14 ~ Like, Like Like
Team The Best: Bokuto as team captain, myself, Washio, Fukunaga, Shirofuku, Inuoka, Konoha, Anahori and Sarukui
Team Ballin': Kuroo as team captain, Kenma, Akaashi, Yaku, Lev, Kai, Suzumeda, Yamamoto and Teshiro
Not everybody could make it, which was a shame. I had really been looking forward to seeing Hinata and Tsukishima again, but I could understand that it was a big trip for a single day of paintball.
"Last chance to fix your loyalties, Runaway." We were all geared up and ready to set out into the field, and Kuroo stood there, gun in hand, smirking because he just knew I wasn't going to change my mind.
"May The Best win." I stood proudly next to Bokuto, who had gone full camo extreme for the occasion. Army dreamer, eat your heart out.
The rules were simple. Last team standing wins. We'd paid for the whole day, so whoever won the most would become the champions. I was pretty confident with our team, despite having wanted Akaashi and Yamamoto, but we still had some heavy hitters.
We started out at opposite ends of the wooded course. Our game plan was extremely straightforward, which would no doubt contradict Kuroo's tactical brilliance. Storm in, guns a'blazing. It was just Bokuto's style, and mine too. That was why I stuck close when we finally began.
"We need to keep our eyes peeled. Kuroo will set traps." I had to take much larger steps to keep up with the Fukurodani captain, all the while trying to avoid stepping on the crunchy dry leaves.
"That's why we go for their big guns first. Him, Kai, Yaku and Akaashi. Blow the brains out of their team in every way."
Heh. Blow their brains.
My only goal for the entire day was to annihilate Yaku. It was the perfect way to get my revenge on him without actually getting into any kind of trouble, and the thought of it had my trigger finger itching like mad.
"So, what do you think of Kuroo?" When Bokuto spoke up I could hear faint gunfire in the distance, which meant that the game was really on now.
"Hmm? Kuroo? He's my bro. Needs a hairbrush, but he's cool." I mumbled my thanks when he lifted a branch out of my way so I could pass through.
"Yeah, but you know what I meant." Of course I did, but what was I supposed to do? Admit it? No way.
"Apparently I don't, my dude. What are you really asking?" We paused when a rustling sound came from up ahead, holding our breaths until we realised it had most likely been some kind of bird.
"Like, do you like him? Like, y'know, like like?" Trying to ignore the fact he had started speaking the way of the teen movie queen bee of highschool, I snorted out loud, again pausing in case I had alerted the enemy to our presence.
"So...you're asking me if I wanna bang Kuroo?"
Now I was just aiming to toy with my companion, who was growing kind of frustrated by my feigned ignorance.
"No! Well, I mean, yeah, eventually, but would you date him?!" He barked, but thankfully he kept it low, otherwise we would have likely been bombarded from every angle.
"Did he put you up to asking me this, or are you just trying to play cupid? Either way, how can I know you won't go running to him once we finish up?" It was a genuine question, and it would greatly impact how I chose to answer him.
"I know I'm loud but I don't spill secrets, (N/N)." He pouted, motioning for me to crouch lower as we reached the treeline, stumbling upon a clearing. "I just think you two pair up nice. He's too chicken to ask me to talk to girls for him. Believe me, I've offered." That was actually pretty endearing, and I decided to be somewhat honest with him.
"Honestly? I guess I do like him, in a way. He's got wit, he's intelligent, and God knows he's attractive..." I set one knee on the ground as I crouched, paintball gun being used to prop myself up. "He's an amazing guy, and friend, and that's one of the reasons why I wouldn't get with him."
I could feel those huge, owlish eyes staring directly into the side of my skull after I had said that, but I kept mine forefront, on guard.
"But you just said you like him?! How does that make sense?!" He was starting to get louder now, and I slapped my free hand over his mouth, lightly bumping his teeth in the process.
"I've tried dating friends in the past, and it never works out. Things get weird, or you start getting annoyed by things that never used to be a problem. I'd prefer to keep liking him, if that makes sense to you." I hoped it did, because I really didn't feel like delving further into it. At least not while we were in the midst of a war.
"I guess...Doesn't make it any less stupid, though, if you ask me..." I didn't expect him to get it, but it was fine. There wasn't much point in explaining my other reasons to a man like Bokuto, either. He'd definitely find an argument against each short coming of mine I'd list, and it's what made him a good person. "Personally, I think friendships are an important part of a rela-"
I smacked my hand over his mouth again, but this time I had a genuine reason to. Out into the clearing walked Lev, as casually as if he had been simply strolling down the street. Bokuto moved to raise his gun to take the easy shot, but I hurriedly pushed it back down again, shaking my head.
This was a trap, if ever I'd seen one, and it had Kuroo Tetsuro written all over it.
"He's bait." I leaned in close to Bokuto's ear, praying that I was keeping my voice low enough. Lev wasn't exactly the smartest guy in the world, but I knew for a fact that he had enough brains to be careful in a competition. Scanning the clearing, I tried to find signs of any other life, and low and behold, something faintly rustled in the bushes almost directly across from us.
Sneaky little bastards...Sacrificing the first year to pinpoint our location...
Forcing my companion to look at me, I pointed to him, then to the bushes directly adjacent. I then did the same between myself and Lev. He nodded in understanding, and in unison we aimed to take our shots.
I hadn't expected as much recoil when I pulled the trigger, falling back onto my ass from my crouch, but thankfully Lev had been an easy target, yelping loudly when the paintball pellet struck his abdomen, exploding in a bright blue.
By the similar sound that came from the bushes, it seemed Bokuto had hit his mark as well, and I snickered when Akaashi stood up, glowering with a splatter of cerulean across his chest.
"My bad, Akaashi!" My temporary team captain apologised, though he sounded awfully proud of myself.
