Chapter 13 ~ Til Death Do Us Part
I spot Carlos sitting at the table on the phone, he has that look on his face, where he isn't playing around. I approach the table and sit down. He nods in acknowledgement
"Take some time to figure out what you want" Lo ended the call and placed the phone face down on the table.
"Business" I say inquiring about the call.
"Nah, personal" he lets out a sigh. I don't ask anything else, when and if he wants to tell me he will.
"So how are you doing today?" I know the answer but I ask out of
He shakes his head in response. Every year is different. This is an anniversary that we don't look forward to celebrating but the city won't let us forget.
With a faraway look Lo speaks softly "It's been 18 years man and It still feels fucked up" I see the pain in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath and blowing it out, he averts his gaze "Last night I dreamed about her, she only comes back around this time of year" Lo says
I'm quiet, I know his pain, I have watched him live through it for the last 18 years, I witnessed hurt create the man Lo is today.
The Carlos aka "Lo" that everyone knows is a facade. Known for being one of Miami's' most eligible bachelors and ruthless Second . People wouldn't believe it's all just to cover up the torment and anger he lives with.
"What did she tell you this time?" every year the message is different
"Same, it's time to let her go. It's time to move on '' If I didn't watch it form or fall from his eyes I wouldn't have seen the tear he quickly wiped away. So this year isn't the same, he hasn't cried openly since the day it happened.
That summer shaped all of our futures. That was the summer Lo and I knew we would have our own crew.
"I went to see her mother this morning and brought flowers." his eyes are not focused on me but I nod.
"She wants to know why I refuse to go visit her?" he leans his head back. I look around and motion for the staff to clear the area, I watch Lo shed another tear that rolls to his temple.
"I will never visit her there. Never." Raising his head he collects himself.
"I thought you were going to take some time off." I ask because every year around this time he leaves Miami, doesn't come back until the memorials are over.
"I was on my way out, when I received a phone call from the Zadors Office. In recognition of the 18th anniversary they are inviting back some of the OG's for a private event". Lo leaned his forearms on the edge of the table indicating this was serious
" A what" I asked trying to understand
"A special event from what I understand both sides will be there, it's going to set the city on fire if they do this" Los' jaw ticks as he grits his teeth.
"If you need to go, still go I can handle it," I assure him knowing he will not leave.
"Are you fucking kidding me, aint no way I'm leaving with all the crews that will be in the city. No way" Lo hit the table, his sadness turning back into anger.
"Do we know when the event will take place?"
"August, on the anniversary of the original truce" Lo looked at me and I understood the danger we faced.
"You may want to think about moving Remi-Blu and the baby while this is going on." I could see this was more than a suggestion by the look on his face.
Over lunch we discussed strategy, security and the progress of our Gun and Ammunition business. At the last Parlay we closed a deal with most of the Crews on the East Coast to let us be their dedicated arms provider. They agreed because we offered them significant discounts and promised them concierge level service.
This deal was more than a business deal for Lo and I. It was the dream of two young men who wished they could have changed the outcome of a pivotal moment in their lives.
We provided our customers with concierge service and something else they didn't know about ..built in protection. Our ammunition and arms were fitted with undetectable Identifiers that are exclusive to each customer.
We learned the hard way that the original design was not perfect, when I was charged for a murder I didn't commit. Grasping at straws when they couldn't solve the murder, the detectives pursued the arms dealer who sold the ammunition found in the victim.
It was traced back to our business, when the detectives requested court orders for all gun dealerships to provide samples of their ammunition inventory.
That is when we realized the original Identifier could be detected. I could have provided information on what crew purchased the ammunition but then our secret would have been revealed. And my crew would have been labeled as informants for the police.
Instead, I didn't fight the charges thinking I would only get five years for selling ammunition. The judge surprised us all and sentenced me to twenty years for manslaughter.
It took four years for my lawyer to have me acquitted of all charges. If I had paid more attention to my business instead of living a fast and reckless life. That type of mistake would have never happened. I didn't plan on paying for any more crimes I didn't commit and while I was away redesigned our identifiers.
Three hours later we finished our lunch, Lo headed to our headquarters and my place. I see there is a meeting or event going on In the event space. I smile giving myself credit for coming up with such a good idea.
I walk through the foyer to the elevator. Although I see that there is a security officer at the front door, the back entrance that I came through was unattended. I decided to take a quick check of the building to make sure everything is alright.
The elevator doors opened and just when they were closing I heard someone "Wait, please hold the elevator" I heard heels hit the tiles at a quick pace so I held the elevator. Without looking up I ask "What floor?" but there isn't an answer
I turn around and there right before me is Sabrina.
"Navi" I see the shock in her eyes,
"Sabrina" I'm at a loss for words, of all the women I dealt with she is probably the one who deserves an apology for my past behavior.
Sabrina regained her composure then asked, "Are you going to the Realtors On The Roof ' networking event?"
"Yes, I am" and hit the button for the rooftop. There isn't any reason she needs to know I live in the building or own the building. We walked into the mixer together only because we got off the elevator together.
We walked in just as the server was passing by with Champagne. Sabrina took a glass of the Champagne
" How long have you been into real estate?" Sabrina asks
"For a long time and you" I pass on the champagne and order a whiskey.
"For the last six years, right after-" she paused and I knew what she was going to say, right after I ruined her life.
"Sabrina, I never apologized to you for everything that I did, and I do apologize" I can tell she doesn't believe the sincerity of my apology.
Sabrina was a good girl when I met her and after six months of dealing with me, that girl was gone.
"Thank you" she touches my arm and I can see the emotion still in eyes. Clearing her throat she removes her hand from my arm and looks around admiring the rooftop decor.
