Chapter 89: Love you
Killer POV a few days later
We regroup in this empty house in the town of Vampireverse. Goth apparently knows that Nightmare is in this AU but won't tell where. He told Nightmare what he needed to or what he felt he had to.In return, he promised not to snitch on Nightmare. So while he's keeping everyone back at the hideout calm as they realize he's gone missing, we try to find him in this AU anyway. We're now about to rest for the night. We didn't even care that it's empty, no furniture whatsoever. We lay down on the solid wooden floor and doze. I fall asleep quickly. But this dream was interesting.
I appear in a dark dream space. I look around. Then I hear something. Whatever it was, it was quick. And it is followed by crying. I run closer to the noise, wanting to help. But then I get stopped. I couldn't move. I look around and see Nightmare. He is on his knees, crying and surrounded by dust.
"Nightmare!"I yell, but no voice came out
The dust disappears. Figures surround him. I recognize them. E!Gaster, Renew, Serram, a bunch of his bullies, Dream both as his normal self and in some kind of hostile form. They punch and beat him or insult him. Then they stop. A figure walks over to him. His hostile form.
"I'm part of you. And this is what I can do if you mess up."His hostile form says
Tentacles fly out and a stabbing noise is heard.
"NO!"Nightmare yells
I look up and see on the end of the tentacles are our friends, stabbed through the soul. It rains dust and his hostile form disappears. Then appears beside me. I grab his wrist.
"You are not like that. You are part of him but not bad."I say
"Try telling him that."The hostile form says, pointing to Nightmare and yanking his wrist from me
The hostile form then completely disappears. I glance back over and see Nightmare getting beaten more. I frown.
"Nightmare! Hey! Get away from him!"I yell, taking out a knife and running over
I slash it at them, knocking them or scaring them away.
"Ya! Go on! Shoo! Don't ever mess with him again!"I shout, swinging it in the air
"W-What?"I hear a voice stutter
I look down and see Nightmare wounded badly, looking up at me.
"Here, let me help."I say, extending a hand to him
He takes it and I help him up. I smirk. I snap and he's healed.
"W-What? W-Who? H-H-How? Y-You?"He stutters
"Hey, Nightmare! It's me, Killer! My job is to keep you safe and I hope I did a good job at it just now!"I say
Then, without thinking, I kissed his hand. I feel my face burn but feel happy to be in this dream.
"K-Killer!"He shouts
I look up at him. I lower his hand. I smile. His face gets brighter.
"Yes?"I ask
"Y-You just-"He stutters
"Kissed your hand? Ya. I did. And I regret nothing."I say
He just looks at me with his face getting brighter. I release his hand and step closer. I place a hand on his cheek, feeling it burn. I move the hand to his chest and hear his soul pound.
"Are you ok?"I ask
"What do you want?"He asks
"I want to see you smile. I want you to be happy."I say
"Wait....Why?"He asks
"I love you."I tell him
"Wait...."He says
He places a hand on my chest. I feel my soul race. For a moment he smiles, but frowns with his face burning.
"You're real? Not part of the dream?"He asks
"I am not part of it."I say
"H-How are you here? What are you doing here?"He asks
"I dunno but I'm glad I am. In my opinion, I'm here to protect you."I tell him
"Will you find me?"He asks
I think on it.
"Well, do you want to be found?"I ask
"I'm....I'm not sure."He replies
"Well, our friends are looking for you still but just say the word and I'll find a way to get them to stop. They...We all miss you Nightmare."I tell him
"I just...don't want to lose control and hurt you guys."He tells me
"You won't!"I tell him
"How do you know?"He asks
"Because I know you. You don't lose control that easily or hurt those that you don't want to. But, I'll be right here with you every step of the way to support you and make sure those fears don't happen."I explain, taking his hands
He is silent, his face burning.
"And if you're gonna ask why, it's because I love you."I tell him
His face burns even more.
"K-K-Killer..."He stutters
"Yes?"I ask
He comes closer and hugs me.
"T-Thank you..."He says
I smile.
"No problem, Nightmare."I tell him
He looks at me and I smile. His face got even brighter. But he looks cute to me, with or without the blushing...Wait, he's blushing!
