Chapter 98: Burn
WARNING:Many POV swaps '^w^
Nightmare's POV
I wander around still. It looks like some historic world. Of humans. And I had a feeling that they haven't found good magic yet. I see humans tied to stakes in the ground with burning straw below them and many other ways that threatened their safety. Above their heads are labels like Witch or nasty labels like monster, freak, etc. I set Dream down and when I see nobody around, I untie these poor people and get them to safety. They thank me but were in shock that I'd help. I pick Dream back up before someone could take him or he hops off too far. They all seemed so nice.
"Run. Run or get as far as you can from here. I don't want you all caught again. You are not what those signs say. So, you must go. Help each other too. Just leave."I tell them
"Thank you, Bunny Lady!"They say, then run off
I can see where they got that name from. I wander around.
Unfortunately, someone did see me and soon, the whole village was chasing after me. They call me witch, freak, monster, the usual stuff. I hold Dream close to me, not risking dropping him. They yell about how they will kill me and yada yada, blah blah blah. I focus and summon a portal. I hop through and shut it behind me. I look around and smile.
"Ah, we're here!"I mutter
Dream looks up at me, as if asking Where is here?
We were in the hall of doors. Radier's hall. Of course Dream doesn't recognize it.
"Radier's mid-void."I say
He looks at me confusedly as if I just told him an amalgamate ruled the underground or something. Like I was talking nonesense. I shrug it off. I walk up and down the halls and pick a random door. I go through it, completely unaware we are being followed.
A few minutes afterwards, Killer's POV
I come through the portal and find utter chaos. Fires and ropes were everywhere. People were screaming and yelling. The skies were full of stormy clouds. Panic fills the atmosphere. Tension was in the air. I walk around in the shadows. Now I can hear what these people were yelling. KILL THE BEAST! KILL THE MONSTER! KILL THE FREAK! Over and over again. Something tells me that E!Gaster's disguise didn't work. I pull a human aside.
"What's going on?" I ask
"Eek! Another monster! Did the purple eyed freak summon you from the pits of hell?"The human cries out in fright
Purple eyed freak....Nightmare! He WAS here!
"Em, not exactly. Where'd this purple-eyed freak go?"I ask
They point in a direction.
"But then they leapt through this strange hole they made in the air."They tell me, then run off
He left through a portal....
I open a portal and hop through another. The search continues.
Back to Nightmare's!
I look around and find ourselves in some kind of school hall. Humans are everywhere, not a single monster in sight. But here, magic use seems normal. A tall lady sees us and grabs me by the wrist, making me drop Dream. She drags me away with Dream hopping after me. She takes me in some office and shuts the door on Dream's bunny face. She has me sit in a chair. A sign on her desk where she sat across from me said Headmaster. Oooo, I'm in trouble aren't I.....
"What's your name?"She asks
"Nightmare."I say
"What in Diamond's name are you wearing?"She asks
I look down at myself. Jeans and a long sleeve shirt with sneakers.
"Uh, jeans, shirt and sneakers?"I say
"Are you asking me or telling me?"She says, cleaning her glasses while giving me a stink eye
"Jeans, shirt and sneakers."I repeat
"Well, that goes against this Royal Academy's dress code. It says so in the handbook we gave on the first day."She says
"Sorry, I'm new. I didn't get the handbook yet. I promise it won't happen again! But, what is the dress code?"I say
"Ugh, come on, I'll help you. Knew we should've kept spare copies."She says, grabbing me by the hand this time
She yanks me out of the seat and takes me out of the office. I try and fail to pick Dream up with her dragging me off. He still hops after me, only to get another door slammed in his face. The headmaster reads a book silently, then snaps.
"There ya go."She says
I look down. I'm in a dress now. Guess I should've seen that coming with the Royal Academy thing. I follow her out and see her gaze at Dream.
"Is this stray yours?"She asks
"Y-Yes, ma'am. I saw other students with animals and thought it was fine. Is it?"I reply
"Oh of course! I just wanted to make sure such an adorable creature had an owner. Strays around here tend to go missing lately....or worse. Go upstairs 3 times and to the fourth door on the left is yours. No key, just a key word of your choosing. I'll get your classes set up."She says, smiling&petting Dream
Dream seems very uneasy. He hops behind me, peeking out at her.
She gives us one last glance then walks away quickly.
"Well Dream, guess we're staying here."I say, going to the door as told.
I try to think of a keyword. Nothing came up. Dream hops to get my attention. He points to me, then at himself. I think I got it.
"Nightmare&Dream."I say
The door opens and once inside it has a note appear saying keyword saved. He smiles and hops to the windowsill. It has a wonderful view that astounds him.
I check the closet and drawers, finding clothes, food and supplies. Also, found a spare yearbook luckily. I open it up to read it.
The dress code is only dresses for girls and, get this, no shoes. It's called the Rapunzel rule. I read through it and it seems this Academy is making royal females into damsels or sidekicks to the men at the male Royal Academy just across the field from here. It is giving the idea that females should be seen, not heard and obey the men without objection.
Old views. I hate it.