"Are you still married? "Sabrina asked
I turned to answer her, and I noticed she is still very pretty.
Same caramel skin and big brown eyes that at one time compelled me to do the wrong thing. And her locks have grown so long they almost touch the curve of her ass, an ass I used to -
" I take that as a yes" she sounds disappointed
Sabrina's remark breaks the trance that had me reminiscing about the past, but I answer "Divorced."
The look on Sabrina's face is a mix between excitement and sadness.
"And you never thought to call me, hmp" she sips her champagne, I see the quiver of her lips causing me to be hit by a wave of remorse.
"I wasn't in a position too" I tell the truth. I didn't think to reach out to her because she is a part of a life I no longer want to live and loved a Navi that no longer exists.
As we stood there a torrent of Sabrina and my history surged through my brain.
Sabrina and I met when she was a sophomore at Miami University. She was young, sweet, and pretty. I can't remember where we met, that's crazy . But I remember the last time I saw her.
It was on her 21st birthday. I took her to Las Vegas, Lo and a few of the crew also went on the trip with their women. We had been there for three days. On the morning of the fourth day all hell broke loose.
Sabrina and I were caught up in each other and I was lost listening to her moaning when I heard the click of the safety being released on a gun. Instinct kicked in, I wasn't sure of who was behind me, and I didn't want them to know I was armed. I kissed Sabrina and slowly reached under my pillow for my gun,
"You going to shoot your wife?"
Adrenaline pumped through my body. I had been caught before but I never got caught with my pants down let alone while balls deep in the woman. Tina was here, her voice was calm, too calm and she was holding heat. Of all the confrontations this is the first time she has ever had a weapon other than her fist and her friends.
I slowly got up and made sure to cover Sabrina so Tina wouldn't focus on her, I walked to the chair to get my pants and put them on, Tina had her Glock on me the entire time.
Snickering Tina spoke in a calm voice "I guess you think it's okay to make me look like a dumb little wife, you think you can do whatever the fuck you want to do with no repercussions ."
I knew I was in trouble. Tina continued talking and I knew that once her attention left me she was staring at Sabrina.
"Say, put the gun down-" I told Tina with irritation in my voice but I was worried.
"PUT THE GUN DOWN" Tina laughed, "okay I will when you stop being a lying, cheating asshole, who continues to break our wedding vows, time and time again, but okay, okay I can make both things happen at once, the vows did say til death do us part"
I could hear my heart beating in the silence that followed, I remember thinking she would do it, she would take my ass out, she was beyond upset. I know that was the moment I broke her.
Sabrina gasped and for the first time she had Tina's full attention,
" So you must be the flavor of the month, you bitches love fucking my husband"
Getting caught didn't bother Sabrina, seeing me held at gunpoint didn't cause her to blink , finding out I was married didn't register but my words did
"I'm in Vegas, It's nothing" I said this to protect Sabrina, not because it was true.
"Who the fuck is she?" Tina asked but pointed the gun at Sabrina
"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders and never once gave Sabrina a second glance. Tina loved to show her power in front of the other women, as long as I acted like the women were irrelevant she would move past my shit.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sabrina's head tilt with disbelief all over her face. I finished getting dressed,
"Are we leaving now or what?" I walked to Tina stepping in front of the gun like she wasn't holding anything.
Realization hit me, this was the first time that Tina had caught me actually fucking a woman and she had tears in her eyes, I really hurt her.
"You think it that easy '' she raised the gun until it was pointed directly at my heart. This is it, a normal person would have talked nice or begged for their life but not me.
"Pull the trigger, if that's what you need to do" while she was stunned I walked past her to open the door. When I heard her fire the gun. My heart stopped. The room was quiet. Tina, I called her name and walked back into the room. Sabrina was laying on the bed with arms covering her head. Tina was in the same spot but I could see the bullet hole inches away from where Sabrina's head had been.
"The next time you decide you want to fuck around on me, I will place a bounty on your head." Tina turned to look at me and her eyes were vacant. I walked towards her and tried to take the gun but she pointed it at my head and told me to back up. She backed me out of the room. In the hallway I knew I had to take control of the situation. So I played the remorseful husband.
I texted Lo a brief run down and asked him to go take care of Sabrina, make sure she was okay and get her flight back home. I knew our celebration was over.
Fifteen minutes Later Lo texted me back to say the room was empty. Sabrina and her luggage were gone.
Getting back to Miami I called her, had my crew look for her on campus, I never saw her after that.
With the memory of the last time we saw each other fresh in my mind I had to say it
"I'm so sorry for everything, I know it doesn't make sense but I was protecting you"
With a somber expression she responded "I know"
"This is even crazier but why didn't you take my calls and hide from me?" I wanted to know because, I didn't think Sabrina had it in her to cut me off
Turning away from me she gave me the answer " I saw you with her"
I had an idea of what she saw but I let her confirm it,
Her smile was gone as she explained it all to me
" I watched you take your wife to our room not even an hour after I left. You two were basically fucking before you got into the room, I saw it and I heard you gas her up at my expense. I knew there wasn't anything you could ever say or do that would make me forgive you."
then the smile was back, wistful and almost a sneer but it was there.
There wasn't anything I could say because it was the truth. I needed to pacify my wife or else we both would have had bullets in our heads.
I lower my head, and run my thumb over my bottom lip "I apologize, I regret leaving you with such a horrible memory. I apologize for disrespecting you. Please forgive me" I look up and she is staring at me
"Navi, you have a good evening." I watched as she walked away and got lost in the crowd .
At times like this I have physical pain from being filled with shame.
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