Chapter 94:Break!
Nightmare's POV
I have such a wonderful dream. It comforted me and made me feel like everything will be okay. I will thank Dream later for it. When I wake up, I sit up. I feel a hand grab mine. I jolt.
"Relax. It is just me, Nightmare. It's Suave. Encre and Fallacy believe you should get washed up. Or the wounds may get infected. So come along, let's get you cleaned up."A voice says
He leads me off to some sort of bathroom. I hear water start running. He gets a few things set and gets a towel for me. He leaves to do other jobs and give me privacy. I get undressed and carefully get in the tub. I wash myself and get out. I wrap the towel around me to dry off. But then I hear footsteps. I shut the door and make sure it's locked. I still can't see a thing. But I have a feeling whoever is walking around is not Suave, Jasper, Encre or Fallacy. They could be a member of the council they keep worrying about. And I'd rather not risk finding out the hard way. Plus the bandages had come off so my wounds are out in the open.
"Hmm, I caught a whiff of a new scent. Some new blood. Now only if I can find it. Bet that blood will be tasty. I haven't had blood in hmm, 8 hours."The voice says
I crouch against the door to hold it in place in case whoever spoke tries to get in.
The footsteps leave but soon return. They are taking laps to search.
"It's around here somewhere..."The voice says
The footsteps keep making laps, seeming to get smaller and smaller in size and closer to the bathroom. Closer to me.
"Seriously, where is that blood source? I don't like being left in suspense for a meal."The voice says
I start to shake, unsure of what to do. What can I even do? I have almost every disadvantage that means obvious defeat. It's only a matter of time.
But then the footsteps stop at the bathroom. I know what this means. And they made it clear too.
"Found you! You really got me for a while, whoever you are! But you can't escape me."The voice says
That started another trigger for me. As the sight begins to take form, repeating something Charles often did, I tremble more. Worst time ever. Whoever was talking, started to bang on the door. They are trying to break in. I shake even more. I try to hold the door back but that's hard to do when you're hallucinating some other danger and whoever is banging on the door seems to be the HULK. I frown. I try to remember what Killer told me.
It is not real. It is not real. It isn't real.
I feel the door cave in a bit.
"Hey.~ It's meal time!"The voice yells
I let out a loud shout for help and try to shut the door. But this guy keeps pushing in. But then, it stops.
"Horror, don't."A voice says
"Why shouldn't I?"He asks
"They know Fallacy and those close to him. He could be a friend. No, he is. I know that if you lay a finger on him, you'll regret it."The second voice explains
"I'd like to take the risk, Dream. But how do you know?"He asks
So my brother is a vampire in this world? Interesting.
"Because, monsieur, I am not Dream. I am Encre. You're attacking not just my friend but Fallacy's. Also, Fallacy is right behind you right now."The voice says, now recognizable as Encre
"And I don't like my guests treating my friends like food. Or my guests trying to invade privacy and be where they shouldn't be. Step away from the door."Fallacy's voice says
I hear footsteps lead away. I back up, weakly getting to my feet and standing. I frown. I try to stay balanced, no matter how much I shake. I still am having the faint hallucination.
It is not real.
"Nightmare!"Encre calls out
Then I feel two arms wrap around me.
"It's okay now, you're safe now."He tells me
That made me relax and the hallucination goes away. I don't see anything. I smile. I hug him back. I feel another two arms wrap around me from behind.
"Idiot member."I hear Fallacy say from behind
"Thanks, Encre and Fallacy."I say
"No problem."They say
"Encre, get him dressed and outside. I think it's best you both....go for a walk until everyone leaves."Fallacy says
"Okay! Come on, Nightmare."Encre says
He leads me off to another room with a happy joy in his step or voice. I smile and he helps me get dressed. He leads me elsewhere and then stops. I hear footsteps and those stop as well. I hear a small tap on the floor, like someone jumping and tapping their foot once.
"You rock Fallacy. We'll be back soon, mon amour. That's for last night."Encre says
"Hehe, r-right, E-E-Encre. I uuuh, will go ch-check on Jasper. Hehe."Fallacy says, sounding all giddy
I smirk.
Oh, they totally kissed. Knew it was only a matter of time.
Encre leads me until I hear the birds chirping outside. We get a good distance.
"You kissed him didn't you?"I ask
"H-How did you know?"He asks
"I have a lot of friends. I see and hear how they act when their lover kisses them. Even the most tough and closed off ones get all soft and open like Fallacy just did when it happens."I tell him
"Hehe, well then I did."He says
I look in his direction and smile.
