Chapter 96:The Wall
Ink's POV
I get dragged through an anti-void with Encre. I slowly come back to consciousness and glance around. Nothing but empty space. I look at Encre and he does not look happy. What happened? I look and see E!Gaster is the one dragging us. I take my brush out, hidden beneath a wing and prepare it for an attack. But Encre beats me to it. He slaps E!Gaster's hand off him and grabs me, pulling me out of his hold. He pulls me behind him. E!Gaster stops and turns to us. He seems surprised that we tried to get away from him more than he was at us succeeding.
"Arrêter maintenant! Qui pensez vous être? Laisse nous partir!"Encre snaps
(*Stop now! Who do you think you are? Let us go!)
"Uh....Wut?"E!Gaster says, completely lost on what he's saying
"He is wondering who you think you are and to let us go."I say
"WelL thAt iSn'T goNnA haPpeN. ANd I aM ErRoR's fAtHeR, As wEll aS tHe faTheR oF hIs brOthEr."E!Gaster says
"Eh bien, laissez-moi vous dire quelque chose! Vous n'avez pas le droit de nous prendre ou de nous faire du mal! Laisse-nous tranquille! Quel genre de père êtes-vous alors? Vous ne faites rien de bien. Vous ne faites qu'empirer les choses. Je veux dire, vous venez d'enlever l'amant de votre fils! Et vous ne pouvez pas nous faire venir avec vous, alors pourquoi ne pas être intelligent et laissez-nous partir!"Encre snaps, stomping over and pointing a finger at him angrily
(*Well let me tell you something! You have no right to take us or harm us! Leave us alone! What kind of father are you then? You don't do anything right. You just make it worse. I mean, you just kidnapped your son's lover! And you can't make us come with you, so why not be smart and let us go!)
E!Gaster seems annoyed now, not knowing what he's saying but getting an idea with the body language and expression Encre is using. E!Gaster isn't happy. He seems to be planning something. I get worried and grab Encre. I tug him back.
"Encre, don't be so hasty. Be more careful with him."I warn him quietly
"Pourquoi?"He asks
"That's E!Gaster."I whisper
He looks at me, his eye-lights shrinking.
"Oh.Shino said he was a big idiot. Guess she was right."He says
"I hEaRd tHaT!"E!Gaster says
Encre shrugs.
"PlEaSe RePeAt wHaT yOu tOlD mE."E!Gaster says
"Is there a way out of here? What is this place?"Encre whispers to me
"This is an anti-void. It is a space in the multiverse. Yes, I could get us out of here with my brush....Wait, what's that noise?"I reply quietly
"What?"He asks
I hear a faint noise. Like someone muttering or shouting. Encre repeats what he said before and E!Gaster does not look happy. He takes some breaths and calms himself though. I find that odd. Usually, based on past battles, he'd be attacking in a rage for what was said. I focus on the faint noise.
"This way! I hear something!"I say, running off
Encre quickly grabs my hand and runs with me. We run a good distance until E!Gaster's yells grew faint, and that says something in an antivoid. I look around as the once faint noise grows louder. I stop in my tracks.
E!Pap is here.
He lays there, a wound visible on him. It looks like he is slowly coming back to consciousness and crying from the pain.
"E!Pap!"I exclaim, darting over to him
He looks and sees me. He stops crying.
"InK! WhAt aRe yOu dOinG heRe?"He asks
"Are you okay? He hurt you, didn't he? How bad does it hurt? How can I help? I-?"I say, ignoring his question
"I'm fIne."He cuts me off
"No you're not!"I tell him, tearing my scarf and wrapping it around the wound
"Ok...He dId. It iSn'T tHaT bAd. YoU aLReADy dId. Now aNsWer mE."He says
"He took us here."I say
I feel a tug on my wing. I look and see Encre behind me.
"Who's he?"Encre asks
"This is Error's brother E!Pap. He's good, no need to fear."I assure him
He nods. Then he sees the wound I bandaged on E!Pap.
"Monsieur! Are you okay? That man will pay for hurting you! But on another note, it's nice to meet you! I've heard about you from your brother!"Encre says, hugging E!Pap
"Who ArE yOU?"E!Pap asks
"Encre!"Encre responds
"He's from Vampireverse. E!Gaster thinks he's my French twin brother."I say
"Pfft, he really is stupid."E!Pap says
We shake our heads in agreement. We check E!Pap for other wounds but get interuppted.
