Pocky Challenge
Winter: Lynx why are you he--
Lynx: Why can't I be here?
Winter: Uhhh you're supposed to be in the Ice Kingdom.
Omenseer: sTOP we have another dare today from kathryn2344.
Winter: oh noesssss...
Kinkajou: gREAT WHAT IS IT???
Eclipse: Kink, chill.
Omenseer: The Jade Winglet has to do the pocky challenge. And 7 minutes in heaven.
Jade Winglet: wHAT?!
Omenseer: *hands out pocky sticks* so the pairs are: Kinkajou and Turtle, Moon and Qibli, and finally... Winter and Lynx!
Winter: But Lynx isn't even in the Jade Winglet.
Lynx(talking over him): Okay. I'd love to.
Winter: O.o
Umber: *depressed*
Moon and Qibli nibble at the stick and kiss. Winter and Lynx kiss too and so do Kinkajou and Turtle.
Omenseer: yAY YOU DID IT!!!
Winter: I hate dares. And truths. I hate this game.
Lynx: *going crazy with happiness*
Omenseer: Okay, now for 7 minutes in heaven.
Winter: nooooooo...........
Sunny: *brings a scroll and a bowl over* Here, we can use this.
Omenseer: Thanks. *writes everyone's names on the scroll and tears them out* Tsunami, draw the lots pls.
Tsunami: Gladly. *picks out 2 slips of paper* It's Qibli and Umber.
Umber: *omgomgomgomg YASSSSSS*
Qibli: Oh noes
Omenseer: *locks them in a dark cave with an enchanted door* There. Now we wait.
~7 minutes later~
Omenseer: *unlocks door* You can come out now.
Qibli: *staggers out* I am not doing that ever again.
Umber: It was great!!!
Moon(shrieking internally): THREE MOONS UMBER WHAT DID YOU DO
Omenseer: NEXT
Tsunami: *has already picked the slips* Winter and Kinkajou.
Winter: ARGH NO
Kinkajou: Yayyyyy shiny-scales
Omenseer: *kicks both of them into the cave*
~7 minutes later~
Kinkajou: Winter's so shinyyyyyyy
Omenseer: Where's Winter?
Winter: *dead in the cave*
Omenseer: Three moons, Kink.
Tsunami: Let's stop this k?
Omenseer: Good idea. K guys bye imma go revive Winter.
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