Chapter 92:Reborn
Look at that face >:3 ^Pillow hugger^
Few days later
Nightmare's POV
I open my eyes slowly and look around. I am hugging a pillow in a bed, but not in my room. Where am I? What happened? I cannot remember a dang thing. I sit up and look around. I am very confused. I bang something and my head hurts, but I didn't hit my head. I reach up to feel my head and find a horn. Confusion increases. I look up and find a halo above my head. I look down and find angel wings on my back with a tail like a demon's.
Did I die? Was I killed?
I check my soul. It's beating. I check my hp. It's full. Not a single part taken off.
Huh? Am I back or something? How? What's going on?
I get out of bed. I move out of the room and house. I look around and see demons or angels everywhere. But I feel like a sore thumb. There are no angel or demons mixes. I frown. I want to find answers. But, I don't know where to start.
I know one thing, this must be Reborntale. I try to turn to my other form but fail. I try to open a portal. Fail. I try to teleport or summon something, but nothing happened.
I sigh.
I lost some abilities clearly.
I frown.
I look around and wander.
"Hey! You're a mix of an angel and demon? Wowie!"A voice says
I look and see some kind of angel version of Blue. He has wings and a halo, with his usual battle outfit and scarf. He soars to me and smiles, stars in his eyes. He seems as happy as the Blue I know would be. I smile at him. He circles me, gazing at my form in awe.
"What's your name? I've never seen you around here before."He says
"Nightmare. And you must be Blue."I say
"Really? How'd you know?"He asks
"I've heard a lot about the Magnificent Blue."I say
"Yes! People are speaking of me in a good way! They like me!"He cheers
"Who wouldn't?"I say
He smiles.
"Well, since you are new here, welcome to RebornTale! People are always dropping in around here! I hope you find this as a good place!"He says, then soars off
I look around. Then I hear a yell from above. I look up and see someone falling from the sky. I jump from fright at the sight. I open my wings and without thinking, take off and try to fly. I quickly fly towards the person. I reach my arms out as they get a halo and their own pair of wings. I catch him and investigate to find out who they are. I find out it's Geno. I recognize him. There is another slash mark on his chest. He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Nightmare?! How?!"He says, recognizing me
"Welcome to ReborntTale. I dunno either. But what do you know happened? What happened to you?"I ask
"Well, there was some virus attacking you. Dream came a few moments late but still tried to protect you. The virus got you. He and others thought you died. But I guess somehow you were reborn or placed here. I....I was tricked. I woke up and found Reaper entering the room. We were alone. I smiled and greeted him. He....He was not my Reaper. He took out his list, nods, then takes his scythe out. I stupidly still thought it was him and that he was going to work. But then he said he's getting my Reaper's job done, which made me realize it. He hit me....Then I'm here. What's gonna happen? R-Reaper must think.....Oh and those kiddos...."He explains
I notice he is missing his scarf. Oh, Reaper will surely think the worst. I hold him close as he begins to panic.
"I dunno what will happen, but we will figure it out together. Now, let's get to solid ground before you do anything."I say
I drop down to the ground. I put him down. He looks around. Then he smiles. He wanders with me. We explore with curiosity. Then, Geno smiles again. He points out what at first was hidden. But is now in plain sight.
A peekhole.
"Let's check it out!"He says
I nod and we run to it. We look through and who do we see?
Error himself. Eating away at a chocolate bar in a rainbow wrapper. Most likely from Ink.
"Hey Error!"I say while Geno waves to him
He looks at us, then his eye-lights shrink and he begins choking on the chocolate. He seemsshocked. Guess he didn't expect us.
"GeNo? NiGhTmArE? HoW?"He exclaims
"How what?"Geno asks
"HoW aRe y0u guYs aLivE? DreAm aNd Cross fOund y0ur dUsT, NigHtmArE! ThEn ReaPer fOunD yoUr dUsT anD sCaRf GeNO!"He says
"Well this is RebornTale."Geno says
"Somehow we were sent here."I say
"ArE y0u sAfE tHeRe?"He asks
"Sure seems like it."Geno says
"Hmmm, g00d. NoW hOw d0 I expLain ThiS t0 tWo cRybAbiEs? YouR bRoThEr NiGhTmArE aNd yOuR IdIot GeNo?"Error says
"Not my idiot, my lovable idiot."Geno mutters
I look at him and smirk.
"Does he know you call him that?" I ask
His face reddens.
