Estel's POV
I arrive outside Shelia's house and beep the horn. Soon Bonnie comes out and gets into the passenger side. "How is your Grams?" I ask her as I start to drive us to school.
"She's good, but keeps talking about our families history, I want to learn something fun" she tells me.
"It's good to know your families history, so you don't repeat their mistakes" I tell her. "Anyway, Care got you your costume for tonight" I add.
"Speaking of tonight, are you going?" she asks me curious.
"Sure am, as a cheerleader from Glee" I tell her.
"You'll look hot" she says smiling. We arrive at the school and I park the car. I take her to Caroline, who is by her locker.
"One missing Bennett, see you both later" I say and leave them. I go to class. School was boring and when it ended I drove Bonnie to her house. Before going home to get ready for the party with Caroline.
(Time skip to party)
Caroline, Bonnie and I arrive at the party. We head over to Tyler, who is dressed as a gladiator. "Cider for the ladies. It's a Lockwood special" he says smiling.
"No way. Last year I was hung over until Thanksgiving" Bonnie tells him.
"Lightweight" I tease as I take a cup of cider.
"I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with" Care tells us.
"Sounds like a plan little sister" I say smiling. We clink our glasses together and drink. "You guys have fun, I'm heading for the dance floor" I tell the girls. I leave them.
I go to the centre of the dance floor as Monster Mash starts. I dance with the other students. Until I have to go to the loo. As I was heading back to the party. I see Matt, Vicki, Elena and Stefan together. "You need to back off, man" Matt tells Stefan looking angry. I frown in confusion, what is going on?
"Matt, it''s okay" Elena tells him as Vicki sneaks off. I follow her. Something does not feel right. I watch her grab Jeremy and pull him into a shadowy corner.
"Whoa. Vic, you scared the hell out of me" he says shocked. She apologizes and kisses him. He smiles and they head outside.
"Estel, have you seen Jeremy or Vicki?" Elena asks me as she appears looking worried.
"I saw them both go out back, is something wrong?" I ask her concerned.
"Nothing you need to worry about, can you tell Stefan where they are?" she asks me. I nod my head and she leaves in a hurry. I go in search of Stefan and find him outside the history classroom.
"Hey Stefan, Elena told me to tell you she's gone outback. As that's where I saw Vicki sneak off with Jeremy" I tell him.
"Thank you" he says and runs off. Feeling I should be there I go to see what's happening. So I head for the back exit as I drew nearer I hear screams. So I take off running and see Vicki gaining on Elena & Jeremy with a vampire face. I gasp and run in front of them blocking her path. Before I can even give her an aneurysm, she bites my neck making me scream in pain.
Stefan stabs Vicki with a wooden stake. Killing her and she falls to the ground dead. I hold my neck to try stop the bleeding. "Vicki! Vicki! Vicki!" Jeremy shouts as Stefan holds him back.
"Get him out of here" Elena tells Stefan. "Estel, are you ok?" she asks me concerned. As Stefan leads Jeremy away calling someone.
"I'll be fine, you should go be with your brother. I will handle this" I say gesturing to Vicki's body.
"You know" she says surprised.
"Of course I do, why do you think I let Damon feed on me?" I ask her. "I did it to protect Caroline from him" I tell her.
"I didn't know" she tells me.
"I didn't want you involved in this life" I tell her. "I'll call you later" I assure her and she leaves. I cover Vicki's body as Damon arrives. "Great, what are you doing here?" I ask him.
"Here to bury a body, I got this. You should go" he tells me.
"You're the reason this happened" I state.
"You confuse me for someone with remorse" he tells me. I try to hit Damon but he grabs my hand and stops me. "None of this matters to me. None of it" he states.
"People die around you. How could it not matter?" I demand.
"You need to leave. Your wounds are bleeding and you need to leave. Unless you want me to feed on you again" he says flashing his vampire eyes.
"Just stay away from my sister or I'll take you down" I tell him. And leave. As I head for my car I run into Caroline.
"Oh my god, what happened?" she asks me concerned.
"Some idiot got me with fake blood, you ready to go home?" I ask her.
"Yes" she says. We go to my car and I drive us home. I go to my bathroom and take a shower cleaning my neck. When I get out I disinfect it and and bandage it. Then do my teeth and put on my pjs. I go to bed.
Picture above of Estel in her outfit and gif on the external link of Bonnie with Caroline in their Halloween costumes.
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