Chapter 19 - Necessary Lies
I am not sure where to begin. We have been sitting here talking to my parents for over four hours. I've experienced so many emotions and explaining how I became the Zador is going to bring all of my emotions to the forefront. I think about how much has happened and realize this is the easy part.
"I will give you an abbreviated version because that story will take all day" I start. "When I left home, I went to school and one year on Raphael's birthday I thought about how little I knew about why he was killed '' My parents are both looking down holding hands.
"I heard parts of what happened when you and Mommy would have conversations. And the rest were put together while I was in Law school." I pause to remember the first time I saw my brother's name on a court document, and then the police an autopsy report.
"Once I found out the legal aspect of what happened, I did more research and put it together. I am surprised that you and Mr. Baptiste was connected because he never came up on any of the documentation. The police report said there were three victims: Raphael and young woman and a mall security officer. "
"I began to research more and it led me to this underground culture that I wasn't aware of. I began to pay attention when I went out and began to learn who the different crews were and how they moved. I had never noticed it before." I thought about my reaction every time I learned something new.
"Around the same time I started my legal consulting, some of the people I worked with were a part of the culture and learned more from their perspective about what happened" It always amazed me how much dudes who were real gangsters loved to gossip.
"My business grew as I helped some of the major players who I learned are Commanders legitimize their businesses. When I started taking on those clients I started going by Remi-Blu" I know my parents were surprised I even used the name.
"Just out of curiosity what name did you use when you moved here?" My father asked.
"Dominica Valez" I smiled at him "Your grandmother's last name, figures I never thought to check for that name. " He shakes his head.
"I started writing The Book of Codes the first year I started working with the different crews. I had researched all the ways that business had been conducted over the years and took the best from every era to create the current system." I paused to study their faces, a mixture of pride, surprise, and respect stared back.
"I know this is a dangerous life but I have researched every aspect and prepared myself, I learned to protect myself, I maintained a reputation that didn't allow for disrespect and I surrounded myself with exceptional people" I see the questions swirling through their brains.
"Exceptional women is an understatement, Remi's crew is the Force de Femmes," Estefania tells our parents.
"The Force de Femmes? I thought they were a group of women lawyers, they are involved in many of the charities I support" Mrs. Navarro.
"Some of us are Lawyers, others are businesswomen, those responsible for security are former military." I share.
"Why all women?" My father asked.
"I didn't trust men or male energy," I said plainly, that was the truth, men and power never mix and I refused to let a man hijack my ideas or twist them to fit the toxic agenda. Plus I was a firm believer that when women work together there's nothing more powerful
"And might I add, WE are the best Crew on the East Coast," I said while I elbowed Esteban
"You just have to brag" he kissed my cheek
"To wrap it all up, I don't ever want any children to have to live through another Summer of Bullets, or lose someone they loved," I said thinking of my big brother Raphael AKA King AKA my hero.
I watched as Esteban stood up and reached for my hand. "Excuse us for a moment," he said to our parents and proceeded to walk to the kitchen which was out of earshot of the family.
"Baby, do you want to let them meet Estebana?" I can tell he doesn't want to keep our baby a secret from them. I thought about it and couldn't think of a reason not to.
"Okay, but let me bring it up" I reached up and gave him a proper kiss while wrapping my arms around his waist." Tonight I need you" I whispered into his mouth between kisses. I felt his hand slide down and grab my ass in response. Reluctantly we ended our kiss and rejoined our family.
Esteban began to speak to our parents. " There is one more thing that we need to tell you about?" Our parents gave him their full attention. "But I am going to let Remi-Blu tell you," he said smiling, paying me back earlier when I wouldn't help him.
"Estefania, do you mind?" I looked at her and she understood what I was asking and left to do it.
Our parents continued to engage in small talk while we waited for Estefania to return. A few short minutes later I could hear Estefania talking and Ria's baby giggles.
I looked up just as they entered the room. Ria was dressed in a matching sundress as mine but hers was a lilac color. Estefania styled her hair in her favorite style which was her childhood hairstyle parted down the middle with two French braids going down either side and leaving her curly hair loose and falling past her shoulders.
