Elijah's Alive
Estel's POV
It's been two days since I woke up a vampire. It's now the weekend and I have nothing plan. Though mum wants me to go look at nearby colleges. I told her I would, to get her off of my back. As I plan on touring the world before going to college. As I have forever to go to college now. I might even do a gap year and go with Caroline when she graduates.
"I'm a vampire now, shouldn't I live a little before worrying about college?" I ask Rose. I had gone to rant to Damon or Stefan about my college dilemma. But they weren't there, only Rose in a silk robe.
"Why are you asking me? I've been on the run the last five hundred years" she reminds.
"It's your fault I'm a vampire" I remind her.
"You were killing Elijah" she states.
"No, I was proving a point that I'm not scared of an original. I wouldn't of been able to kill him" I tell her. "Maybe in a couple decades I would of been. But now I'm a vampire" I state.
"I still don't get how you were a witch and no one else in your family was" she tells me.
"Don't know or care" I tell her. We hear the front door open. "About time you got home" I state.
"It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning" Rose states. We turn to see Elena. "Whoa. Sorry, we thought you were..." she mutters.
"Damon" I finish. "I came here to rant and he's nowhere to be found" I tell her.
"He's with Bonnie and Stefan" Elena tells me. "I came to talk to you" she tells Rose.
"Then I should probably get dressed" Rose states before leaving.
"So why are Damon and Stefan with Bonnie?" I ask her.
"They want to try find a way to get the moonstone from Katherine without letting her out of the tomb" she states.
"Why?" I ask her.
"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break. No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice" she states.
"There might be, but I doubt Bonnie is powerful enough to de-spell the stone alone" I tell her. Rose rejoins us dressed. Elena tells her how she wants to go talk to Slater. Rose's friend.
"It's a bad idea" Rose tells her.
"I agree with Rose" I tell her. Klaus can't get Elena, that's thing I won't let happen.
"No, it's not. From what Stefan told me, your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon just gave up before you got it" Elena states.
"Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it" Rose reminds her.
"Pretty good reason if you ask me" I state.
"There's more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it" Elena tells us.
"Why are you coming to me with this?" Rose asks her.
"Because you owe me. One word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping Estel and I. Especially for killing Estel" Elena tells her.
"I snapped her neck, we're cool" I tell her.
"Or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you doing this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away" Rose states.
"We're having a disagreement, okay? They're willing to risk everyone that I love and I'm not" Elena tells us.
"Thanks for that Elena" I tell her honestly.
"We were friends once Estel and I want us to be again" she tells me.
"They're just trying to protect you" Rose tells her.
"And you've proven that you couldn't care less whether I'm protected or not. So, we're back to you taking me to Slater with Estel. If she wants to tag along" Elena states.
"Why not? I'm suppose to be touring colleges. A road trip sounds fun" I tell them.
"What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?" Rose asks Elena.
"How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?" Elena asks her.
"I've been a slave to shadows for 500 years, what do you think?" Rose asks her.
"I think I know a witch who's willing to do whatever it takes to help, if you're willing to make a deal" Elena tells her. Rose agrees to take her to Slater and I tag along. Rose drives us in her sun safe SUV.
"So you both were friends? And now you're not?" Rose asks us.
"It's complicated" I tell her.
"I never got it either" Elena tells her. "We used to be as close as Caroline and I. Then in her freshmen year, she started acting like I didn't exist" she states.
"Like I said it's complicated and personal" I state. The rest of the trip was silent. Rose parks in an underground parking. We go inside the apartment building and Rose leads us to Slater's apartment. Rose bangs her fist on the door while Elena and I stand nearby.
"Slater? Slater, it's Rose. Open up!" she shouts. "He's not home. Sorry" she tells Elena.
"Mm-mm. No. We didn't come all the way out here for nothing" Elena tells her. Rose sighs and pushes the doors open using her vampire strength. We enter the apartment and start our search for Slater. We find his dead body. "Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information" she states as she looks through the papers on his desk.
"Yeah, probably to stop him from helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass" Rose tells us. Rose walks over to a set of windows and pulls back the curtains, startling us. "Tempered glass. U.V. rays can't penetrate" she tells us.
"That's handy" I state.
"I used to just come here and watch the day" she tells us. I sit at the computer and turn it on. To find it password protected. Suddenly, we hear a doorknob rattling from inside the apartment. "Stay here" she tells us and goes to investigate. She's hugged by a crying girl. Turned out to be Slater's human girlfriend Alice. Elena bribed her into getting us information from the computer.
"He was obsessed" I state when I see all the leads he had to vampires.
"Almost as much as me" Alice adds.
"What about that one? Cody Webber. They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah" Rose states pointing at the screen. Alice said she cold call him.
"Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus. The doppelgänger is alive and she's ready to surrender" Elena tells her.
"Not happening" I tell her. "I get you want to protect us, but you can't hand yourself over to Klaus. There has to be a third option" I state. As Alice left the room.
"It's either me or my family and friends" she tells me.
"So this whole charade is some suicide mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?" Rose asks her.
'Klaus cannot break his curse, kill Elena now' a voice tells me.
'No, she's my sister's friend' I snap in my head. 'Get out of my head and stay out!' I shout at the voice inside my head. I come back to the present and take out my phone calling Damon.
"Not a good time Estel" he tells me when he answers the phone.
"Don't get angry at Rose and I" I tell him. "But you need to get to Richmond straight away. Elena's on a suicide mission" I state.
"God damn it, I'm on my way. Keep her there Estel, don't let her leave" he tells me before hanging up.
(Time skip)
Damon arrived in time. He compelled Alice to forget ever seeing us and about vampires existence. We're about to leave when three men appear. Damon turns his head to look at them as Rose and Elena stand up. I stand by Damon wishing I had my powers.
"We're here to meet the doppelgänger" one of them states. He must be Cody.
"Thank you for coming" Elena says. Elena attempts to walk towards them, but Damon pushes her back. Holding her arm.
"I will break your arm" he tells her. "There's nothing here for you" he tells Cody. The man in the back suddenly drops to the floor, dead. Elijah stands behind him. Rose gasps and vamp-speeds out of the apartment. Smart girl. "I killed you. You were dead" Damon says shocked.
"For centuries now" Elijah states. "Who are you?" he asks Cody.
"Who are you?" Cody asks.
"Seriously dude? You exchanged dozens of emails about him with Slater and you don't know what Elijah looks like?" I ask him amused.
"We were gonna bring her to you. For Klaus. She's the doppelgänger. I don't know how she exists, but she does. Klaus will want to see her" Cody tells Elijah.
"That's not happening" I tell him.
"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah asks him.
"No" Cody answers.
"Well, then, you have been incredibly helpful" Elijah tells him. He plunges his arm's into the two vampires' chests. They grunt as Elijah rips their hearts out. The two vampires fall to the floor, dead, and Elijah lets their hearts drop from his hands. Damon and I prepare to fight. But Elijah shocks us by leaving.
Elena, Damon and I return to Mystic Falls. I go home and am greeted by mum. "What did you do today?" she asks me curious.
"Richmond University" I lie.
"What did you think?" she asks me curious.
"It went well, but I want to keep my options open" I tell her.
"Well I'm proud that you are taking this seriously" she tells me. She kisses my cheek. "I have to get to work, make sure Caroline eats when she gets home" she tells me. I nod my head and she left. I make Care and I dinner. When she got home, she told me about her day with Tyler. Who is really starting to freak out. I offered to help, but she said they had it covered. We ate dinner before calling it a night.
Picture above of Elijah and picture on the external link of Alice.
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