"I seE tHat yOu hAvE lEaRnEd mOrE tHan You Are sUpPosEd t0. IdiOtS. I'm jUsT tRyIng tO bRinG bAlAnCe bAcK aNd tHis iS tHe tHaNKs I gEt? FoR maKinG tHinGs tHe wAy tHeY'Re sUpPoSed To bE? HoW uNgRaTefUl."E!Gaster says
I hear a total of three snaps. I hear Encre yelp in fear. I look and see strings wrap around him, covering his mouth and lifting him up into the endless "ceiling" space of the antivoid.
"GoOd, nOW tHat FreNch tWin iS oUt oF thE wAy."He says
"He was not my twin bro. Just another world's Ink."I say
"YoU juSt aNgErEd a vAmpIre kIng....B.I.H. t0 yoU."E!Pap says
"DanG iT. NoW lIsTen SoN, yOu sAw nOthIng."E!Gaster says, restraining E!Pap with more strings and yanking me away
"YoU aRe n0t mY faThEr. I sAw eVeRythIng aNd hAvE no rEaSon tO liStEn to y0u."E!Pap says
E!Gaster drags me off. He has this wicked smile that gives me all the wrong feelings.
"Why are you doing this? Bringing so called balance and right stuff?"I ask
"To mAkE mY sOns hAppY."He says
"Well then look at who you call your son and tell me if he looks happy with what you're doing!"I tell him
He looks back at E!Pap. I do as well. He is crying.
"My wOrLd iS gEttIng dEsTroYeD....WhO nExT? MoRe oF oUr FrIeNds? No...."He mutters
"You can still turn back. You can stop this. You can do actual good. You have the right motivations just not the right actions. You can be their dad some day that they look at as a good family, not a stranger or the enemy. You can, and I'm gonna quote your son over there, a good person if you just try. So, what do you say? Let's end this, shall we, E!Gaster?"I tell him,extending the hand he didn't yank as a sign of mercy or for a deal
He is silent, looking like he is processing it. Considering things. But then I feel someone grab my wing. This is followed by a great pain. I drop down from the pain, crying. E!Pap looks over and pulls at the strings to get over and help.
"InK!"He yells
"What a nice wing. Such a shame it was attatched to a worthless being."A voice says
I look and see the person Dream described to me as Charles standing there, holding a knife and my wing. He has cut it off. He flips the wing, revealing my brush stuck between two rows of feathers. He takes it and breaks it as well.
"Don't listen to a word he says, E!Gaster. He isn't even supposed to exist. He doesn't even know what right even means."Charles says
"It means morally good, justified or acceptable. It can also mean true or correct as a fact among other definitions. Like the opposite of left. It sounds like you don't though. I'm sure a dictionary isn't that expensive though."I say, moving away from him
"Ok, maybe he does. But he doesn't know what he's saying. You have a brilliant plan. Your sons will thank you eventually. They'll understand one day."Charles says
"WhAt dO wE dO wiTh hIm?"E!Gaster asks
"I can take care of him."Charles says
E!Gaster nods.
"YoU'Re aLloWiNg tHis?! I hAtE yOU E!gaStEr! I hAtE yOu aS loNg aS yOu dO tHis anD I lIvE!"E!Pap yells, snapping his fingers
An E!Gaster Blaster appears right behind Charles.
"HalT."E!Gaster says to it as it prepares to fire
The E!Gaster Blaster gives E!Gaster this weird look and just rolls its eyes, continuing its prepartions to fire.
"It dOeSn'T lIsTen tO yOu, jErK."E!Pap says
He snaps again. The Blaster fires. Charles lifts me up as a shield.
"NO! INK!"E!Pap yells
That was the last thing I hear for a very, very, very long time. At least that's what it feels like.
Hours later after many AU hops, Error's POV
I walk through a portal with Killer and Fallacy. I find a antivoid on the other side. We walk through it carefully. Something doesn't seem right. Something doesn't feel right. We walk in silence. But then I get a feeling to look up, so I do. I see a ton of strings up there, but one drooping down. My gaze follows it to the ground again and realize it is positioned like a trip-wire to a chemical container. And that trip-wire was just activated by my companions, more than enough to spill the chemical. I see it start to release and shove them aside, then crash from my phobia.
