Chapter 87:Talk and Go!
Dream slides the door open. He finds Nightmare sleeping in a bed peacefully. He was smiling. Dream slowly creeps into the room and sits on the edge of the bed. He starts to think. But these thoughts were corrupted. Darkness grows along his arm.
Everyone hates me. Everyone loves him. I went too far. I should apologize. I should have saved him. I should let him be happy.
He is why you are hated! They love him for lies and such! You didn't go far enough! You have nothing to say sorry for! You had every reason to not save him! He is a liar and trickster! You shouldn't sacrifice your joy for his! You do that with enough other people!
Well, what should I do? I want to make things right.
Take him out of the picture.
But he's my brother!
A brother that has caused you nothing but trouble!
I love him!
But he does not love you. He said screw you to your face. So why don't we get revenge on him!
Yes, we! I am part of you!
I will not do anything!
I will.
Then, Dream's darkened arm lifts up and reaches to Nightmare. It gently feels his head. He smiles even more and sleepily speaks.
"Dream....You're still my brother...."Nightmare says
Dream froze. Then, he pounds a fist on Nightmare's head, something exiting the dark fist. It spills all over Nightmare, sinking and hissing like a burning acid. Nightmare leaps out. He glares at Dream.
"What the hell?"Nightmare yells
Dream does not say a word.
"Dream! Learn to knock! And you could've just spoken or nudged me! Not punch me and pour water on me!"Nightmare snaps
Dream begins to witness his brother turn unnaturally.
What did you do?
What did we do, you mean.
Answer me.
I did the wrong thing. But we can improvise.
Nightmare has now realized the change as well.
"That wasn't water, was it? What are you doing?"He snaps
Knock him out!
Dream swings a punch and misses. This starts a full-out wrestle between the brothers, but the change made Nightmare unable to go to his hostile form. So, Dream wins in the end. Nightmare laid on his bed, wounded and out cold. Dream watches for a few moments as his brother shrinks and morphs, then throws the blankets over his brother and flees the scene. He goes to his room and puts a shirt on with longer sleeves to hide his arm. He hopes Nightmare would be knocked out too bad to remember the incident.
But that was not the case.
Not even close.
Nightmare's POV a few hours later
I slowly wake up and get out of bed. My head is pounding. I shake it. It took me a few moments to realize I am walking on all fours. Plus everything was bigger. I look down and see I have tiny black paws.
What did Dream do?
I look around and see a mirror in the corner that Shino never hung up. I go over and sure enough, I'm a cat. But that is clearly the least of my worries. I am more concerned with how this will go over with everyone. I supposedly disappear after just coming back and this black cat appears. Surely some of them will find it strange. Another concern was the reasoning behind this. Why did Dream do this? What does he gain from this? What kind of stupidity made him do this? Was this a mistake? And if this was a mistake, what were his real intentions? Is that darkness taking over again? I haven't been around or allowed to exactly check on him so it could've gotten out of hand....What do I do?
My head pounds even worse now. I shake it again. I get up and leap at the doorknob. After a few tries, I got a hold of it with my paws with enough grip to weigh it down to swing open. I then cautiously make my way out. I go down the halls and gaze around. It's dark, hardly any lights on so I assume everyone is asleep. I creep around silently. Luckily cats can see in the dark. I do not make a sound. I go towards a light in the main room. I reach the main room and find a small lamp light on. This room has so many places to hide, which is exactly what I want to do. Hide until I'm alone like this again or when I can turn back.
But I quickly realize that I am not alone in this room. I hear footsteps near me. I completely stiffen up, I couldn't move.
"Well hello there, little guy!"A voice says
I look up and see Killer gazing down at me.
"Where'd you come from?"He asks, crouching down
I look him in the eyes, but break eye contact, unsure if he'd be able to tell that it's me.
"Is Shino letting more critters in? Or is Ink!Pap still making critters? Well, either way, you're here. You're pretty cute too. Hmm...Maybe since I found you...I'll keep you. I'll try to hide you since the othes are sending any stray critters out. How does that sound?"Killer says, picking me up
Staying here is better than out there. I nod. He smiles.
Then, something new happened.
My stomach growls.
"Oh! Guess someone is hungry! Let's get you something to eat!"Killer says, whisking me off in his arms
He places me down on the floor once in the kitchen. He searches through the cupboards and the kitchen. He puts a bowl down and puts carrots and blueberries in it. Healthy for a cat. Smart. I dig in and he lays on his stomach, watching me happily. Then, he got up and runs off. He comes back with this small bandanna.