Unfortunately, my disguise makes my in this category. I shake my head. Just deal with it. The headmaster forgot to take my shoes luckily. I take them off and take out what was hidden in it. Some photos of my friends, Killer and Ghastly. They were very small. I find a welcoming gift laying on a desk beside a welcoming note. I open the box and find a locket. I open it and it was the perfect size to fit the pictures. I place them in and click the necklace around my neck. Much better.
"Are you ready for the unpredictable, Dream?"I ask as night falls
He looks at me and nods. We rest, yet little did I know what is to come.
A few weeks later....
I stand at the stove for a cooking class, learning how to make Death by Chocolate cake. Dunno why. The past few classes have just been the basics like making cereal or pancakes and mac&cheese, stuff like that.
Why a cake?
Though, I'll admit, I'm excited the eat the resulting product like we usually can once the teacher sees it finished.
A bell rings suddenly and we are told to go outside. I grab what I have and, because of some intuition, grab a frying pan and tuck it away, having a feeling I'll need it. I put the frying pan under the plate the cake is on. We all walk out, getting into a single file line.
Dream hops over to me, looking as confused and lost as I am. The headmaster puts little tags on each of us with numbers. I get numbered 44. Stranger and stranger. She has us all face her.
"Good afternoon, ladies. Today, is a big day for you. You all will be meeting your assigned partner from the Men's Royal Academy. Those numbers on you are who you look for. Find your match and share your cake with them as a gift. Listen to them and do not say a word unless told to speak freely or asked a question. I will be watching. Am I clear?"She says
We all nod. I snap and I make the cake and pan float up to the sky. I'll bring it down when I find this "partner" and see if they are nice or not. I look around for someone labeled 44 as well. I frown as I get no results. But then I feel someone grab my wrist and tug me backwards. I turn and find this boy labeled 24 towering over me.
"You're much prettier than the 24 gal. How about we have that cake and then go to my room? We can get to know each other and have fun.~"He says
I point to my number.
"Oh who cares about rules? Fun levels are what count!"He says, shoving me down
I hit the ground roughly. I feel a rock cut my arm and it bleeds. He tosses the rock out of sight. Not even caring for my wound, he starts to size me up and feel my hair with his hands, going down. It makes me uneasy.
"Comply, comply, comply."He keeps repeating
I shove him back.
Charles was enough of an experience for me. But here I can't fight without getting in trouble. And I have nothing to fight with.
He grabs my wrist.
"Ooo! A locket! That's gotta go!"He says, grabbing my necklace and tearing it off me
He tosses it aside.
"You are mine now."He says
Dream comes hopping over, then goes kangaroo style, hopping up and kicking him in the head with both feet. This guy takes a few rounds of it but does not release me.
"Ugh! Is this your pet?!"He snaps
I nod.
He grabs Dream by the neck.
"Not anymore!"He snaps, then throws Dream away as well
"Dream!"I cry out, worried that he got hurt badly
Then, I feel a slap across the face.
"I did not say you could talk!"He snaps
Oh boy. This is some situation.
Dream's POV
I land and get knocked out temporarily from getting thrown like a choked football.
Not for long though.
I have to protect Nightmare.
I wake up and quickly get to my feet. I look in Nightmare's direction again and find him getting slapped in the face by that jerk. He isn't even the assigned partner! Nobody abuses my brother and gets away with it! Then, I hear something faint nearby. It sounds like footsteps. Then, from a great distance, I hear a voice.
"Nightmare....Night....Where are you? Come on out please!"The voice calls
I smile.
He can help! He is just who my brother needs!
I look around and see the locket landed near me. I dig my head under it and lift my head up, now wearing it on me. This can be used to get his help. I hop off as fast as I can. Fortunately, I am a bunny now. And bunnies can hop quite fast. I make it to the gates of the academies and find Killer walking along the sidewalk on the other side. I dig a large hole and tunnel my way through to the other side, making sure it's big enough for Killer as well, a plan forming in my head.
I come out the other end and find him leaving. I am smaller and shorter than him. He may trample me. I get another idea. I hop up the poles of the fence and gate to the top and hop along the pointy spikes. I hop off one and knock him down by tackling him to the ground.
"Agh!"He shouts
I hop off him as he sits up and hop rapidly in front of him.
"What the hell you little Looney Tunes character? What do you want? I don't have any carrots!"He snaps
I grab his hand and bring him to the tunnel I made. I point to the other side.
"What? No! I am not intruding! I have no reason!"He says
Yes you do.
He tears his hand from me and gets up. He walks away, continuing to call for Nightmare. I shake my head. I find some rocks and a stick. I place a rock on the stick, then stomp the other side. It gets catapulted and hits him in the skull. He pauses. I fire another one. He stomps. I fire two. He turns around. I fire three more. That got him. He runs toward me. I hop down the hole and go through to the other side. He comes right through after me. He grabs me, pinning me to the ground. But then he sees the locket. He gets a curious expression. I open it up with my paws. Out come the photos. He takes the locket and picks up the photos.
"These...Are Nighty's photos....Where'd you find these?"He asks
I point to Nightmare in a photo.