I reboot. I open my eyes and look to find Killer shouting my name and Fallacy ready to slap me.
"Dude! You gotta be more careful!"Killer scolds me
"YoU saY aFtEr I sHovE yOu bOth OuT oF tHe wAy Of a TraP yOu acTivAteD."I say
Fallacy slaps Killer instead.
"Thanks, Error."Fallacy says while Killer rubs his new wound
"No pROblEm."I say
He extends his hand and I take it. I quickly get up and release his hand in order not to crash from my phobia again. But I quickly realize I'm no longer on two feet. I look down and find that my body was morphed into some kind of snake tail from the waist down. And I still have horns from Reborntale once I died from Science's failed test incident. Pfft, what a strange form. I shrug it off. There have been stranger or worse forms in crazier situations.
"LeT'S gO."I say, continuing to walk, er, slither ahead
Fallacy nods and follows, Killer trailing behind.
I start to hear crying. My soul sinks. I unfortunately recognize the sound. It is my brother. What is he doing here? Why is he crying?
I slither quickly over to the sound. I find my brother, but am displeased by the sight. He is wounded, tied up, AND CRYING! E!Gaster is going too far.
"PaPy!"I shout, coming over to him
He looks at me. His eye-lights shrink. I hug him tightly.
"WhaT hApPeNeD? WhaT aRe yOu dOinG hErE? Wh0 huRt yOu?"I ask
"He brOuGht mE hErE. He hUrt mE. BuT, ErRor, I aM sO sOrrY! I aM sOrrY! I-I-I-!"He cries
"WhaT? PaPy! WhaT aRe yOu sAyIng? Why aRe yOu sAyIng sOrRy?"I ask
"I......I......I bLasTed I-Ink!"He tells me, then cries even more
I'm silent, shocked.
"WhaT hApPeNeD?"I ask with Fallacy getting an explanation on who Papy is from Killer before he made the mistake of attacking him
"InK foUnD mE wiTh a gUy nAmEd EncRe. He uSeD hIs sCaRf t0 heLp mY wOund aS yOu caN sEe....E!GasTer gOt TheM agAin. InK trIeD t0 reAsOn wIth hIm.....B-But tHen tHat ChArleS gUy camE aLonG! He iS E!GastEr's paRtNer iN cRimE! E!GasTer lEt CharLes cUt a Wing ofF oF Ink and brEak hiS bRusH! InK gaVe hIm a cHanCe of MerCy aNd rEdeMpTiOn aNd hE jUst fEd InK tO a psYchOtIc woLf! I waNtEd tO heLp Ink, pRoTecT hIm, saVe him! E!GasTer wAs gOnnA lEt ChaRleS 'tAkE cAre oF hIm'! I fIrEd a BlaSteR aT ChaRles bUt hE liFteD Ink uP. InK tOok tHe hIt....I hUrT hIm! TheY tOok oFf, seeMinG hAppY as cAn bE wiTh Ink ouT cOld! I aM soRrY bRothEr! I aM so SorrY! I neVer mEant to! I loVe Ink! I loVe beIng hiS fRieNd! I loVe hOw he maKes yoU hAppY! I...I....I rUinEd tHat....I rUinEd ouR own wOrlD."He explains, bowing his head
I hug him. I ssshhh him and try everything I could to calm him down.
"BrOtHer, PaPy, yOu dIdn'T dO aNy oF tHat. Don'T bLamE yoUrsElf. It'S tHem to BlaMe. It's Ok. It wIll Be alRighT. Don'T wOrry."I tell him
"O-Okay, wAiT whO's thAt wiTh KillEr?"He asks
I glance over and see it's just Killer and Fallacy.
"ThaT's FalLaCy. He's a Pal. NoW, lEt's geT yOu fReE! KilLer, cAn I hAVe a knIfe?"I reply
"Sure."Killer says, handing me a knife
Papy smiles. I wipe his tears, happy to see him smile. He then gets this look in his eyes that tells me an idea is coming together. He pulls and manages to pull one arm to me. The strings were blue and yellow. He made it easier to cut them. I use the knife and slice through the strings. Then I hear another noise.
