The Twins Have Their Moments, But So Does Takashi
(Hello, and enjoy another chapter!)
How long has it been? Has it been maybe ten years since I've painted that painting? I looked at the painting of the moon and the Sakura petals and trees, sighing a bit. I heard the door open and looked behind me to see Takashi. "Oh, T-Takashi, h-hey, what's u-up?" I stuttered, and saw that his eyes had some sadness in them, and I looked up at him slightly, my expression showing worry. He sighed and shook his head, and patted mine, saying, "Don't worry about it, want to go practice in the dojo?"
I nodded, and hummed, walking to the large room that was called the dojo, the walls filled up with fighting equipment, pictures, and even a samurai costume that was hung up on the wall. I was in a loose shirt and a pair of shorts, perfect for me to train in, while Takashi was in a tight tank top and basketball shorts, but I was used to it by now, back then I used to squeak and blush whenever I saw him come in like that. I stretched out my muscles, sighing a bit in contentment when I popped my back a bit, but winced at the same time as it was overall, pain. Takashi looked at me with worry, and I shook my head, and waved my hand, then got into a fighting position. I was momentarily a black belt with two stars and a three stripes, that took forever to get to, but it was worth it.
(After Training Provided By Takashi's Shirt)
I panted quietly, having Takashi on the ground soon, and he looked up, surprised that I beat him. I held my guard up, as he could make any move he wanted right about now, with me just standing there in silence, some sweat dripping down my face. I heard him sigh and get up, and my eyes widened, and he put his hand out, smiling a small, rare smile. "Good job." I nodded, and hummed, putting my hand in his and shook it.
Mitsukuni was in the room and he giggled, saying, "You both did great, but obviously, Mit-Chan won!" I heard Takashi sigh, as a light blush came upon his tan face, and I hummed, and walked out of the room, drinking a bottle of water. I heard my personal maid that helped me back then, and I soon learned her name was Tsubaki, call out my name, and I turned around, humming, and walked towards her voice, seeing that she was in the bathroom. "Your bath is ready for you, Mitsuki." I nodded and hummed once again, saying, "T-Thank you for all y-your hard work, Tsubaki, re-really."
She nodded, and smiled, walking away and said, "I'll be back with your dinner if your studying tonight, just ring the bell, ok?" I nodded, and closed the door shut, stripping off my clothes and sat down in the bathtub, sighing quietly, my muscles immediately relaxing. I took off my wraps earlier, so I was wearing a sports bra, but that didn't mean that it was better than the wraps, oh no. It was worse, since my bra had to be pulled down all the way down to my lower back, since I had such a small rib cage. I started washing my hair, staring solemnly at the wall while I did, thinking about what happened today.
I'm sorry, Seiko, but you're just not classy enough to be in the host club. You threw their bags into the pond, didn't you? I sighed as Tamaki's voice ran through my head, and I heard a knock on the door, and covered my chest, saying, "C-Come in!" I saw Takashi's form, and sinked more into the water, being covered by more bubbles. I was used to taking baths with him when we were little kids, but now, not too much.
I felt fingers run across my back, and heard Takashi's voice, "Your scars will never heal, will they...?" I sighed, and said, "T-That's why their called s-scars." His hands then traveled to my lower back, and I winced, and he sighed, imagining that he had a frown on his face, like he always did when he saw my lower back, or my upper back. He started to message my lower back softly, and I winced, but sighed a bit, stuttering, "I-I wish this didn't k-know, to my body...I-I was just a k-kid." I looked down at the water, and looked at my scarred reflection in the bubbly water.
He nodded slightly, and ran a hand through my wet hair, like I did when I was little in the bathtub when he felt dejected. "S-So, when's dinner going t-to be ready?" "In about, twenty more minutes, I think. But you're probably going to eat in your room again, right?" I nodded, and sighed, asking, "C-Can you hand me t-that towel?" He nodded, and handed it to me, turning around when I got up out of the water with my back towards him.
I emptied the bathtub, and grabbed my clothes that I discarded onto the floor, and went to my room to get dressed into some comfortable clothes. I wrapped up my chest and lower back once again, threw on a black tank top with some black plaid pajama pants, and sat down at my desk, getting out a sheet of music I was currently working on. It was a special piece I was making, and I was going to reveal it to them soon, but I couldn't right now. After working on it for a bit, I went to drawing, since I had an art class, I was supposed to draw something that inspired me, which was the moon, and music. After I sketched that, I started studying my chemistry, algebra, and history books, since I had tests from all of them tomorrow.
I then heard a knock on my door right after I finished my last chapter of the day, and got up, opening the door to reveal Takashi and Mitsukuni. "W-What's up?" "We came to get you, Mit-Chan! Takashi said that you were probably done studying, since you two have most of your classes together, and he knew what you were studying, he also knows that it's easy for you when it comes to algebra!" Mitsukuni said, and I nodded slightly, humming, and walked with them to the table, and after dinner, I went to sleep in a peaceful bliss.
(Time-Skip To The Middle Of The Night)
I woke up with someone shaking my shoulder, and my face had sweat on it, and I just remembered I was having a nightmare. "Mitsuki, are you ok? I heard you from next door, and I thought you were hurt..." Takashi said quietly, and I stared up at him, suddenly, I hugged him. I cried into his chest softly, memories of the nightmare coming back. I was back out onto the streets, only being harassed more than I've ever been in my life time, and a dog was the last thing I saw before I heard a chainsaw, and then I woke up. I let out unsteady breaths of air, and Takashi was running his hand through my short hair.