"From him?"He asks
I nod.
"Wait...Dream? Night wouldn't trust his stuff with wild animals and E!Gaster mentioned disguises....."He asks
I nod.
"Oh....Is he okay?"He asks, releasing me
I shake my head no.
"Where is he?"He asks
I gesture for him to follow me and hop quickly to lead him back to Nightmare. I frown, shaking my head. I look at him then at Nightmare, who is still stuck with that jerk.
"Let me go!"Nightmare yells
He gets slapped, little did I know it was again. I get upset. I look at Killer. He frowns.
"Where is he?"He asks me
I point to Nightmare, then witness this guy force a kiss from him. Killer is shocked.
"What the fuck?!"He exclaims
Killer begins to stomp over but I stop him.
I notice an obstacle.
"What?"He snaps at me
I gesture to all the others and the headmasters, watching and nearby. All of them have power. If he goes to get Nightmare, he will be killed instantly. He sees this as well.
"Well, what do you suppose I do?"He asks
I get an idea. I lead him to the other academy building and get him inside. I find the potions classroom. I hop up and kick a bottle onto him. I look and see he's a human. I find a spare handbook and slide it to him. He needs to blend in. He skims through it, then snaps, making his clothes change according to the dress code. I find a spare tag and get a pen. I write 44 on it, then place it on him. He looks at me, then nods. I lead him back out. I notice all the other boys were standing at tables with their partner, meanwhile there's the partner for this jerk all alone and Nightmare is stuck on the ground under this guy. I have Killer go to the table labeled 44. Then, I let him handle the rest.
Nightmare's POV
I fight and try to shove him off me, but he would not budge. I can't seem to get free.
"HEY!"A voice shouts
This guy freezes. I kick him off me. We both look to see at a table without chairs stands this boy. The table is labeled 44. He wiggles a knife back and forth with a finger into the table. He gives this dude a nasty glare. I notice he has a tag with a sloppy 44 on it. He is my partner? Eh, better than this douchebag.
"What?"24 asks
"Go get your own! That's my partner you rulebreaker! I don't care if you mind or not, just get away from him before I make you!"44 snaps, grabbing the knife tight
"Hah! 22C, you cannot fight another unless both have a weapon and you challange them to a duel. I have no weapon so you can't make me."24 says
"12B, if your partner is in need of assistance or is getting taken, you may use force on the account of self-defense. So, I can."44 counter argues
"Well, that's if you catch me! Finders keepers, loser!"24 says, reaching for me
I jump back. Then I get an idea. I have the pan drop. I catch it, removing th plate of cake from it. 24 lunges at me and I whack him in the head with the pan, knocking him down and out quickly. I smile and grip it tight. Then I see Dream hopping back over, with my locket too. I kneel down, having the plate of cake hover.
"Dream!"I cheer, hugging him
"Are you ok? He didn't hurt you too bad, did he?"I ask
He shakes his head, putting the locket on me with his paws. Then he places a paw on my cheek where I was slapped four times. He shuts his eyes and nods to a rthym. I feel it get healed. Then he does the same with the arm I hit on the rock when shoved down.
"Thanks, bro."I say
He smiles and nods.
"What is the meaning of this?!"Two voices shout
I look up to find the two headmasters towering over me in the worst of moods.
"What did you do?! You rebellious idiot! I have spent months to teach you and this is what you do? What do you have to say?"My headmaster snaps
"I-"I begin
"Did I permit you to speak?!"She speaks
I go silent.
"Young lady, you have stepped too far out of line. You will never amount to anything at this rate. So, you will be punished severely."The other headmaster says, taking off his glove
Dream hops in front of me, pick up rocks and sticks. He makes little catapults and fires them at this headmaster, knocking him back.
"And that darn vermin! So disobedient and wild!"He snaps
"Yet so cute..."My headmaster says
"Must be punished."They both say, stepping closer. I grab Dream and hold him close to shield him from any blows.
"Wait!"A voice shouts
I look and see 44 cut between us.
"What is the meaning of this intervention?"My headmaster snaps
"H-She did nothing wrong! She was defending herself and just trying to follow the rules! He was breaking the rules and not following orders! If you haven't noticed, he's not her partner, so she doesn't take orders from him! And she doesn't have to listen to you boneheads either! Besides, I read the handbook! She used the Rapunzel rule! If you have a problem with that, then maybe don't name the no-shoe rule after a royal who used a frying pan for defense! And your views are so old! She as well as all the people here have a voice and have every right to be treated like the boys, not servants or less! They should not be used! And if your way to teach them is to verbally break them down to nothing, saying they will never amount to anything and ruin their self-esteem, then you have another thing coming! And you sir, if you think violence is a worthy punishment to students to get them in line or whatever, then you should leave! In fact! One moment! I will call the cops for how illegal this whole practice is!"44 explains, holding the knife tight
He keeps walking closer to the headmasters and pointing the knife when singling them out. Even though he is outnumbered and they are bigger than him, he spoke so strongly and angrily and his steps were so quick that he got them to back up. He takes out his phone and dials a number. That got the headmasters to stop and listen. He verbally knocked some sense into them.