"Anybody else hear a muffled yell?"Killer asks
We each nod. I look up and understand why. I look at Papy.
"NicE. ThaT's mY bRo."I say
He smiles and nods. I watch as Encre drops down, tied up in strings as well.Except he was dangling from a great height in these strings and his mouth is covered, making him unable to speak. The fear and surprise in his eye-lights spoke great volumes.
"Love! Encre!"Fallacy exclaims, running over and hugging him
"Mmmmph! Mmm mm! Mmm!"Encre says, though could not be understood
(Later learned he said:Fallacy! Guys um! Hey!)
"It's okay, Encre. I am here. He won't hurt you. I won't let him. I promise. And from now on, you are painting outside with supervision."Fallacy says
"Mm? Mm, mmmmph. Mhm. Mmm mm."He responds
(Later translated to: Huh? Oh, monsieur. Ok. Thank you.)
Fallacy holds Encre, still tied up, close and protectively. He nuzzles Encre's head, muttering things under his breath. I smile at this. For what I know, soon I'll be able to do that with Inky. My Inky.
I look at Papy and smile even more. I cut the rest of the strings and he is free. I know I must free Encre too now. I come over and Fallacy pulls Encre closer.
"I'm jUst gOnnA fReE hIm."I say
He nods and releases Encre. I cut him free and he stumbles once landing on the floor again. Almost instantly Fallacy catches him and pulls him close again.
"Gah! Sorry monsieur!"Encre says
"Heh, what for? Take it easy there, Encre."He says
"O-Ok."Encre says
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Y-Ya..."Encre replies
He begins to feel Encre from his head down. He has this concerned. He looks serious. He doesn't look happy. But I could tell he has this loving touch, very gentle and was very careful with him. It is very sweet.
"W-What are you doing?"Encre asks
"Just double checking to make sure, Love."He says
"H-huh?"Encre stutters
"Why so surprised, love? I love ya! I got so worried about you! Nobody can take you away, have bad intentions, or any intentions, and get away with it! Not unless I know or will be coming with you! And it's been made clear to me how big the multiverse is, how dangerous it is. I didn't want to lose you!"He says, his face going a bit yellow
"Oh and don't forget angry! Boy! Encre! You should've seen him! Heard him even! Oh, he was spewing out threats like there was no tomorrow! If Encre is this, if they did that to him then! Yada yada yada! Pay pay pay! He made it clear he didn't want to lose you."Killer says
"Killer!"Fallacy snaps, his face bright
"Is that true? You don't?"Encre asks
Encre looks up at him with pure amazement and wonder in his eyes. His eye lights begin to shine. His rainbow begins to show itself on his face.
"Y-Yes, it is. I don't. I really don't. Encre, you have become more than a guest, blood or food source, or some sort of prisoner. Whatever you were before, you're not anymore. You've become my friend and now more. I love you more than I've ever felt before for anybody. I know it may be wrong but it's true. Encre, I do not care what happens, but when you're with me I feel happy and flying higher than I physically can. I love you dearly and will ensure that you stay safe as long as I am with you or feel this for you. And I don't see this changing anytime soon."Fallacy explains, the little wisps from his head making hearts
Encre gazes up at him in pure amazement. His face gets brighter and brighter.
"I love it when your face gets colorful like this, like a rainbow."Fallacy says
That seemed to make something click. He tears his hand from Fallacy and looks right at me, his face a bright rainbow.
"Error! I heard them talk as they left. They kept speaking of what to do with Ink and they said putting him in the rainbow world of the yolo man. What does that mean? Does it mean anything? Could Ink be in more trouble?"He asks
Fallacy's face is very bright but has a sly look on. He wiggles his fingers as if he were planning something. He places his hand on Encre's arm, still just as gentle.
"Oh...Oh heLl nO! ThEy cAn Not dO thAt To mY InKy! It mEaNs tHey gOnNa dIe iF tHey TrY it! Yes iT doEs! Not On mY wAtCh hE iSn'T! ThAnkS fOr thE inFo, Encre!"I reply, it all connecting
"No problem, Erro-eeehh?"Encre says, interuppting himself in surprise when Fallacy kisses him
His face becomes a blushing mess. A rainbow, blushing mess. One I have seen many times. Papy quietly takes a pic of this moment to save for putting in the book later. I smile, happy for them.
