Resting Easy(Chap 2)
(2 hours later)
Ugh, finally done with that crap. Who invented that punishment anyway?! Austin's two goons are taking me back to the 'thinking cell' and I'm actually looking forward to being alone for a while after what I just went through.
When we reach the door to the cell, they open it and walk me in. I think they're going to let me go and leave but instead, one ties my wrists together behind my back while the other ties my ankles together.
"Hey what's going on? Why are you tying me up?!" I ask demandingly, trying not to sound scared.
Neither answered but finished tying me up and tossed me onto the floor. They walked out the door, closing and locking it behind them.
I struggle for a while, but I manage to sit myself up-right. I take a deep breathe then look around for Raynin. By the looks of it he already left for my other cell,
"looks like I'm truly alone tonight. Guess I better try and get some sleep," I mutter to myself.
I scoot over to the nearest wall and lean back. The cool concrete wall feels nice on my back, I completely relax and close my eyes. It's silent for a few minutes but then I start to hear a silent buzzing flutter. I open my eyes and look to where the sound is coming from. I don't see anything, I stare for a moment before my eyes drift upwards and there I see a glowing ball of blue light. Raynin!
"Raynin! It's so good to see you man, I thought you had went to my normal cell?" I say, letting my relief show in my voice.
"I was actually heading there when I heard the door to the cell open, and you yelling, so I rushed right back. Are you alright, you were gone a really long time, and you look terrible. What did they do to you?" Raynin asked, coming closer as he was talking.
"Nothing too bad, just dumped really hot water on me till I apologized for what I did 'wrong'. It's not as bad as some of the things they've done to me," I explain to my little friend.
"And did you apologize?" Raynin asked, sitting on my shoulder.
"Yeah, after maybe 30 or 40 rounds. Only reason I did though was so you wouldn't get too worried," I say. Not entirely lying, but a lie non the less.
"You should have said it sooner then. I was panicking almost the whole time," he said.
"Yeah, well, you know me. Too darn stubborn for my own good," I chuckle a bit.
"I swear, it's that stubbornness that'll get you killed one of these days. Anyways, I'm glad you're alright. So why are you tied up?" He asked, hopping off my shoulder and flying down to stand on my knee.
"You know about as much as I do," I say.
"Want me to untie you?" He asked, turning to look at my ankles.
"Nah, they'll just tie me back up when they come back, only tighter. Though if you could bring my ball over here, that'd be great."
He looks up at me then nods, "Sure, no problem."
He lifts off my knee and flies over to where my ball is sitting. He gives it a good shove and it rolls a little ways in my general direction. It takes a few times, but he manages to get it to me.
"Dang that thing is bloody heavy! Why did you want it anyway? Your arms are tied up," Raynin asked curiously.
"Just to make sure I have it, don't want them taking away my only entertainment I have while I'm stuck here. Well, aside from you of course," I explain, winking at him after the last comment.
"Oh, ok . . . HEY!"
Flustered, Raynin flys over to the bed and hides under the blanket. I chuckle silently at his reaction before trying to get up on my feet. It takes a few try's but I manage to get on my feet and waddle over to the bed. I can't make out Raynin's lump of the blanket so I move to sit on the edge, not wanting to risk sitting on him.
"come on Ray, you know I was only kidding around, right?" I whisper, trying to cox him out of hiding.
I stand up and jump, my arms going under me like a skipping rope. I land on the ground, stumbling a bit, with my arms infront. With my now usable hands, I carefully grab a corner of the blanket and lift it up. I hear a tiny yelp and see movement from underneath the blanket.
"Come out, come out, where ever you are. Rayyyynnniiinnn, come on out little buddy. I know you're under there," I tease him slightly.
They're faint, but I can hear little giggles from under the blanket. A small smile appears on my face.
I'm not usually like this, cheerful and playful I mean. Usually I'm all gloomy and don't interact with anyone. Raynin is one of the few people who can bring this side of me out.
I continue to gently take the blanket off the bed, keeping my eye out for the tiny hiding fairy in the process. When the blanket is almost completely off, I see a shimmer of blue light speed from the edge of the blanket to underneath the pillow. I smile and pick up the rest of the blanket,
I carefully turn around and sit down on the bed, swinging my legs up on the bed and rest my feet next to the pillow, and Raynin. I hear a surprised squeak when my feet landed on the bed. I close my eyes and relax. Just laying there, not moving, not speaking, nothing. After a moment, I can here slight rustling from the pillow and smile. I feel him climbing the side of my pant leg at my ankle.
"You feel better now buddy?" I ask him,
"Yeah, I can never stay mad at you and it's very frustrating sometimes." He says, sitting down on my ankle.
I laugh, "you still love me. So now what?"
"I. . . have no clue. Honestly I just want sleep," he said while stifling a yawn.
I'm quiet for a moment, "did you want to sleep with me? It's probably warmer and hell of a lot more comfy,"
"Awww, you getting lonely without my company at night? Here I thought the lone wolf didn't sleep with anyone," Raynin teased.
"Screw you! Forget I asked then and go find somewhere else to sleep!" I say, turning my head in my best attempt at pouting.
I feel, and hear, Raynin fly off of my ankle and closer to my head. "I'd love to sleep with you Jake, I was only teasing you. Figured you wouldn't want your bad boy rep to dissipate. Never meant anything by it, though I do have one concern." He states.
I turn my head to look at him, "and what would that be?" I ask,
"What if one of the 'care takers' comes in, where would I hide?"
"No need to hide, you're sleeping under my shirt." I say, not feeling even the slightest bit embarrassed or weird for saying that.
"Wow you're really missing attention from me that much? Maybe that's why you're in such a sweet mood!" He winks, but flies over to the collar of my shirt.
"Ah shut your mouth!" I snark, rolling my eyes.
He doesn't reply and I feel him crawl under my shirt, scuffling around before settling over my heart. A small smile appears on my face at the feeling of him settling down, his breathing evening out, a small finger lightly tracing an old scar.
"Sleep well Raynin," I whisper as quietly as possible.
It's quiet, but I hear a muffled 'good night' reply. Yeah I probably won't get too much sleep, 'specially since it's like 4 in the morning. 'Guess I should at least try to get some sleep'. With that I relax and close my eyes, put at ease with the small weight on my chest.
To be continued. . .
Ok so big apologies for not updating anything in a while but here's chapter two! I'm going to try and post something sooner but I can't promise you anything. Hope you are enjoying this so far and if you have any comments, questions or suggestions for this story, please leave them in the comments or message me.
Squirt out🦉
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