"Nonono! No need for that! We're sorry! We didn't realize!"My headmaster says
"I'll change! We'll change! The cirriculum and everything will change! Just please don't call!"The other begs
"Okay, then first act of change is for both of you to resign by the end of the day and get replaced by better, newer, nicer headmasters that have modern common sense."44 says
"Done!"They both say, then get out of sight
I look at Dream, who is shaking, ears down and unable to hear any of this. I nudge him and he looks up at me as if to ask if it's safe now.
"They're gone. It's fine, Dream."I whisper
He smiles and nods again.
"Are you okay?"a voice says
I look up and it's 44. He extends his hand to help me up.
I am silent....I dunno wether to speak or not. Don't want to get hit. I set Dream down and step back. I put my frying pan in front of me, ready to hit him if he tries anything, but my grip is shaky. I am shaking nervously. Dream nudges me closer to him though. Odd. But that set me at more unease. Dream pushing me to someone new. Where is that familiar? Oh right. With Charles! I step back, pan still aimed.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I wouldn't ever. And you can speak freely. Don't let their teachings control you now."He says
I nod and lower the pan.
"I-I'm fine, thank you....I guess we go to the table?"I say, grabbing the plate of cake floating still
"Alright."He says, wrapping an arm around me
I flinch from the touch.
"Relax, I'm here for you."He says, winking
"I wish someone else was...."I sigh softly
"Hm?"He says, cutting the cake
"N-Nothing."I say
He cuts me a big slice and his is the same size. I look at it confusedly. I had expected him to make the larger one and mine tiny.
"Equality rocks. You are my equal."He says
I give him a fork, saying nothing. I eat the slice. It indeed is delicious.
"Mmmm! So good!"He says
I look at him and see the joy on his face. It reminds me of when I gave Killer chocolate.
"This chocolate? Did you make it?"He asks
"Death by chocolate, yes. Sure did."I say, taking another bite of my slice
"Oh, that title fits perfectly, especially for the situation. And it IS delicious."He says
"Why is that?"I ask
"Because I am so gonna die when we get back. Death by chocolate, er chocolate-lover you could say. Like, I dunno, X!Chara."He says
"I guess so. X!Charas often get hostile about chocolate."I say
I dunno where he's been, he may know an X!Chara...not the same one though. Dream keeps nudging. I look at him.
"Stop!"I tell him
He nods, sitting. I continue to eat.
"Should we take the rest for when we get back as a peace offering to the others?"He asks
"What do you mean we?"I ask
"Well, I-Agh! Mother-f#$%+r! What the hell, Dream?!"He shouts hopping on a foot, holding his leg
I look at Dream to see he had catapulted a rock at him, the hopped and kicked him just below the knee. He stays there, hopping proudly in a circle.
"How do you know his name?"I ask
"The same way I know yours, Night.~"He says with a smirk and coming around the table once the pain passes
"Wait.....Kills?!"I cheer
"Hey, Night. I've missed you. E!Gaster told me what happened. I'm so happy you're oka-!"He begins
I drop my pan. I jump at him, embracing him.
"Kills! You're okay! I'm so glad!"I cheer
He wraps his arms around me.
"Me? You're the one who nearly died and had to go into hiding! You're the one who went missing!"He says
"Ya, but you were on its list of targets! It, the thing that nearly killed us, has my hostile form now! I was so worried that it would use that against you or hurt you! I'm so happy you're here Killer! I-I-I-I-I love you! I-I-I-I-I-I-"I blurt out as fast as I could
My soul is racing, full of joy.
"Boop.~"He says, booping our noses together
My face ignites. His face reddens.
"Kills!"I snap
"What? I've always wanted to do that. I love you too."He tells me
"Alright then...."I say
"Do you know how beautiful you look right now?"He asks
"Shut up! I'm not!"I tell him
"You are. Always have. Always is. Always will be. Now, what about cute? Did you know that?"He asks
"K-Kills! Come on!"I stutter, feeling my face burn
"Is that an inviting come on?"He asks with a wink
"Shut up!"I snap
"Heh, Nighty, you are so cute when you get stubborn like this!"He says
"N-Nighty?! Kills, what did I tell you about nicknames?!"I say, feeling my face burn even more
"Yes, that's why I saved it for later. And now is later."He says
I feel his hands shift. I look and find him holding me in his arms.
"K-K-Kills? What are you doing?"I ask
"Three...Two...One."He counts
"Ladies, you shall join your partner in their room for the night! Have fun and a pleasent time!"The headmasters announce
I look at Killer.
"Ready for some fun?~"He asks
"Don't get any ideas, Kills!"I tell him
He starts carrying me to the academy building. He snaps and the leftover cake follows. Dream hops ahead. He gets inside and heads up the stairs. I'm too late to tell him not to get any ideas. He already does.
"You are my Nighty. None of those other guys can have you, not like that."He says
"Well then can your Nighty get put down please?"I ask
He thinks on it. Then he smirks.
