Chapter one
"Ite furi!"(Get back you thief) The guy screams as I dash away with a loaf of bread I haven't paid for. I can't help but burst into laughter like a crazy person as I sprint down the road and make a sharp turn into an alley. My feet carry me far from the angry shopkeeper, and I finally slow down to catch my breath. Taking a bite from the bread, I decide to walk the rest of the way to the edge of the city.
I spot a stack of trailers, and without the old man being any wiser, I climb up and sneak into a room made of unwanted boxes. It's not the coziest place, but it's big enough to lay down in and sturdy enough to call home, even though it lacks warmth.
Sitting inside, I let out a sigh and eat half of the loaf of bread, saving the other half for later. My long, black, torn dress hangs loosely around me, and my snow-white hair is braided back, making it appear shorter than it is.
I glance at the small crack in my makeshift dwelling. It's dimly lit underground, but I've never seen the sun, the moon, or the stars. I've always wanted to, though. People say the sun is purple, but who really knows? There's only one person who's gone aboveground, a white owl. She vanished when I was young, around 5 years old, and she was 9. I don't know much about her, but if I ever hear her name, I'll recognize it. Only the royals hold more information about her. As an abandoned princess or commoner, I'm not allowed access to that knowledge."
"I lie down and let my eyes close, listening to the sounds of the people outside.
" Tuum hoc linkings" (get your linkings here)A man yelling scares the crap out of me and I practically jump out of my skin. Turns out it's just some dude selling sausages. People are lining up for them like crazy, so I decide to be sneaky and snatch one for myself. I start chowing down as I stroll along, attracting some dirty looks from everyone who makes a point not to touch me. Then someone accidentally bumps into me, and without even bothering to look at them, I blurt out some words., " Ignosce mihi" (excuse me).
" Tibi melius est"(you better be) The guy spits.
I instantly confront him with a glare as my body independently responds. He has dark blue hair that hangs in his eyes, and his piercing yellow eyes glare down at me." Ego paenitet vos forsit?"(I'm sorry, do you have a problem?) I spit back.
His glare gets stronger as he scoffs " Immo es forsit, Scisne qui sum?" (Yes you are my problem. Do you know who I am?)
I roll my eyes. "No."
He smirks, crossing his arms. " Quid tibi ego dicam jackqui" ( well let me tell you I'm jackqui.) He then holds his arms out and as they blaze fire He says " Ego sum a fireBender" (I am a fire Bender.)
I shrug my shoulders. " vix credo, quia sit?" (am I suppose to be scared?) He narrows his eyes, his smirk dropping, before proceeding to throw a fireball at me. I quickly dodge the attack, my glare intensifying in response.
" Male agis, exterruerat de acquisitione Morsthiana conburentur" (What's wrong Morsthiana scared to get burned ) He laughs, taking another stance ready for a fight.
" Ut patet, non me noverunt" (you obviously don't know me) I declare, firmly crossing my arms, disregarding the fact that it's common knowledge who I am. I am the king's unloved daughter, the forsaken princess of doom.
I walk towards him confidently. He attempts to throw a punch, but I skillfully intercept and catch it without hesitation. "Alcrate tenebrae mortis." I chant and gradually drain his life force.
He takes in a deep breath while his face becomes pale..
" Quid agis tu paulo iniuriam jackqui pallida " (What's wrong jackqui you look a little pale) I confidently smirk and feel a surge of darkness within me, causing my eyes to glow, as I witness him falling to his knees.
I can hear people yelling in the background, urgently demanding that I stop. Out of nowhere, I am forcefully thrown off him as the dark side swiftly withdraws within me. As I lift my gaze, I am confronted by the fierce stare of the king, who also happens to be my father." Mors! Quid agis?" (Mors! What are you doing? "He yells with disbelief in his voice.
I'm annoyed now. My dad is such a terrible actor. It's ridiculous. I should have known that this whole thing was a setup; it was a stupid trap that I walked right into. Nobody here would even dare to touch me.
There's this ridiculous rumor that if anyone lays a finger on me, they're doomed to die. " Quid spectare tutela mearum ego Pater" (what does it look like! I'm protecting myself father! ) Alright father, I'll go along with it. I mean, what other option do I really have?
He mockingly glances towards me, confidently projecting his voice over the entire crowd. " Iam nunc a te et pro uiribus Mandavi audieritis me? " ( I have forbidden you already from your powers and now you disobey me!?)
I stand up, never breaking eye contact and coming toe to toe with him. " Lorem ipsum" (of course) A smack fills the tense air as I fall to the ground, holding my cheek. However, I look up at him and can't help but laugh. "O quam tempore desidero filiam patris nostri," (Oh how I miss our father daughter time father. )
I laugh without a trace of humor as I stand up. " sed oportet esse ad odium pooper pars " (hate to be a party pooper but I must go) I am aware that there is no way to escape from this situation, but I am simply incapable of accepting this fate. Suddenly, someone swiftly restrains me with handcuffs, causing my powers to diminish. I immediately fall to the ground and weakly groan, closing my eyes.
