Chapter 20 - See What I'm Sayin
The past couple of months have flown by, Remi's parents decided to spend more time here so they can spend time with Estebana and catch up with my parents. Since the four of them have reconnected, my parents seem to be in better spirits. Today Estebana and I are spending Saturday afternoon together while Remi is at Estelia's.
I have been working with Estefania on a plan to propose to Remi. Remi and I discussed having a formal wedding but she hasn't mentioned it in a while. I know she has been preparing for next week's Thanksgiving dinner, this is my first Thanksgiving at home. Remi hired a caterer to prepare dinner. She has coordinated everything.
I've been busy. Lo took another vacation and this time was away for two weeks. I encourage him to take more time for himself. Lo and I are getting together later tonight. He wants to go to Aria's to have drinks, we haven't been there for a while. Since it is a neutral zone we can go and relax.
In the meantime, I am going to watch all these Disney movies with Estebana, who has changed into a full princess ball gown. My baby is so extra.
Estelia's Spa
Estefania invited me to the spa to have some downtime and get pampered. After coffee this morning we went to the spa, Estefania treated me to the full spa package. A body wrap, massage, manicure, pedicure and facial. I feel like a million bucks, so I decided to get my hair shampooed and set.
Tonight I have to go to Aria's and check on the management team. Although I own ERIA's I am hands-off except for the random pop-in visits and a monthly management meeting.
I figured tonight would be a good night because Esteban will be meeting up with Carlos for drinks. After how wonderful and relaxed I feel after a night at Aria's, I'll be ready for Esteban to give me a good workout. I smile just thinking about how our night will end.
I feel the stylist massage my scalp and then apply the conditioner. She placed the steamer under my head telling me she is going to be back in fifteen minutes.
My mind wandered as I mentally went over my to-do list, The Spa has slowly gotten busier since I got here. But I close my eyes and try to enjoy the pampering.
"Yes, girl I ran into him a couple of months ago" "No he was but he is not married now". Not that I wanted to but my ears picked up on the gossip.
I heard the other girl respond "I heard he is with someone-"
Then the original girl responded, " Well he is never with her when we....and....drinks..........." The other girl who in my mind have named best friend responds "Blu .....something I don't" Her friend who I have named de lulu responds and gets her straight "Esteban has always been crazy about me since I was in college......"
My intuition kicks in. Then my voice of reason takes over. This is Miami, there's more than one Esteban. Numerous thoughts crowd my mind. My stylist reappears and I decided to file this under my Let me find out file.
The stylist leads me into the dryer room and sits me next to Delulu and Best Friend. They are both focused on each other, half talking and half reading each other's lips. Best Friend raises the hood of her dryer " Isn't that his sister over there?" They both turn and watch Estefania walk into the room, she is headed in my direction.
"Dominica, are you good?" she asks me and I shake my head yes. She moves on and checks on the other guest and then leaves the room. The girls never look in my direction. I continue to ear hustle.
I adjust the hood of my dryer, giving me a reason to change my position and get a look at Delulu and Best Friend. One of them has long locks and the other girl I couldn't see. I fake adjust my hood and lean back.
They continued to talk for the entire hour I was under the dryer but I couldn't hear anything, I started to think about the wedding Esteban and I talked about having. I was so against getting married when I first came to Miami and now I can hardly wait to walk down the aisle.
My stylist returns and walks me to her station, I sit and she begins to remove the rollers from my hair. When she is almost finished taking the rollers out, Delulu and Best Friend are escorted to the stations directly across from me.
Then I get a look at Best Friend and see she is a cute girl, her hair is dry and in twist all over her head, and her stylist begins to pull them apart.
Delulu proceeded to tell her friend about her man and how she plans on seeing him tonight.
My intuition has me looking at Delulu when alarms jar my system and It hits me, Delulu is the girl from the video! Instantly I feel my blood pressure rise. I calm myself telling myself I am sure there is a good explanation. The girls never looked at me and they were not speaking in a tone as if they wanted me to hear. I assess the situation and decide confidently that the girls are oblivious to who I am. Because if they did they would know how they have just put themselves in danger.
