05. Moment of truth
Luhan, D.O, Lay and Xiumin had arrived at the cemetery, cautiously checking the area for anybody before they exited their vehicle. One could never be too careful, not when they had too many enemies.
They rushed over to where Sehun was supposedly buried, and you could see just how tense Luhan was. His gaze averted with a gritted jaw, no matter how many years pass, he wouldn't be able to get over the death of his best friend.
"I'll take care of this." Kyungsoo has stepped forward, using his earth-based power to easily remove all the dirt from above the casket.
The doe-eyed boy sighed deeply, bringing his hand forward towards it as it was his turn; telekinesis.
He hesitated, he didn't know what to expect. If Sehun wasn't in there, that means he's still alive?
But if he's still in there, it would hurt more if he saw his face.
The casket slowly levitated out of the dirt, being placed onto the ground next to them with a thud.
"Moment of truth.." Minseok kneeled forward, his hands curving around the edge of the lid. Even being the oldest, he was nervous. They killed hundreds of people in their lifetime but nothing has ever effected them more than Sehun's death.
In one swift motion, the lid was removed and almost everybody stilled in shock.
It was Oh Sehun.
"Wait, how's this even possible?!"
"Exactly. So Seungri is lying to us?"
"No.. nonono! The letter! It was his handwriting!" Luhan retorted loudly, his gaze not once looking over at the dead boy. He was going hysterical. He wanted to believe he was alive.. he wanted to..
Minseok's eyes narrowed as he registered the situation. "Something isn't right.."
"Can't I bring him back to life?" Lay held his hands up, hinting at his healing powers with a frown.
"No amount of healing is gonna bring back the dead. I'm gonna have a talk with Suho and Seungri, let's head back." Minseok closed the lid and gently lowered the coffin back in the ground, sighing softly.
Kyungsoo spread the dirt around it evenly, making it seem untouched like before. Soon enough, they headed to the car and got in, except Luhan.
"The deer lose its path already?" Lay hummed.
"No, the deer is mourning the loss of its soulmate."
Minseok rolled his eyes at the comments by the other two members, his hand resting on the steering wheel as he observed Luhan from afar.
He was crouched down by Sehun's burial pit, whispering sweet nothings and just.. having a chat with him. It took a few minutes until the boy forced himself to leave the youngest's side and get to the car.
Minseok made sure everybody was in properly and started the drive back home, it was eerily quiet and awkward. There were a million questions in everybody's restless brains, but they were left unasked. The silence was almost deafening.
"Can we get ice-cream on the way?" Lay asked sheepishly. "I also don't have my wallet, so.."
"We have school tomorrow, don't get yourself sick last second, alright?" Minseok grumbled from behind the wheel, his motherly instincts taking over for a bit.
"School makes me want to throw myself off a building like Jaejoong did." Kyungsoo slouched in his seat, irritated that such thing as school even existed.
"School makes me want to go lie down with Sehun, lucky brat." Lay chimed in, oblivious to how badly that came out. His pure soul only wanted to fit in to the conversation, not noticing how Minseok tensed up slightly and glanced at Lu from the rear view.
Luhan's face remained stoic and unfaltered as he stared out the window, chin resting on his palm.
Kyungsoo had to swivel his head back and shoot his infamous glare at Lay, to which he only shrugged. He didn't know what he said wrong, when does he ever?
"Mention him once more and I'll be honored to add your grave next to his." Was the only thing the blonde boy muttered out coldly, gaze fixated outside.
Minseok rolled his eyes once more. To be in charge of such cranky children all the time was starting to be a drag, and these were gang members? Hell, Lay wants ice-cream on the way home!
Either way, the whole thing needed to be debunked and sorted out once he got home.
Was their teammate alive? Or actually dead?
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