I wake up on a hard surface, slowly opening my eyes while feeling drained. Looking around, I am in a fetal position with my body aching, still aware of the cuffs on my wrists that drain my powers and ability to shift. Suddenly, the door slams open and shut as my father walks in, clearly disgusted. Out of nowhere, he forcefully kicks me in the face, causing my head to snap to the left. I hiss in pain, feeling a bruise forming on my face.
" Mala canis es tu!" ( you evil bitch!) He yells as He kicks me again, this time in the shoulder.
" Ultimum tempus repressit mihi avi" (last time I checked I was a bird ) I spit out sarcastically receiving another kick to the stomach in return. "Quid mali non aequa pugna? " (what's wrong can't fight fair?)
He momentarily pauses, as my words strike his ego, causing a smirk to form on my face.
"Et tu metuis ne a me et te Vos scitis quod sum! Tunc Im 'in linea! Ad annum im subvertens scis tu" I yell at him. (You're scared of me, aren't you! You know what I am! I'm next in line! And you know I'm close to age of over throwing you!)
That's why he set me up. My father is getting anxious about my coming of age.
He roughly picks me up. "Et nolite timere" (I don't do fear,)
The cuffs easily come off, and my eyes emit a fiery red glow. I groan in satisfaction as I feel my powers surge through me, rejuvenating my strength.
Out of nowhere, I am forcefully propelled backwards, experiencing a searing pain in my abdomen. Colliding with the wall, I quickly regain my composure and catch sight of the lighter clutched in his hand. It dawns on me that he had struck me with a ball of fire. Determined, I raise my hands above my head, uttering the incantation "Alcrate tenebrae mortis." A torrent of black energy erupts from my palms, colliding with my father and forcefully propelling him into the wall.
"Ego enim cupiens facere, quod diu" (I've been wanting to do that for a long time)
He stands back up slowly, which clearly reflects his age. As I approach adulthood, his strength gradually diminishes. With one hand gripping the wall and the other palm facing me, he discharges electricity that strikes me. Unwanted adrenaline and shock surge through my body, causing me to collapse on the floor. The flow of electricity ceases, yet my body continues to tremble in sync with my racing heart. In pain, I groan as I am kicked and roll onto my back, only to find my father standing over me, his gaze fixed upon me. "Non fit ut princeps, et in me non posse vinci." (You are not fit to be ruler. You will never be able to defeat me. )
I raise my hands towards him, confidently uttering the words "Alcrate tenebrae mortis" as my eyes glow with a fiery red. The powerful force causes him to stumble back and a window shatters, evidence of my growing abilities. However, I start to feel a slight loss of control over my powers, causing panic to grip me as my eyes widen and I scramble to stand up.
I hear a laugh and look at my father, "Vos vires temperare non possunt, non debet duci ad mortem." (You can not even control your powers. You should be put to death. )
The floor suddenly rises, forcefully pressing my body against the ceiling. Startled, I let out a loud scream as the floor drops beneath me, and I crash onto the ground, gasping in pain. In a fit of rage, he grabs hold of me and hurls me against a stone wall, screaming. " Odi te! " ( I hate you!).
I express intense pain as I collide with the wall and descend to the ground, tears flowing down my cheeks. As I cry, I raise my gaze, revealing the anguish accumulated from enduring years of rejection. " Odi te quoque " ( I hate you too!) I yell back then take a deep breath. "Tantum." ( so much ) I whisper.
His eyes displayed a multitude of emotions, including pain and disgust, among others. " Bene sum, maxime si non oportet" ( but I'm Okay, I don't need anyone especially you) I say in a strong, low whisper.
His glare intensified " Tunc reddam desideret occidere, " (I won't mind killing you then.) He whispers as he turns and walks away. The door slams open and then shuts again. I slump back down, immersed in darkness.
The following day, a girl enters the room with a tray of food. Although she offers a smile, I can't help but feel apprehensive. "I brought you food! And I must say, the bread is a little dry. But don't worry, I added extra Julla to make it more flavorful!" My body is in so much pain, and I can't help but notice the cuffs reappearing on my hands, except this time they are in front of me. The smile on her face as she sets the tray down fills me with worry.
" Sunt tibi loqui anglicus?" (You're speaking English?)
She nods, "Ita, I find language interesting. "
"Tu es?" (You are?) I question anxiously. This must be some sort of trick.
"Oh, my name is Atcro! I am Crow, but also a sex slave for your brother," she happily declares, her eyes widening with embarrassment as she quickly takes a seat in front of me. With an optimistic smile, she introduces herself, embracing her past with a positive outlook.
" Vos autem fratres mei carissimi?" (You are my brothers mate?)
"That's right, but he keeps saying that I'm not suitable to be queen, so all I am to him is his personal slave," she says with a sad expression on her face, gently brushing a stray black hair behind her pointed ear.
