chapter four
I wake up at five in the morning, which is normal for me. I reluctantly sit up in bed, my mind filled with unease. I anxiously glance around the room, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Thoughts of my home start to creep in, causing a pit of concern to form in my stomach. I try to push them aside, reminding myself that what's happening at home is beyond my control now. I force myself to let go of the past, refusing to dwell on it any longer. With this new mindset, I eagerly get out of bed and begin my morning routine. I smoothly slip into the long navy blue tunic dress and gracefully tie the crisp white apron around myself. In anticipation of the day ahead, I confidently make my way to the bathroom and gently run a brush through my hair, skillfully braiding it before elegantly securing it in a low bun as I confidently step out of the room.
A grand clock adorns the wall, its hands elegantly pointing at five thirty. Suddenly, a burst of excitement fills the air as doors fling open and a delightful mix of men, women, boys, and girls pour out. I couldn't help but notice how many of the women and girls were wearing dresses similar to mine. As I stand there, captivated by the scene, my body seems to freeze in awe. Just then, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder and turned around to find Abigail. Her beautiful black hair is styled in a charming French braid, cascading down past her waist. She is wearing a dress in the same color as mine. With a warm smile, she greets me cheerfully, saying, "Good morning! It looks like I didn't have to wake you up after all. Thanks for saving me the trouble." Grateful for her consideration, I nod in appreciation. As we walk, she kindly offers me a biscuit, which I gladly accept, enjoying it while she details my morning tasks.
"Good luck on your first day! I'll make sure to find you at lunch so we can continue from there!" she cheerfully exclaims, her smile radiating positive energy. With a skip in her step, she gracefully ascends the main staircase. Looking around, I feel a sense of tranquility wash over me. Inhaling deeply, I exhale, releasing any lingering tension. Taking my time, I begin climbing the grand spiral staircase, appreciating its imposing presence. Sighing contentedly, I take each step, gradually making my way up.
I finally get to the main floor. This castle is massive. The one back home is nothing compared to this place. I walk down the hall and see a closet marked cleaning supplies. I open it to discover that it is empty. After closing the door, I continued down the hall and encountered another closet with the same label. I open it, only to find it empty. I begin to wonder how many cleaning supply closets there are. As I proceed, I come across more empty cleaning supply closets, which start to frustrate me. Feeling annoyed, I huff. Suddenly, I spot another cleaning closet and with a huge sigh, I open it. I hope there is something inside, or else I might lose my mind.
A bright smile illuminates my face, filled with joy and relief as I come across a plethora of cleaning supplies. In this moment, I am grateful beyond words. With renewed energy, I quickly grab the supplies I need and happily close the door behind me.
I ascend another set of stairs with ease and swiftly locate the room I am assigned to. To my surprise, it reveals a spacious and well-furnished meeting room with a long table accompanied by numerous comfortable chairs.
My nose turns up in disgust at the mess left behind, transforming what was once a beautiful room. Dishes left on the table and scattered chairs mar the otherwise pristine space. Without wasting another moment, I assertively take charge and begin to rectify the situation. Chanting "Alcrate tenebrae mortis," I harness my powers to effortlessly gather all the trash and dispose of it in a trash bag. I efficiently fix the chairs and meticulously sweep the floor, restoring the room to its former glory.
"Finally done!" I let out a sigh of relief as I gently remove my gloves and dispose of them. It may have taken longer than expected, but I am proud of myself for thoroughly cleaning this one room. It's the beginning of an exciting new chapter in my life.
Abigail beams as I turn to see her, "It's great that you know how to clean!" she says with a giggle. "Lunchtime!" she exclaims cheerfully, as I nod and make my way towards her.
We happily continue our walk until we reach the bustling kitchen. With a cheerful expression, she quickly selects two plates filled with the same delicious food and hands one of them to me. Grateful, I accept the plate and eagerly follow her as she leads the way through a set of inviting double doors connected to the kitchen. As we step inside, my eyes widen with delight at the sight of approximately thirty people merrily gathered around long tables, savoring their meals. I eagerly follow her graceful strides as she confidently approaches a table and gracefully settles beside a woman who bears a striking resemblance to her, but with the wisdom and grace that comes with age. With a warm and affectionate tone, she utters the familiar words, "Hello, mother," and in response, her mom's face lights up with a radiant smile as she tenderly plants a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Hello Abigail. Who is your friend?"
"This is Thiana, the girl that saved the kids from the rogues," her mother's eyes sparkle with admiration as she gazes at me.
"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Rose."
"Nice to meet you," I happily utter, accompanied by a bashful grin as I join Abigail in taking a seat.