"F-Fallacy?"Encre stutters
"Now that is adorable. You are so precious, my love."Fallacy says
"M-Monsieur, I-I-I........."He struggles to speak but just gives up, going silent
"WelL tHeN, I'm oFf t0 kiLl tHosE bItcHeS. KilLeR?"I say
"Right with ya bud."Killer says
I slither ahead looking about. I look for anything out of place, which is easy in a place like the anti-void. I notice a house hidden behind bushes. Yes, someone tried to hide a HOUSE behind BUSHES in an empty ANTI-VOID. Someone is really stupid. Killer happily kicks the door in. We go in and find that he knocked E!Gaster down with the door. Pfft, no regrets. Killer steps on him as he tries to get up, holding him down.
"Where's Ink?"Killer asks
"In a bEtTeR pLaCe."E!Gaster says
Killer and I are uneasy with this statement. I'm ready to just blast him to nothing hearing that. Killer places a knife at his neck.
"You might want to rephrase that, don't you agree?"Killer says
"Ok, lEt Me eXplAin. We hAd aGrEeD tO seNd InK tO UnderFreSh bUt hE seNt InK to aNoThEr AnYi-vOid. I mOveD hiM to UnDerFreSh, a bEtTeR pLaCe. He dID tAlK sOme sEnSe iNto Me....And wHat ChaRleS diD iS soMethIng nOt eVen hE dESeRvEs. WOuLd yOu rAtHer hIm In RaInbOw lAnd oR hAviNg a PanIc atTacK?"He explains
"I wOuLd rAtheR nOne oF thE aBove!"I snap
I hear a rattling noise. I look around and it stops.
"See? He is not happy and nobody else is. So I think it's best you get Ink here now!"Killer says
"CaN nOt dO. He pUt a bArRiEr oN thE pOrTal. No oNe gOes In oR OuT. BUt I cAn tAke yOu tO hIm."He says
"He BeTTer bE oK oR I swEar-"I say
"He iS aLIvE, mY chIld."He says
"Don'T caLl mE tHat yOu sIck CreEp."I growl
Killer shoved him to his feet. We follow him with Fallacy, Papy and Encre close behind. He takes us to a room and only allows me inside. I don't care. I will beat him if he tries anything. Killer begins to help Papy as I slither one and the door shuts.
"Let me out! Let me out! Please!"A voice yells
I slither to the voice. On one wall is a portal with a dark green outline, making another layer that doesn't allow anything through. It's rippling like a pond when rocks drop into it. I see Ink pounding on it. He is missing a wing and has a wound on his skull. He is crying and clearly scared. I know he still fears Fresh. I know he doesn't deserve this. He knows that I don't like seeing him upset. I frown at the sight, though am happy that E!Gaster kept to his word on showing me Ink alive.
"InKy!"I exclaim, coming over to him quickly
As far as I could at least.
"G-Glitchy?"He says, stopping his pounding
"I'm hErE InKy, It's OkaY. I gOt yOu. YOu aRe SaFe. YoU aRe oKay nOw. I wIlL prOtEcT yOu fRom hIm. He wOn't hUrt yOu, InKy."I tell him
"What happened to you? Are you okay?"He asks
"JuSt sOme ChemiCals. IT iS oK. InKy, dOn'T yOu wOrrY."I reply
"E!Pap?"He asks
"He'S oKay. He hAs sOmE sElf bLaMe fOr yOur iNjUrY bUt tHaT's aLl."I say
"He has no reason for that! But at least he's ok. And Encre?"He says
"WiTh FalLAcY rIgHt oUtSiDe. JuSt fInE."I tell him
"Oh thank the stars!"He says
I place my hand on the barrier. He lifts it, trying to line it up.
"ArE yOu oKay?"I ask
"No sign of F-Fresh. I'm a little wounded but otherwise I'm okay. Besides, you're here with me now."He tells me
I feel my face burn at that statement but know what he means. I smile.
"SoOn wE woN'T haVe tHis bEtwEen Us."I say, feeling the barrier, trying to find a weak spot
Inky's face gets his rainbow. I smile, finding that adorable as always.