"et quid tam bene loqui anglicus.?" (How do you speak English so well?)
She shrugs her shoulders. "When your brother not pleasing himself, I have a lot free time."
I nod and reluctantly take a bite of the dry bread despite my lack of appetite. Atcro gets up and says, "I have to go now, but I'll see you again soon." As I finish the last bite of bread, she walks out. I then lay back down on the floor and gaze up at the ceiling.
I am startled awake by someone vigorously shaking me. As I regain consciousness, my eyes land on a girl with striking orange hair, sporting a pixie cut. Her intense ocean blue eyes and overly vibrant pink lips, coupled with her pale complexion and tall, emaciated figure, fill me with concern. Anxious, she whispers a timid greeting. Glancing around, it dawns on me that I am still trapped in this dreadful cell, and standing next to the girl is none other than Atcro. My heart sinks further as I catch her hushed words about me being executed tomorrow morning. In a desperate attempt to help, she claims to have sought assistance from Albi.
" Et factum est vobis in auxilium, hunc locum male"( I came to help you leave this sick place). The girl with orange hair whispers.
I raise a brow. " Quid?" (why)
She smirks. " Haec nothorum, quia pater meus fuit occisus a corvo" ( These bastards killed my grandfather because he was a raven)
I smile. " Lorem ipsum dolor" (thank you) I excitedly whisper as she skillfully removes the cuffs using a key.
I rise to my feet with the assistance of both girls, embracing their kind gesture. As my gaze settles upon the girl, a sense of wonderment fills me. Surpassing my height, she stands tall and emanates an aura of elegance. Adorned in a dark yellow corset paired with a stunning yellow v-waist skirt that gracefully cascades down to the floor, she is a vision of absolute beauty. I can't help but notice her bare feet peeping out from under her attire, adding to her enchanting allure.
" Non multum tempus Eamus" (let's go we don't have much time). Excitedly, she gently grabs my hand and urges me towards the door, accompanied by Atcro. Skillfully, she opens it just wide enough for us to pass through, offering her steady presence for me to lean on. Curiously, I glance around, reveling in the joy of discovering our newfound freedom outside.
" age, terrae ascendite scio" (come on, I know how to get you up ground). She whispers with excitement as we joyfully sprint through the peaceful town and into the enchanting forest of roots.
" Quid est? Quaeris, quomodo?" (what? how?) I am excited to ask as I try my best to follow along.
" Ego auxiliatus Nevara fugam" (I helped Nevara escape) She softly whispers..
I gasp " Tu forsitan cum eo cygnum?" (you helped the white owl?)
She confidently nods as she continues running without ever slowing down.
"Cur abis?" (why did she leave?) I ask.
She looks at me with a warm smile and confidently states. " Lorem mihi dicere non" (That's not for me to tell) I nod as we reach a dead end.
" qui arcus est vobis?" (what powers do you have?) I ask curiously, " Ignis conspectum mihi futurum, quam cognoscam te."(fire and glimpse of the future That's how I knew where you were). I then look at Atcro. "I can predict the death of others, and I can suck the life out of people."
Albi excitedly transforms into a vibrant orange Baltimore Oriole bird, effortlessly soaring into the sky. With determination and strength, she confidently moves aside a massive rock, unveiling a hidden tunnel." Lorem ipsum dolor" (thank you), I say.
I look at Atcro. " Atcro," I confidently place one hand on the back of her neck and the other on the bottom of her stomach while my eyes radiate a vibrant shade of red. With unwavering certainty, I melodically chant the powerful incantation, "Alcrate tenebrae mortis."
A gasp escapes Atcro's lips as she instinctively places her hands on her stomach.
"Quid fecisti?" (What did you do) Worriedly, Albi rushes over to Atcro, her hands shaking as she carefully examines her exposed stomach, which now has a black crown below her belly button. As she panics, she swiftly checks her neck, only to find yet another black crown.
"Non solum princeps proprius transiet per scripturam autem legam tibi coronam." (only the rightful ruler can pass the crown to someone else.) Albi and Atcro are amazed and filled with awe as they cast their eyes on me.
"Your Highness," Atcro says respectfully as they both kneel down.
I grab Atcro by the arms and lift her up. She shakes her head and says, 'Zerro no, I-I cannot be Queen." she stutters out, "I only have two powers, I have no worth."
I shake my head "Electi principes esse Dei estis vos dignae elegi vos regina tibi tres potentias, uti sunt, quid tibi" (You were chosen by the Gods to be a princess, you are worthy, and now I choose you to be Queen, you now have three more powers, you must find out what they are and use them). I give her a quick embrace and confidently deliver one final command. " Pugna, et eris tunc regina, id est in infernum producat pacis amare." (Fight, for you will be the next queen, bring peace and love into this hell.)
I excitedly transform into my sleek black Raven and gracefully soar into the captivating hole, navigating its twisting and turning path as it ascends.
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