Chapter 99:Puppets and Hourglasses
Nightmare's POV a week later
"Hmm, if leaving you to die won't work, what will?"Tim asks again
"I dunno. That's for you to learn."I say again
He swings a punch and I dodge.
"Oh, and what will work to strike fear into them? Show my power? Get on Renew's radar and become a part of her team?"He asks
"I dunno, you seem pretty weak."I say
He throws a punch and I catch it.
"Huh, guess I have to think outside the box."He says, pressing a button
Electricity runs through me and I drop to my knees. Gosh I hate these things.
"Oh! I know! Now that I got the yang to positivity, cause and guardian of negativity, leader of the gang all in one go, why don't I get another powerful person? Maybe you both could be useful. Ta ta!"He says, then teleports away
The shock stops. I sigh. I shake my head and take out the emergency knife I hid in my sleeve. I start to cut away at the chains and the shock collar. I get the chains off but not the collar. Ugh. I work away at it anyway.
Until I hear footsteps.
I hide it in my sleeve again and make it seem like he broke my arm. I hold it as if it was wounded to fake it. In comes Tim with someone else. He has a sack over their head and I'm talking about those potato sacks. He has their arms tied to the back and the ankles chained. I get up.
"Success! Let's see how confident they are when they notice he's gone too!"Tim says
He unmasks this person and it's Fallacy. Tim slaps him. Bad move. Fallacy wakes up, breaks the chains on him and glares Tim down. Fallacy was about to attack Tim, but then spots me.
"Nightmare!"He shouts
He quickly runs over to me and checks my wounds. Then he hugs me protectively.(Top image)
"For every wound you made on him, I will make double on you!"He snaps
"Oh, I highly doubt that."Tim says
"What do you even want?"Fallacy asks
"More than you can comrehend."He says
"He wants to be a villain and take over the multiverse. He is gonna use us for leverage most likely.."I say
"Hey! NO spoilers!"He snaps
"Sorry drama king, I am not the suspense type of person."I say
"Ugh, well enjoy having your life flash before you both while I plan on what to do with you both."He says, then leaves
Code swirls around us, taking form. They become panels around us, showing hundreds of memories, moments in our lives, the good and the bad. I grow bored of watching mine, not wanting to relive many of those moments. I look and see that Fallacy's moments in life weren't so good either. He doesn't even glance at his. He was even more curious about mine though. He releases me and paces along the panels, watching them play like dozens of little videos playing.
"This is your life?"He asks
I nod.
"Jeez, life hasn't been on your side. I never thought that you went through all that."He says
"What others call evil is made, not born. And I had the fortune of being born into the despised guardian role, but that did not make me evil. No, it was what they did to me and what I did when I finally cracked that made me the evil being in their eyes. But...I wasn't like that."I say
"That's not what I mean."He says
"Then what do you mean?"I ask
"You seem so nice and...not like that all happened. After all that, how do you keep moving forward instead of giving up?"He asks
"A few reasons. I'm not a quitter. I imagine the joy of proving my enemies wrong and overcoming the problem. I do not let those times define me, at least try not to. I focus on the good times, the bright side the best I can. And if those don't work, well, I think of someone who cares about me and depends on me. I imagine what may happen if I suddenly give up and how it will affect them. It would be like giving up on them."I explain
"Really?"He asks
"Try it."I tell him
He nods.
He sits beside me and is silent for a few moments.
"How exactly do I try it?"He asks
"Think of someone you love who depends on you and loves you."I tell him
He nods. We sit there silent, I am doing the same.
"I got someone in mind, now what?"He asks me
"Picture yourself with them. Try to feel the joy that they bring to you."I tell him
He nods. A smile comes to his face. I focus and do the same way of thinking. I chuckle from the memories.
"Now, subsitute them into the question. Instead of 'Can I give up' think, for a moment, can I give up on them, him, her, whoever it is. Whatever is the answer to that question usually gives me the same answer for giving up at all."I say
"What's your answer?"He asks
I look in front of us. I see the code has taken form according to our thinking. I smile.
"Look ahead and I think you'll get the answer."I say
He looks ahead.