"I don't have to hide you if I give you a name. Hmm, how about Midnight? Partly due to the time but also since you look as dark as midnight."He says
I finish eating and look at him. He writes something on the bandanna and ties it around my neck. I look at it and it say Midnight. I look at him and see how happy he is. That made me feel happy too. Maybe this isn't so bad.
Killer picks me up and nuzzles my head with his. Mistakenly, I purred when he did so. My soul pounds and I feel so wrong. Just because I'm now a cat does not mean I act as one. Thank the stars he doesn't know it's me. He smiles even more.
"Heh, I'm happy you like me too, kitty. You cute little paw-some thing."He says
I smile at him. He puts me down and I follow him back to the main room. He sits down and I sit below him beside the chair, gazing up at him. He speaks to me as if I was an actual cat. But it was as if he was also trying to have a conversation. He would ask me questions and tell me to do one action for one answer and a different action for another.
"I wonder if Nightmare would like you. Ya know what? I'll go check on him!"Killer says, beginning to get up
I shake my head and leap into his lap without thinking, forcing him to sit. I was panicking and questioning what I'm doing.
"Or not....Are you okay, Midnight?"He asks
I look at him.
"Guess not. Don't worry, Midnight. I'm here. You can rest."He says
He begins to pet me gently. I relax after a bit and begin to rest. When I woke up again, all those kiddos were around, looking at me. Goth, Palette, Sprinkle, Raven, Shino, Fenna, Samara and Dameon. They gaze at me or try to pet me. I feel very uncomfortable but don't do anything. They aren't any threats. Besides, Killer and Raven stopped them when they felt they were doing too much. I notice E!Pap watching from a distance, looking at me as if he was solving a problem or figuring something out. I look at him and smile, waving a paw. Maybe he is catching on and can help me. I trust him.
Everyone seems okay with me being here, or Midnight I should say. Everything is fine and Killer stayed close to me, only leaving for a few unaccounted moments. I'm unsure if he knows that I am "gone".
But then, Dream comes over. I'm back with Killer by now, sitting on the arm rest. He comes over and gives me this look that told me he wanted me gone. There was anger in it and I could sense his dark emotions. They sent chills down my spine. I hiss at him, warning to him to stay back.
"Killer, your stupid cat is not nice to me."Dream says, though I know that he knows it's me
"Good. That means that we have something in common. We don't like you. What? You saw my cat happy and didn't like that? I wouldn't like the person calling me stupid either. Got a problem with a cat being happy too now? Like Nightmare?"Killer responds with a smirk
"No..."He says
"Where is Nightmare anyway? I haven't seen him."Killer says
"Probably somewhere being stupid."He responds
I narrow my eyes at him.
Dream reaches out to me and I remember how he pounded a fist on my head. I get scared and quickly move closer to Killer. He wraps his arms around me and I hug him, trying to stay out of Dream's reach.
"What did you do to Midnight?! He's shaking!"Killer snaps
"Midnight, huh?"Dream says
"Yes! That's his name!"Killer says
"Huh, not how I recall it. How's he feeling? Can't I hold him?"Dream asks
"Midnight? He hasn't acted like this with anyone...."He says, looking at me
I shake my head no, hoping he will deny the request.
"No! He's scared of you! I won't let you continue whatever you did!"Killer says, holding me tighter and protectively
I nuzzle his head as a sign of thanks. Dream glares us down, then sighs.
"Fine."He says, then leaves us
"Midnight, don't worry. He won't hurt you anymore."Killer says
I smile and purr, thanking him. A few hours later, Killer left me sitting in the chair. I'm the only one in the room. I curl up in it, unaware of a shadow lingering over me. I feel something spill on me. I open my eyes and see I'm no longer a cat. I take the bandanna off and toss it. I look to see Dream peeking from behind the chair. Then, he fires an stoke at me. It shoots right through me and one of my biggest wounds that is still healing.
"AAAAAGGGH!"I yell in pain
He prepares to fire another arrow.
"NIGHTMARE! I'm coming!"Killer yells
Dream fires at my skull. I fall backwards off the chair and land on the floor.
"Traitorous....Idiot...."I mutter
I check my stats and find that they are 00/00. I sigh and turn to dust. But that was not the end of this. Someone touches my soul, absorbing it. I open my eyes and find that I'm a spirit. Guess who took half my soul?
Where is the other half? Am I like X!Chara now? What should I do? Anger boils in me and I see half my soul was in his dark hand, almost sewed in and attached.