During lunch, Abigal and her mother, Rose, generously shared valuable tips with me on how to excel as a new maid. They even added some delightful castle gossip to make the conversation all the more interesting. Before I know it, lunchtime is over and I'm back to tackling my tasks at work. The day seems to fly by effortlessly, and in the blink of an eye, I find myself back in the comfort of my own room. I feel a sense of accomplishment and eagerly anticipate some much-needed rest. With a tired but content smile, I swiftly change into my cozy, long white night gown and eagerly tuck myself into bed, embracing the sweet embrace of sleep.
I wake up at five, just like every day. As I stretch and wipe away the sleep from my eyes, I feel a genuine sense of excitement.
Mornings are beautiful, they offer a peaceful sanctuary where the worries of the past haven't made their way into my thoughts yet. It's like a blissful moment where nothing can touch me, and the world is full of endless possibilities. With this optimistic anticipation, I eagerly open my door to see what exciting duties await me today. My attention is immediately captured by a small piece of paper delicately placed on my door. Curiosity fills me as I gently remove it and begin to read its contents.
Personal maid for Athenix: All day.
I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. Who is Athenix, and what exciting possibilities does this hold?
"Oh moon goddess, have mercy on your soul," I suddenly jerk and spin around in a state of panic, only to come face to face with Rose.
"Mrs. Rose, what does this mean?" I inquire with concern. She lets out a deep exhale and casts me a solemn expression. "What?" I persist, growing increasingly worried.
"Darlin that is the Emperor's wanna be Empress," I can't help but feel concerned as I raise my eyebrow at her words
"And?" I ask, still looking at the paper.
"She's extremely rude and abusive, so please be extremely cautious, Thiana."
I reluctantly nod as she gives me directions and advice. Anxious and rushed, I step back into my room, hastily slipping on a smock before forcing myself into the grey dress. Frantically, I continue getting ready and hastily braid back my hair before rushing out of my room.
I cautiously ascend the stairs, my heart pounding with worry as I approach the council hall. Knowing that Athenix is not only a council member's daughter but also a contender for the throne fills me with apprehension. The castle is her regular residence, which only adds to my unease. As I finally reach the door, I nervously raise my hand and give it a gentle tap, careful to keep my gaze lowered. Slowly, the door creaks open, revealing a pair of pink house shoes on a woman's feet, intensifying my sense of concern. "You have finally arrived?" The voice screeches. As I cautiously enter, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the grandeur of her room. It's enormous, with opulent furniture and lavish decorations adorning every corner. The dominant colors of gold and cream are complemented by subtle hints of blue.
"I find it frustrating that the maids are lacking- wait. I do not believe I have had the pleasure of encountering you previously. Direct your attention towards me." I anxiously comply with her demand, and as our gaze locks, I can't help but feel a sense of unease as we visually assess each other.
I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy when I look at her. She's undeniably stunning. Her hair, a deep, sleek black, flows endlessly down her back as the other maids fuss over it. I can't help but notice the layers in her hair, a style I could never pull off. Her eyes, a sparkling crystal blue, shine with a brightness that outshines any other feature. And her lips, a naturally light red, are the epitome of perfection. She stands tall, towering over me by a few inches, making me feel small and insignificant. Her fair skin with warm undertones creates a beautiful contrast with her hair, a contrast I could only dream of achieving.
She holds my gaze and snickers. "Oh my, what a sight you are. Your eyes, oh my, they resemble those of a demon. They have a striking red hue, reminiscent of blood. It appears that we have employed demons amongst us now. " She utters those words while rolling her eyes. In response, I lower my head in shame, feeling a growing worry within me. However, her laughter echoes once more, deepening my unease. "At least you have the privilege of serving someone as beautiful as myself," she remarks, gracefully flipping her hair. Adjusting the robe around her with elegance, she positions herself in front of a floor-length mirror. I can't help but feel anxious as she gestures towards the other maids who are dressed just like me. I attempt to take a deep breath, but it feels like I can't catch my breath. My hands are sweaty and trembling as I glance nervously at the other maids.
They begin to gather various layers of clothing, and I assist in putting on her white smock. Two other maids come to help with the underskirt, and together we carefully dress her in the exquisite tudor gown. The gown, in a captivating and mysterious shade of dark blue, is embellished with delicate lace and sparkling jewels.
She looks towards me and the maid standing beside me, her gaze sharp like a viper piercing through us. She then points, with perfectly polished nails, to the vanity sitting beside us against a wall only a few steps away from the full-length mirror she stands in front of. "I require some jewelry."