"I'm happy for you, dude."He says
"Have you ever gotten like that?"He asks
I freeze up. I recall all the times my soul raced, my face warmed, I couldn't keep a straight face. All the times I stuttered and went soft for Killer. Every time I open up to him. Every time I was stupid around him. Everything. Even how he makes me feel now. Oh, I definitely have gotten like that. Guilty as charged.
"No, can we change the subject?"I ask
"Sure."He says
We walk and talk as quiet as we could. He stops leading me.
"I feel like we're being watched. What do we do?"He asks
"Let's keep moving. And not in a straight line like you've been leading me. Mix it up a bit."I say
"O-Okay. I'm just getting a bit worried. What if that jerk is spying?"He asks
"I don't see that possible, or try not to. There are so many hunters or vampires or other threats around here that I like to think he wouldn't last. Plus how would he know to come here of all places?"I say
"Right."He says
We keep going and he mixes it up. We go quiet. It is tense. I don't like it.
"Did you bring your art stuff? Never know when you can find something interesting."I say
"Mhm. I see your point."He says
Then, I hear a phone ring.
"Oh! That's mine."He says
"I was hoping that."I say
He answers it.
"Hello?"He says
There is a moment of silence.
"Oh! Hey! Huh, Ink gave my number huh? I can see why! Mhm, he's okay. Had a close call. He's right with me. Oh sure, you can talk with him."Encre says
We keep walking.
"Hey, Nightmare. Talk with Killer!"He says
I smile, nodding. He hands me his phone and I lift it close. I feel my face warm.
"H-Hey Killer."I say
"Hey, Nightmare. How are you?"He asks
"I-I'm alright."I say
"Encre says there was a close call, what does that mean?"Killer asks
"Em....U-uh....Just another hallucination."I lie nervously
"You're getting like Fallacy..And you are lying."Encre says
"Shut up...I'm not."I mutter
"Huh?"Killer says
"Nothing! Nothing, Killer."I say
"O-Ok."He says
"Ah, I see. Very secretive."Encre says softly
I start to get the feeling we're being watched as well. I lean against a tree. Killer talks with me over the phone. But then I hear a voice from behind.
"Found you.~"The voice says creepily
I recall all the injuries. I start to hallucinate but I know this is real. I know the voice. A chill goes down my spine and fear fills me. But I want to make sure I am not hallucinating. I frown.
"K-Killer...?"I say as calm as I could
"Yes?"He says
"I might be hallucinating, is this real?"I ask
"You're talking to me, yes it's real but if you see anything, it isn't."He says
"O-Ok...."I say
"It was only a matter of time until I do. I told you, you're mine, Nightmare, you can't escape."The voice says
"Who's talking to you?"Killer asks
"Can't tell....Not Encre."I say
I feel a hand grab my wrist.
"You're staying with me again. Okay?"The voice says
"We just entered Vampireverse, are you gonna be okay?"Killer asks almost instantly afterwards
"No! Encre! Run!"I snap, tearing from the hand and running blindly
"I got you! Was that the jerk?"Encre says, grabbing my hand
I nod.
"Nightmare! What's going on?"Killer says
"Encre, you talk to him. I can't stay calm right now to explain."I say, looking around and keep running
I hand him the phone. He keeps talking to Killer. We switch things up. Encre even pulls me up a tree to help hide.
"He ran right past us. I think we are safe.....And Killer hung up on me..."Encre says
"Ok, what now?"I ask
"We should head back to Fallacy."He says
I nod. He starts climbing down. I follow. Encre starts running ahead and calling for Fallacy. I run and run as fast as I can to keep up, but he is faster than me. I feel a hand grab my wing and pull me back. Two arms wrap around me.
"Got you.~"Charles coos
"Charles! L-Let me go!"I snap
"No. As fun as this game of hide and seek or hard to get is, I want it over. Now, do you love me?"He asks, placing a hand to my chin tightly
"What? No! Never! You'll never get me to love a maniac like you!"I snap
"Never say never.~ Guess we have to start where we left off."He says, opening my jacket
I grab his hand and try to keep it shut for protection.
