We surrender.
That was what I'd told the notorious Agent Callus, but as the Imperial Star Destroyer reached out its arm and latched onto the Ghost, I suddenly doubted myself. Was this the right course of action? Sure, the plan was to steal some medical supplies and then escape to Ezra and Ahsoka's location, but by surrendering, had I placed my fellow Jedi's safety above Zeb and Sabine's?
The whole ship shuddered, and I frantically gripped my lightsaber to prevent my hand from shaking. Had I made the right decision? Even now, I could clearly recall Ezra's strangled cry; this plan would benefit him, but what about the others? Had I made this decision out of my protectiveness over my Padawan, or out of my concern for the rest of the Ghost crew?
"We've escaped from them before, so they'll have racked up the security," Sabine commented, interrupting my doubtful thoughts.
"They'll probably disarm us and separate us," Zeb mused with a grunt. "Who knows what they'll do to us then?"
"You're both right," I said and stood to my feet, "Any moment now Storm Troopers will come through the hatch, but no matter what, we cannot make them suspicious. Too much depends on this."
As I spoke, somewhere on the ship, there was a loud clank as the airlock solidified. I knew that within moments, we'd hear the clanking of soldiers approaching. The Ghost wasn't the largest ship, and so once they breached the entrance, they'd reach us in moments, and leading them, a smug grin on his face, would be Agent Callus.
"Kanan, are you sure about this?" Sabine piped up, her eyes studying the helmet in her hands. Although her voice was steady, there was nothing she could do to hide the slight quivering of her shoulders.
"Are you sure that Ezra is still alive?" She repeated and whipped her head up to look at me. Her golden eyes were twin orbs of fear as she waited for me to answer, and I suddenly realized how much this situation must repulse her emotionally.
Ever since day one, Sabine had been defiant of the Empire; we all were, but she had in her own special way. Wherever we struck--whether it be stealing cargo or rescuing captives--Sabine had always used her artistic expertise to leave her mark: the mark of the rebellion. She'd identified with the Rebellion in every situation, and now, she was afraid that she was finally going to reap the consequences.
No, not afraid, I realized, She's terrified.
Gathering my thoughts, I stepped forward and laid a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "This is going to be hard," I admitted, "But Ezra and Ahsoka are alive, and they're running out of time."
"What if we are too?" She whispered and dropped her gaze.
Sighing, I lowered my hand from her shoulder. "In a clone trooper's early training, he is told that there will come a moment that will define him and make him a true soldier, proving to the galaxy that he is ready to defend the Republic till their final breath." I paused as my ears picked up the stomping of approaching feet.
"The Republic may have fallen long ago, but that hasn't changed anything," I said, "This is our moment." I'd just finished speaking when a squadron of Storm Troopers rounded the corner. Immediately, they raised their weapons, and I quickly put up my hands, surrendering. Soon Sabine followed suit, and Zeb too, but only after he'd released a frustrated "Karabast!"
Pushing his way through the group of soldiers, a tall figure emerged. His black uniform immediately identified him as of the Empire, and his piercing blue eyes and sharp sideburns recognized him as my old enemy.
"Greetings, rebels," Agent Callus sneered and stepped towards me. "I'm so glad that you decided to drop by."
Saying nothing, I glared at him.
"Not very talkative today, I see?" He mocked, "No matter." Smirking, he held out a hand towards me. "Your weapon, please?"
Although I hadn't been a Padawan long, repeatedly my Master had told me that my lightsaber was my life. Ever since my decision to surrender, I'd anticipated that my lightsaber would be taken, but it wasn't until Callus had asked for it did I realize the vulnerability of the circumstance.
To escape now would be simple. My hand hovered over my prized weapon, begging me to ignite it and to strike my enemies down. The victory would be short-lived though, for I did not have Hera's canny ability of piloting. The Ghost would be destroyed before we'd ever have a chance to reach hyperspace.
No, I would not fight. Fighting would mean Sabine and Zeb's certain death. It was too late to fight, and it was too late to flee. Everything--the Ghost, Ezra, Ahsoka, Zeb, Sabine, myself, and possibly the rebellion--depended on this surrender and, more importantly, on our escape.
Gritting my teeth, I handed the Imperial Agent my lightsaber.
"Thank you," he sneered and hung the weapon on his belt.
As the Storm Troopers disarmed Zeb and Sabine and led us away into the Star Destroyer, it took every part of my being not to fight or resist. I'd led us into this, and it was my duty to lead us out. I found myself repeating one phrase over and over in my mind:
I'm coming, Ezra, I thought, I'm coming. Just hold on.
And so concludes another chapter!! What did you think? Good? Bad? Comment and let me know!!
Until the next update,
Julie :D
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