"No...."He says
"KnOw wHaT?"Error asks
"Error, when you explain it to Reaper you can tell him Geno calls him his lovable idiot.~"I say
"Oh! WiTh pLeAsUrE! HeHehE! ThaT wiLl cErTaInLy hElP wIth eXplAinIng iT t0 hIm. BuT wHat aBoUt yOuR bRoThEr? I tHinK wE shOulD kEeP tHis siTuaTioN lOw-KeY aNd clAssIfIed. The leSs tHat kNow, tHe bEttEr."He says
"Hmmm, well my brother sure does talk a lot and his words can slip. If you tell him directly, he will certainly spread the word and do the opposite of whatever you tell him to do. Hmmm.....Tell Cross first. Then leave it up to him to tell Dream. Dream is more likely to listen to him and not spread the word."I say
"Why is that?"Geno asks
"Heh, Cross seems to be higher on the ladder or list than Error when it comes to who Dream likes."I say
"Ah, I see!"Geno says with a smirk
"ThAt'S fInE bY mE."Error says
"Yep, partly since you have your Inky. Guess getting rainbow chocolate isn't that bad, huh Error?"Geno says
"CoRrEct. I aM gLaD We mAde tHaT tRuCe tHat lEd tO nOw. He rOcKs. Now, I wIlL gO tEll ThOse 2. BuT dO nOt wOrRy, I kNow wHat KiLlEr dId aNd wOn'T tElL hIM."Error says, then shuts the peekhole
"What happened between you and Killer?"Geno asks
"Well...He and Ink went missing. I got worried so a few of us went to find them. We got split up but when I found Killer.....He was kissing Color. His soul was changed. I hid but heard them talk.....Killer didn't seem to have much of a problem being with Color. I worried over him for nothing. I've lost my trust in him. I gave him another chance after witnessing Dream kiss him but this...this was different. He....He lied to me. He said he'll be there for me and that he loves me but that doesn't seem to be the case."I explain
"Ah, I am sorry to hear that, Nightmare. Welp, there are better people out there for you then."Geno says
"Heh, whatever you say, Geno."I say, not really believing him
"There is! There is someone for everyone! Dude, there was someone for the AU destroyer, which was the AU protector. There was someone for a genocidal killer, which was an innocent cinnamon roll. There was someone for Death himself, me. Most would think there wouldn't be, but now I see that as false. So there is certainly someone out there for you. I know it."Geno says
"Okay, now your sounding like that Palette kid with his motivational speeches he gives to his Gothy or friends."I say with a shake of my head
"Heh, guess it rubs off on me. I am around them a lot."He says
"Let's just go take a look around."I say, taking to the sky
I fly through the skies and smile. I feel free now. I gaze at the ground below, seeing all the people and all the buildings
"Nightmare! Wait!"Geno calls, flying after me
"What?"I ask, turning
"Before I had that incident, I was decoding that note with the soul. It isn't to an AU, it's a message. It said AU destroyed, please protect child, whoever finds this. That is all. And since you found the soul, you should know."He says
"Can I see the soul?"I ask
"Sure."He says, taking the soul out of a pocket
He hands me the soul and just as it lands in my hands, the soul shines and disappears with a body forming around it. It was a small, cute baby skeleton. Boy. He rests peacefully in my arms. I cannot help but smile. He looks sweet. Ideas whiz around in my head.
"What is going through your head?"Geno asks
I look at him, then at the child in my arms. I smile even more.
"I think I'm gonna take care of him."I say
"Really? Are you sure?"He asks
"Hey, if I can take care of Dream, I can take care of him."I tell him
The child begins to shhiver. I look around. I smile and scoop up a blanket laying about. I wrap a blanket around the child and the child smiles up at me. I fly higher to avoid bumping into stuff that could hurt him. Geno flies right beside me. He talks to me or keeps checking to make sure his eye is hidden. I look down and notice a portal opening after a few moments. I smirk when I see who comes through it.
"Let's start to get lower. Maybe we should get something to eat."I say
He looks at me and nods. I look at the kid and he's awake. He's gazing up at me in awe. I smile. He reaches up and feels my cheek. He smiles. Then he reaches up and feels my horn. He got this amazed look. Then he tugs at it. Oh, it hurt.
"Ack! Okay, l-let's not do that."I say
He nods. But then he begins to climb on me. He tugs at my horn until he is able to climb over and sit on my shoulders. He hugs the back of my head, gripping it and my horn to stay on. Geno chuckles, watching this whole thing. I look at him and shrug.
"I got it."I say
We go lower and lower down. I smile. I fly further ahead. I nearly am able to land but I stay above. I see Reaper wandering about, searching with the portal I saw shutting behind him. I knew it was only a matter of time until he comes once he was told.
"Hey, Reaper."I say
He looks at me.
"Nightmare! Hey!"He says
"You have incoming. Be ready."I say, then fly over him
He nods.
I fly and then swoop down, turning and landing on the ground. I stand and watch with this kid tugging at my horn still. Geno flies low after me but Reaper leaps up and embraces him, pulling him down. Geno is completely caught off guard.
"Gah! What the-?!"He exclaims
"Hey, Geno."Reaper says
Geno looks at him. Reaper smiles and he stiffens up. Reaper puts Geno's scarf on him.
"W-What? R-R-Reaper?"Geno says, noticing Reaper has his scythe out
I notice these too. Red flags are going up. Did I just lead Geno back to the Reaper that killed him the first time? I start to come closer.
"Heh, always knew you'd become this when the time came. I just wish it wasn't so soon."Reaper says, tapping Geno's halo
"Y-You're my Reaper?"Geno stutters
"Hmmm, how is that a question?"Reaper replies, leaning in close
Geno trembles a bit.
"Why are you scared?"Reaper asks
I place a hand on Reaper's shoulder.
"Put the scythe away."I tell him
He looks at me.
"Put it away now. If you don't I will have to get him from you."I say
"W-Why?"He asks
The kid reaches out and grabs the scythe, pulling it like a rope until it's out of Reaper's grip. The kid tosses it away.
"What was that about?"He asks
"Question, what did Shino put on your head once?"I ask, pop quizzing him
"....."Reaper says nothing
This makes me panic. I grab Geno and pull him away from Reaper. I hug him close and the kid even places a protective hand on the back of his skull.
"I got you, Geno. Sorry, I thought it was him. I'm sorry. Let's get you away."I whisper to him
"It's okay."He tells me
I prepare to take off while holding them close.
