Don't Fall Off
They said that the circle is ever eternal
With no beginning nor end.
It never does stop, the cycle repeats,
Extending where we can't comprehend.
They were wrong, as I've come to find.
Because although you can't see,
There was a beginning, a genesis, an origin -
A commencement of such eternity.
It starts as a line, so straight, so long,
Never-ending, or so it seems.
Just one simple line, with one simple purpose -
A line of desires and dreams.
This line doesn't twist, nor does it bend.
It continues straight into infinity.
It shouldn't be difficult, it isn't complex.
Yet it is, in actuality.
It doesn't make sense how it goes on forever.
It seems, to many, improbable.
We, as humans, are sure it must stop.
Such eternity is surely impossible.
I spent a lifetime balancing that line,
While my peers had worked to derail.
But we all come to find that with every attempt,
You will soon come to find you will fail.
Maybe you fall, maybe you quit.
Whatever the reason, you'll stop.
There is a chance to get back on that line,
Yet most never give it a shot.
This is where the circle begins,
Where rules are broken and omit.
The line still exists, but begins to twist
And the strain begins to transform it.
This is the beginning. You are now stuck
With nowhere behind you to turn.
You are alone. So how does it feel
In this place of no return?
I fell from the line when my peers jerked me off.
I thought my attempts had run out.
I didn't even try to get back on the line.
I regret ever having those doubts.
Where I had stopped became my beginning.
That line then began to twist.
The circle was forming. And with it, my mind -
My sanity ceased to exist.
My line of dreams, my line of desires
That I'd worked so hard to stay on
Was no longer straight. Nothing was certain.
All of my hopes were now gone.
The line kept bending. It turned round and round.
I knew then that I couldn't stop it.
I stretched out my hand to see it spiraling around
My wrist like a magical bracelet.
The bracelet was yellow. I stared closely at it
As if it would jump out at me.
What scared me the most, at the top of my wrist:
My name etched in black lettering.
I pulled at the band, but to no avail.
It was tightly bound to my wrist.
I pulled and I tugged, but there was no use.
For my fate had already now twisted.
That line of dreams, that line of desires,
That line, once so straight and planned;
Those dreams had been bent, those desires had twist.
And I wore them all on my hand.
I dreamed of music, I dreamed of love,
I dreamed of creation and praise.
But now those dreams seemed so out of reach,
And all of my hopes had been razed.
For the first time ever, I began to feel doubt
In these dreams that I'd had for so long.
They didn't seem possible. They'd never come true.
All my hopes to achieve must be wrong.
I wasn't talented. I had no right
To say I could gain what I dreamed.
There are people that say to believe in yourself,
But it was too late for that, as it seemed.
I didn't want to live, I wanted to stop.
But that circle doesn't have an end.
I'm stuck at the start. There was nothing else
As the bracelet tightened round my hand.
My dreams were hopeless and unattainable.
My wishes were now meaningless.
The bracelet squeezed my wrist and I couldn't ignore
These thoughts of my mind in distress.
I wore all of these twisted dreams on my arm.
They tightened with every doubt.
Nothing was clear in my mind or my heart.
There was nothing else to think about.
Green. I see green. It's everywhere.
Even if I close my eyes.
Such a sickening shade - it's all I now know.
I'll see green until I die.
I don't want to see. I don't want to live.
I don't want to fight any longer.
I just want to sleep, slip into sweet dreams
Where no circles or lines are to squander.
My arm hurts so much. The bracelet's so tight.
Fatigue and exhaustion overwhelms me.
I fall on my back and look up at the sky
And see the stars shining so brightly.
There is no green up in the sky.
It is just black and empty.
There are no more worries. There are no more thoughts.
Just stars twinkling high above me.
To my surprise, I could then relax
Under the calm, dark night sky.
I stared intensely at the stars up above
As tears flooded into my eyes.
I cried. I let the tears stream down my cheeks.
And with them, I let my worries melt.
I was alone. There was no one to judge
My reaction to the stress that I felt.
I looked down at the bracelet circling my wrist.
It was yellow, not green like I thought.
I looked at my name written on the tight band.
I thought it was cursed, but it's not.
That line that stood as my hopes and dreams
Had never disappeared from my view.
It was there the whole time. That bracelet - my lifeline -
It is part of me, through and through.
I wanted to work. I wanted to live.
I had to push on towards my dreams.
Slowly, the bracelet began to loosen.
And I no longer saw any green.
At last, that circle began to grow straight.
It stretched on forever before me.
My dreams and desires had returned once again.
But this time, I had new things to see.
The line broke off from the bracelet on my wrist,
Leaving a stray strand of it.
I can't take it off. It's with me forever
To remind me never to quit.
I stepped back on to the line of my dreams.
I carried on throughout my life.
I know that I'll fall, but I'll always remember
I don't have to return to that strife.
This is my lifeline. It's who I am.
With it, my hopes will live on.
Hold fast to your dreams. Remember if you fall
That you can always climb back on.
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