"Am I making you uncomfortable?"I ask
"No..."He replies
"Then why are you blushing?"I ask
"No reason."He tells me, seeming like he wants to keep it private
I will give him privacy.
"Ok then. Well, you look cute as always, Nightmare."I tell him
"Cute...? No, I'm not."He says
"To me you are."I tell him, pulling him closer
"K-K-Killer?"He stutters
"Relax, I'm just paying you back for what you gave me in the NAJ world.~"I say, then kiss his cheek
His eye-lights shrink and his face brightened up.
"How long have you known?"He asks
"Know what?"I ask
He seems uneasy.
"Know what, Nightmare?"I repeat
He intertwines my hand with his, his face bright. My face brightens more. He looks at me sincerely and seeming to be vulnerable...or feeling vulnerable telling by his gaze.
"Do....Do you still think that the dream you had was really a dream?"He asks
I realize where this may go.
"No,no I don't. I know it really happened. Cross made that clear to me a while ago. I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner or hurt you in any way. And I'm sorry for what you witnessed with Dream and I-"I tell him
"Don't be, he was manipulative to you. Does that mean you know how I feel for you?"He asks
"I dunno, do you still feel that way for me? How do you feel?"I ask
"Y-Yes...k-Killer, currently, I-I-I..."He struggles to speak
He squeezes my hand.
"I think I-I s-still-AGH!"He stutters but cries in pain
"Nightmare? Are you okay?"I ask
He disappears.
"Nightmare!"I yell
Then, there were these red flashes of light. Each one giving me a glimpse of something. Someone who looked like Ink, the forest, a castle, a silhouette, then the next flash had the silhouette holding Nightmare out a window. The last flash scared the heck out of me. It shows Nightmare falling out and getting pierced in the skull, chest and two feet by spikes extending from the ground. He quickly turns to dust. I cry and yell, then wake up. I pant and huff, slowing my soul-beat to a regular beat. I realize what happened. I had a vision! I know where Nightmare can be! I can stop that from happening! I sit up quickly. I can find Nightmare!
I look and see only one other person awake. Shino. But she laid down and turned away from me. I quickly get up with a smile. I go out as the sun rises. I go to an abandoned building, that was shown as one of the flashes. I lean against it and check it with a smile, thinking it has some meaning. Soon, I hear footsteps, so I look over. It's the Ink dude. He is coming over, then picking things out through the window. These were the clothes Nightmare was wearing in the NAJ AU. I decide to speak to him.
"Hey there. I see you're taking my bud's clothes."I say
He looks at me.
"Wait....Your bud?"He asks
"Yes. Have you seen him?"I ask, taking a picture out of Nightmare
His eyes widen in a way that told me he recognizes Nightmare.
"So you have seen him."I say
He turns, trying to move away.
"I am told to not speak to his friends or anyone who knows him. Told to just go. Nightmare doesn't exactly want to be found. He seems scared. I have to go."He says
"Please, I just want to make sure he is okay. He can get hurt."I tell him
He stops and looks at me.
"Que voulez-vous dire?"He asks
(What do you mean?)
"Huh?"I respond, not knowing what he means
"What do you mean? Sorry, I can switch to languages by mistake."He says
"Last night, I had a sight of him being attacked, killed even. Plus, he isn't in the best situation right now. I just wanna make sure he doesn't get hurt."I explain
"Are you really his friend? Or is he votre amant?"He asks
(your lover)
"Yes, yes he is. I am! We are!"I tell him, though had no clue what he meant
"Your name wouldn't happen to be Killer, would it?"He asks
"It is, how'd ya guess?"I ask
"He told me about you yesterday. Speaking of which, now I really have to go. Adieu!"He says
"Bonjour Encre!"Shino says, running over
"Shino? Bonjour, mon amie!"He says, kneeling and hugging Shino
(Hello, my friend)
"You know him?"I ask
"Hey, you don't know where I've been."She chuckles
The two begin to talk. In another language of course. I turn around, seeing Radier, Cross and Error come over.
"Dude, tell us when you're leaving next time."Cross says with an annoyed tone
I noticed Encre took a glance at Error and got curious. He goes over to Error curiously.