"Where are you going?"Reaper asks
"Away from you before you hurt him. I'll find his Reaper later."I say
"But that's me. The answer to your question is a white flower crown."He says
"Took you a bit to answer."I point out
"Confusion delays my thinking. Now, what's going on?"He asks
Geno looks at him.
"Reaper...."Geno says softly
Geno smiles a bit.
Reaper's face lit up.
"Is he right, Geno?"I ask
Geno looks at me and nods.
"It's him after all."He says
I release him.
Geno runs and hugs Reaper. Reaper hugs him back but Geno tightens his grip and starts to cry.
"Nightmare?"Reaper says confusedly
"He's just glad it's you."I say
Reaper looks around protectively.
"Explain please."He says
"Well, somehow another Reaper from another timeline not only had Geno on list but managed to track him down to the hideout, and get in his room. Geno mistook him to be you, no surprise. He said he's doing your job or whatever and then....killed Geno. Geno appeared here only moments later. Somehow we are being put here for some reason instead of being dead. He and I both are on edge and I'm sorry I thought you were that Reaper trying to do the job again."I explain
Reaper is silent, processing this.
He frowns.
He nods.
"Geno...."He mutters
Geno looks up at him.
"W-What?"He asks
Reaper wipes his tears.
"You do know that's not my job, right?"He asks
Geno looks up at him. Geno does not answer.
"Killing people?"Geno asks
"Killing you."He replies
A dinging sound is heard. Reaper takes out his phone.
"Ah, time for work.~"He says, winking at Geno
Is he really gonna go to "work" at a time like this? Didn't he see how that worked out last time?
Geno looks at him, still looking upset. But Reaper does not let go. He does not leave. He smiles at Geno. He places a hand on Geno's cheek, leans in, and kisses Geno. Geno's face becomes a blushing mess. His wings unfold and stretch out. He doesn't try to leave the kiss, pull back, fly off, or anything. It just seemed they unfold from shock. I notice he shut his eye. I smirk and the kid on my shoulders starts clapping with a smile. He pull back from the kiss and smiles at Geno.
"That is my job. To love you."He says
Geno is silent.
"Hmmm, my shift lasts at least another two hours, any ideas?~"He says
Geno is silent.
"I think you broke him."I chuckle
"Nah, he is alright. He gets like this when lost in thought. Hmmm....."Reaper says, looking around
He picks Geno up and starts heading away. I gaze ahead and see he's going to an inn.
"Have a nice shift!~"I say teasingly
Reaper looks at me and nods. Geno seems to snap out of it.
"Reaper! Put me down! NOW!"He snaps, trying to shove himself from Reaper or out of Reaper's hold
"Oh come on, Geno. Let me make up for that imposter's doing."He says
Now Geno uses his wings and flies out of Reaper's reach or sight. He moves very fast, but I soon spot him hovering behind Reaper. Reaper lowers his hood to try to get a better sight of his surroundings. Geno places two hands on Reaper's skull, which makes him jolt. Geno kisses the top of his skull. He looks up to find Geno gazing right back down at him with a smile.
"Idiot."Geno says
"Your lovable idiot."Reaper counters
Geno's face lights up.
"Using my words against me, huh?"Geno asks with a smirk
"Em...Yes."Reaper says, caught off-guard by this
"Well, I'll use my advantages against you!"Geno says, grabbing Reaper and taking to the skies
"AAAAAAAH!"Reaper yells in fright
"Who wants to be put down now?~"Geno teases
"Not me!"Reaper says, then kisses Geno again
Geno's face reddens.
He flies in circles, talking with Reaper in his grip. I chuckle.
"Isn't that nice, kid?"I ask
"Hehe, yes it is, Papa."He says
I freeze up. I didn't expect an answer. Or to be called that.
"What did you call me?"I ask
"Papa."He says
"Why?"I ask
"You...Papa."He replies
I sigh. It's just kids being kids. Surely that's all.
"Let's leave them be. Let's go check out the place."I say
"Uh-huh."He says
I walk the way I flew. I bump into Blue. He looks at me and smiles, then without anything being said, leads me to a house. He says it is vacant and I can stay here.
"You should go in. It's getting late and bad things seem to happen outside at night. Have a pleasent evening!"He says, then leaves
I guess that is best. I smile and go in. There is already the neccesary furniture, but could use some work. And it needs some serious child proofing. I set the kid down and start to work on the place. Once done with child-proofing, I explore the house while the boy entertains himself with sneaking along the walls, using their imagination to be a ninja they say. Really, he just said ninja a bunch of times. I find a kitchen with food, living room, dining room with a table for 3, bathroom which may never be used, and a single bedroom as well as a closet. In the closet are pieces of wood. I smile and get an idea. It takes a few moments but I make a proper bed for the kid. I go back to the ninja and pick him up. I put him in this bed and go to lock the door. Once done, I go to check on the kid. He pulls me into the bed beside him and before I knew it, I am asleep.
I wake up the next morning and make breakfast for both of us. The kid comes out and we eat together. This won't be so bad.
Many MONTHS later
I smile and watch as the kid runs about, laughing and playing with Geno and Reaper. I've learned that he calls himself Ghastly Pale.I sit on the front porch and use the device Reaper gave me from Error. I click a simple button. A peekhole appears. I smile. I really want to see Cross or Dream. I swipe a bit. And whaddya know? Both of them appear in my sight. They are mostly alone too, besides Chara of course. Cross is in close proximity with Dream too. This gotta be interesting.
