7 ~ Camp Kick-Off
"So...tell me again why you're staying up there..?"
Lev didn't even try to turn to look at me as I sat upon his shoulders, heels tucked against his ribs and pulling his shirt taut.
"Momo and I are at war, so it only makes sense for me to have the higher ground. You don't mind, do you?" At least I was making myself useful, tying the net to have it ready for the upcoming practice matches.
"Nope, you're not even heavy! I just don't want to get kicked again if he gets mad about it." Despite being one of my constant captors during my escape attempts, Lev had quickly become my favourite of the younger team members. Not only because he was a kind person, but because we both shared the same raw talent of pissing my nephew off.
"Don't worry, if he's mean to you I'll put Nair in his shampoo. Then he'll be short and bald." I promised, quite seriously, absently toying with his silvery hair. It was nice and soft, and I found it pretty unfair that he, a man, had better hair than I did. And eyes. And everything.
"I heard that!" Yaku shouted from across the gym, where he was discussing something with his fellow third year boys, Kuroo and Kai. "If you're done with that, can you set some tosses for Lev and Inuoka? They need the practice but Kenma ran off somewhere, as usual."
I wanted to say no, and get under his skin a little more, especially since that morning he had gone through my bag and 'confiscated' my cigarettes, but I had promised Kuroo I'd try.
"I have no idea how to do it properly, but sure, why not?" My answer caused more than just one double take. All three third years stared at me, and even Lev tilted his head back, eyes wide.
"You'll actually toss for me?" The kid sounded thrilled, and beamed when I ruffled his hair again, smiling back.
"Mmhmm, but first we have to figure out how I'm going to get down without breaking my neck."
Once Kai had helped me down from Lev's shoulders after a good five minutes of struggling, I got to work tossing basic sets for the first years. I wasn't very good, but they were all kind enough to keep that to themselves so my pride could remain in tact.
"That one was actually pretty good, (L/N)." Teshiro complimented as Inuoka smacked the ball over the net, and I moved to pick up another one.
"Thanks, but I'm no Kenma." I replied, spinning the ball between my fingers before throwing it into the air, Lev jumping but not even bothering to hit it when it barely reached the height of the net. "Damn. My bad."
That was my cue to take a break, immediately spinning around and heading towards the gymnasium doors, where Bokuto and Akaashi, along with the rest of the Fukurodani team, were entering.
"Sup, home skillet?!" I lifted my hand, bracing for impact as Bokuto gave me my requested high five with the perfect amount of vigour.
"Did'ya watch that video I sent?! We so have to try it!" Haphazardly slinging his bag to the floor by the wall, he began to walk with me towards where the seniors of my team were congregated.
"What video..?" Kuroo asked as we reached them, narrowing his eyes a little as he looked between us.
"Oh, it was p-"
"Shhhh." I placed a hand over the boy's mouth to shut him up, lowering my voice. "If we tell him, then it'll compromise the mission." Bokuto looked utterly confused for a few moments before he finally understood that I was just stirring the pot, and he nodded along with me.
"Nothing. It was nothing at all, my man."
I could tell that Kuroo wasn't too happy being kept out of the loop, and it was funny to see him trying not to pout about it.
"I didn't know you two were such good friends already." He commented, and I took the chance to tease him more, giving the Fukurodani captain a tight hug around the middle.
"Are you kidding? He's my best friend. He's my pal. He's my home boy. My rotten soldier. He's my sweet cheese. My good time boy."
So are you, though. It's just fun making you squirm.
"Oh, so you were the one who told her to edit my face onto the damn Lorax?" Yaku crossed his arms over his chest and glared us down, which only caused us to erupt into each other in a fit of laughter.
"I'm sorry, but it fit so well!" Bokuto wheezed, already pulling his phone out to show the others, who in turn also began to laugh.
"If it makes you feel better, I also made this one of Lev." Digging around in my chat with the captain, I found the edit I had made of the first year, where I had turned his entire body into a leg. Snorting, Yaku snatched my phone, calling to Lev to show him.