"Fallacy? What are you doing here? You look...different. I thought you said you weren't coming out. Isn't it dangerous in the day?"Encre asks
"WhO aRe yOu? I'm ErrOr, dUnNo wHo tHis FalLaCy iS."Error responds
"Guys, this is Encre. Fallacy is a..."Shino says
"Amie."Encre says
"Yes, friend. His friend. And according to Encre, they've been with Nightmare for a while. They've kept him safe, thanks by the way!"Shino explains
"No problem."He says
"But can we see him? Pwease?"She asks, looking at him with puppy-dog eyes
"You're all his friends?"He asks
"A handful of them, but yes."Radier says
Encre looks at Shino. He scoops her up and thinks.
"Well....One visit can't hurt. Come on."He says
Shino smiles at us over Encre's shoulder as he walks away. We follow them and Encre moves fast. We quickly arrive at a castle. It was the afternoon and near sunset when we got there. He opens the door. He lets us in. The door shuts behind us.
"Nightmare! Votre amant est arrivé! Oh and your friends too!"Encre cheers
(Your lover has arrived!)
Shino chuckles.
"Encre!"She says
"What? It's true!"He says
"Encre? You're back?"A voice says
"Yes, Fallacy, I'm back."Encre replies
There is a blur that zips around, stopping behind Encre. I blink and my sight caught up with the blur. Now I see Fallacy with his arms around Encre.
"I missed you love."He says
"I was not even gone that long!"Encre says
"Hey, time goes slow when you miss someone."Fallacy says
Agreed. I think.
"Monsieur! You gotta be joking!"Encre snaps
"No jokes here, Encre."Fallacy says, his face turning yellow and his voice having a loving tone
(first time drawing them)
"Wait, I know that look! Don't you dare! Not in front of Shino and her friends!"Encre tells him, a rainbow appearing on his face
"Aww, that lil thing is back on your face."Fallacy says
"What is?!"Encre says
Fallacy lifts a hand and places it on Encre's cheek, which was covered in a rainbow.
"This is."He says
"Fallacy, I told you, it is nothing! Now don't you dare do you-know-what! Shino and her friends are here!"Wncre tells him
"Wait, Shino? Her friends?"Fallacy says
"Yes! That is what I said!"Encre replies
"Hey, Fallacy!"Shino cheers
Within moments, Fallacy is in front of Shino, kneeling down and smiling. They whisper to each other and chuckle.
"Wow, Shino has connections."Cross whispers to me
"Of course, this is Shino you're whispering about."Radier says beside Cross
"So, what brings you all here?"Fallacy asks
"They came for Nightmare. One of them is extremely worried that trouble may come. Killer to be exact."Encre says
"Oh!He's here? Which one is he?"Fallacy says
Encre points to me.
"Ah interesting. Nice to meet you, Killer. I've heard a lot about you. Wait.."Fallacy says
He glances at me, then at Error. He goes over to Error with a hint of curiosity in his gaze.
"So, you're the 'multiverse destroyer'. Interesting..."He says
"HoW dO yOu kNow?"Error asks
"I read a lot of tales. Plus, Nightmare tells a lot about you guys."Fallacy says
"I sEe...."Error says
Suddenly, there's some yelling and down falls Ink from the ceiling. I look up and see a portal closing. He lands on the floor roughly and quickly sits up, rubbing his skull.
"Bonjour!"Encre says, helping him up
"Oh, hello!"Ink says
"InKy, wHat aRe yOu dOinG hErE?"Error asks
"Your brother sent me to make sure you guys are okay."Ink says
"Are you okay?"Encre asks
"Yes. Thanks."Ink says
"Wanna paint?"Encre asks
"Sure!"Ink says happily
The two go off to create and make art.
"So, that's your Encre?"Fallacy asks
"InK iS hIs nAmE, bUt yEs."Error says
"I didn't see any marks on his neck."Fallacy points out
"WaiT...yOu mEaN....CouRsE nOt! WhErE I cOmE fRom, wE dOn'T maRk pEoPle liKe yOu dO."Error says
"Then how do you show ownership?"Fallacy asks
"We sHoW tHat iN oThEr wAys. MaNy, iT cAn dIfFer fRom pErSon tO pErSon, bUt I sHow iT bY maKinG iT clEaR nOt tO tRy aNytHing oR tHey wIlL pAy."Error says
"Got that right."Cross and I say
Shino and Radier chuckle.