My stylist finishes my hair, I have to give myself credit I could easily pass for at least a junior in college with my hair all bouncy like this and a bare face. Taking care of yourself sure pays off.
While I change into my street clothes I run down what I know. What I can prove and What can I confirm to be a lie. I'm left with only one choice when I realize I don't know, and can't confirm or prove any of what I heard. I'm going to trust my husband.
The Force de Femme Uzi's will be my personal security tonight. I gave my regular two the night off. I totally trust the Uzi's and I know I can have a good time when I go out. Tonight's look will be more glam than Boss's. I want the night to be how it was when Merci, Lani, and I were in college before I started the business. I miss those days.
The carefree college girl comes out of me and I dress in a silver sequined outfit, crop jacket, and short shorts. I paired it with my spiked red bottoms. Oh, I am giving old School Miami with this fit and my hair in these big curls. Merci and Lani come up to get me and I am greeted with a chorus of "Damn girl". I know I've been all business lately but I'm ready to let my hair down.
Arriving at the club the music sounds so good but everyone is waiting for DJ Breeze. He is one of the most sought-after DJs in the city outside of his private gigs he plays for my clubs exclusively.
I haven't been here since the night I asked Esteban to give me a ride. Seems like a lifetime ago and not just seven months. I hear DJ Breeze's intro and the dance floor gets packed. I leave Merci and Lani, they are going to our private section to get the party started. This is like our girl's night out and several of the Force de Femmes will be here tonight.
The business has been operating efficiently and the profits are growing. The meeting lasted less than an hour. I joined my girls. Our private section is positioned in the club perfectly. It is slightly elevated and because of the decor and design, you can't see into our area. It's perfect for me to keep an eye on everything when I am here to work.
I have just thrown back shot number four when I lift my head back up a jolt of confusion and understanding runs through my body. I soften my expression so I don't alarm my crew. I scanned the club and my eyes didn't deceive me. I see them.
I know that how I respond will determine the outcome. I nonchalantly signal for Merci and Lani to join me on my side of the section.
"Take a look" I lean back so they too have a clear view of what I see. "Remi c'mon you know it's not anything, girls push up on these guys all the time." My response shocks both of them" I know, but that is the same girl from the Video Gav sent to me" I watch as understanding washes over their faces. We all turn our attention back to our next victim.
Esteban is sitting at the bar sitting next to Delulu and Carlos is sitting next to him scanning the club. When the server comes to replenish our drinks, I have her send over a round of drinks to Esteban and his friend compliments the owner.
Esteban doesn't know I own this establishment so it will not tip him off. It's me sending the drinks. I watch their body language, it speaks to a known familiarity shared between them. Every so often he leans into her or she touches his back. "Okay, y'all want to have some fun? Like crazy college shit?" I asked Merci and Lani. They both responded "And we do"
Before I can tell them what my plan is, Charm, one of the Uzi's comes and informs me the Commander is in the building. I tell her not to worry he is meeting with an old friend. Once my team knows I am aware and haven't given any instructions it goes back to party girl mode.
The bartender serves them the drinks and the girl smiles and leans into Esteban. Esteban takes the drink and glances around. Carlos also glances around.
I text Esteban "Hey Baby" and watch as he removes his cell from his inside pocket, looks at the text, and puts the cell back.
"Okay let's introduce him to Dominica" I make eye contact with Merci and Lani who both look like they want to laugh but know this could go sideways.
"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt that girl" I tell them the truth kind of, I'm not going to physically hurt her but her mental may be fucked up for a minute after my show.
Before the Uzi's we played each other's security, we could communicate with our eyes. The three of us slip into that mode, I turn my neck to crack it and relieve some of the tension I feel. I want to knock the shit out of Esteban for being so stupid but what I do next will be far worse.
Merci and Lani walk towards the bar, Lani positions herself behind Carlos but at a distance, he doesn't notice her, Merci does the same and stands behind Delulu. If I approach Esteban with my team, it will set his crew on high alert. And I don't want to bring that type of attention to us.
