Nightmares (Chap 4)
'Ok, so it's a lot harder to write about what I 'learned' in solitude, without being a smarta**, then I thought!' I've been sitting here, writing and rewriting, for about an hour, and almost every time I've written something, it's had some form of smart remarks that will get me in trouble. To be honest, I could care less about getting in trouble, but since Ray's here, I have to try and avoid it.
I spend another 15 minutes on it before I think I have an appropriate response written, and I raise my hand. Austin walks over and takes my notebook to look at it. He appears to re-read it a few times before closing it and looking me dead in the eyes.
"Well, brat, you did it. No smart remarks, though I can tell that it took a couple of tries. Good work. Now back to your room," Austin says.
One of the lackeys walks over and stands beside Austin. I quickly tuck in the front of my shirt and fallow with the back as I stand up. I can feel Raynin trying his best to stay still, so while I'm walking, I hold my hands over where Raynin is and press him gently against my stomach to keep him from moving. He tenses up but relaxes almost immediately. I look down, a bit surprised when I feel him cuddling up to me, and I blush a little but a small smile come to my face before looking up again, stone-cold facade back in place. When we reach my normal room they unlock the door, and I walk in.
Before they close the door, I ask, "May I have something to eat, please?"
Usually, I wouldn't ask, but I figure Raynin is probably getting hungry.
"No can do, breakfast should be up in half an hour so you can wait!" The lackey replied harshly, before locking the door.
'Oh well, I tried' I think to myself before falling back on my bed, folding my arms behind my head.
As I relax, I feel Raynin struggling to stand up on my stomach, losing his balance every time I take a breath.
It kinda tickles!
Eventually, he manages to stay standing for more than 30 seconds and begins walking up to the collar of my shirt. This tickled, even more, I'm actually having to hold in small bursts of laughter from the feeling of tiny feet walking across my skin.
Eventually, he makes it the top of my shirt and decides to lay down. I allow myself to chuckle, now that Raynin isn't trying to walk on me and shiver a bit from the feeling. Then I settle back down and close my eyes.
"You're ticklish?" I hear Raynin ask me after a few minutes.
"A bit, why does it matter?" I retaliate, opening my eyes and looking down at the small fairy on my chest.
"It doesn't, I was just asking. So what do we do for the next half hour?" He asks, looking up at me.
"Well I was going to try and have a nap before they call for breakfast, but I'm open to better ideas~," I say with a devious smirk,
Assuming that he catches my drift, Raynin appears to go red in the cheeks. "Um, nope, no ideas here! Napping is good, napping is great! We should take a nap!" He rants on, sounding, and looking, flustered.
I just laugh, trying to keep quiet because, unlike solitary, people can hear through the walls. "It's ok Ray, I was only teasing you. You can do what you want, just keep the noise down, and if you hear anyone at the door, hide!" I tell him, closing my eyes and relaxing again.
"Ok, I'll wake you in haft an hour." He says, just cuddling into my chest more. "I'll just stay here, where it's warm!"
I just chuckle before settling down and slowly drift into a light doze, keeping an ear out for when Ray calls me.
Jake just fell asleep and I'm staying cuddled upon his chest. It's warm, soft and the rise and fall of his breathing is very relaxing. I'm almost tempted to fall asleep myself but the last time I fell asleep when I promised to wake him up, I got quite the ear full. He wasn't mad so to speak, but he wasn't too happy for a few days. So for now, I just need to stay awake until I need to wake Jake up. I crawl up his chest a bit so I can check the time, it's about 6:40 so I should be trying to wake Jake here in around 15 minutes.
I decide to crawl out from the warm cocoon of Jake's clothes and flutter my wings and lift up into the air. I fly up to the window and look outside. The feeling of fresh morning air hitting my wings wakes the muscles in them. I decide to take a quick flight into the nearby woods so I can take care of some business, as well as taking a chance to stretch my wings. After about 7 minutes I head back to the window of Jake's cell and sit on the inner ledge, watching over the room. After a moment, the sound of rustling sheets catches my attention and I look over to Jake's bed.
What I see makes my blood run cold.
Jake, still asleep, is gripping the sheets hard enough to turn his knuckles white. His face is screwed up in something resembling pain or fear, he's panting heavily as if being chased by something. What really gets me worried though is when I see tears trailing down the side of his face, into his hair.
"Oh no, he's having another nightmare. I need to wake him up!" I mutter to myself,
I fly over and land on his chest. "Hey, Jake! Get up!" I call as loudly as I dare, "come, buddy, snap out of it! It's only a dream!" Calling didn't work, so I fly over and land next to his head and try pushing his cheek.
This rouses him a bit, but not enough to wake him. I decided to try pulling on his ear. This wakes him up. His eyes flash open and he quickly sits up, taking a deep breath like it was his first. I don't say anything, just let him calm down and gather his thoughts.
'Oh man, it was just a nightmare, just a dream, everything's still here, Raynin's still here. We're both safe and alive.' I think to myself, trying to calm my racing heart and gasping breaths.
Soon enough, I manage to relax, taking slow, deep breaths and carefully lying back down. Closing my eyes for a second, I take a nice deep breath in and slowly exhale through my mouth. I'm calm.
I noticed a feeling of someone running their hand over the shell of my ear, and open my one eye a bit. I see Raynin sitting beside my head with a hand on my ear, I don't say anything though. We sit in silence for a while, not saying anything, then Raynin breaks the silence.
"You alright? You want to tell me what happened?" He asks, fluttering his wings so he's hovering above my face.
"I'm . . . I'm just, fine . . . I'll be fine," I respond. Kinda stuttering at the thought of recalling my nightmare.
"Alright, you don't need to tell me about it. Just know that I'm all ears if you want to talk," he says.
". . . . thanks, man, I appreciate it." I say, reaching a hand up and brushing it along his side.
To Be Continued. . .
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comments or message me privatly.
Squirt Out 🦉
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