I calmed down after a bit, and said, "T-Takashi...d-do you think I-I will be tossed b-back out onto the streets...?" I whimpered softly, and he shook his head, and said, "No, not on my watch." He ran his hand through my hair one more time, and asked, "Do you want me to stay with you until you go to sleep?" I blushed and nodded slightly, humming quietly, and he laid me back down, climbing into bed, and hugged me to his chest, and was humming a song I didn't recognize, but slowly fell asleep, but Takashi didn't leave when he said he would, instead, he fell asleep listening to his song also. That night was more peaceful than some others, in my case.
(Time-Skip To The Morning)
I trudged through the halls, finding my class I was supposed to, but was pulled away by the twins. "Hey, Mit-Chan, do you think you'll be able to hang out with us later and join in some hide and seek?" Hikaru was speaking, I could tell by the voice differences, and nodded slightly, humming. "S-Sure. I-I would love t-to." I then started walking into the class, and waited for the classes to go by, and then went to the host club room, seeing they weren't in the host club room, but they were outside with the Sakura Trees.
I saw a black and grey kimono with a Sakura blossom clip, and tilted my head slightly, and sighed, getting changed into the clothes, and walked outside, hearing some music, and decided to head towards it, seeing them running around, getting things ready. "H-Hey, am I late?" Takashi shook his head, and I stood by him, as the time was about ready to have the women come in. "Welcome ladies!" I stuttered, as usual, and some of the girls squealed and they went their appropriate appointments, and I was sitting with Minskini, Takashi, Haruhi, and some other girls that were watching Mitsukuni stir something, but he did it too long.
I nodded to Takashi and he decided to break the news saying, "You did it for too long, Mitsukuni." He teared up, and the girls blushed, saying that it was prefect for the two of them, and said that it would be too much if he made any more, which made him smile and he thanked the two women. "So, Mit-chan, I heard you like to draw, can you show us something?" I blinked and nodded, seeing that Kyoya and Tamaki left me a pad of paper with some black ink and a paint brush, and I decided to paint the girls face on the paper, and gave it to her, and blushed, saying, "I-I thought I could draw y-you, since you resemble a-absolute beauty." The two girls squealed, and I looked away, a light pink dust of blush was still on my face, but Takashi knew it was just for my act, so they didn't suspect I was a girl.
After those two clients, I was free until my next appointment, and I sat next to a small river that I didn't even know was there, looking up to the Sakura blossoms, being surrounded by the tweeting birds and peace. I heard a rustle in the bush, and turned around, glaring at it, and saw two ginger heads and sighed, saying, "H-Hikaru, Karou, w-what are you two doing? It's n-not nice to scare s-someone." I pouted slightly, and the two came out of hiding, and they both blushed at my pout, and said, "We were playing hide and seek with our clients," "But their appointment ended," "So we went to go find you!"
I sighed when I heard them transition from Hikaru, to Karou, to both, and I rolled my eyes, getting up of the ground. "W-Well, I have a soccer ball, w-w-want to play that instead?" I suggested, and their eyes sparkled, and I gave them the soccer ball that I kept on me, just in case if I was bored and wanted to play soccer, and they went to play with Tamaki, who saved Haruhi from a blow, but it looked like he hurt her anyway, and he then kicked the soccer ball out of here, and I sighed, glaring at Tamaki. "G-Great, you have to g-go get it, Tamaki." I stood by Takashi and he nodded slightly, holding Mitsukuni onto his back.
I sighed, and was apologizing to the man who got hit in the head, Kyoya giving him an aid kit and when he said the newspaper club was going to go down, I quickly backed out of the room, because I knew there was going to be some fishy business happening and I wasn't going to be in the middle of it. I went back to class, Hikaru and Karou following, and they thought I couldn't see them, but clearly, I could.
(Time-Skip to Lunch Time)
I sat outside in the rose maze that I've mapped out, since I've been visiting it for so long. I heard Hikaru and Karou, and I sighed, seeing a blueish black flower, a pink one, an orange one, a white one, a baby blue one, and a violet one, the other's were the same color, except one was a lighter red then the rest, and I saw a rose that hasn't bloomed yet, and it seemed like it hasn't chosen a color, because it was still the green before it's petals were there. I sighed and spoke up, saying, "Hikaru, Karou, w-what are you t-two doing?" They came out of the bushes and said, "Well, we wanted to hang out with you..." Karou uttered, blushing a bit. I sighed and nodded, patting the two spots beside me, them taking the seats gladly.
"So. I never thought that you would be a girl..." Karou said, and Hikaru nodded in agreement, and I sighed, taking off my coat and unbuttoned my shirt just a bit, since it was hot outside, revealing some of my wraps and bruises. "Y-Yeah, I know. S-Seiko thought I would p-pull off as a b-boy pretty well." "Isn't that Mori Senpai's mom?" Hikaru asked, and I nodded, not uttering another word. It was silent, and the bird's tweeted, and I heard the distant sound of running water, and the sweet smell of roses was what I could smell right now. I felt two hands graze my back, and I winced, and the two hands took my shirt off, and I blushed a bit, but sighed, and let them see the tips of large and small scars.
I heard Karou gasp, and I heard Hikaru growl quietly and ask, "Who did this to you?" "P-People I don't even know if t-they are alive now. I-I was token in on time, because I w-was going to die because of h-horrible people on the s-streets!" I yelled, still stuttering, and my eyes widened, and I looked down, putting back on my shirt and jacket, and ran out of the garden. The last thing I heard was, "Mitsuki, wait!"
Wait, my ass, I'm not doing it! And I kept running, panting quietly.
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