"Why did you want to speak with me alone?"Dream asks
"Well...I wanted to tell you something privately."Cross says
Dream's face lights up in a yellow glow. He must be making assumptions. Or getting ideas.
"Huh?"He says
Cross leans in close.
"Dream...Listen.."Cross says looking at him nervously
"You need to know...."He says
Dream looks up at him.
"Hm?"Dream says
I realize what he's trying to do.
Bout dang time!
He is starting to get cold feet. I can tell.
"I....I....Well...I em....."Cross says, his face lighting up and expression getting anxious.
Come on Cross! Do it! You can do it!
Then I make a realization. I just thought things I hear Error yell when he watches UnderNovela. He uses a peekhole to watch it.
I'm using a peekhole to watch them.
Frick. He's rubbing off on me.
Either that or these two are too oblivious or lovey dovey that they are like an UnderNovela and love story.
I don't want to say anything to kill the moment. Or it could scare the hell out of them. That wouldn't be smart. Last time I scared Dream by catching him off-guard I nearly got an arrow to the face. And I nearly got a knife to the face when I did something similar to Cross. And they're together. I would rather not get a knife and arrow to my face by mistake.
Thank you very much.
"Cross, why are you blushing?"Dream asks
See! They are even catching the signs now! They are losing their oblivion! At least Dream is! He no longer is mistaking it for a fever!
"I d-d-dunno, why are you blushing?"Cross responds
Yep, both of them!
Dream's face burns up more.
"Emmm....Em...Uh...I-I-I-I asked first!"He says
Cross stiffens a bit.
"Chara be quiet...."He mutters
"Huh?"Dream says
"Nothing!"Cross says
Dream hesitates, but nods. Dream wraps an arm around Cross.
"Cross, if something is bothering you, you can tell me."Dream says
"That's the thing...I dunno if you'd be okay with hearing it."Cross says
"Don't care what I think, Cross. Just tell me, honesty is best. I will listen."Dream says
".....I l-li-no, Dream..."Cross stutters, placing a hand on his shoulder
Dream looks at him.
"I....I-I-I l-love you."He says
Dream stares at him in shock.
Go on, bro. Tell him. Don't leave him hanging. Also, WOOO! GO CROSS!
"Y-You do?"Dream asks
"Mhm."Cross says
Something on Cross' wrist glows and something shines or flees from it. It takes form on the sidelines.
"Is that okay?"Cross asks
"Of course it is Cross. Especially since....I love you too."He replies
I cannot tell you how bad I wanted to cheer for them right now. I am so happy for them. But I must not ruin the moment. Besides, the fandom and Cream shippers are probably doing plenty of that right now. Then again, I did kinda ship them.
"R-Really?"Cross says in shock
"Yep! Wait...Is that what you meant in Waterfall?"Dream asks
"What do you mean?"Cross asks
There was a previous confession?
"Back when I was blinded and you were with me in Waterfall. You told me you loved me. You snapped at Chara. Does Palette yelling UNO for the wrong card game ring a bell?"Dream replies
I try not to chuckle picturing that whole thing go down.
"Oh right....Back then I had my doubts of my feelings, it was kinda still forming, but yes I did."Cross says
Error has witnessed otherwise. I've been told by you otherwise. Such a liar, Cross.
"Ah, okay. Well, Cross..I do love you too."Dream says
I notice their hands shifted.
"Well then would you mind getting something special?"Cross asks, leaning closer
"I d-don't think so, what is it?"Dream asks
Cross leans in and kisses him. Dream is shocked at first but then gives in, shutting his eyes. The thing that left Cross' bracelet takes form as X!Chara.
"Thank goodness Science made that for us to temporarily split. And it's about dang time you two got together."X!Chara says
Cross completely ignores him.
"Even though I now owe Nightmare some chocolate bars."He says
Still ignored.
X!Chara looks around and sees the peekhole I'm using. He floats over and smirks.
"Oh look! Here he is now!"He declares
They open their eyes wide and end the kiss. They look over and see me. Their faces get brighter.
"B-Brother?!"Dream stutters
"I didn't do nothin!"Cross says defensively
"Hey Dream. Cross, I saw the whole thing you liar."I say
Cross holds Dream tightly, seeming nervous.
"Oh calm down, dude. I'm happy for you both. It's about time you both found out. Jeez. Chara, don't forget Error, he's had a bet on these two longer than me."I say
"Uuuugggghh, my chocolate!"X!Chara groans
"Wait, there were bets on us?"Dream asks
I nod.
"What the heck?!"Cross exclaims
"Oh chill out dude, you did ship Error and Ink. Plus I think we ALL shipped Blue and Dust back in the day."X!Chara says
"Guilty."The three of us say
"Congrats on the relationship."I tell them
"Thanks."The two say
"Papa! Papa! Who are you talking to?"Ghastly Pale asks, coming over
"Papa, huh?"Cross asks with a smirk
X!Chara burts out laughing.
"What? Nightmare! How long haven't we talked? How much did I miss from you?"Dream asks
Ghastly Pale peeks over my shoulder and smiles.
"Hi Uncle Dream! Hi Uncle Cross and Mr. Chara!"He cheers
"Uncle?!"Dream exclaims
"Huh?"Cross says
X!Chara stops laughing.