I pull my phone out and walk up to Esteban, I position myself between him and Delulu. Ignoring her I lean into Esteban "Commander are you too busy to answer my text". This happens so fast that Delulu and Esteban are caught off guard. Because he is who he is, the shock doesn't register on his face but I know he is a bit nervous.
"I was-" he begins but I cut " You were just out here cheating is that it" I fake like I am about to set shit off but that is the farthest thing from the truth
Delulu begins to ask what's going on when Merci steps to her in a real polite voice she informs Delulu " You should mind your business when married people are talking" BOOM first bomb lands and Delulu turns to face Esteban
I move in closer and wedge myself in between his legs, his arms automatically circle my waist and he leans in to kiss my lips. I know Delulu has witnessed this because I hear the intake of her breath.
"Oh excuse me," I say to Delulu like I just realized I invaded her space. I give her one of my friendly smiles. Innocently I turn to look up to Esteban "Who is she, because she looks familiar like the girl in the video." BOOM second bomb, Esteban's body tenses up,
Carlos has now joined in the fun, he is now standing on Esteban's side "Remi-" he begins but I correct him "You must have me confused my name is Dominica" I tilt my head at him, and give him the evil eye. "If I was Remi, bodies would be dropping right about now." I tilt my head to the side, where several of the Force de Femme are posted up.
Carlos looks down at Esteban but Esteban's full attention is on me.
I get the reaction I want. He stands down, not only do I outrank everyone in this room, I'm married to his best friend. A wife trumps a friend all day. At this point, Esteban hasn't said a word. Then he makes the introduction.
"Dominica, this is Sabrina" I look at her with a blank expression. I count the seconds until I see her brain connecting the dots and realize I am the girl from the Spa.
"Sabrina, this is my wife Dominica". The look of utter dismay on Sabrina's face taps at my heart. Until I remember her conversation at the spa, the "she is never with him when I see him comment" I speak before she has a chance.
"I know you may see him alone but he is not, even when I am not around I am around" I peek over Esteban's shoulder and the Femmes raise their glasses. Sabrina observes this and addresses Esteban. "Wow, Esteban somethings never change" time for the final bomb.
"Oh but they do, I actually will pull the trigger and won't miss" I say this and look down at her shirt and there is a red dot, and because I don't discriminate between the cheater and the cheatee they both can get some, I nod to the one on Esteban's chest. BOOM!
"You see what I'm sayin'?" I look at Sabrina and hope she does. "Because I am a benevolent woman, is there anything you have to say to my husband, say it now." She looks at me and the only thing holding her tears back is hatred. I know the look well. "Nothing" she responds and pushes back from the bar, getting off of her stool she walks away. Without a look back. I will give it to her because she is a strong woman.
Esteban arms are like a vice grip on my waist. I don't say a word, I pick up his drink and take a sip. "Well okay then, I'm going to go back to my girl's night out, you boys stay out of trouble" I remove myself from Esteban's hold and wink at them as me and my crew hit the dance floor.
We have been on the dance floor for one song when I hear Pitbull Culo and see Lani dancing her way over to us "Really" I say to her as I shake my ass to the beat. "You said college days and you know this was one of our favorite songs, especially after tequila shots" Merci chimes in " She is right now come on " and drags me into the middle of the floor where we suddenly have space.
Song after song from our college days played and the shots kept coming.
Before I got too far gone I let them know I was leaving. " Thank you, guys, for giving me the best girls' night out I have had since college." I hug and kiss Merci and Lani and Salute the Femmes that are in the area. I walked back to the bar and as I expected Carlos and Esteban were still there, I noticed they had a couple of their men posted up close.
Walking up to Esteban his men nod their greeting to me, I run my hand down the back of Esteban's head and whisper in his ear "Did you drive?".
Esteban turns his head to look at me and then gets up, and looks at Carlos before taking my hand and walking me out into the cool night air.
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