"No, actually, I'm the one who should be saying that, Bokuto." The setter's lips twitched upwards, and it took me all of a second to realise what was going on. Grabbing Bokuto's sleeve, I gave him a hard yank and began to run.
"We gotta HAUL ASS!" As I yelled, a complete round of painty bullets was shot in our direction, bursting into a horrendous, bloody red against the grass and trees.
"AKAASHI, WHAT THE HECK?!" Bokuto screeched, already passing by me and barely avoiding a pellet that screamed past his head.
"They're chasing us! Oi, think you can still run while carrying me?! I can take shots froOH OKAY UP I GO!" I didn't even have to finish my sentence before Bokuto had used an arm to sweep me up and over his shoulder, and I made an attempt to steady my gun so I could blast our pursuers on the go.
"Who is it?!" He asked, grunting as what was likely a branch smacked him in the face, and I squinted through the trees, trying to get a good look. Yep, just as I had expected. Scruffy black hair and a short-ass.
"Our arch nemesis..es..! N..Nemesi..?!"
My tactic of blindly shooting into the fray wasn't working, and I was trying to think of a better solution before the worst possible thing could happen. We reached the barrier fence.
"Stand behind me!" Ever the gentleman, Bokuto slid me from his shoulder and stepped in front of me, and whilst his broad figure was a wonderful shield, I wanted to fight.
"I'm impressed. You two almost got away from us there." In a very super-villain styled display, Kuroo emerged from the brush, paintball gun locked and loaded, pointed directly at us. The smirk he donned was borderline sadistic, and maybe, just for a split second, I thought it was pretty freakin' hot.
Momo's lurking somewhere...but I have an idea. At the very least, I can take one down with me...
"Oh thank God!" I pushed out from behind Bokuto and rushed towards the Nekoma captain, forcing tears into my eyes. "Did you see how he just picked me up like that?! I never said that was okay!" I wailed, finding it so incredibly hard not to smirk when my opponent's gun began to lower slightly.
"H..Hold on a sec! You to-"
"I was so scared!" I jumped right over the top of Bokuto, praying he'd realise my plan. Reaching Kuroo, I clutched my paintball gun upside down, throwing in a nice, hearty sniffle, and his brow furrowed before he shot a scowl towards his friend turned temporary enemy.
"Bro. Not cool."
Oh my god, he's too easy!
"You okay?" Kuroo allowed the gun to drop completely to hang from the support strap, and I pressed into his chest, hoping he couldn't feel my smirk through his shirt. The second I felt his arms begin to close around me, I knew he was as good as mine.
"Y..Yeah...I am now that you're here..." I whimpered, smashing my finger against my trigger and firing a shot clean into his calf. "You really made my day!"
"Ssssssson of a bitch!" He hopped back with a sharp hiss, gawking as I stood there, proud as could be. Honestly, I was a little surprised that he'd fallen for it, since he knew me so well at this point, but i was glad that he had. Actually, as I stared back into his wide eyes, it almost looked as though he was impressed.
"Sorry, Tetsuro, honey. I couldn't just let you-"
"LOOK OUT!" I barely registered the sound of a shot as I was pushed out of the way, and I saw a broad, camo-clad back block my vision before I realised what had happened.
Bokuto clutched his chest, looking down to find bright, red, painty gore dripping through his splayed fingers, then to me, before I took in a sharp gasp.
"B..Bokuto?! No! Say it ain't so, Bo!" Instantly, he made the grand decision to match my energy, more than happy to put on a theatrical performance.
"L..Looks like...you'll have to go on without me, sergeant..." He wheezed out, staggering a little to the left, then to the right. "P..Please tell my wife...that I love her...a..and that I'm sorry that...that Kotaro J..Junior...will grow up without a...father..."
"No! Sir, I...I refuse..! I'm gonna get you home to your family! I swear on my honour! Just hang in there, Major..!" Kuroo just watched our little performance, snickering to himself as Bokuto began to sway, letting out hacks and chokes every few seconds.
"I leave...the rest...to you..."
I was certain Bokuto had horrifically misjudged his size and weight compared to mine when he fell backwards, but I had also stupidly thought I'd be able to catch him. I squawked out when he completely pancaked me beneath his now limp body, and I thrashed about trying to free myself.
"Fuck, you're heavy as hell, my dude! Get off! Before-"
"Fatal error, (Y/N). You tried so hard, too..."
Yaku walked up slowly from where he had shot from the treeline, grinning maniacally with his paintball gun pointed towards us. Panicked, I did what I usually did in such a dire situation. I laughed.
"H..Hey, buddy! That was a great shot! Good game! Really!" My voice raised a few octaves as I squirmed more desperately, trying to free myself. It didn't help that my gun was also trapped beneath Bokuto, who still insisted on playing dead.
"Oh, it's not over yet." Yaku looked evil. Scary even, and I felt my brow begin to drip sweat.
"N..Now, let's talk about this, huh..?! You wouldn't really shoot your dear old Aunty (Y/N), would you, Momo..?!" My legs kicked wildly where they stuck out, and I silently cursed Bokuto for being so dedicated to playing dead.
Yaku's expression told me all I needed to know, and before I could properly brace myself, he took aim.
"Wouldn't I?" The bastard shot me directly in the inner thigh, and I yowled like a cat being pulled by the tail.
So that was it? We had talked the talk, but we had failed to walk the walk. Had it truly come to this? Had we lost the war?
"And with that, I suppose Team Ballin' wins the maAAAAACK?!" The ginger staggered forward suddenly as a burst of blue splattered across his ass, and the four of us were stunned silent as something rolled out of the bushes.
Fukunaga blinked at us a few times, bandanna tied tight around his forehead and a paintball gun in each hand.
"That makes nine. That means we win, right?"
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