"Sure, for a price."He says after going up a flight of stairs
"What's the price?"I ask
"Part of it is upfront and the other is later, just a little disclosure."He tells me
"Just name it."I say
"You kiss me now and let me do an idea later."He says
"What's the idea?"I ask
"You'll see.~"He says
"Well....okay."I say
He leans in and kisses me. He surprises me and holds e tighter. My soul pounds but I gladly enjoy the kiss, not ever pulling back.
He jolts and breaks away. He looks down. I glance down and see Dream kicking him, shooting him a dirty look. Dream's in protective mode, that's for sure.
"Ok, ok, we're going."He says
He walks on. Dream blocks him.
"What?"He asks
Dream points to me, then down. He gives Killer a deal's a deal look.
"Right!"He says
He puts me down, holding my hand. Dream hops up and whacks his hand from mine. Killer fixes this by wrapping an arm round me by my shoulders. That's out of his reach so he just gives Killer a dirty look. One that he ignores and smiles at me. I smile back.
Dream shakes his head and sarts his quick hops ahead.
He leads us to this room and Killer mutters something. The door opens. We go in and the door shuts behind us.
"So what happened? E!Gaster said his side of the story but I only trust him as far as I can throw him, and I've never tried so I dunno how far that is."He says
I retell what happened. How I woke up in that stupid house, unable to leave. How I encountered Tim and got my form taken. How he chained me and injected poison into me. How Dream came and what happened. How he got poisoned too. How Tim explained vaguely his plan. How after he left, E!Gaster came and what happened from there. Everything.
"Ah, alright....I see...."He says
I nod.
"So, how are we explaining Dream's situation to Cross? He called me earlier once E!Gaster gave him the news and he is very lost and worried. He's searching for you guys as well."Killer says
"Hmmm....."I glance at Dream, who hops in my lap
I think on it.
"Do we straight out tell him or let him figure it out himself and be told later like what happened when you were a cat?"He suggests
I look at Dream. Curiousity fills me at this suggestion. How would Cross act to him without realizing it's him? How would he react when he finds out or puts it together? And, how would Dream act with Cross' behavior? I already know how Cross would act if he knew beforehand. I smirk.
"Let's let him solve it or be told later."I say
Dream looks at me with some kind of shock. He lightly punches me with his paw, though could tell he wanted it to have more force. Then he hops out of sight, as if to hide. I chuckle.
"Pfft! He does realize that Cross isn't coming here right?"Killer asks
"I honestly dunno."I tell him
He chuckles. I take the chocolate cake and place it on the table. I feel something get pinged. I look around but then realize it's my soul. It pings and turns blue. I get dragged to a bed space and Killer grabs me. He places me in the bed and starts cuddling me. He kisses my neck a few times or other places like my cheek or forehead. He holds me firmly. My face burns.
"K-Kills!"I stutter
"Hm?"He says, stopping another neck kiss
"W-What a-are y-y-you d-d-d-doing?"I ask nervously
"I thought after everything that's happened to you, you deserve a soul's worth of love, so I use my idea."He says, summoning my racing soul when he said the word soul
"K-Kills? What a-are you-mmh! K-Kills!"I stutter then cry out when he begins to hold my soul gently
He strokes it gently and looks at it lovingly, having a caring touch. I feel my face melt in a burning, blushing mess. My soul keeps racing in his hold to convey this.
"Calm down."He tells me
"C-Can't."I say
He leans in and looks at me.
"You look so cute when you blush."He tells me
I do not say anything. I start to calm down.
He strokes my soul gently again.
"Kills!"I snap, wanting this idea to end
He smirks.
"Deal's a deal, Nighty."He says
Should've just let him carry me.
Few hours later....
"Nighty, I love you so much."Killer tells me, finally stopping
"I kn-kn-know, Kills."I tell him
I lower the pillow that I hid my face behind, feeling it burn but not as much. I see him kiss my soul and that made my face burn even more again. I hide my face in the pillow.
"There's your soul back. Now...."I hear him say
I see my soul appear back with me and then fade, not being needed to be seen. He takes the pillow from me and tosses it away, hitting the wall. He smiles at me. I feel my soul pound.
"Time to....*yawn*.....Relax....with you."He says sleepily and yawning
He lays down on me, still with the firm grip. He nuzzles his head against me and dozes off. I start to calm down. My soul starts to beat at a normal beat again. I smile. He does mean well, trying to show love. And he's very sweet, protective, unique. But no matter what happens, I'll always think he looks cute, especially when he is resting. I relax and let him sleep. Some time goes by and I hear footsteps. I didn't think much of it. I start to hear banging. Frick.
I nudge Killer.
"Killer, I think someone is trying to get in."I tell him
He looks at me sleepily and smiles.
"Let em. I will just kill 'em if they do."He says
Before I could say anything, he dozes off again.
I hear a crash noise, then more footsteps. Killer sleeps right through the noise. He must be so tired. I try to move and shift to investigate and protect Killer, but he tugs me back in place.
"No...My Nighty.....Stays with me."He says sleepily with a loving tone
I hear footsteps come closer and closer. I look to the doorway and see Cross walk through.