"Smart."Fallacy says
"So, dO yOu fInd EnCre cUte lIke I dO tO mY InKy?"Error asks
Fallacy's face lights up.
"N-No! That is foolish."He denies
"DuDe, I sAw hOw yOu jUst aCtEd oR sPoKe tO hIm. YoU clEaRly dO."Error says
Fallacy is silent, crossing his arms.
"Father? I have something to tell you."A voice says
"Yes, Jasper?"Fallacy asks, taking this as a chance to change the subject
Down the stairs comes another skeleton, fangs showing he is a vampire. He looks like PaperJam.
"Speaking of marking....I might have bitten Nightmare for his own safety."Jasper says
"You what?!"Fallacy snaps
"What? Suave said the council is coming and you know how they get! Anyone here that isn't mark is like an item put up for auction! And you as well as Encre made it clear you didn't want anything to happen to him! Would you have rathered one of them do it?"Jasper explains
"When did you do this?"Fallacy asks
"Early this morning."Jasper replies
"Okay then....Well, his amant is here. And that means you bit a were-octopus."Fallacy says, gesturing to me
Shino chuckles again. I am completely lost and confused. What does amant mean? Why do they call me that? Is it a good thing? And were-octopus?
"Oh! My apologies, sir! I can assure you he is ok, though! Father, I know, I've seen him transform. I've already apologized to him. Here, I'll go get him!"Jasper says, then runs off
"Ok..?"I say confusedly
"Sorry about that."Fallacy says
"It's okay..."I say, still confused
"Why do you call him a were-octopus?"Cross asks
"Because that's what he is. Or seems to be. How else could he grow tentacles?"Fallacy says
We look at each other and shrug. Don't want to confuse him. Just go with it.
"So, Killer, how long have you two been together?"Fallacy asks
"What do you mean?"I ask
"You and Nightmare."He says
"Emm...For a while now."I reply
"Oooo! Congratulations on the lasting relationship! You two do seem fit for each other as a couple!"Fallacy says
I feel my face burn.
"Oh! No, you misunderstand, it isn't like that. I've been with him as a friend for a while."I tell him
"Sure.~ Whatever you say."He says with sarcasm
"GAH!"Jasper yells
I look and see him come running back.
"We have a problem! There are spikes!"Jasper says
"What do you mean spikes?"Fallacy asks
"I mean spikes coming through and around the door, denying any way of entry. One even had a note on it saying: STAY OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU TOO. I AM DOING YOU A FAVOR GETTING RID OF HIM. Last time I checked, Nightmare can't summon spikes."Jasper explains
The word spikes triggered a reminder to the dream. I look out the window and see that it is night. A crescent moon is rising. Just like one of the flashes.
"Well, we'll see who's getting killed or not! Nobody tresspasses, vandalizes the place with spikes, or threatens the well-being of my friends or family and gets away with it!"Fallacy says
He runs upstairs and out of sight. He quickly has Jasper, Cross, Shino, Error and Radier following him. Encre and Ink are unaware to it, probably in another room. I do not follow them though. Instead, I go outside and make my way around the castle carefully, keeping an eye on the windows or the ground. Then, I see someone hanging out a window. I come closer and see that they are dangling by a leg being held by a hand. I recognize them. It's Nightmare. The dream flashes in my mind again. The ground shakes. Out comes three spikes, angled carefully from the ground. The dream is coming together! I see Nightmare get released and he begins to fall head-first. I reach my arms out to him.
"Nightmare!"I shout
He does not answer. Is he knocked out? I fire some bones and knock the spikes off angle. I reach up to Nightmare. His eyes are closed. He has a wound on his head which can be the reason for him being out. I smile though, glad to be back with him and changing what I saw in the dream.
I catch him and sway him away from the spikes. I hold him close.
"Come on, Nightmare! Wake up! Please!"I tell him
There is no response. He is breathing though and I could feel his soul beating.
"Nightmare, please. I got you. You can wake up."I say, healing the wound on his head
I shift him in my arms carefully. I nuzzle his head gently. That caused some motion. He shakes his head and seems to being coming back to consciousness.