I hear footsteps. I look and see E!Gaster coming closer. He is up to something. I can tell already. I am not trusting anything with him.
"BaCk oFf!"I snap at him
I start to hear the rattling again.
"WhErE tHe hEcK iS tHaT nOisE cOmInG fRoM?"I mutter
"T-Tail!"Inky says
I look at him.
He points at my tail.
I glance at it.
At the tip was a rattle like a rattlesnake's, and it is rattling away. I look at E!Gaster, seeing that it's freaking him out. I smirk at this. Then, I find the weakspot. I punch through it and the barrier breaks. It becomes just any old peekhole or portal. I slither through it and smile at Inky. He smiles back. I hear footsteps. I look and it's E!Gaster. I frown.
"StAy BaCk! YoU cAuSeD tHiS sO dOn'T tRy aNyThInG! YoU wOn'T hUrT InKy oR aNyOne I cArE aBouT!"I say
"AnD tHe YoLo mAn?"E!Gaster says
"WhaT dO yOu mEa-?"I begin
"Yo! Wassup, Inky bruh! Welcome to my rad world! Allow me to show you around!"I hear a voice say
"N-No!"Inky says
"Aw come on! It won't be that bad!"Fresh insists
"Nuh uh!"Ink refuses
"Am I rEaLlY tHe pRobLem, sOn?"E!Gaster says
"Eep!"Ink exclaims
"Ok! You're a little stuck but no biggie!"Fresh says
I look and see my tail wrap around Ink all the way up to his shoulders. Fresh is trying to get him out. I feel Inky squirm, trying to keep from him. I turn to him and pull him close. That parasite gets dragged along while holding Inky's scarf. I hold Inky in my tail closely. Fresh takes one look at me and his shades go from YOLO to OH NO. I tear him from Inky and frown. The rattle starts going again. Inky looks at me, his eyes making stars and hearts. I look at Fresh.
"GeT gOINg!"I tell him
Fresh scrambles away.
I look at Ink and smile.
"YoU o-MmMpH!"I begin to ask but he cuts me off
I feel my face burn. He just kissed me. Oh it feels so sweet and nice. I wrap my arms around him too now. He jolts and tears back, his face a rainbow mess. But that's not all. He looks like he is pain.
"InKy, aM I hUrTinG yOu?"I ask
"N-No, I, ah...I love you, Glitchy, i-it's just my wound."He tells me
"WeLl dOn'T yOu wOrRy InKy, we'Ll gEt yOu hElPed. You'Ll bE oK."I tell him, nuzzling my head against his
I smile. He kisses my cheek and I pull him through a portal I make. We get back with Papy, Killer, Fallacy and Encre. Ink and Papy hug it out. But Killer notices something and grabs Ink. Then he tears his scarf down and pulls a knife out on him. I use my strings and get Inky from him. Papy restrains him by picking him up beneath the arms from behind.
"G-Glitchy, relax. H-h-he was gonna help m-me."Inky says
I look at him. He nods. I couldn't understand. He slips out of my hold and gets Papy to put Killer down. He lifts his head up, offering his neck to Killer. Killer takes one clean swing with his knife and nods. He takes this metal collar from around Ink's neck under his scarf.
"There, that should make you feel better and save you from a world of pain. Dunno why, but Charles is a real fan of making people suffer through pain with these. Fallacy, I suggest you check Encre's neck too."Killer says
"Thanks, Killer."Ink says
Killer smiles and nods, then gets hugged by Papy.
"Don't mind if I do.~"Fallacy says
Ink comes over and hugs me gently in order to not set my phobia off. I smile and he smiles back.
"F-Fallacy!"Encre exclaims
I look over and see Fallacy nuzzling his head against Encre's, then kisses his neck. He reaches a hand up and under Encre's collar of his clothes, making Encre a blushing mess. The rainbow was glowing bright, now we just need Dream for the pot of gold glow. There is a cracking sound and Fallacy straightens back up casually and tears another metal collar from Encre.
"Got it."He says with a nonchalant tone as if it was nothing
He smiles at Encre, making his rainbow intesnify. Fallacy chuckles. I look at Inky. His face was already a skittle's canvas at my gaze. I smirk and wink at him, nodding at the two. His face becomes a rainbow.