"Charles! Please! You won't break me! You can't break me! Not to love you! It just makes me hate you!"I tell him
"We'll see about that. Now quit fighting back before I make you regret it."He says, jerking free of my grip
He tears the jacket off of me. I tremble. Then I feel him cut me. It starts at my head and then works downward. He tears my sleeves and reopens any healing wounds. I squirm and try to free myself but it's no use. I can't fight what I cannot see. Not like this. I cannot call for help either. That would make him angrier and lower the chances of me getting out of this alive.
"And to ensure you don't escape again.~"He says
Then, in one clean slice, I feel the most pain I've ever felt from him. He cut both of my wings completely off. I cry out in pain, sobbing. But all the pain, fear, anger, panic, all my emotions manifest and fuse together. I feel my hand change. I reach to it as he continues to cut me down to find a tentacle in its place.
I know what to do.
It's worth a shot.
I swing my hand twice and feel it hit his head.
He releases me and yells in pain.
I run faster than I ever have in my life. I wipe my tears and feel my wounds roar with pain. I do not stop. I blindly guide myself, pushing off of trees for boosts, trying to get as far as I can from Charles.
"Killer! Encre! Jasper! Fallacy! Someone! Please! H-H-Help! Help! Please!"I shout
"Nightmare?"A voice calls
I recognize it.
"Killer! Help! Agh! Charles attacked!"I cry out, feeling the wound from my wings getting cut worsen
"I'm coming! Come to the sound of my voice! I will protect you!"He shouts
I run even faster. But then I trip and fall over a rock. I get yanked up and I feel something click around my neck.
"Not so fast."Charles' voice growls
"Killer!"I shout
"Quit calling for help or you'll really regret it."Charles tells me
I start to shake with fear again. I cry in fear and pain. He wraps an arm around me again. He puts a hand to my chin and lifts it up. Then, he kisses me. He may be bright faced, but I am disgusted. I am scared, while he may love this.
I try to push him away. He does not like this. He pulls back, but I frown. I feel my soul pound.
"Why ruin a good moment?"He asks
"Because that moment was dreadful, not good. And I need you to stay away! Please! Nothing you do will change me! Or how I feel! Killer! Killer please! He has me! Help!"I shout
"I told you not to call for help! Time to change that shock collar from green to orange."He says, clicking something
I feel an intense pain. A shock as tough as I can feel. Pain explodes in my body and mind. I scream out. He releases me and I fall to my knees. I grab the ground and cry, sobbing in pain.
"Stop! No! Make it stop! Please! I-It hurts! Aaaggh! Owww!"I cry in pain, pleaing for it to stop
"Hmm, doesn't feel nice now does it? That's how you made me feel when you disobeyed me, and left me. Now this is how you make me feel every time you deny me your love. RED."He says
"Nightmare! I'm coming! Hey! Charles! Get away from my Nightmare!"Killer shouts
"Shoot, it's him! Can't have him taking you from me! And he won't be yours for long! That goes for both of you!"He exclaims
He picks me up and throws me a good distance. I hit a tree hard and weakly drop against the group. I cry and cough. I try to catch my breaths. I frown, shaking my head. I shakily stand up. But then fall when shocks get me back down. It gets worse and I cry in pain. But then, it stopped. I look up and feel myself shake. I of course cannot see anything. But that doesn't stop me. I get up again.
"Killer!"I yell, blindly limping the way I was thrown
I hear no answer. I keep limping the way I came. I frown, crying from pain but keep moving. I refuse to stop moving. Not now. Not ever. I start to hear talking. Yelling even.
"Where is he? Where'd you put him? What did you do to him? He better be okay or I swear I will do much worse to you!"Killer yells
"Don't know and won't tell you even if I did."Charles says
"Ya, keep talking like that, see what happens!"He snaps
I limp closer and closer to Killer. Or where I hear him.
"Killer! I can hear you!"I exclaim
"Nightmare?"He calls
"I'm coming...Agh!"I tell him, feeling a small shock from my collar
I need to get this off. I need to get to him.
"No you're not!"Charles snaps
I feel something whizz past my head. I keep moving.
"You did not just try to hurt him!"Killer growls
"Oh I did!"Charles responds
"Oh then you will regret that!"He snaps
They argue and argue. I follow the sound of his voice. I hear a thud and panic. I start to run as much as I can. I reach out and feel someone. I quickly keep a tight hold on whoever it is.
"Please....Killer? Who is this? Please be Killer. I really need you right now Killer."I cry
"Nightmare? T-That you?"Killer says
I feel a hand hold mine.
