Leaving Mystic Falls
Third Persons POV
Elijah is driving himself and Klaus to Alaric's apartment to collect Katherine. Before Klaus would reunite Elijah with their family. Not knowing Klaus will be daggering him again. "I learnt something while you were running around in wolf form" Elijah states.
"Oh about what?" Klaus asks him.
"About Estel Forbes" Elijah tells him.
"Ah so you figured it out" Klaus says with a smirk.
"I suspected who she was, just needed a witch to confirm it. Which Dr Martin did before his death" Elijah states. "What will we do with her?" he asks.
"Personally I was all for killing her, but if she leaves us alone. I see no reason for us to attack our mother's reincarnation. Besides something tells me she won't be alive for much longer" Klaus tells him.
"Why do you say that?" Elijah asks him confused.
"She's been hearing our mother's voice, she was created to prevent me from breaking my curse. And she failed, mother won't allow her to live" Klaus explains.
"Mother is a powerful witch, that explains Estel's power. No doubt mother also helped her get her powers back also, even though she's a vampire. Guess she's a hybrid now" Elijah states.
"Yes, but no where near as powerful as she was as a witch. Good thing Rose killed her" Klaus states. "Ah here we are, lets collect Katerina and leave this town" he suggests as Elijah parked the car. Elijah nodded his head in agreement. Though he wished to speak to Estel about his findings, and vowed to return in future to talk to her.
Estel's POV
"Must you leave?" mum asks me.
"Yes, I want to explore the world before college" I tell her. Which is true. But not, why I am leaving town.
"Does Caroline know you're leaving?" she asks me.
"Nope, I'll call her on the road" I assure her. "And it won't be forever" I add. "I'm an adult now mum and have graduated high school. I promise to stay in contact" I assure her.
"Just be careful out there" she tells me and gives me a hug. I hugged her tightly before grabbing my suitcase and put it in my car. I get in and drive to the Salvatore Boarding house. Stefan had asked me to come over and I promised I would. But only to ask him to look out for Caroline in my absence.
When I arrive, I didn't expect to see Damon trying to kill himself. I tackle him away from the window. "Are you crazy? Where's your day light ring?" I demand.
"Get off me" he groans.
"Thanks Estel" Stefan says as he joins us. He grabs Damon. "You're not doing this" he tells him.
"Just did. You know what happened to Rose, Stefan" Damon tells him. Stefan uses his super speed and throws him in the cellar. While I shut the door behind him, locking it.
"I don't care. You're not dying today" Stefan tells him.
"Werewolf bite?" I ask Stefan and he nods his head. Damon remains on the floor but turns to look at us.
"What's the plan, Superman?" Damon asks Stefan.
"I'm gonna find a way out of this" Stefan tells him.
"Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one" Damon tells him.
"I got Bonnie looking for something, anything. I'd appreciate if you could help her Estel" Stefan tells me.
"Always the hero, Stefan. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with" Damon tells him. He starts coughing and rolls onto his stomach. He coughs up some blood on his hand.
"Lie still. Conserve your strength" Stefan tells him. We then go upstairs.
"I'd love to help Stefan, except I was planning on leaving town today" I tell him.
"Really? Why?" he asks me.
"Yes and not your concern. I actually came here to ask you to watch over Caroline in my absence" I tell him. "I don't know if a cure exists, but suggest to Bonnie to ask the witches. A hundred witches may know if a cure exists" I state.
"Thanks, I'll suggest it to her" he states. "Of course I'll watch over Caroline" he assures me. "I gotta go see Alaric, I'm going to get him to come look after Damon while I talk to Bonnie. Think you can stay until he gets here?" he asks me.
"Of course, good luck with saving Damon" I tell him. He smiles and left. I decide to go help myself to a blood bag. When I reached the basement, I notice Damon hallucinating. He returns to his senses. "What were you hallucinating about?" I ask him.
"Would you believe me if I said you?" he asks me.
"Nope" I tell him. "Judging by the look on your face when you returned to your senses. It was either about Katherine or Elena" I state.
"You'd be right" he admits. "It's getting worse" he tells me looking a the bite mark.
"You've survived this long, I'm sure Stefan will find you a cure. You know when he puts his mind to something, he won't stop until he sees it through" I state.
"I don't believe one exists" he tells me.
"The chances of one existing it slime, but if one exists. Stefan will do whatever it takes to get it for you. Just like I would for Caroline if she was bitten" I tell him. "Thanks for protecting her by the way" I add.
"Whatever" he mutters as Alaric arrives.
"He's your problem now, good luck" I tell him. He nods his head and I left the boarding house. I get a text from Caroline asking me join her and the others in the square to watch Gone With the Wind. I sent her one back, saying I couldn't make it and was leaving town. I said I'd be back after summer and keep in contact. Then turned off my phone, to prevent her from calling me.
I know it's wrong to leave without saying good bye in person. But Caroline would never let me leave and if she did. She's insist on a farewell party. Whereas I would rather slip away and not cause a big fuss. Hopefully with Klaus gone, their lives will be normal and Caroline will be safe.
If only I knew what was about to happen, I would of never of had turned off my phone. But everyone managed to handle it themselves. Though Stefan is now stuck with Klaus paying for the cure. And I've hooked up with Katherine to find a way to kill Klaus. Not that anyone knows. I kept that out of my letters to home. While Katherine and I tailed Stefan & Klaus through out the summer.
Picture above of Elijah giving Klaus his jacket and picture on the external link of Damon locked up.
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