Welcome To The Jungle • Episode 1
To my friends, I'm inviting you on an exploration you'll never forget.
Meet me at the Safari Center where we'll all get on a Jeep to head to the Lounge. Also! You all have assigned roles on the back of this note! I thought it would be fun to give you all roles. Don't be late!
Coral x
Soon after everyone got dressed for their role they all went to the Safari Center
"I'm Valerie Shultz and I'm the Explorer!" She said as she walked into the Safari Center.
"What's up? I'm Leon and I'm The Archeologist" He too went into the Safari Center.
"Hey! Angelina Jones and I'm The Animal Whisperer!"
"Hello, I'm Kotoko Megumi and I'm The Lion Tamer"
"I'm Espen Lakefield and I'm the Cavalerist"
"Heyy, I'm Austin Crown and I'm the Treasure Hunter"
"I'm Luna Hemmingway and I'm The Tomb Raider!"
"Hola~ I'm Avery Black and I'm the Adventurer"
"And I'm Vilmos Olivera and I'm the Greaser"
"I'm just going to say this, but we all look hella cool" Luna said as she and the rest sound down.
"You know it!" Leon claps, everyone also agrees to this.
"Hold on, wait where's Coral?" Espen asked.
Austin~ Wasn't she the one who told us not to be late?
As they all kept talking, Coral and someone they never met before walked in.
"Hey guys! Sorry I was a little late, I was talking to our Tour Guide!" Coral said and the Tour Guide waves a little.
The guest all greeted him with either Hi's, Hellos, or just simple waves.
"Wow I didn't know the Jungle has Race Car Drivers?" Valorie jokingly says, and everyone laughs.
"I was running out of ideas, and plus Race Car Drivers are cool" Coral says laughing.
"Are we all ready to go to the Lounge?" The Guide asked.
"Wait we don't know your name yet" Vilmos said, and everyone else nodded.
"Oh, yeah, My name is Finn" Then he just walked away.
"Oh well okay..?" Avery laughed a little.
Kotoko~ Not much of a talker huh? Noted
The Group all walked outside to see 3 Jeeps.
"There are 3 jeeps, and 10 of you so there will be 2 groups of 3 on a Jeep, and then 1 group of Four" Finn said.
"Ok you can choose your group" Finn added and went into his own Jeep so we could follow him.
"Oh my gosh, this is like School all over again" Valerie complained.
Coral~ I always hated when we had to choose a group in school, and then like non of your friends are in that class and then your just having an anxiety attack- ok I'm done.
First Group
Avery • Angelina • Espen
Second Group
Kotoko • Vilmos • Luna
Third Group
Coral • Austin • Valerie • Leon
• First Group •
"Ok, so who wants to drive?" Espen asked.
"Can I drive? I'm AWESOME at driving" Avery asked only to get into the driver's seat.
"Ok looks like your driving then, just dont..crash?" Angelina said a little unsure.
Avery made a (°o°) face.
Finn came to give Avery the Keys to the Jeep
• Second Group •
"He shouldn't trust us with driving" Kotoko laughed
"He reallllyy shouldn't have" Luna laughed and Vilmos joined in.
"Ok, but actually who's driving?" Vilmos asked.
"I WANT TOO" Luna and Kotoko said at the same time
"Wait no I want too" they said at the same time again. "I SaId I wAnt ToO"
"You know what, I'll do it" Vilmos said and Finn have him the Jeep Keys after witnessing the girls conversation.
Both girls pouted for a minute before getting inside the Jeep.
• Third Group •
"We should all drive" Leon suggested
"Wait yes, let's just all put our hand on the steering wheel" Austin laughed
"With all of our driving skills combined were unbeatable" Valerie said doing a little stance where she put her fists in the air.
"Party carrr" Coral yelled and they all tried to squeeze inside of the driver's seat and passengers seat.
"Um yeah, I don't think that's gonna work.." Finn said looking at the four of them weirdly.
"Nope, Nope it's going to work" Leon nodded.
"Yup see look we're not even that crammed in." Coral said as they all tried to get into their own space.
"Who wants to drive?" Finn asked a bit amused and unamused at the same time
"I'm not driving, just because it's my role doesn't mean I'm good" Coral said backing down.
"I'll drive" Austin volunteered.
Finn nodded and handed him the keys.
"Can we stay like this?" Valerie asked, them all sitting in the same crammed spots, "yeah actually I don't think this is gonna work" Leon said as he sat in the passengers seat, and Valerie and Coral went into the back seats.
Finn took off really quick, so the driver's of the group had to go pretty quick too.
"aVErY YOU ALMOST HIT A TREE" Angelina shrieked as she covered her eyes.
"THATS A WHOLE DIFFERENT THING!" Espen yelled holding on to the seat infront of him.
Espen~ I'm surprised we haven't died yet *facepalms* ( ;) )
"Why is the car going left when I'm turning the wheel right!" Austin yelled trying to control the wheel.
"PArTY cAr" Leon, Valerie, and Coral yelled, not caring they might crash into something.
Vilmos was the only person Actually not struggling with driving.
"Now that I think about it, it was a good choice letting Vilmos drive" Luna said leaning back and closing her eyes.
"Yeah, if we drove we would have probably ended up like the other cars" Kotoko laughed.
Finn finally stopped infront of a building, they assumed the Lounge was.
Everyone got out of the car, the First Group that had Avery as a driver, exited the car with wide eyes.
Angelina~ That was the scariest car trip of my entire life!
Valerie~ That was the best car trip of my entire life!
Coral~ Party Car!
Austin~ I'm never buying a Jeep. EVER
"How was the car ride?" Finn laughed.