"Y-Yes, Killer. It's me. I missed you so much. I am so glad to be back with you."I tell him
"Do you recall what I said then?"He asks
"You say a lot of things, Killer. You will have to be specific."I tell him
"About how I'll make ya feel?"He suggests
"You already make me feel safe and happy. What more could you do?"I ask, feeling my face warm up
"I know exactly what. As long as you're okay with it."He says
"Anything from you is fine by me, Killer."I tell him
I feel a stronger electric shock and cry as silently as I hug him close and feel the pain. Gotta hide it. Can't let him know I'm in pain. And this is just the orange. Don't exactly know what red is. I may have already experienced it but don't know and don't want to.
He shuffles around and I look up at him, unable to see him or the smile I know he must have right now. The smile that I found so nice. The one that comforted me, making me feel secure and that everything will be ok. The one I miss seeing so much.
Killer's smile.
I feel him tense up.
"Killer?"I say
"What did he do to you?"He asks
"He....Tried to cut me down, break me....Until I loved him. Every time I said no....h-he'd cut me."I explain
"Your wings!"He says
"Cut those off too. So I wouldn't escape."I say
"And what the hell did he put around your neck?"He asks
I feel a hand on the collar. That only made the pain from it get worse. It's building energy. It may go red.
"P-Please...N-No..."I mutter
"Hm?"Killer says
"Oh! It's just to show that he has me, I guess."I lie
"Well he is a liar. You are not his. He does not have you. You have yourself. You are yours."He says
"I have you too. And everyone."I say
"Mhm, so don't worry. It's gonna be ok."He says
"I-I'm scared though..."I admit
"Sssh, shh, ssssshh, it's okay. Dry those tears. It's okay. You have nothing to be afraid of. I will protect you."He tells me
He wipes my tears and that makes me go quiet.
"Now, shall I show you what I meant?"He asks
"You already have permission, Killer."I tell him
"Well then..."He says
I feel a hand get placed on my back. I jolt, afraid that it's Charles sneaking up on me. I hold a tighter grip on Killer.
"Relax, it's just me."He says
I feel a hand grab my arm gently. I feel myself get lifted slightly from the ground. I look up at him. Then, he kisses me. I tensed at first and tightened my grip on him, but then relaxes. He rubs his hands on my arm and back gently, trying to comfort me. This kiss felt nice. It fills me with love and coming from him, is amazing. I shut my eyes, enjoying this and relaxing. My face burns but I am happy. I feel love.
But then I hear a beep. The shocks get worse than ever before. It must be in the red. I open my eyes, tightening my grip on Killer again. I start to cry again from the pain. I remove a hand from him. I start blindly reaching up and trying to get the collar off of me. I try to do it so he wouldn't notice but that fails quickly. He pulls back, ending the kiss. I stop trying. I put the arm back around him.
"Nightmare, you're crying again. What's wrong?"He asks
"Nothing! I'm just very happy!"I lie
If the collar can get this bad, it can get worse. And if I tell Killer anything, it may get worse.
"Aw, well that's nice. How about I get you away from here?"He asks
"I-I'd like that."I say
He pulls me in, hugging me.
"I love you, Nightmare."He says
"I love you too, Killer."I say softly
He kisses the top of my head. I look up at him and see something. It wasn't the normal hallucinations. There didn't seem to be a trigger. What I see is an outline of someone. Their face, their head, their body, their appearance. And this outline I can tell is of Killer. It's not perfect sight, it is still faint and blurry, but something. I look at him in shock at this finding.
"Everything okay, Night?"He asks
"I can see you! Slightly, but I can see! I can see you, Killer!"I tell him happily
"Oh wow! You're getting your sight back! That rocks! Well then, I have a message for you."He says
Killer's outline releases me. I see his hands make a heart.
"Do you see it?"He asks
"Are you making a heart with your hands?"I ask
"Yep. And this heart belongs to you. You took it from me."He says
My face burns.
"Seems fair since you took mine."I tell him
I see his face redden.
"Oh really?"He asks with a sly tone
"Mhm."I say nodding
"Well then, I'll give you something special."He says, leaning close
He leans closer and closer, but then stops.
"Wait....That's a shock collar. And it's at a high level. He put this on you?! When were you gonna tell me?"He asks
I'm silent.
"Were you gonna tell me?"He asks
"N-No....He m-may do worse then."I say
He picks me up and I begin shaking from the pain.