CRAP! This was unexpected!
I nudge Killer, trying to wake him up.
"Kills...Cross is here."I whisper
"No, my dear, he isn't."Killer says
"WHAT THE HELL?!"Cross exclaims
"Good impression, Ni-zzzzz."Killer says in his sleep but dozed before he finishes
I look at Cross. He is in shock and confusion. Killer nuzzles his head against me, making my face burn a bit more. He keeps muttering loving things in his sleep.
Ok....This is new.
"Ummm, hello."I say
"What the heck is going on here?!"Cross exclaims
"Uhhh...Oh jeez."I mutter
A half hour of trying to wake Kills up later....
"Oh, hey Cross. When you'd get here?"Killer asks
I facepalm.
"At least a half hour ago. What the heck are you doing? I came to join in a search for Night and Dream, not to walk in on you sleeping with a human!"Cross says
"You just said what I'm doing. So...."Killer says
"Why? I thought you and Nightmare had a thing going!"Cross says
I get Killer off me and go to the table. I let them talk, er argue. I cut a slice from the cake.
"Make that two please, Night."A voice says
I look up and see X!Chara sitting on the table.
I glance and see Cross still talking with Killer. I look at X!Chara again. He chuckles.
"Freedom! Science found a way to get us our own seperate forms! And is this chocolate?"He says
I nod, understanding.
"Yes it is."I say
I get a plate and put a slice on it. I slide it to him and he smiles.
"Thanks. Nice disguise by the way. E!Gaster did good with its code, though a simple soul check gives it away."He says
He munches down on it. He absolutely loves it.
"Cross! Come have this chocolate!"He shouts
Cross is over quickly. I cut him a slice as well. He takes a bite and that seems to calm down from it. It was like watching a Snickers commercial happen.
"So where's your brother?"X!Chara asks
"Somewhere around here. I'll go find him."I reply
"Make sure he doesn't hippity hoppity too far."X!Chara says with a wink
I realize he knows that as well.
"Roger that."I say, leaving the table
"What's that supposed to mean, Chara?"Cross asks
"Nothing, just enjoy your slice of cake, Cross."He responds
I search around, though can't seem to find Dream anywhere. Strange how I couldn't find a little bunny in a room like this! But then, I hear a creaking sound. I look up. I don't know if I should be proud or upset at him right now. I find Dream peeking out on the kitchen cabinets, his head touching the ceiling. I dunno if I should be proud of him for finding a way to hide properly and get up there or upset that he didn't answer my shouts to find him and the possibility that he defied the laws of gravity or physics. There is no way to get up there that I see.
"Get down here. I want you to come with me."I tell him
He nods, thinking we're going out and I can see in his eyes that he went into protective mode. He hops down, landing beside me. He follows me back to the others, unaware who's here.
"Nightmare!"Cross says, hugging me tight
"Agh! Cross! Hey!"I say
"Oh sorry! Killer explained to me the situation and I get it now! I just am happy you are okay! That dude will not get away with it!"He says, easing up
"I'm glad you're okay too. He said you are one of the targets in his plan as well."I tell him
"Ah, ok."He says
"He's used to hearing of danger now."X!Chara says
I nod. Then I feel something, er someone soft and fluffy bump into me. I look down and see that Dream caught up, bumping into me. He looks up at me, smiles, then hops beside me. His eyes widen and his smile goes away. He looks at me, giving me a YOU SET ME UP or YOU LED ME INTO A TRAP look. I chuckle and nod. I look at Cross and he is gazing down at the bunny that is Dream. He kneels down and reaches out to him.
"Hello there."He says
Dream hops back behind me nervously.
"Is he yours? He's adorable!"Cross tells me with a smile
"Pfft, such a clueless bonehead."X!Chara mutters, leaning against a chair
"Yes, he is. I'm sure he likes hearing that. You can have him."I say, picking him up and placing him in Cross' arms
I had to hold back a chuckle at the look Dream gives me. It was as if he was saying How dare you betray me like this.
I smile and walk over to Killer and X!Chara. We just watch.
"So cute little bunny! You're so cute! So precious! I will take care of you and protect you!"Cross says, completely unaware it's Dream
Dream has this look that just said HELP ME. Even with all the fur, his face gave off a yellow glow.
"Do we know where Dream is?"Cross asks
Dream lets out a sigh of relief.
"Should we tell him?"I ask
"Nah, this is entertaining. And sweet. Besides, Cross' reaction when he finds out oughta be good."Kills says
"I want to see how much of this Dream can take before he cracks."X!Chara says
I nod.
Dream is giving us a dirty look.
"I think he knows what we decided."I say
"Welp, I can go spirit, not my prob."X!Chara says
"Cross, I am sure he is nearby."Kills lies
Dream looks at Cross.
"Ah ok! I was thinking that he'd like this bunny too!"Cross says
Dream sighs from relief.
He begins to pet Dream, rubbing his head again.
While X!Chara and Killer talk, I watch Dream and Cross. I notice something. Now when Cross pets him, Dream is smiling and his foot starts stomping. I smirk. I come over to Cross.