"Ah, so a no."He says
"Got that right. You?"I ask
"Nuh-uh. Not on him or anyone."He says
He thinks for a moment. He is silent for two moments. He gets up and paces for three. He sits down again and is silent for four or more.
"That being said.....Can you do me a favor?"He asks
"Sure thing."I say
"Depending on what happens, if either of us find a way out of here, can we protect the other's beloved? Like if I get out, I'll protect your friends and family. E!Gaster, ehhhh, not so much. Whatever it takes to keep them safe for you. But if you get out, can you....?"He asks
"Protect Suave, Jasper and Encre. Got it. Of course I will, Fallacy. You have my word."I say
"Are you sure? I don't want to ask for so much in a situation like this."He says
"Too late now, bud. You already asked and I accepted. Besides, nothing is too much for a friend. It will be fine."I tell him
"Okay...."He says, but slips me something
I look and it's a handful of panels, showing his memories.
"In case something happens.....If I get into a bad state or something, use those to snap me out of it. It's the good memories. I promise to focus on those."He says
"Of course."I say
I tap the panel and it gives options like EDIT, DELETE, SAVE, ETC. I hit the save button and the handful of memories have my soul appear. It zips in and then I get another panel saying SAVE COMPLETE.
I sigh and smile. I see all the other panels go away. Fallacy dozes off a few hours later but I stay awake. Can't sleep. Must protect him.
When he woke up, Tim comes back inside. He had this wicked grin. He grabs me and picks me up.
"I realize the whole issue of this situation. I left! I left you to die, but I should've just finished you off! Heh, time to fix that mistake!"He says
"Let him go!"Fallacy growls, charging
Tim snaps and chains restrain Fallacy, pulling him back.
"Stop, servant."He says, snapping again
Fallacy stops moving, shutting his eyes.
"What did you do?!"I ask
"Accessed the files of his code. I'm taking away everything I don't need. And now, only one file will be activated. The Blood Moon file."He says, clapping and tossing me aside
Fallacy opens his eyes. His pupils are gone. He opens his wings but could not move. He keeps yanking and tugging, panting and huffing. He sniffs the air. He moves quickly and forcefully. He seems vicious now. Wild. Out of control. Not him.
"Fallacy!"I shout, trying to snap him out of it
"He cannot hear you, he only obeys me now that I hacked his files. Hmmm, Fallacy."He says
Fallacy stops and lifts his head. Tim's tone to Fallacy was like talking to a pet or animal. Not a being, just a tool. Treating him like a bad puppeteer would treat his puppet. Trust me, I know. I've had to hear Error rant about the do's and don'ts of being a puppeteer. A good one. He removes some of the chains.
"Kill."He orders, pointing to me
Fallacy obeyed. He comes over and beats me down, but then when I begin to bleed, he stops. He opens his wings to hide me from his sight.
"Nightmare..?"He says
I see his pupils faintly come back.
"Oh stars! I am so sorry! I-AGH!"He whispers to me so Tim cannot hear him but then cries in pain
His pupils go away and he did the task. I notice he took my locket that I still had on before I went unconscious.
Nobody's POV
But what Nightmare does not know is that after Tim left Fallacy, Fallacy took control back and grieved. He blamed himself. He held the locket and opens it, finding all the photos. He shuts it. He gets an idea. He rolls it up in the dust and notices the bits of code in the dust that remained. He packs it up like a ball of snow then aims it at the ceiling. He could feel his control slipping, but he has to do this. He mutters something and tosses it. Only the locket came down. He tucks it away before he lost control again. The code soared through the multiverse, trying to take form again, but to do this, it has to reach a destination. And Fallacy gave it a destination. It went there, making a new soul along the way. Then, it found a host. Nightmare has another chance. But is he determined enough to take it?
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Back to Nightmare's POV
I groan and slowly open my eyes. I hear crying. I thought it was Fallacy. Maybe he got control again. I glance over. Nope. It's Dream. I look around the room. I'm not trapped. I'm in the kitchen of my house in RebornTale. Long time no see, huh? I can hear everyone in the other room or outside. I rub my head, confused. How'd I get here? Is Fallacy here? Why is Dream crying? Did Cross break his soul? Wait, his hood is down and he has his ears showing. Did someone find out and upset him? Thoughts whizz through my head but I stop. Don't think, just act. I get up and go to him. I place a hand at his chin, but notice stitches at my wrist. I frown.