"Nnmnnn....."He says, lifting a hand to his head
"Nightmare!"I cheer
He opens his eyes and looks at me. He looks pretty dazed.
"Oh...Hey Killer."He says
"Hello, Nightmare."I say happily
"What happened?"He asks
"You were tossed out a window. But I got you. You're safe."I tell him
"Ah...ok."He says
"You okay?"I ask, never seeing him so dazed
"Ya...I love you Killer."He blurts out
I feel my face warm.
"Oh really?"I ask
He looks at me. Then his eye-lights shrink and his face becomes a blushing mess. He looks so cute. he starts to shake, as if scared. He looks at me, seeming like a warrior who just put themself in the open. He seems embarrassed, humiliated even. He broke his own rule not to wear his soul on his sleeve, and to him, that means he's vulnerable. And he isn't a fan of that.
"D-D-Did I really just say that?"He asks
"Yes, you did. And you look so cute when you realized it.~"I tell him
I feel his soul beat quicker. His face burns more. He looks down.
"Oh stars...."He mutters, shaking even more
"Hey, is everything ok? You're shaking. I got you. You're safe. Besides, you already know I love you.~"I tell him lovingly
He looks at me. With the same emotions in his eyes. I pull him closer as I walk around the castle to the entrance. His face burns even more.
"K-Killer?!?"He stutters, squirming in my hold
So cute! I'm in love with the cutest "were-octopus" to roam the multiverse!
"Yes, my Nightmare?~♥"I ask
He squirms even more when I said that.
"What are you doing? What ideas are going through that head of yours?"He asks
"Who said I was up to anything?"I ask
"Your tone, the look in your eyes and the way you are holding me."He responds
"What? Can't I speak to the person I love sweetly? Can't I look at you with the love I feel for you? Hold you with the care I have for you?"I tell him, my own soul pounding
He looks at me, then hides his face from me. He tries to slip out of my hold.
"That's it! Put me down! Let me go! I'll walk on my own!"He says
He sucessfully gets free but when he took a step forward, a crack is heard and he falls backward. I catch him and smile. I pick him right back up. I check his leg to see it's wounded.
"I'm taking you back inside."I tell him
"O-Ok."He stutters, hiding his face from me
I go in carrying him. Encre and Ink were now downstairs chatting. Encre looks over at us. He smiles.
"Aww, Nightmare! You're with ton amour!"He says
(your love)
"And why aren't you with yours?"Nightmare asks
Encre's face gets covered in a rainbow.
"Did someone say amour?"Fallacy asks, coming over from behind Encre
Encre froze up. Ink chuckles. Well, he did until Error hugged him from behind.
"Hey! Nightmare's okay!"Three voices cheer
Radier, Shino and Cross come over. They take Nightmare from me, checking for wounds on him with some of Fallacy's servants following to make sure they do nothing stupid.
A few moments pass. I sit as everyone chats. Nightmare comes over to me. He sits beside me and looks at me. His face warms again. He looks away. A few silent moments pass. He looks at me again. I smile at him.
"So you're okay with how I feel about you?"He asks me
"Of course! I told you I loved you!"I tell him
"Well....Guess I had some doubts....But they're gone now!"He says
"So....About the ideas you asked me about...."I say
"H-Huh?"He says
His face brightens.I reach out and wrap my arm around him.
"K-K-Killer? What's this idea?"He asks
"Hmmm, I will show or tell you if you answer a question...."I reply
"W-What is it?"He asks
"What does ton amour or votre amant mean?"I ask
"It means your love or your lover...."He replies
"Well, I guess you've been my amour for a while and now I see you as my amante....If that's right."I say
"K-K-Killer?"He stutters, his face burning
"Now, for the idea."I say, leaning in
He seems to catch on and his face warms up extremely.
"K-K-K-Killer?!"He stutters
I lean in and kiss him. I feel my face burn but emotionally, the happiest I have ever felt.
I pull back and gaze at him. His face is a blushing mess.
"Are you okay, Nightmare?"I ask
He blinks a few times and pinches himself as if to check if this was real. Then, he places a hand on my cheek, leaning in and kissing me right back. I fall backwards and he wraps his arms around me gently. I don't fight back. I just enjoy these moments.