"Ghastly, they are not like that yet."I say
"Oh! Sorry, Mr. Cross! My memory is still fixing itself from imagination and reality!"He says
"Brother, since when did you have a kid?"Dream asks
"Since a few months ago. Thanks for following your word, Cross. I met Geno and he showed me the soul. The soul took form as him and his world was...ya know, so I decided to take care of him. He has some memories, but mistakes them for his imagination. His name is Ghastly Pale."I say
Ghastly Pale comes in front of me and waves with a smile. I rest my hands on his shoulds, which he happily grabs.
"Oh yeah! No problem!"Cross says, remembering
"Mr. Cross, since when did you become Mr. Kool-aid man?"Ghastly Pale asks
X!Chara bursts into laughter again. Dream chuckles. I smirk. Cross is confused but catches what he said.
"What's so funny?"Ghastly Pale asks
"Nothing."I say
"I dunno, I just like fruit punch I guess."Cross says, then jolts
"Uncle Dream is making some moves!"Ghastly points out
I look and see Dream is holding Cross' hand. Dream's a blushing mess and so is Cross when he notices. They try to talk but struggle. X!Chara just can't stop laughing. Ghastly Pale looks at me.
"I think they need some alone time to figure stuff out. They got fevers."He says
I smirk and nod.
"Em, Nightmare. By the way, Dream set you up with someone."X!Chara says
"What?!"I exclaim
"Brother, I want you to be happy. You deserve someone special."Dream says
"I'm already happy! I got special people with me already! They're called friends and family! And maybe next time let's talk for the first time in months before you pull something like this!"I say
"Is this how you meet Papa #2?"Ghastly asks me
"No."I tell him
"Okay."He says with a chuckle
"Okay, sorry. Welp, look at the time! I gotta go! Bye!"Dream says, running off
Cross goes after him. X!Chara shakes his head and follows. I click the button and the peekhole shut. I look around and notice something. I sigh and shake my head. I check and see that Geno has gone next door to his home and Reaper had just shut the door once going in with him. We are the only ones outside.
"Ghastly, do me a favor and go inside."I say
"Yes Papa!"He says, then goes inside
I get up and walk to what I noticed.
Another peekhole.
"I was wondering how long it would take before someone let the word slip and you overheard. What do you want?"I ask
"Nightmare...."Killer says
"Answer the question. And don't say me because I know that's just a lie."I say, crossing my arms
He places a hand on the peekhole barrier that seperates him from me.
"Don't expect me to put my hand with yours."I say
"You're okay...."He says
"Mhm, but I guess that would be a problem for you, huh? You don't seem happy with that."I say
Tears start to go down his face.
"Are you seriously crying? Awww, did Color break your lil soul? Or whoever you're kissing these days? And now you come back to me? Only to heal until you find somebody else? Well sorry Killer but I'm me. And I don't like being used as a temporary healer for your soul or something. I don't like being used for anything with that said. So if you're not gonna say anything important, go. Just go."I tell him
"You hurt me....You broke my soul...."He says
"Me? ME!? Break your soul? How'd I manage that, huh? Color did change it!"I say
"You left me..."He says
"Oh boo hoo to you! Way to play the victim, Killer. Ya, I left. I do it all the time. But leaving you was something called getting out of a bad situation. And if you call that a hurtful and soulbreaking experience, you have no idea what is. You use that term too loosely. Soulbreaking things are much worse than that. Soulbreaking is being lied to by someone you trusted. Soulbreaking is being fooling by someone close to you. Soulbreaking is seeing the first and only person you ever loved kissing someone else after so many times saying they love you! After giving them a second chance when you saw them do it once! But you guess once wasn't enough for them! Because you're not them, you're you after all! It doesn't have to be said you can just tell! Which is even more soulbreaking! Soulbreaking things, Killer, are things like what you did to me."I snap at him
He is silent.
"Sorry I can't feel sorry for you, empathy or sympathy for you. But I also can't let my own feelings and soulbreak from what you did slide. Now, if you're done talking, I'll be on my way. I think it's dinner time."I say, checking my watch
"How can I make it up to you? If sorry won't do it, how?"He asks
I look at him.
He stares right back.
A bit of hope lit in my soul but I won't let him know. I smile.
"Heh, you got me there for a sec. Thought you were being honest with that question-"I say
"I was. And am."He says
I look at him. No eye-lights. No clear emotion besides tears showing he might be upset or pretending with crocodile tears.
"It will take time. You will have to prove yourself to me again. Show I can care for you, trust you, be around you again. And here's a little tip, saying sorry a bunch of times or flowers won't do it. I already heard about the marigolds. But that's all I am saying. Now, so long!"I say, walking away
I go inside and start making dinner.
"What were you doing outside, Papa?"Ghastly asks as he plays with some toys
"Nothing of importance."I say
"Okay, Papa. What's for dinner tonight?"He asks
"I was thinking tacos."I say
"Yes! Taco Tuesday! I'll get the plates!"He says, leaping onto a chair, climbling onto the counter and running
He hops in the cabinets and passes me two plates. I smile and thank him. A few minutes later, the tacos were made. Blue would be happy to know that Ghastly loved the tacos. I can picture what he'd say now. Mwehehe! I, the Magnificent Sans, appreciate our common enjoyment of tacos! Ya, he'd say something like that.