"Dream, what's the matter? Why are you here crying and not out kissing Cross or something?"I ask
He looks at me. He smiles. His ears go up.
"Brother!"He cheers
"What?"I ask
"You're ok! I don't even care that you came back as one of Error's stupid puppets! You're back! I thought I lost you, Nightmare!"He cheers, hugging me
"Wait, I'm a puppet?"I ask
"Yep, the same one that Ghastly wouldn't release."He says
"And what did I say about the hood?"I ask
"Oh, whoops!"He says, lifting it up
I hear running footsteps. Error bursts in the room as I wipe Dream's tears.
"ThEy aRe NoT sTupId DrEaM! WaIt, wHat tHe fUck?!"Error exclaims
"Error!"Ink snaps
"WhAt?!"Error snaps
"Language, Error.~"I say with a bit of tease
"Palette is visiting!"Ink shouts
"Ok! GoT iT!"Error says, shutting the kitchen door
"Ok, wHat ThE fUcK iS gOinG oN hErE?"Error asks
I shrug.
"Nightmare is back!"Dream says, hugging me again
"As a pUpPet oF mIne?"He asks
He snaps and my soul appears.
"Excuse you, Error. Do not do anything with his soul."Dream says
"Oh. It rEalLy iS hIm...Ok."Error says, then he opens the door and leaves
Dream doesn't let go.
Cross, Geno, X!Chara, Goth, Dameon, Shino and Sprinkle come in, each grabbing snacks.
"A little help?"I ask
They look at me, each taking a turn to check my soul. Geno is mesmerized, amazed. He drops his water bottle.
"Reaper your dang list is broken!"Geno yells
"WHAT?!"Reaper shouts
Geno runs off. Goth, Shino, Sprinke and Dameon all join the hug, welcoming me back.
X!Chara hops on the counter and leans over, examining me.
"I'd say he got helped. I am getting faint prints of code on his."He says
Cross comes over. He only hugs me as well. They call others in and then it becomes this giant group hug in the kitchen. But I notice some people are missing.
"Where are Killer and Ghastly? Are Suave, Encre and Jasper nearby? Or did they stay behind?"I ask, remembering the promise
They all break away and nervously get distant from me. They go silent and their body language or expressions tell me that they know stuff but don't wanna say.
"Well? Who's gonna fess up?"I ask
"Suave has been cleaning nonstop around RebornTale. Especially when Fallacy went missing. Encre is upstairs, thinking Fallacy is tricking him to sneak a bite or kiss. Encre doesn't realize he went missing. Jasper left to hunt his dad down. Killer has locked himself in a room at another house, he hasn't left it since we got here. Ghastly went after Jasper."Ink!Pap explains
"Wait, Fallacy is gone?!"A voice says
We look to the kitchen door and see Encre there.
".........Aw fuck!"Dust says, processing the situation
Blue was not in the room. He had gone upstairs.
"I'm gonna go help Jasper!"Encre says, turning to leave
I weave through the crowd of friends and grab his hand.
"No! Encre, don't!"I tell him
At the contact, I felt pain sting me. For a second, I went numb. I was gone again. I check my soul and find a piece broke of it. Small, but still hurt. I realize that my time is limited. And my soul is the hourglass. I notice the code prints. They are Fallacy's. He got me out. I owe this to him. I will keep my word to him.
"Wait, Nightmare? But how?!"Encre says
"It's a long story to sort out. I will tell you some other time. But right now, I have a promise to keep. You will not leave. You will stay here, safe and sound even if it is the last thing I do! Fallacy wanted you to stay safe, as well as Suave and Jasper. I promised him that if something happened, I would keep them safe. I gave him my word and I never break my word or promise. And, I'm sorry to say this, but he isn't himself. He isn't in control. Not anymore. Now, go upstairs, join Blue and Palette. Everything will be okay. I just gotta round ya guys up."I say
He looks like he has questions, but sighs and nods. He goes upstairs.