I'm absolutely amazed as my eyes quickly catch sight of a stunning black box placed on her vanity table. With excitement and anticipation, both the other maid and I eagerly rush towards it. Without hesitation, we swiftly open it, and I find myself overcome with awe. Inside, I discover an array of jewelry - something I had only ever read about but never had the chance to actually see or touch. I'm filled with joy and wonder as I gingerly run my hand over the delicate necklaces, appreciating the beauty that my people did not have the means to create.
I hear a honeyed voice that snaps me out of my trance. "What is the matter with you? Have you never laid eyes upon jewelry?" I feel a surge of anxiety as Athenix's intense gaze is fixed on me, anticipating my reply.
The maid is currently styling her curly hair and another maid is applying finishing touches to her makeup. Two other maids are busy completing the lace sleeves on her dress. She appears to be amused and curious as her eyes are fixed on me, with a playful dance in her blue eyes.
I anxiously glance downward, confessing with a trembling voice and a blush of embarrassment, "I have never seen any before."
Athenix expresses amusement by scoffing, but manages to prevent herself from laughing. "What period do you belong to? This is the 17th century, obviously. I am curious if you are a member of the human society. Although they have not reached the same advancement as us, I assumed they would possess jewelry. They have recently obtained the blueprints for a light bulb from dragons, so it is reasonable to assume they possess jewelry as well."
"I'm not from there," I say with a worried expression, my lip trembling as I bite it. A lump forms in my throat, making it hard to swallow. With a deep breath, I remember the lessons Abigail and Rose have diligently taught me about proper manners, and hesitantly add, "My lady."
"You have never had the opportunity to wear jewelry, my condolences," she says, giving me a pity-filled laugh and placing her hand over her heart.
I lower my gaze in shame as I shake my head. "No, I have not, my lady." She confidently approaches me, causing the maids to instinctively take a step back to ensure they don't obstruct her path.
"Here," In a gentle motion, she retrieves a stunning yet understated diamond necklace from the dainty jewelry box and adorns my neck with it. Turning me to the mirror. "Oh, It appears to be quite flattering on you. It belongs to you now." She smiles at me, her radiant smile lighting up her face and causing her eyes to sparkle even more than before. I can't help but return her joyful expression, my hands delicately tracing the necklace as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
"Thank you very much, my lady."
She shrugs, then swiftly fixes her gaze on me. "I expect you to keep our interaction confidential, understood?" She looked back at me after glaring at the other maids. "Yes, My lady," resonates throughout the room in perfect unison.
"You did not introduce yourself, which suggests that you are still in the process of learning proper etiquette." Athenix observes me with a smirk while slightly tilting her head.
I stumble into yet another curtsy, concerned about my lack of grace. "My apologies, I am Zerro, My lady." I am filled with gratitude as I send a silent thank you to Rose and Abigail for the invaluable lessons they have taught me. "Though I am still lacking, I will learn quickly to better serve you," I remain in the curtsy as instructed. Abigail cautioned me about individuals who enjoy exerting power, mentioning that they may require me to maintain this posture until they grant me permission to stand. Athenix happens to be one of those individuals.
"You may rise," Athenix lets out a sigh while a maid assists her in putting on her heels. "Zerro, you will accompany me today. Bailey, please request a guard and a carriage for our departure. The remainder of you may be excused." The maids curtsy and promptly exit the room.
"You shall accompany me to the market. It is quite easy to become disoriented if one is unfamiliar with the area. Therefore, I advise that you refrain from straying too far." She advises, and I promptly follow as she starts to walk out of the room. A guard immediately steps up and begins to escort Athenix down the corridor as we step out of the room.
We arrive at the entrance where I spot two kids who appear to be identical. Alongside them is another maid. As I observe the twins, I notice that they are around eight years old, with jet black hair and strikingly dark green eyes. Their tan skin suggests that they spend a significant amount of time playing outdoors.
The girl looks stunning in her elegant royal blue dress, just like Athenix's dress. The boy's stylish ensemble of royal blue breeches, a golden lace shirt, and a royal blue cape is simply impressive. With admiration, I curtsy towards them, and they respond with warm smiles, revealing their flawless teeth.
"This is Annie and Danny," I am introduced to the kids by Aatheenix.
Once again, I curtsy towards them and say, "I'm Zerro."
Athenix is motioning towards me. "This maid will serve as your caretaker during our shopping expedition for the Royal Anniversary gifts." The kids eagerly nod and happily make their way towards me, excitedly positioning themselves on my left side. "Let us proceed," says Athenix as she nods in approval and motions for us to follow her out the front door. The guard confidently escorts Athenix and Annie into the carriage. Danny assertively steps in after the guard securely shuts the door, and he firmly motions towards the front of the carriage.
I acknowledge the hint, promptly moving forward and assuming a seat beside the driver as the horses commence pulling the carriage.
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