A few days afterwards, I went to get some food. I left Ghastly with Reaper, and by that I mean I left the two home with Geno to watch them. I fly through the skies, trying to find the store. I spot it and start to fly lower towards it.
"Hey!"A voice yells
I look and see another skeleton flying behind me.
He was half angel and demon too. He had wings, halo and a horn.
"Are you Nightmare?"He asks
I nod and keep flying, not really wanting to talk.
But this guy didn't seem to catch that.
He flies in front of me, right when I'm about to land and wraps an arm around me. Then he puts a hand to my chin.
"Pleasure to finally meet you."He says
Then he tugs me in and kisses me. He shuts his eyes but mine are wide open.
What the hell? Who is this guy? What does he think he is doing? What is going on?
I grab his arm on me and pull it off. I shove him away from me. I walk quickly into the store, getting what I came for, paying for it and leaving. I fly home quickly. I find Ghastly on the front steps in a bad mood. He isn't happy.
And that is rare.
Where is Geno and Reaper? Why is he outside? He loves hanging with them so him being outside is odd.
"What are you doing out here? Where are Geno and Reaper?"I ask him
"They went home, leaving me with Mr. Charles. He broke one of my toys when I said you aren't here. He's mean."He replies
"Who's Mr Charles?"I ask
"Some meanie that Dream knows apparently."He tells me
"Let's go inside. I'll handle it."I say
"Okay Papa."He says
I take his hand and go inside. I facepalm when I see who it is.
Sitting on the couch, shaking a fist, is the same guy from before. I have a guess this is the dude I got set up with by Dream. I see the broken toy on the floor. I take one step in, the floor creaks at he throws a box at me.
"I told you to stay out kid!"He snaps
I catch the box and frown.
"Ahem. Someone has anger issues."I tell him
He looks at me.
"Oh! Hey, Nightmare! Welcome home!"He says with a smile
"And why are you in it? Kicking Ghastly out of it?"I say with an unfriendly tone
"Oh, cause I wanted to see you! He was kicked out to get some....uh, fresh air!"He lies
"And you broke his toy because?"I ask
"Being too noisy with it."He says
I look at the toy. It's a stuffed animal.
"Why do you want to see me?"I ask
"Oh! I'm Charles! I'm sure your brother told you about me!"He says, coming over
"Actually, he hasn't!"I say
"Oh, well he matched us!"He says
Great. Worst match ever.
I'm done with this.
"Well then, nice to meet you but I'm not interested! Now, if you may, I'll show you to the door!"I tell him
"No, I want to stay. Give me a chance."He says
I look at Ghastly. He shakes his head. I think quickly.
"I did. You failed it. There was a test called the Ghastly Test. If he is okay with you, then I am. And what was your conclusion, Ghastly?"I say, winking to Ghastly
He smiles. He looks at Charles and frowns.
"You failed! 0/10! Bye bye mean man!"He says
"Dang it."He says, then lunges at Ghastly
I pick Ghastly up quickly.
"What the hell? That's it! I'm contacting Dream."I say, making a peekhole with the device
I come face to face with Dream.
"Oh come on, Nightmare. You won't regret it.~"Charles says with an affectionate tone
"I already have. Dream. We have to talk."I say
Dream looks at me.
"Ah! So you've met Charles!"He says
"Uncle Dream you messed up!" Ghastly snaps, waving
"Huh?"Dream says
"Kid's right. Dream, this is why I told you not to do it. He is no good. He freaks me out. He is bad."I say
"What makes you say that?"Dream asks
"He kisses me before I even know him, got into my house since you know him, broke one of Ghastly's toys, kicked him out of the house, nearly threw a box at me thinking it was him, lies to my face and that's just how we met! I already don't like him! He won't leave either! Plus he tried to hurt Ghastly when I said no!"I say, holding Ghastly away from him
"Oh stars, Nightmare I am so sorry! Charles, get out. The agreement is off."Dream says
"Ugh, fine."Charles says, then leaves
"This is why I told you not to set me up. There is a lot of bad out there. So there's a high chance of a bad match. Leave it up to me to find the right one."I say
"Alright. Sorry brother."He says
"It's okay, Dream. I know you had good intentions."I say
"Alright."He says with a smile
Then, I don't know what made me do it, but I asked a question he didn't expect.
"Do you know how Killer is doing?"I ask
"Mmm, I dunno. He was called by Science and I haven't seen him since. Why?"He replies
"Just wondering."I say
"Alright. I gotta go. Bye brother!"He says
I wave bye and end the peekhole. It closes and I put Ghastly down. I lock the door and we just play together.
The next few days, we didn't leave the house we were very careful with security and who we let in. Ghastly has a bad feeling that Charles will not stay away. Geno and Reaper were still let in, but only when they're alone. It wasn't bad. It was quite nice. But then one day, Ghastly calls me to what has become his room. I like the couch. I come to check on him.
"There's a scary man in my closet."He says
I check the closet and find nobody. I sigh. Maybe it's just the usual fear young monsters have. Like a human under my bed or in the closet kind of thing. Or vice versa for human kids.
"Check again."He tells me, hiding behind a pillow
I take a deeper search. Though, honestly, I didn't expect to find anything. Yet I did. I find Charles peeking his head through a portal between some hangers. I shove his head in it and call Geno over. He puts in a code denying any portals to be used to come here unless I make it. I thank him and he goes back to his house.
"See? No scary man. Just a hole in the wall that was fixed."I tell Ghastly
He frowns. I smirk. I go in the closet.