"The besstt" Coral said.
Avery's group just looked at her with wide eyes, "Try having Avery as a driver" Espen said laughing a little.
"Hey! I wasn't that bad" Avery said folding her arms.
"Yeah sure 'not bad'..." Angelina said Patting Avery's back.
"Ok, follow me into the Lounge" Finn said and disappeared inside the building, and everyone followed.
The Lounge was really nice and aesthetic, and had a Jungle Vibe Treehouse vibe to it.
Kotoko~ this was probably one of the cutest little lounges I've ever seen
Luna~ Its Literally like a Jungley type Tree house but on the ground
"Feel free to look around" Finn said smiling a little before walking towards a couch to sit down and read his map.
Valorie~ So I walk over to the huge window and there's a perfect view of a waterfall, and you can also see a few animals wandering around from time to time
"THE LION IS TRYING TO ATTACK ME FROM THE WINDOW" ( ;) ) Angelina said from a different are of the window.
"Stand back! I'm a Lion Tamer!" Kotoko said as she squatted down to have a stare down with the Lion.
"So that's how you tame Lions..?" Espen asked in confusion.
"No, I just wanted to stare at it" Kotoko grinned.
Leon decided to explore more then the lounge, and he soon discovered an Ancient Aztec Like room.
"Oooo what's this?" Leon asked in curiosity and he slowly moved towards a little button on the wall that says 'DONT PRESS'
Leon~ Why would you put 'Dont Press' on a button when you know that people are going to want to press it?
Leon pressed the button and the bookshelf from behind him opens, and a note falls from the roof.
"Woah, uh guys?" Leon yelled for the group.
"What's up?" Coral asked and the group all files in.
"So, um I decided to look around for a bit and pressed a button, that I probably shouldn't have..and we'll this happened" Leon said talking a little to fast.
"Oh look! There's a note" Austin said and picked it up.
'You just unleashed the evil' Austin read from the note.
Everyone turned towards Leon, and he made a ('◉⌓◉') face.
Kotoko~ Of course that button that so happens to have 'DONT PRESS' on it, releases demons, of course it does.
"What did you press! The Animals are going crazy!" Finn said rushing into the room we we're in. "You just unleashed something you do NOT want to deal with"
"You knew about this? Why would you let us come here?" Coral said angry.
"Well I didn't think people would be this curious and want to hit Every button they see!" Finn fired back.
"Ok come with me, before you guys press more buttons." Finn walked outside to get into his Jeep.
"There's more buttons?" Avery asked shocked.
"Ok, let's just go" Angelina said and they all followed to get out into the Jeeps.
This time All the Jeeps (except for Vilmos) had to trade Drivers, First Group now has Espen as the driver, and the Third Group now has Coral as the Driver.
"I'm a natural Driver, just give me a race car and then bOoM" Coral said joking.
"Is there radios on these Jeeps?" Luna asked, "I don't think so, I already pressed every button on this car" Vilmos said.
"I said not to press anymore buttons!" Finn said, "I don't want you releasing more evil."
As they drove through the Jungle they all parked right next to this waterfall, and you can see an Aztec like Pyramid from afar.
Valerie~ So me being the explorer I am, decided to go Exploring! And there's like this little area behind the waterfall and it has couches, a refrigerator, somehow I don't know how
"Guys look! A waterfall lounge!" Valerie shouted from inside the waterfall. Soon all the Guests walked in and their faces all switched to shock.
Vilmos~ this was even better then the Lounge we were just at!
Espen~ I have never been behind a waterfall, so I can scratch this off the bucket list
Austin~ For some reason this little lounge behind the waterfall, has like electricity and stuff so like the Fridge, microwave, and all that works.
They all say down and observed the Water fall Lounge.
"Nice Luxury for a Waterfall!" Leon said.
"Ok we should be safe here for now" Finn said that as soon as we hear some Yells.
"What was that.." Luna asked standing up.
"We're the only people who booked an Exploration for today... right?" Coral asked also standing up.
Finn's eyes widen and ran out of the waterfall and the guest follow him. There they all see men about 10 of them at the Waterfall surrounding the entrance to the lounge.
They looked very Angry and very violent with all the red on them.
Angelina~ At this point I can't tell if that's face paint or blood..
"AHHHHH" the guest all screamed and tried to run away, but the Men pointed Spears at them, and they stopped running.
One Man stepped up to the center and stared at the guest with hatred, "I'm Moctezuma, The Aztec leader, and I need one of you to come with me"
Leon~ Weren't the Aztecs in-
Finn walked up in front of the Aztec leader "I'll go"
Moctezuma shoved Finn to the ground and said "No, not you, you worthless Explorer."
Valerie~ I'm an Explorer, does that mean I'm safe?
Avery~ I'm an Adventurer that's close enough to an Explorer, so maybe I won't get taken?
The guest still scared, are looking at them with wide eyes.
"None of us are going with you!" Coral yelled. "Well I guess I'll just have to take someone by force." The other Aztecs walked out from behind their leader and started to run at Leon and they grabbed him.
"HEY, HANDS OFF! GUYS DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME!" Leon yelled hitting at the Aztec who has him.
"You were the one to press the button, therefore you come!" Moctezuma yelled.
So how was that chapter?
Decided to hit you all with a Suprise Chapter :)
The Next Chapter won't be out No Later then Tuesday, because 1) I'm excited and 2) I'm feeling good rn so I wanna give you all a Two Chapter update this week.
Sorry Leon bud I used a randomizer wheel and you got got. :(
Also! The voting method that won is where you get to choose who you vote! :)
No Voting today next chapter though there will be voting >:)
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