"He's right. You weren't supposed to find out or even get him. He's mine! And he will break until he learns that!"Charles says
I look in the direction of his voice. I see a faint outline of him holding a switch. He starts coming closer. I start to tremble with fear. I hold Killer tighter. I feel him remove an arm from around me. The pain gets worse, making me cry.
"N-No....P-P-Please. Don't let go. Killer...Please."I plea
"Don't worry, I got you. He won't come near you."He tells me
"Hmmm, are you sure about that?"Charles asks
"Yes, now fuck off. Leave him alone."He snaps
"But who will he go with?"Charles asks
"Bruh, I think it's obvious."He says
"Alright, then let him come."Charles says
"No, I'm staying with him."I say, gripping Killer tightly
"Guess you haven't learned."Charles says
I hear another beep. The pain grows even more. I cry in pain.
"Stop! Make it stop! I can't take it!"I cry
He places a hand behind my head.
"I got you. You heard him, make it stop."Killer says
"Not until he agrees to my conditions."Charles says
"I will kill you!"Killer says
"Try me bitch!"Charles says
"Nightmare, I got you! Don't worry!"Killer tells me
"O-Okay, Killer!"I whimper
I open my eyes and look at him. He seems nervous, but I can't tell by just an outline. He seems be trying to think of something. He forces a smile.
"Would now be a bad time to kiss you again, my cute Night?"He asks
"Do whatever you want! Just don't let me go!"I tell him
The pain eats away at me.
"Anything for you, Night.~"He says
He leans in and kisses me. I feel some sort of comfort through the pain. He picks me up and holds me in his arms. Bridal style again. I feel his wings wrap around me, though I notice one was now an angel's wing. I shut my eyes, shifting my arms to get a better grip. He parts and looks at me.
"I l-l-love you, Killer. I-AAAGH!"I cry, feeling the final shock I'll ever feel
"Night! Stay with me! Nononono! Not again! Not again!"Killer cries
"Huh? N-Not again?"I ask
I look and see I'm turning to dust. I look at Killer and shake my head. I slide the collar off me as my neck was the first to go.
Killer's POV
"No!"I cry
"Yes!"Charles cheer
I hold Nightmare in my hands. But then it turns blue and zips away.
"I'll take that thank you."Charles says
He holds Nightmare's soul roughly. He opens some kind of screen with code.
"Now to change his code and make him love me and only me."He mutters
I run towards him. I clench fists.
"I don't think so!"I snap, punching him
He loses his hold on the soul. The soul goes flying. I pace backwards quickly and jump up, catching it. I hold it in my hands again. His poor soul is shaking. I lift it close to me.
"Ssssh, ssh, it's okay. I'm here Nightmare. I got you, not Charles. I'll protect you."I say
The soul stops shaking.
"One sec."I say, shifting it to one hand
I use my free hand to punch Charles away. I smirk.
"There we go."I say
I smile and hold his soul happily. Sure, he's in a soul form, but it isn't cracked. I will protect him. I will keep him safe. I'll keep his soul safe. Charles won't get near him. I won't let this guy hurt him like Dream did.
"You can't stop me. You're at a disadvantage holding that soul now. You won't win on your own."Charles says
"Who ever said I was alone?"I ask
Then, I whistle. Two figures swoop down and land beside me. I look at them and see it's Fallacy and Jasper. I smile, glad to find their company.
"Oh crap."Charles says
I smirk.
Not so tough now is he?
Jasper snatches Nightmare's soul from me and hugs it the moment he saw it.
"Easy, his soul is very fragile."I say
He nods and hands it back to me. Fallacy looks at the soul, then at Charles, then at me.
"That the douchebag jerk?"He asks
"Yep."I reply, catching a butcher knife Charles threw to hit Nightmare's soul
"Alright son, let's get him."Fallacy says
"You messed with the wrong were-octopus, idiot! Nobody hurts Nightmare and gets away with it!"Jasper snaps
The two leap at Charles. They fight viciously and I hold Nightmare's soul gently yet protectively. They bite and punch and struggle. But they eventually come out victorious over Charles. They smile and lead me back to the castle place. There awaited Geno, Encre, Error and Ink. Geno sees the soul and runs off with it. I know he will try to heal or undo what Charles did. Encre hugs Fallacy and Jasper. I chat with Error and Ink but we are really all waiting and hoping for the best. Suave comes and tries to look on the bright side, encouraging us to do the same. Then he chases after Jasper to stop him from doing some shenanigin. I smile.
Nightmare will be ok.
Won't he?
TBC :3
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