"What happened to M'Lord Fallacy?"Suave asks, popping out of a closet
"His files...code...being, whatever you can call it to understand, got changed. Hacked. Now, only some Blood Moon file is activated for him and he is being controlled to follow commands of the enemy."I explain
"Oh dear, I'll go make sure Encre doesn't try anything."Suave says, going upstairs as well, wiping the railing with a cloth as he went
"So how are you all? It's been a while."I say
"My sisters got killed by Renew so there's that..."Dameon says
I look at him. He's serious. I hug him. He cries and I comfort him. I look at them all.
"Raven went missing."Shino says
I pull her in the hug too.
Everyone shares their news, very little good. We hug again and I tell them to look out for each other. Then, I'm off to find them kiddos. I run about, looking around. I find Jasper flying in the air, then I see Ghastly about to run into a rushing river, trying to follow him. I run to him, scooping him up quickly.
"I'm not even gone two weeks and you try to get grounded again! Getting into trouble! Jeez!"I tell him
"Huh? Wait! *GASP* JASPER GET DOWN HERE!"Ghastly says then shouts
Jasper comes over.
"Nightmare! You're back! Hooray!"He cheers, landing on my jead
"Papa!"Ghastly cheers, hugging me
"Heh, you both are good friends already. You both are so troublesome and daring yet very good."I say
"Wait!"Ghastly says, squirming out of my hold
He takes something out of his pocket. He unfolds it and snaps. I find a shirt appear on me.
"It has a defense barrier embedded in it. It will deflect any attacks and heal any wounds that penetrate it. I am not risking losing you again, Papa! Especially in this puppet form!"He says
"Awww thanks!"I tell him
We head off and I drop them off at the house. I have a special someone to see.
I walk to another house and knock at the door. I hear footsteps on the other side. I knock again.
"Hello?"a voice says
I know it.
"Hey Kills.~"I say
"Nighty? How?"Killer says
"I have my ways."I say
""He says
I hear footsteps leave the door.
"Kiler! Don't go! Please!"I tell him
I go along the porch to the window.
I look through the glass at him. He is crying and even his eye-lights are blue versions of his soul.
"Go away kid! Your tricks with Error's puppet won't work!"He snaps
"Kills, it's me. No strings attatched. Though I am stuck as a puppet. There's no kid here. Please, it's me. I am here."I tell him
"N-Nighty..."He says, coming closer to the window
"There ya go! Come on! It's ok! No need to cry!"I tell him, placing a hand on the glass
"You're really here..."He says
"Of course! Gotta make sure my Kills is okay!"I tell him
He opens the window and reaches out to me. He takes my hand. I take his hand and smile. I wipe his tears. He pulls me in and kisses me through the window. I feel my face burn. He shoves me back but holds me in place.
"Nightmare, I love you so much. I care for you. I am so glad you are back."He says
I smile.
"Same to you, Kills. Kills I care about you. I am glad you're okay. That guy is unpredictable. I dunno if he-agh!"I say but then groan in pain
I drop weakly to the ground, gripping his arms for support.
"Nighty!"He shouts
I go numb again, unable to see move or speak. I cannot do anything. Pain stings me. I am broken, gone once more. This time it was longer and worse. My sight comes back and I'm on a couch. I smile nervously. I slowly sit up.
"You're up, Nighty!"I hear Kills say
I look up at him.
"I love you! I was so worried! What happened?"He asks
"I-I dunno."I say, though know it's a warning that my time is running lower
The hourglass is emptying.
I look down and see strings around me tightly. Green strings. Another sign that my time is running out. More will come and try to pull me out of life, but I'll fight for it. I won't stop now.
"Well, whatever it is, I'm here for you."He says, taking my hand
He kisses my head.
I smile, feeling my face warm. But I check my soul. I frown. It's half empty. Just as I notice this, another string wraps around me.
