Chapter One:The Missing Ink
(Collaboration with betbosch0312 )
Error's POV
I lean against a tree in an AU's Snowdin Forest, waiting and playing with my strings. I look around at the destruction I had caused. I scan for any sign of entry. None. Odd. He's usually here by now. So he's late. I get annoyed at this and destroy a nearby character's soul. Why should I care?
Oh yeah, that's right, it's because I love to see the look on that stupid skeleton's face as he tries to stop me from destroying stuff. Thinking I can still be good and junk. He should have been made a Papyrus the more he believes that. It disgusts me how he lets these glitches exist.
He is Ink, aka Ink Sans. Protector of AUs. Very Papyrus like. Very stupid. My enemy. Leader of Star Sanses. Or what I call the Idiotic Glitch Protectors. They protect what shouldn't exist. These protectors include Blueberry or UnderSwap Sans, my first ever friend. He is very hyper, optimistic and wears a lot of blue. He's nice, but our ideas make us have little contact. That and his brother, who doesn't like me. Heh. Don't blame him.
Then there's Dream. He protects all the happiness or positivity in the multiverse and blah, blah, blah. Which is ironic, since he hardly had protected his brother's happiness. And look where that got them. His brother, Nightmare, is a good pal of mine and is still unhappy about this goal of Dream's. I agree with him.
So, I take advantage of the missing idiot and destroyed the rest of the AU. I opened a portal and hops through it to my sweet, empty home that is my empty void. I smile, proud of my work.
I began to craft and make more puppets. I fell asleep and when I awoke, I found a Ink Sans puppet I made. Stupid. I toss it and tie it in the air. I then go and destroy dozens of AUs. Then, I hear a familiar voice from nearby when in an AU. I look to see BlueBerry Sans running to me. What could he want? I wonder, but smile at the sight of my old friend.
"Hey, Error! Do you know where Ink is? Things have been off lately, well, other than you destroying AUs."Blue says
"nO, I hAve NOt. hE iSn't WiTH yOu?"I say.
I don't know why, but I had a sickening feeling about hearing Ink gone. Why should I care? He's my enemy. Enemy.
"No. He hasn't been at our place or home in weeks, also he hasn't contacted us. I already checked the doodle sphere. What if something took him? Is using him? Hurting him? I, The Magnificent Sans, cannot live knowing my friend is in trouble!"Blueberry states.
"OkAy, haVE yoU cHecKed OuTerTalE?"I ask.
"Yes! He's not there! Error, my friend, will you help me? Please? I won't let the other Star Sanses hurt you! Whatever it costs!"Blueberry begs.
I was gonna reject it. But the though of being left alone, plus getting something from Blueberry led me in. Plus he used the Friend Card on me. He was my first friend. I may be seen bad, but I can't let him down. Besides, seeing the supposedly powerful protector of AUs hurt or endangered does seem interesting.
"SUre. BuT onLy If....yOu ShoW mE hOw tO mAKe ThoSe YumMy tacOs liKe You pRomiSed. AhEm."I say.
Blueberry's eyes lit up.
"Of course! Teach right now! I came prepared!"Blueberry says, laying out a travel kit for making tacos.
"You never know when you can make tacos!"Blueberry adds.
He then taught me how to make tacos. It was fun. But I kept feeling like I was being watched. I'd look but nobody would be there. At all. Blueberry and I shook hands on the deal and write it down, just in case. Blueberry bid me farewell to search for clues while I searched with my strings for any leads in the anti void or doodle-sphere. By the time Blue left, both of us were feeling worried for Ink. Him more than me, of course.
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