06. The new student is an angel!
The elders had a talk about the whole rumor on their dead member, and decided to shut it down until more evidence could be collected. They also decided to come together with Big Bang, considering how Seungri was their only hope in this. He was still traumatized and wouldn't spill where the enemy's hideout was, so Suho knew he had to take his time.
Currently they were back in school, after having being gone for so long.
[ Your POV ] :
"As you all know, I'm gonna be substituting for your teacher... and I'm gonna have you all behave properly like adults and not some on-crack children. I won't be tolerating any of that. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir." The whole class said together.
And the class went on with the boring lecture, as we all sat there, dying on the inside.
"Sorry, we're late!" The door swung open and there were two students; Yifan and Jongdae.
"I'm marking a tardy for you both!" The old teacher grumbled as the two boys walked in.
"Are you the new teacher? Because if you are, you're totally not my style." Kris commented with a mildly disgusted face, doing a once-over as he went to take his seat.
"What took you guys so long?" You turned to ask Jongdae who shook his head with a sigh.
"Designer boy here was having trouble finding the perfect outfit."
"Who's he even tryna impress?" Your hands start to flip through the notebook, not really paying attention to the lecture going on.
"You." Kris chuckled to which Jongdae nudges him sharply in the side, earning a groan from him.
"Where's the other designer boy?" You questioned, mentioning to the empty seat beside you.
"Tao? I don't know, probably with Suho?" Jongdae shrugged, focusing on the lecture like the bright student he was.
It was mainly boring, about how sharks are oviparous and the number of eggs hatched differ from the number of eggs that emerge from the mother's belly and how it's all because of cannibalism; this week on animal planet.
Suddenly the classroom door slid opened, revealing a.. godly attractive student. His face was porcelain smooth with those platinum locks dyed a frosted blue amongst the tips, his dark onyx hues contrasting it all.
"Give him a tardy too or I'm suing!" Kris cupped around his mouth and yelled towards the substitute who only scowled back in return, beckoning the new student over.
"You must be the transfer student the principal told me about. Come, introduce yourself."
The boy gave a swift nod and turned to face us, his smile having the other girls mumbling and squealing in their seats. Typical.
"The name's Hoseok. Shin Hoseok. But you can call me Wonho. Pleased to make your acquaintance and I hope we can be friends!" He finished off with a bow, turning to look at the teacher for further instructions.
"Good, good. Uhm.. let's see here. There's an empty seat in the back row and front. [Name], who's sitting beside you?"
"O-Oh. Zitao! He's absent today though." You stated clearly and the teacher nodded.
"He can sit in the back when he returns. Wonho, take a seat next to [name]." He spoke out, earning yet another nod from the new student as he made his way beside you and took a seat.
Chen was glaring at this new student, something not sitting right within him. Kris, however, could care less as he chatted off with his fellow female students.
"A pleasure to meet you. [Name], was it?"
Everything in your body was on high alert, alarm bells going off in your head. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body and though he appeared to be intimidating, though he looked like he wouldn't hesitate to tear you into pieces—something about his eyes were... kind.
"Y-Yes. I'm [Full Name]. And this is my friend, Chen." You didn't know why you decided to introduce him as well, but had hoped Chen would speak up or try to take over the conversation.
"Kim Jongdae and Wu Yifan, I've heard. I hope we can be really good friends in the future~"
Something about his tone seemed dark, but did it?
His smile was the sweetest you've ever seen, and he just seemed so pure and angelic all over.
Chen scoffed and went back to writing in his notes, waiting patiently for class to be over.
And in a couple minutes, it did. Freedom.
You were familiar with this soft-spoken voice and turned to face him, along with Chen who didn't want to leave your side.
"Do you mind lending me your notes after school? I could walk you home in return."
You couldn't say no to how everything smoothly rolled off his tongue, was he literally an angel?
"Uh, she's fine. We can walk her home, thanks." Jongdae's arm wrapped around your shoulder, tugging you back as he shot a glare towards the other boy.
You had no problem lending him your notes, nor did you have a problem with him walking you home.
It's been so long since you went home, and then it clicked you.
My fucking dog!
Wonho's introduction sucked, I'm so sorry! But I promise you, I'm working on everything. Plus, things might be escalating really quick in the future chapters~ ;0
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