"Now there is."I say
"No, there isn't. You're not scary, Papa."He says
"Oh really? We'll see about that! Come here you!"I say, running over and trapping him in my wings
He looks at me and I start tickling him. He laughs uncontrollably.
"Papa! Stop! Please!"He says after some laughing
"Then say it!"I tell him
"Never! Haha!"He denies
I tickle him more.
"Ok! Ok! You're scary!"He says
"Thank you. Sweet dreams, Ghastly."I tell him, then sleep on the couch
A few days after that, I decide to take a walk at night. I tell Geno, who is watching over Ghastly again, not to leave if Charles comes and to call me. Keep him out and don't let him in or near Ghastly. He understood. I walk down the path-like sidewalk and smile. I chat with this world's Blue from his door. He sees something in the sky and ends the chat. He shuts the door. This gets me curious. I look up and see someone falling. I fly up to catch them. As they fall, they grow demon horns, tail and wings. But they don't seem to be awake. I catch them and start going back to the ground. I look at them and tense.
It's Killer.
I frown and softly touch the ground. I'm unsure of what to do. Do I leave him here? Wake him up? Bring him home? Send him back to the others? Where'd he come from? What's he doing here? I fold my wings once landed. They didn't stay that way long. Killer slowly begins to wake up. He looks at me. I notice a change in him. His marks are back. I put him down.
"Nightmare?"He says
"Killer."I say
"Oh stars! It's you! I've never been so happy that one of Science's experiments failed!"He cheers, taking my hand
"K-Killer, what are you talking abo-?"I begin
"I'm so glad you're okay Nightmare! Cross said you died but I'm glad that clearly changed! I-I-I-!"He says, placing a hand behind my skull and starting to cry
"Killer, I-!!"I begin but get cut off
He leans in and kisses me. My wings swing open again. I feel my face burn and see his redden. My eye-lights shrink while his eyes are shut. I grip his hand, which for some reason is gloved, tighter from shock.
I use my free hand to shove him away.
"S-Sorry."He says
"EXPLAIN!"I snap
"Well, Science wanted to run some kind of test for something so he called me in. He put some safety stuff on me but it didn't work as he intended and I appeared here. That's all I really know."He says
"Well, okay then...That sounds reasonable when it comes to Science."I say
"How are you?"He asks
"I've been okay I gu-"I begin
"Nightmare!"An unwanted voice cheers
"Shit."I mutter
I look and see Charles coming over. I frown and step back a bit. Especially when I notice he has a hand behind his back.
"Wanna hang out?"He asks
"No. Now, I gotta go. So long."I say, starting to leave the ground to fly home
I get a good distance from the ground and start to head off, but then I feel something pierce my wing. Then I see something wiz past my shoulder. A bloody knife. It looks like it had been tossed up and then made a U-turn back down to the ground. I feel pain fill me and look to see a wound on my wing. It bends and folds in due to this and I start to fall. I try to steady myself but it would not work. But then, two arms reach out and catch me. I look and it's Killer. I quickly grab my wounded wing protectively.
"Nightmare, that was a butcher knife. I don't carry butcher knives."He tells me
"I do."Charles' voice says
I look and see him holding the knife.
"Why'd you through that at me?"I ask
"I didn't want you to go.~"He says with a creepy smile
"Who's this?"Killer asks
"Charles. Some annoyance that won't leave ever since Dream made the mistake of 'matching' him to me."I say
Wait....Science....experiment...gone wrong....His failures are never contained!
I look to the sky and start seeing figures appear in the sky, starting to fall. Shoot!
I get out of Killer's grip and take off, no matter how bad it hurts. I fly up and see that Dream, Dust, Cross, Error, Dameon, Palette, Ink and Science himself falling, each falling a few feet apart. I grab Dream, Cross and feel Palette hit my back. Error, one of the first to wake up, gets grabbed by Cross. Error assesses the situation and quickly uses his strings to catch Ink, Science, Dameon and Dust. I try to land smoothly the best I could but struggle. I did manage to get close to the ground right near the house. I release them all and then crash due to the wound. Dream helps me up worriedly while everyone is checking on each other or gaining their new parts.
"Are you okay? Your wing! What happened?"Dream asks
"I'll explain later. Last time I take a night stroll. This world's Blue was right. Let's get to the house."I say
Dream nods and holds me close. We start walking home. Palette whistles and follows us, soon joined by the others. Error comes up beside me.
"DuDe, wHat hApPeNeD tO yOuR wInG?"He asks
"Someone attacked me to get me to stay with them."I whisper to him
"Oh! GiVe mE a Sec!"He says
He uses some strings and wraps them around my wounded wing like a bandage. He tears it from his hand to finalize it.
"Heh, thanks bud."I say
"AnYtImE pAL."He says, then pulls Ink to him protectively
"StAy cLoSe sKITtLe wIngS."He says
Ink's wings ARE rainbow.
"And that name is going on your list. Heh, why?"Ink says
"JuSt tRuST mE."He says
We reach the house and I do the knock pattern Geno and I agreed on. Ghastly Pale opens the door and gasps at the sight of us.
"Papa!"He cheers, hugging me
"Heh, hey Ghastly."I say
"PaPa, hUh?"Error says with a smirk
"Adopted him."I whisper
He nods.
He pulls me inside and notices the wounded wing.
