighs and looks out the window. Worrying about her family's safety.
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