"Wooo!"Radier cheers
"Hooray!"Shino cheers
"Saw that coming."Cross states
"Oooh, I cAn hEar tHe fAndOm aLrEaDy."Error says
Ink chuckles at this.
"Ew, another ship."Jasper is heard, then is told off by Fallacy, who sounded happy for us
Encre was exclaiming a bunch of words I didn't know like a kid on a sugar rush. It is made a reminder that we are not alone. Nightmare opens his eyes and gets off me, hiding his face. I look at them and see Encre got silenced. How? By a kiss from Fallacy himself. I smile.
"AnD tHe fAndOm mAy gEt loUdeR..."Error mutters
"Monsieur...."Encre says in quiet shock
"What? I thought with them all getting lovey-dovey, maybe I should try it to."He says
"...."Encre is silent
"My apologies, I-"Fallacy begins before being stopped.
Encre kisses him on the cheek, then runs off. Fallacy's face ignites.
"Who's not in love now?"Cross chuckles
".....I suggest you guys get out of here before the council comes. They aren't as friendly to non-vampires."Fallacy says
I notice Encre peeking around the corner of a wall.
"Have fun.~"Cross teases
Fallacy ignores him.
"Remember the warning I gave you."Shino says
"Will do. Thank you all. It was a pleasure meeting you. Now, I have some business to attend to. Encre, I know you're there."Fallacy says with a smirk
Encre's eye lights shrink.
"You know what happens now.~"Fallacy says
"EEP!"Encre yelps, running out of sight
"Get back here!"Fallacy says, going after him
"Heh, those two will get together."Cross and Radier say
"Isn't it obvious?"Shino says with a smirk
Error watched silently, then looks at Ink.
"Don't get any ideas, Glitchy."Ink says
Error gets on a smile that just tells the world he's up to something.
"OkaY InKy...."He says
"Well, let's go."Radier says
We nod and get up. Well, those who could did. I pick Nightmare up and carry him on my back. We leave and start to relocate the door. Making a portal may bring too much attention to us. I talk with Nightmare and the others happily. Nightmare sounded happy too. But after a while, he wraps his arms around me even though I was carrying him on my back properly and he wouldn't fall. We walk some more and then I feel him jolt. Then his arms fell weakly in front of me, dangling over my shoulders.
"Nightmare?"I say, trying to stay calm
No response.
I take him down and see that he had a spike jabbed through his back, through his spine and out his chest. It is bleeding already and he is out cold. I freeze and put him down.
"Guys!"I shout
They make a U-turn back to us and Error checks Nightmare's stats.
"He seEmS fiNe."He says
Just then, Nightmare turns to his hostile form and sits up.
"SeE? He's oK. JusT nEeD sOme hEaLiNg frOm tHe wOunD. You GaVe uS a sCaRe tHeRe bU-"Error begins
Nightmare opens his eyes.
"-Oh cr#P."He says, realizing something is wrong
Nightmare grabs Error's hand and flings him through the air and out of sight like a freaking frisbee that weighed no more than a feather. Ink ran in that direction to ensure he is okay. Nightmare's tentacles place Radier and Shino in trees, then hooks Cross by the hood on a branch after punching him a few times. Then he comes to me. He places two hands on my arms with the tentacles around my legs, making it clear I can't escape.
I look up at him.
This is not him. He is being used. And painfully so, being that he still has a wound growing in his spine with the spike still there. Also, he is STANDING on a wounded leg. He must be in so much pain.
"Nightmare? I'm here. It's me. Killer. I am not fully sure what's going on, but I know you. You must be angry, scared, hurt, or many other things. But I'm here. For you."I say
He raises a fist.
"And no matter what you do, I love you. I will help you."I say
He froze. He looks at me, narrowing his eyes. He lowers his fist.
"Idiot won't let me have him hurt you. Heh, but he won't last long. He will be gone soon, using the last of his time protecting you. But once he's gone, you all will die."A voice from him says
"Not if I have anything to say about it."I say
"Oh yeah? You and what army?"The voice asks
"I'm not the type to spoil things. You'll see."I say, though was tempted to say the fans/ fandom
And with that, he releases me and runs off, out of sight. He is limping but did not stop. He doesn't have a choice. But I know one thing and one thing only.
I will not fail him.
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