"I did it! Is that good?"Dream asks himself
"Not from where I'm standing it isn't!"I snap
Dream looks at me, almost in shock.
"Care to explain?"I ask
"Not now. Gotta leave the scene."He says, walking down a hall
"No no! Stay and own up to it! Be honest! Oh wait, I forgot I'm talking to the biggest hypocrite in the multiverse! The guy who is all about honesty but is a liar! The guy who wants justice, mercy and good but just killed, genocided and was bad to his own brother!"I say
"Shut it."He tells me
"Hey, you killed me and absorbed half my soul. You had it coming!"I tell him
He runs but I just appear beside him again. He stops.
"Mind explaining NOW? Cause you aren't getting away from me."I say
"It was for my own reasons."He says
"Selfishness, ego and anger, as well as being a jerk? Right, I've known that. Should've guessed."I say
"No."He denies
"Then talk! I want answers. And I would love to hear some."I say, putting my hands on my hips
"It's on a need-to-know basis."He excuses it as
"Well I think the brother that you just killed fits the cirteria for that basis."I say
He is silent.
"Do you even have one?"I ask
He is silent.
"You don't, do you?"I ask
He nods.
I swing a punch at him and his head swings to the side as if he got hit. I smile.
"You deserved that!"I tell him when he gives me a dirty look
Then, Killer runs past us. He gives Dream a dirty look as he runs. He heads into the main room, the scene, where it went down.
"Why didn't you take my entire soul?"I ask
"3..2..1....Now!"Dream says with a small smile
"NIGHTMARE!"Killer cries out
This is followed by absolute crying down the hall. I feel my soul sink. I want to go to him, hug him and comfort him. But there is only so far you can go from half your soul.
"Huh, he does care for you like that. Good to know."Dream says
"You golden bitch! I'm gonna kill you!"I snap
"How can you? You're a spirit."He says
"I'll find a way."I say
Dream shrugs, not caring.
He probably doesn't have a care in the world. I float beside him.
"Yep, you're no family of mine."I say
That hit a nerve in him.
"Yes I am! I am your brother!"He snaps
"Then act like it. Last time I checked, family doesn't leave the other to die or straight up kills them. Or bullies. Or anything you've done to me, ahem."I say
He is silent, glaring me down.
We both hear footsteps. I feel something strange. I quickly realize what's happening. Someone is taking the other half. I look and don't see anyone. But then I see Dream stop in his tracks. He gets a tap on the shoulder. He looks behind him and sees Killer standing there. He has his hands hidden behind his back. I go behind him and sees he has a knife. Oh Dream is dead. I go back beside Dream.
"Hey, have you seen Nightmare anywhere?"He asks
"Yep."I say
"No, he's probably being stupid."Dream says
"Odd, that's what you said before and called Midnight. Plus, here you are leaving a scene. Oh, and what's this?"Killer says, taking Dream's hand
The one that has absorbed my soul.
"You have half his soul! I know Nightmare, so I know he wouldn't give you his soul! So..."Killer says
He wraps arms around Dream, pressing a knife against him. Dream quickly got nervous, starting to tremble.
"Tell me what you did now and maybe I'll let you live."Killer says
I smile, watching this go down.
"Umm...well...u-um...."Dream stutters
"Come on, chatterbox. Talk. You're able to do it when you want so freely and easily. Now, I'm simply giving some motivation to speak. Come on."He says
"I dunno, you wouldn't understand."Dream says
"Make me understand."Killer says
Dream is silent.
"Or, you could just hand over that part of his soul. The explanation could simply be your stupidity."Killer says
"I'm not stupid."Dream says
"Well you act stupid. Why don't you explain then?"Killer responds
"Because I don't wanna lie."Dream says
"Oh, now you don't wanna lie? Heh, still self-centered I see."Killer says
"It was for the best. Him out of the picture now."Dream says
I stare at him in shock. That was his honesty. His reason. And boy does it hurt me. You'd think by now I'm immune to his comments, but I'm not. It hurts just as much as before the incident where he abandoned me to be left with the bullies.
"The best? For who? I can only think of one person it benefits. You. Whenever something doesn't go your way, you try to 'fix it', making it your way or 'for the best' and junk."Killer says
"Yes. No, for everyone."Dream says
"You're a bad liar."Killer says
Dream frowns. He is getting backed into a corner figuratively. He never likes that. That's when he gets crafty. I frown. I know this and also know this never leads to anything good. Dream looks at me. Then, he smirks. Clear sign he's got an idea. He carefully shifts to face Killer.