"You okay?"He asks
"Y-Yep!"I lie
"Well, I'm staying with you just in case."He says
"I expected nothing less. You are very protective."I say
"Look who's talking."He says, leaving temporarily
"Good point."I say
He sets himself up in a chair and stays up, watching me. He told me to sleep so I laid down, facing inward and pretend to sleep. I wait until he is asleep, then get the heck out of there. I have a bad feeling. I don't want him to see when my time runs out and I don't want whatever I'm feeling to hurt him. I climb up to the roof and watch everything from there.
A few hours pass.
Nothing has come.
I start to wonder if I'm just being paronoid.
That's when I hear a voice.
"We're here. They're all so vulnerable. Perfect place to start. Don't you think?"It says
"I'm not sure about this....Something feels wrong about it."Another says
"Oh shut up."The first says
"What? You asked what I thought. And that's what I think."The second says
'Well I don't care. It was rhetorical. Now, let the plan begin."The first snaps
I glance around, recognizing both voices. Then, I spot them. Fallacy has come with Tim. Tim is using my hostile form. He gazes around and looks in my direction, as in, at the house. I go limp like any puppet would be not being used and stuck on a roof, not wanting him to know.
"Where do we start?"Fallacy asks
"Hmm, do you see what I see?"Tim asks
"I see darkness, and your stupid plan."Fallacy says, his pupils coming back for a split second
"I see a house with a puppet on top. I will bet anything one of the targets live there. I'll strike there, you do your part."Tim says
Then without another word, he uses the tentacles to slash and knock the house down. I go flying into a tree and get caught on a branch.
I watch as everyone comes out, ready to fight from the other houses. Within moments, half of them were either healing someone or needing to be healed. Fallacy was merciless, zipping and defeating one person to another.
And I'm stuck on a branch witnessing it all.
I see Killer crawl out of the rubble. Then I see Tim closing in on him.
"NO!"I shout, trying to swing my way off the branch
I succeed, but hear a ripping sound. I check myself and find that the shirt Ghastly made for my safety got torn off. I'm vulnerable now and no longer care. I run to Killer as fast as I can.
"Kills! Watch out!"I yell
He looks in my direction, unaware. I leap at him, falling on top of him. I look at him and see his face burn up.
"N-Nighty!"He says
"What? Someone has to keep you safe, right? Agh!"I say, then feel tentacles slash me down
They hit me for what seems like forever, making my hp drop and feel unending pain. But I take it all for Kills. And when it did stop, he is still safe.
"Ugh, this is useless. Move onto different target."Tim mutters
I look and watch him leave. I get off Kills and sigh. I notice that I'm torn up all over. Loose threads hang from my arms and legs. My left arm was even dangling by the elbow. I shake my head and start stitching myself back up. Then I feel two hands at my back, touching threads on me. I jolt. I turn my head and see Killer is the one doing it. I feel my face burn.
"K-Kills?"I stutter
"For once I have a reason to care about the condition of Error's stupid puppets. I'm just sewing your back, it is ripped."He says
"O-Ok, but Error is so gonna get you for making that comment later."I say, noticing Error giving Killer a dirty look as he tries to catch Fallacy
"Don't care. Now hold still."He says
I nod, then hold still, facing forward. He moves quickly and silently. I couldn't help but flinch at each move though. I see the green strings again. Except there are five now. I'm running out of time and it's the worst of situations. I jolt again when I feel someone touching my soul.
"Nighty...Your soul....It's breaking!"Kills says
I look at him and see he's holding my soul. There's only some color in it left.
"No, I just gave Dream his half back."I lie
"Are you gonna be ok?"He asks
"Of course!"I tell him, giving false hope
But that's what he needs.
"Ah, okay then. Just to be sure, here's something to help your wound."He says, kissing my soul
I feel my face become a blushing mess. He was treating it like someone getting a kiss for their wound, like a kid and their boo-boo or whatever. That thought at first is annoying, but a deeper look and it's sweet.
"Kills!"I snap anyway
"What?"He asks
"T-Thank you."I say, knowing he means well
"No problem, Nighty."He says
I see some more of my soul come back.
I was given more time! Score!
"Nevermind! I'm outta here!"Tim shouts
I look around and get up. I go over to everyone, finding out who's okay, who's hurt, and who's...gone. I go over to Palette and find him crying. He is kneeling down beside Goth, who has a slash mark across his chest.