Ria was so excited to see Esteban and me that she paid no attention or noticed our parents "Bonjour maman et papa" she said with a very good French accent. Esteban and I responded "Bonjour Princesse". Like I expected she reached for her father as she left Estefania's arms. Estefania took a seat closer to us this time, she stayed close when her niece was around.
Ria gave her father her full attention as he placed kisses on both her cheeks and she gave him the biggest smile. I smiled watching them when I heard my mother " Who do we have here?" there was emotion in her voice.
"Estebana, can you say hello to mommy and daddy's parents."? I ask her as she crawls over to sit on my lap finally paying attention to her grandparents.
She looked at them for a moment and then said to my mother and father
"Mommy looks like you" she giggled Bonjour Grand-mere et Grand- pere"
In one greeting she stunned my parents and made them fall in love.
Ria's eyes moved to Esteban's parents and her eyes grew wide, she tilted her head to the side "Daddy she has our eyes'' Estebana thought she was whispering to Esteban "I know" he said she composed herself "Hola Abuela y Abuelo" she greeted Esteban's parents. And just like that she had two more people to add to her fan club.
"Do you want to invite your grandparents to your birthday party tomorrow? Esteban fake whispers in Estebana ear. She nods her head several times
"Please come to my birthday party tomorrow, Thank you," she said so proud of herself. I told her that she could get what she wanted if she said please and thank you, I guess I need to elaborate. But of course, they agreed. Estebana went around and hugged all the grandparents.
Then my father asked her what her name was " Estebana Valeria Baptiste Navarro. She sang out impressing them all again. "What a beautiful name," my father said. After a few more minutes Estefania took Estebana back to Miko.
The room was quiet and was okay with it, I didn't know what to say, it seemed self-explanatory. My mother broke the silence "She is a beautiful baby?"
"Thank you, I thought she looked like me until I saw Estefania" I laughed. "She does look like you when you were young," my mother said "She definitely looks like Estefania as a child, and I see she has that hairstyle Estefania was crazy about" Mrs. Navarro laughed.
"Is she the real reason you two got married?" Mr. Navarro asked, this man is going to make me act up. In a way he was right. I created the marriage to protect myself and Ria. But becoming a family with him was on some level my dream. I wanted the man I spent the night with, and I got him. That thought helped me to regulate my tone. Before I could respond Esteban was speaking.
"Actually No, Remi-Blu didn't tell me she was pregnant until after we were married." This is why I love Esteban. We are on the same page. "Why didn't you tell Esteban you were pregnant?" I don't know who asked that question. I was to busy looking at my husband.
"I didn't know how" which is partially true, I didn't know how to get in touch with him. Today has been healing and I am happy we have reconciled with our parents. But thinking about that time in my life being pregnant and alone. I felt Esteban wipe the tears from my cheeks while leaning over so we were face to face. " I love you," he said to me and kissed my lips gently "You have done such a great job but you don't have to do it alone ever again" I leaned my forehead on his "Thank you"
I could hear our parents awww as they watched Esteban console me. " I can only imagine how hard while Esteban was away," Mrs. Navarro said. "The last five years have been a challenge but it was all worth it, I have my child, my husband and we have all of you- " I couldn't finish because I became so emotional. This time my parents came to me, my father pulled me up and wrapped me in his arms while my mother rubbed my back.
"Dominica, we missed you every day, and yes I was angry when you left and then we couldn't find you" he paused the emotion in his voice "But you could have called us at any time, I thought you knew that," he said and I believed him, the older I got I knew it was true.
"Well you two will be fine because you have us, there will be no more arguing or separation in our family and this is our family," Mr. Navarro said while waving to point to all of us.
The day was more than I could have ever hoped for. In one afternoon over drinks, lunch, and dessert we reconciled a decade's worth of bullshit and learned more about each other helping everything make sense.
The night Esteban and I made love it was emotional, filled with apology, acceptance, and vulnerability. Although we lied to our parents about our beginning the saying that there is some truth in every lie rings true to me, the truth in our life is that we have loved each other from the beginning before we really knew it we felt it.
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