"What happened?"He asks
"Nothing for you to worry about."I say
"Who bandaged it?"He asks
"Him."I say, pointing to Error
Error gets tackle-hugged by him. Error almost instantly crashes. Ink chuckles. Geno is filled in by the others on what happened. Science apologizes. Dust is calling Blue to see if he and the others are okay. Palette is calling his Gothy. Everyone is readjusting to what happened. But Ghastly is oblivious to what had occurred. All he knows is that I left and came back with them. He's having quite the fun too. He's hopping about, hugging everyone, though did not hug Error again, apologizing for making him quote:"screech like a child's scream and chalk on a chalkboard combined". He enjoyed hugging "Uncle Dream" and talking with X!Chara, even fist-bumping from whatever they were talking about.
"Good kid. Cool one."X!Chara later tells me as he hovers by in a chill laying back pose with his hand behind his head
Then when Ghastly realized that the others didn't have any place nearby and didn't come prepared for the "sleepover", he took charge. He begins running about happily, grabbing stuff from closets. It nearly became some kind of battlefield. I watch as some get knocked down by rolled up pillows or blankets getting chucked at them, tents or forts popping up across the house and everyone getting shoved about. He begins giving orders but then hugs anyone who listened. I couldn't help but laugh at this sight.
Then it the battlefield got busy when a pillow fight started up amongst everyone. I went to the kitchen instead, which became a designated safe zone. I get some food for everyone. I watch as one by one or two by two at a time, they come and go like tired soldiers dusting feathers from pillows off their shoulders. I chuckle. The living room becomes peaceful again as they all eat and chat from their tents or forts. As they talk, I wash dishes in the kitchen. Then there is a tapping at the sink window. I look up and see a knife tapping the glass.
I stifle a yell.
The knife stops. Then, a skull is pressed against the glass. Killer's. He is out cold with a wound on his head, bleeding. Worry fills me. I go to the kitchen door that leads outside. I quickly find a butcher knife to my neck.
"You are supposed to be mine! Be mine! Or....He dies!"Charles says, changing his plan obviously
He puts the butcher knife to Killer's neck now.
"No! How about you just F#$% off!"I snap, tackling him and wrestling the knife out of his hold
I kick it away but find his hands around my neck. I start to get choked up. He tightens his grip, making me able to hear it crack painfully.
"Say it, because I don't think life gives third chances."He says
"S-Say w-w-what?"I ask as he presses me to the ground
"You know."He says
"R-Right....You a-are a real piece of s-shit."I say
"NO!"He snaps, tightening his grip
I struggle and try anything to fight back. I try to get free, but his grip gets tighter, tighter and tighter. This makes me weaker, weaker, and weaker. I slowly am losing the ability to struggle.
"Actually, he is right."a voice says
I feel Charles release my neck and I gasp for breath, coughing and gagging. I sit up as he is pulled off me. Moments later, he is thrown to the street right past my face. I try to process everything when a hand is extended to me. I look up. Killer gazes down at me, his skull wound bleeding still but smiling sweetly with his hand out to help me up. I take his hand after a bit of hesitation. He feels my neck gently. I feel the cracks cry in pain from his touch. I nudge his hand away from my neck.
"Are you okay?"He asks
"Yes...."I say
"Good. I just don't get why you came out."He says
"I saw him hurting you. I had to do something."I tell him
His face reddens and he gives me this starstruck look. He is silent, just staring. I shake my head. I take his hand.
"Come on. Let's get in before you bleed your skull out."I say
"Wait it's bleeding?"He asks
"Jeez, you went numb."I say, taking him in
"Just call me a numb skull."He says
"Pfft, Killer. Your time to joke stinks."I tell him
"Yet it still works."He says
Then as I'm heading to the empty bedroom, I feel a hand by the neck. I jolt and feel the pain ring out. I look down and see a soft fabric wrapped around it. I reach up and feel it gently. It is easing the pain on my neck. I look and see Killer tying it behind me.
"Oh! Sorry! I was just trying to help. I could tell it was bad and hurting."He says
"Oh! Uh, thanks, Killer."I say, then bandage his head wound
He gazes at me in silence. I look back at him, unsure if I should say anything. He wants to say something, I could tell. I turn and look at him. I smile. He smiles a bit. I hear footsteps.
"Papa! It's time for bed!"I hear Ghastly's voice say, approaching
I look at him and see him sleepily walk over with a small blanket. I smile even more.
"Okay, Ghastly."I say
Ghastly looks at Killer, rubs his eyes sleepily, blinks, then looks to me.
"Who's this?"He asks
"This is Killer."I reply
"Another friend? What happened to his head?"He asks
"Very observant. What's your name?"Killer asks, crouching to him
"My name is Ghastly Pale. Papa has taken care of me for a while now. I bet he's taken care of you and his friends just as good."Ghastly says
Killer looks at me confusedly. I shake my head.
"Talk to Cross and he will explain."I mutter
He nods.
Ghastly smiles and walks away, working on something out of sight. He comes back, grabbing us both and tugging us along. He shoves Killer in to a tent first. Then he shoves me in shortly after. I land on a pillow. He Killer wraps his arms around me. Ghastly lays between us, pulling blankets up on us. He dozes off quickly. Killer pulls me close. I feel my face warm.
"Rest well, Nightmare."Killer says
Then he dozes off too.
Ya...Rest. How do I do that now exactly? What did I get myself into? What do I do? Ghastly grabs my hand.
"Rest."He says
That's what I try to do.
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