"My, my, he seems to really like you already."I say
"Really? I'm glad!"Cross tells me
Dream realizes what was happening and stops, his face getting more like a pot of gold.
There's a knock at the door.
I'll get it!"I say
I go and open the door, there was no peekhole, to see who it is. A get a butterknife pointed at me. Specifically the side of my neck but with the blade pointed outward instead of inward to my neck. I look at it, unchanged. Then I see who it. 24.
"Come with me."He tells me
"No."I tell him
"I'm pointing a knife at you!"He snaps
"And I'm supposed to be scared of that?"I ask, crossing my arms
"Yes! Why aren't you scared of my knife?"He asks
"Did someone say knife?"X!Chara asks
He comes over and looks at this attempt at intimidation. He breaks into laughter.
"Oh! Oh how stupid! Pfft, are you serious? You're attacking with this?"X!Chara chuckles
"Yes? Who are you?"24 says
"You call that a knife? Killer! Get over here and look at this pitiful demonstration!"X!Chara says, calling Kills over
He comes over. He takes one look at 24 and his butterknife.
"You call that a knife? A threatening knife? Pfft. That ain't one. This is."He says, taking his out and pointing it at 24's neck properly
"How many people are in that room?!"24 exclaims
"Or better yet, Cross! Come over here with yours!"He says
Cross comes over and summons his knife. His giant, sharp knife.
"Now that's a knife causing fear!"Kills says
24's face goes pale.
"This is why I'm not scared."I say with a smirk, flicking his butterknife away
"Cinco de Mayo came early! I am sorry! I am sorry! Don't kill me!"He yells then runs off
I look at Killer and shrug.
"What the heck is Cinco de Mayo?"He asks
"A time when people's dead loved ones come back. And if you disrespect them, you have trouble."X!Chara says
"Why'd he shout that? Wait..."Kills says
He looks at Cross.
"What?"He asks
"You scared him off!"Kills says
"Yes! I'm scary! And I don't even need a stupid scary face like Chara here!"Cross cheers
"My stupid what?"X!Chara asks, using the face
"Nothing! Bunny!"Cross says, fleeing to rejoin Dream
I chuckle.
"Well that works."I say
We all sleep and rest. But I get awoken before them.
"Night. Come on Nighty, I wanna show you something now! It's important!"Killer says
"Ok, ok, I'm co-woah!"I reply, getting whisked away by Killer before I could even open my eyes
He puts a jacket on me and it's snowing a bit. But he takes me to a space where the sky is clear. He puts me in his lap and next thing I know, we're stargazing. He keeps readjusting his hood to hide his face though.
I see a shooting star go by.
"Hey! Make a wish!"Killer says
I look at him, still hidden. Opportunity found. I lean in and kiss him, pulling his hood back. I open my eyes and look at him. He's back to his skeleton self.
"Hey Nighty, hehe. Potion wore off."He says
"So that's why you were pulling your hood over yourself?"I ask
"Mhm. Why'd you kiss me so suddenly?"He asks
"Wishes are as sudden as shooting stars, and to show you love was my wish."I tell him
"Heh, you rock."He says
"You do too. Kills, I-WOAH!"I say but then yell when my soul turns blue and I get pulled away and upwards
I get pulled by the blue soul attack through a portal. I look around and find E!Gaster there.
"SeEmS lIkE yOu fOunD sAfEty."He says
I nod.
He snaps his fingers.
"DoNe."He says, then shoves me right back through the portal
I fall through the night sky and the snow hits me like hail now.
"Nighty!"A voice yells
I feel two arms wrap around me. I look and see it's Killer. He sets me down without a price. The snow comes gently down now.
"Oh my stars...."He mutters
"Something wrong?"I ask
"No! You are back to your cute skeleton self!"He says, hugging me
I look up at him and smile. He holds my hand tightly.
"And you're handsome as always!"I tell him
That made his face burn bright.
"Nighty!"He says
"What? Kills, it's true."I say
His face burns.
I chuckle.
"Kills, come on!"I tell him
He leans in and kisses me, but then pulls back.
"Thank you..."He says
I chuckle with my face burning.
"No problem!"I tell him
His phone rings. He takes it out and answers it.
"Hello? Yes, Mhm...Oh...Okay. Got it.....I'll get them and come. Make sure everyone is okay. Bye."He says
He hangs up.
"What's up, Kills?"I ask
"We have to get back. There's trouble."He says
I nod, getting a sense of the severity.
We head back and he unlocks the door. Dream is not where he was when we left. Kills lets me try to find him again while he wakes X!Chara and Cross up. I find Dream asleep in the corner of the kitchen. I realize E!Gaster's snap didn't just undo my disguise, but part of Dream's too. Key word part. Observe.
I take my jacket off and put it on him. I lift the hood up, tucking his ears under it. I know he doesn't want Cross to know the bunny was him or be seen like this. He starts to wake up as I check to ensure the jacket will cover his tail, which it did.
"Hey, Dream. You turned back. Well, not completely. We have to go. Just keep the jacket on and the hood on, okay? Unless you want Cross to know who the bunny was."I say
He nods and follows me.