"I told you not to get any ideas."He says
"AnD I mADe nO pRomiSeS.~"I say teasingly
He goes silent. He lifts his scarf to hide his face. I chuckle.
"InKy, YoU kNoW I wOuLdn'T dO aNyThIng yOu'Re nOt Ok wIth."I say
He lowers it and looks at me.
"ThAt's mY pRoMiSe."I say
His eyes smile for him, I didn't have to see his smile, I could tell. Especially since his eye-lights were a sun and heart. Then his eye lights shrink.
"Lo0k oUT!"A voice yells
I look and see E!Gaster leap in front of Ink and I, landing inches from us. He has his back to us. Then, I watch him get electrocuted and when he din't move out of the way, a knife get shot right through him. He falls backwards and hits the ground.
"E!Gaster!"Ink shouts, quickly getting over and trying to help him
"HeH, InK....ThAnKs fOr tAlKinG sOmE sEnSe iNtO mE aNd mAkiNg mY sOnS sO hApPY. YoU aNd ErRoR sEeM lIkE a GoOd fIt....I aM sOrRy....FOr eVeRYtHiNg."E!Gaster says
"Of course...My pleasure. They're awesome."Inky tells him
Wait, he really is my dad? Ink knew? Did anyone else? Since when? Or is Ink just agreeing in the moment?
Then, I hear Encre shout in pain. Fallacy shouts his name in alarm. I glance over and see he has a knife through his chest, weakly holding onto Fallacy. He falls down but Fallacy catches him, sits protectively and cries, holding Encre in his arms. Not even a full minute after, Ink yells out in pain. I look and see him kneeling and holding a wound on his chest while Papy tends to E!Gaster. I slither over to him and hold him close. He holds onto me tightly, but his grip loosens. He goes limp, laying and falling down in my arms. He shuts his eyes and he stops answering my calls. I place my head against his chest. I hear his soul slow. Then, I hear it stop. Tears flood from my eyes. I hear laughter. I look and see Charles there, holding the knives that hit each of them.
He thinks this is funny? He hurt Encre, E!Gaster, INKY? And laughs? What kind of sicko is he? Oh right, the one that nearly killed Nightmare. He has the appearance of an angel...simple hack. Oh, wait. He messed with ME. He messed with the ones I LOVE. And NOBODY gets away with that. I think I know just how to get him too....
"BrO, bOtH oF yOu gEt bEhInD mE."I say
Papy nods and picks E!Gaster up. He gets behind me with him. Killer looks at me and at Fallacy, who is still crying and muttering to Encre in his arms. I look at Charles.
"Hehehe, yOu cAUSeD tRoUbLe. YoU mEsSeD wItH mE, wIth Us. NoW I aM aNgRy. And YoU dOn'T wAnt uS aNgRy, wAnT mE aNgRY."I say
"May I, Error?"Killer asks
"HoW iS iT a QuEsTiOn? Go aHeAd."I say
"Round two BITCH!"Killer cheers, charging at Charles with a knife.
"WhAt Do wE dO?"Papy asks
"HmMm, I kNoW."I say, snapping
I have some E!Gaster Blasters appear, but don't fire at Charles. No, that could hit Killer or be overkill. I fire behind us all. A few moments pass and then some notification screen pops up.
(Are you all ready ;3)
The fourth wall has been destroyed. Readers can now come in whenever they please and do as they wish.
"Woo! This will be interesting! You're dead now Charles!"Killer cheers, dodging an attack
I look at Papy, he is getting excited. E!Gaster sits up and smiles. I look over at Fallacy.
"Is hE....?"I ask
"Not yet. He's hanging in there."He says
"Don't...ask such negative things.....G-Glitchy."A voice says
I look and see Ink weakly opening his eyes.
"InKY!"I cheer
"Hehe, h-hey Gli-"He begins but stops, his eyes going pale
We need to get them out of here. I snap and a portal appears.
"GuYs gO!"I snap
Fallacy takes Encre through and Papy takes E!Gaster through. I carry Ink through and shut the portal as soon as Killer stumbles through. The fourth wall broke so the others can come if they wish. Suave takes Encre from Fallacy and Dream takes Ink. Papy took care of E!Gaster when nobody else would. The others were caring for him though as he does so. Now we just wait and hope for the best with them. I don't know what to do now.
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