"Gothy....Come on...Please!"Palette cries
"Palette, what's wrong?"I ask
He looks at me. The sadness and fear in his eyes are strong, making his bright starry eye-lights look pale.
"Unclemare! Oh, I mean, Nightmare sorry. G-Gothy won't wake up! Fallacy bit and slashed him! Why would he do that? I thought he was on our side! Am I....Are w-we gonna lose Gothy?"He tells me
"Fallacy isn't in control, Palette. He doesn't want to do this but he doesn't have a choice. His files were tampered with. He's in the Blood Moon file and that man-"I begin
"The jerk who nearly took you from us?"He asks
I nod.
"That man is controlling Fallacy. I know Fallacy never wanted any of this. He is still on our side, just unable to help. I'm sure we won't lose Goth. You won't lose your Gothy. He just needs medical attention and help. He needs you to believe in him. Blue! We have a wounded one over here!"I assure him
Blue comes over, quickly helping. I look around. I notice Fallacy isn't in sight anymore, but he didn't retreat with Tim. Something is up. I go to check on Jasper, Suave and Encre. I go inside and find Suave at the bottom of the stairs with a wounded skull. I go over to him and quickly bandage him.
"M'Lord...He got in....I tried to hold him off and snap him out of it....But he wouldn't listen."Suave says, looking ashamed of himself
"It's ok, Suave. Where'd he go?"I tell him
He points upstairs.
I nod and call the others to help him.
I go upstairs and go down the hall. I find Jasper crouched against a wall, holding a wounded arm.
"He....He didn't even recognize me.....He went to Encre's room. You gotta help him!"Jasper tells me without question
I nod.
"Okay, but you go downstairs and get help now."I tell him
He looks at me and sighs. He goes down the stairs.
I go to Encre's room. The door is broken in.
"Monsieur, please...I know you're in there. I know you hear me.....Please....Come back...."I hear Encre say
I hear a scream next. I go into the room and see this.
"Monsieur, it's me! Encre! Fallacy! Listen! Calm down and listen! Please let me go! Snap out of it! I need you, but not like this! Fallacy, monsieur! Please!"Encre pleas
Fallacy smiles and pulls Encre closer.
"Plan must be done, bye bye painter."Fallacy says
"S'il te plait mon amour! J'ai besoin de vous!"Encre cries
I have no clue what he said.
(*Please my love! I need you!)
But Fallacy does.
Fallacy freezes up. His face glows a bright yellow. His eye-lights/ pupils faintly come back.
"I'm your amour? You love me?"He asks
"Yes! I do! Honest! Monsieur, you make me feel so happy when I'm with you, please don't make that time end. I know you can beat that jerk. You aren't the kind who likes to be controlled or bossed around."Encre says
I take the coded memories out of my soul when I see his eyes change again. He pulls Encre closer, but lines his fangs up with Encre's neck. And not in the careful, quick bite, let-you-live angle. Quite the opposite.
"Hey! Fallacy!"I shout to get his attention
He looks at me and frowns, dropping Encre.
"Tim said you were dead!"He snaps
He comes over to me and quickly tears one of my arms and legs clean off.
"Nightmare!"Encre shouts
Fallacy picks me up by my other leg and begins to slowly pull out a thread.
"Well then you know he isn't very honest. Now, I kept my promise and my word, you better do hell of a good job of keeping yours."I say, shoving the code at him
It instantly is absorbed into him. He pauses, processing it all. He groans, shutting his eyes and shaking his head. He releases me and I hit the ground. More strings appear on me. I check my soul and find that I have little time left. The hourglass is running low. I look at Fallacy and he opens his eyes, having his eye-lights back.
"Nightmare....? Oh my stars! Nightmare! I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to I swear! I-I-I-!"He exclaims
"Shut up. I know. Don't apologize for something out of your control silly. Besides, you have other things to deal with."I tell him
"Nightmare!"Encre shouts, rushing over
He hugs me close and tight. He weeps and cries, thanking me for what I did but apologizing for getting me involved. I shake my head.