"Dream!"Cross cheers, hugging him
"Hey Cross..."He says
"Let's go!"Killer says, opening a portal
We walk through and the first thing I see A big giant fire. When my eyes adjusted, I realize it's Fallacy's castle burning! In smoldering fire from the entrance to the highest tower, it was blazing and burning down. Killer takes us to a field behind it. The same field Encre and Ink were taken at while painting by the forest. There was my friends, including Suave, Fallacy, Jasper and Encre. They all watched in horror as well but welcomed us happily.
"What happened? How?"I ask
"We were all hanging out. We dunno. But then, the ceiling fell in and the fire spread. We evacuated quickly."Fallacy says
"Never in all my days have I seen something so severe. Not that I can recall."Suave says
"Is everyone here?"I ask
"YeS."E!Gaster says
"No! Ghastly isn't here! He was in his room last!"Jasper objects
"What? Why are you saying this now?!"Fallacy asks
"I said it 30 times! But nobody listens to the child! They're just overreacting huh?"Jasper says
Everyone begins to chat and argue in a panic. I look at the fire. Killer must know what I'm thinking because he looks at me worriedly, grabbing my wrist.
"Nighty, please. Don't do what I think you're gonna-"He begins to tell me
I tear my hand away and run. I dive through an opening and quickly make my way through the breaking castle and past the flames to Ghastly's room. That seems to be the only room intact luckily. I get in and see him hugging one of Error's puppets. Those rare ones he makes bigger than his normal ones. He is fast asleep but smoke is starting to trickle into the room.
I grab him and hug him. I try to wake him up but he rolls over. I hear a door shut.
"So, leaving you to die won't do. Time for plan B. That's a mighty nice kid you got there."A voice says
Tim's voice.
I fear the worst. I look and see him coming closer. I look up and see a hole in the ceiling. I quickly grab Ghastly and the puppet. Then I toss them through the hole and blue attack his soul, forcing him to the others.
"Stop interfering with my plans!"He snaps
I try to run, but he grabs me and makes fire block me off. I couldn't move. The fire nips at me, charring my leg. I frown and shakes my head, trying to move away still. He swings a punch and I'm out once more.
Ghastly's POV
I slowly wake up and open my eyes. I find everyone chit-chatting. I sit up, finding us all outside. I find myself hugging the puppet of Papa(wonder where he gets that from ;3). I release it and Jasper hugs me tightly.
"You're okay!"He cheers
"What do you mea-oh my stars!"I exclaim, witnessing the castle burn down
I frown and he explains to me what happened. I nod. I spot Mr. Killer and quickly go to him.
"Mr. Killer! You're back! Does that mean Papa is found?"I ask
Killer looks at me.
"Did you see him?"He asks
"In my dreams."I tell him
He frowns.
"Where is Shino and that extinguisher when you need em?"Killer mutters
"Why? What is wrong?"I ask, Jasper not breaking the news to me
He walks away, not answering.
"I aM sUre hE wIlL bE fIne, KiLlEr. He WiLl uSe hIs tEnTaClEs oR sOmEtHiNg."Error says
"He caN'T!"Killer and E!Gaster snap
"WhAt?"Error asks
"He got his hostile form taken, Error. Without that, he's just another skeleton in a fire. A fire that I doubt was an accident."Killer says
"Oh dEaR..."Error says
"Is Papa...Dead?"I ask, tugging at Killer's sleeve and holding the puppet close
He looks at me with tears in his eyes but wipes them.
"Oh stars no, kiddo. Your father will be okay..He just is facing a new obstacle. But we know how he is with those."He tells me
I hold the puppet tighter and smile.
"Yes! Of course! Nothing can keep Papa down! He takes down the obstacles! And if you give him motive, nothing can stop him! He's Papa after all!"I say
"Mhm...Yep, got that right."He says
I shake my head and giggle, knowing, hoping everything will be ok. But a small part of me has its doubt. My hope crushes it though. I watch the castle burn down. I hear but block out everyone's negative insights. I do not see this fire as destroying what I love. No. No no no. I see it as the force that will come down on whoever did this and break them down or any plans they have.
Nobody messes with my Papa. Nobody messes with my family. Nobody messes with my friends. Nobody messes with those I care about. And gets away with it. Not on my watch.
They will pay and get destroyed, just like the castle is getting burned down by this fire. Let them burn. Let them pay. I hug the puppet.
"Papa, you will be okay, I promise."I whisper to it
I look at its smile. That made me happy. I look over and see Jasper is already making a knife from wood.
"Nightmare was so nice. He doesn't deserve what happened. And the culprit tried to kill me and everyone I love by burning the place down! And nobody does that! They will pay! Aw dang it!"He says, breaking it
"Here, let me help."I say, helping him carve a new one
We smile.
That jerk and their plan will BURN down just as bad as this place did because of them, except it will be because of us. And it will be good. Plus, it won't be as overkill. Shino will be with us and put out any overkill. Or she won't. It all will end. Papa will come back to us and be alright. I smile happily at these thoughts.
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