Well, would you look at that? He's not a tightass all the time...
More people I hadn't met before began filtering in, and I gravitated on over to Coach Nekomata so I wouldn't be forced to greet them all. He was happily sitting and watching everyone, and I took a place beside him.
"You've been a lot more proactive lately. I'm glad to see it." He welcomed my presence with a smile, and I reciprocated.
"Gotta lull them into a false sense of security so I can make my great escape." I joked, for the most part, and he rewarded me with a hearty chuckle.
"Catching you before every practice has been a fantastic team building exercise, so I'm keen to see what your next move will be."
I love this old codger. Maybe I can go live with him instead?
"Once Karasuno arrives, things will get interesting." He continued, and I tilted my head, keeping him in my peripherals as I watched Kenma creep back into the gym from wherever he had been hiding out.
"Oh, yeah, the Crow Boys, right? Kai mentioned something about a dumpster battle thingy the other week. Old beef?" I asked, legitimately curious.
"An long standing rivalry between schools. Cats versus crows. Land against sky. My old friend may have retired, but this will be the year we finally get that showdown, I can feel it." Something in his voice changed when he answered me. This was something he was passionate about.
I wish I was that into something...
Before I could continue our conversation, Yamamoto came scurrying over, yanking me to my feet and pushing me along by the shoulders.
"Easy, Tiger! Is this an abduction?" I allowed him to walk me along, all the way out the doors to where a bus was parked.
Stopping me in front of some boys, Yamamoto stepped forward and flourished his arms all around me, donning the most prideful grin I had ever seen on any man, woman or beast.
"Behold, my good men...The ultimate lady manager!"
Playing along, I gave the pair a coy little wave, shifting closer to my mohawked junior.
"Tiger, you're embarrassing me..." I whined a few thousand octaves higher, grabbing ahold of his sleeve. I probably should have warned Yamamoto that I'd be acting the part, but hey, his reaction was just as funny as the baldy's and the pocket rocket's.
"Y..Yeah, w..well, we've got two now!" The hairless one held his fingers out, trying to one up my buddy. I wasn't going to have that. Not on our home turf.
"Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you so much for teaching me all about spiking techniques the other day. You're the best ace a manager could ask for." Leaning on my tip toes, even though I didn't really need to, I pecked a nice, clean kiss to his cheek before skipping off, hearing the three of them hollering behind me.
Boys are a strange breed.
"Uh, why are the three stooges freaking out..?" Kai asked me as I re-entered the gym, hands in the pockets of my shorts.
"Oh, that? I just fluffed up Tora's ego a bit. Managerial stuff. Don't worry about it." I waved him off, acutely aware of the suspicious looks both Kuroo and Yaku were giving me.
"Right...Anyway, Daichi, looks like you're missing the runts of your litter?" Kuroo turned to a guy I hadn't noticed before he'd been addressed.
"They'll hopefully be along later. You know how first years can be." If they were anything like ours, then I could understand.
"Where's Bokuto?" I piped up, looking around the gym but not being able to spot him.
"You're our manager, remember?" Kuroo was the first to respond, setting his hands on his hips. "Never you mind where he's at. We'll be starting soon."
Ohoho? I didn't think he'd get jealous for real...
"Why don't you go introduce yourself to the other managers? Suzumeda and Shirofuku from Fukurodani are over by the coolers." Yaku nodded to a pair of girls who were chatting away between themselves.
"Kiyoko and Yachi should be somewhere around here, too." Daichi added, but I wasn't exactly into that idea.
It wasn't that I didn't like hanging out with other girls. Quite the contrary, I loved girl time, but I wasn't exactly the type of person to make friends easily when it came to my own gender. I tended to overthink things too much, and say stupid shit. With guys that was all well and good, but other women? I felt inferior.
"Cool, cool...once I've seen what level Kenma is up to." I quickly dismissed myself, starting over to where our introverted little setter sat hunched over his gaming console. This was going to be a long few days, I could tell, but it would be fine. If I got bored, I could just dip out for a while.
Who'd even notice?
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