"Encre, I was a goner from the start. Nothing could be done. But, I have Fallacy here to thank for giving me the chance to see those I care about one last time."I say
"Please don't go, Nightmare! Please!"He cries
"I'm afraid that's out of my control. But....Can you guys do me a favor?"I ask
"Sure! Anything!"Encre says
"Name it!"Fallacy says
"Don't let Kills know that I'm gone. That would break him. Tell him that I went to fix a problem and will be back soon. And if he asks about why I'm not this anymore, just say I left this puppet to have better chances of accomplishing it."I tell them, in tears from the pain
"OK!"They say
"Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Au revoir, chers amis."I say
(*Goodbye, dear friends)
I see the last bit of my soul disappear. The hourglass is empty. Encre's cries fade away. I no longer could move or feel anything. I go limp, just like any puppet would.
It didn't really feel bad anymore. I open my eyes as if I were waking up from a nap. A very painful nap that ends when I wake up. There's this bright, white, blinding light. I look around and see hundreds of people or monsters going to it. I spot Goth among these monsters, excpet he was trying to get away. He was getting pushed and trampled by the others, but he sees me.
"Nightmare!"He calls
I go over to him.
"What is this place?"He asks
"A place you shouldn't be. Now go, get on now. You're being led the wrong way. I will not let you be the reason my alternate nephew bawls his eyeholes out crying. Come on."I say, pulling him through the crowd
I see a sign saying life, but then it had a scanner. The sign below it shows two types of souls. One was slightly damaged and full, which had a check. But then it shows an empty soul with an X. Meaning those won't be let by. I check his soul. His was shaky but full. He will pass. I check mine and know I am not the same.
"Thank you, Nightmare! I am so telling Palette you said that! Can't wait to see you come back too!"He cheers
"Ya, ya...Hehe, whatever you say."I say
"You should find Ink!Pap, Nightmare. He is somewhere around here and says he has a plan for you. He wants to talk to you. I am sure you'll be back in no time."Goth says, then goes through the barrier successfully
I shake my head but search for Ink!Pap anyway. He comes over to me from behind, tapping me on the shoulder. I turn and look at him. He had slash marks where both a Papyrus and Sans would die from. He smiles at me anyway. But then he checks my arms and leg. That makes me notice slash marks marking where these limbs were torn from. I explain what happened.
"Hmm, that seems pretty good of you. You are Error's friend, right?"He asks
"Yep."I say
"The one with a son named Ghastly?"He asks
"Mhm."I say
"Now, I don't want a kid to be without a father as good as you. Plus, like dominoes, that means Ink is a friend of your friend. Error will get upset just like your other friends when they realize you're gone, meaning Ink will get upset as well. What if I told you that you could get another chance?"He suggests
"What? But I was already reborn. Isn't that the last chance for me to come back?"I say
"As you, yes. But if you were....reincarnated to say, things would be different. I think you deserve it after everything you've gone through. Plus it seems like from the moment you started your life, people just mistreated or saw you in the wrong way, causing you to get less than you earn. You could go back. I've done it plenty of times. My time may be up but yours may not be. Wanna give it a try?"He suggests
"Sure, if you tell me what you mean by the fact you've done it plenty of times."I say
"Alright! Let's go. How do you think I got outta that blank space without sacrificing my soul like Ink did? Heh, I found another way and eventually came as myself again..."He says
"Wait. Ink!Pap?"I say
"Yes?"He responds, taking my hand
"Thank you."I say
"No problem!"He says
He leads me off and begins to tell me about his reincarnations as well as the adventures that were in each one. There are many, all Papyruses in the multiverse, and very interesting. A new chapter is beginning in my life. A restart.
TBC...In the sequel book!
Ya...I realize this book is getting pretty long. I mean, come on, nearly 100 chapters now and I still have plenty of ideas on where this adventure may go. So, I've decided to make a sequel to this book. This will be the end of this half of the story, but the other book will pick up right where this left off. I'm very excited to do it and will announce when it comes out. Keep an eye out and I hope you enjoyed this! It was fun to write and see your comments! Also, protect any chocolate, chanclas, weapons, or determination you have! Cya and stay safe out there!
P.S. Happy St. Patricks Day to those who celebrate!
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