"What the hell are you thinking?"I and Killer ask
Dream does not respond, he leans in and kisses Killer.
Dream seems more nervous.
They part. I wait to see Killer's reaction.
"Wow...Nightmare is that you?"Killer asks
"Y-Yes!"Dream lies
"Okay...Well I have a question."Killer says
"How'd Cross fall for someone like him?"I suggest, though I know he can't hear me
Dream gives me a weird look.
"Does Dream think I'm stupid?"Killer asks
"Most likely."I say
"No."He says
"Good. Then you know that it will take more than that to fool me. Try something else."Killer says
Dream's response to this was to go in for another kiss. He is successful, much to my displeasure. And he made sure it is a long one. It seemed more of a silencer than a kiss. It was more to keep Killer quiet than anything. I just hover there as a witness, unable to do anything. Though I could only yell at Dream, as if that did anything.
Every second of it hurt me more but care for Dream less. He knows how I feel for Killer. He KNOWS this is hurting me. He KNOWS this is wrong. But HE continues. He does not care. So I shall not care for him.
"Hey Nightmare."A voice says
I look and see X!Chara hovering beside me.
"What are you doing here?"I ask
"Oh, I was just coming over to kick these two bonehead's into another AU but then i saw you as a spirit so I decided to come and ask you for your input. So what happened to you, bud? And how'd this happen?"He says
"Well, Dream killed me and took half my soul. One thing led to another and that led to this."I say, gesturing to the two
"Ohhhh, how are ya dealing with it?"He asks
"It's on Dream. Killer didn't start it, Dream did. Dream is just being the manipulative jerk that he is, caring for nobody but those who benefit him. Yet...It still hurts to witness this."I say
"Ahh, I see. I'll make sure to kick throm through two AUs now."He says
"Wait, did Cross...?"I ask, looking at him
"He saw this one from the moment you yelled quote:WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DREAM! End quote. He does not hear or see you. Anything that happened prior he does not know. He is currently sitting around the corner in tears. He through that letter of his in the fireplace. Ya, he is broken. Dream is dead to me for breaking his soul and he might as well be dead to Cross as well."He replies
"Oh my stars, poor guy....He doesn't deserve that."I say
"Yep. And that's where the problem is with Dream. Everyone calls him all these good things like golden-hearted and such, but nobody ever checks the sources or for evidence. Nobody ever checks to see if the gold is fools' gold or not. So those with fools' gold hearts and souls get away with stuff and problems like these occur. Not anymore. Come on, I'll take you away from this bonehead of a brother. Cross found the other half of your soul. Also, your marks came back."He explains, lifting a hand
I nod, taking it. I take one last look at the two. I notice both their eyes are closed now. I don't even react.
"Tch, assholes."X!Chara says
He takes me away from the two around a hallway corner. Sitting against the wall, crying, is Cross. And by crying, I mean full out sobbing. His soul was broken emotionally in the worst way possible. I go over to him and try to hug him. I tried to ensure this would not happen, but that could not be done.
And here is Cross paying the price.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, Cross. Dream is just a bafoon. You don't deserve the pain you're feeling."I say
Cross does not respond. X!Chara repeats what I said and points out that I'm here, hugging him. He looks up and shakes his head.
"Here, take our half."He says
He gives me my half soul and I absorb it. I glitch a bit but become half spirit, half physical. With new clothes too. X!Chara also says my eyes changed. Cross looks at me and wipes his tears.
"Are you okay?"I ask
"I'm...better. You have nothing to be sorry for, Nightmare. You didn't cause it and you can't control what he does or how he hurts others for his selfish desires. Besides, you protected me from worse soul-breaking from his stupidity! You comforted me, gave me advice and even did me favors to free me from my blind love or his hold on me by leading me on! You made me realize who's been really there for me and who hasn't! If you didn't do that, I'd be feeling a lot worse right now! So thank you, Nightmare! You are the best!"Cross says
"Aww, Cross! That's what friends do! We help each other! Besides, if I could save someone from his stupidity, I'd help no matter what!"I tell him
"I guess things have a way of working out! I did get a nice monster's number while traveling here! Maybe there are other fish in the sea! Things seem better now!"Cross says
"Really? Congrats, buddy! That's good! You deserve it!"I say
"And how about you? Gotta make sure my wingman bud is ok!"He tells me
"Wingman?"I ask
"You did act like a wingman. You kept him out of a nasty relationship with an unfit person, like a wingman."X!Chara says
I nod and smile.
"I'm fine."I tell him
"Oh come on. I know how you feel for Killer. Seeing that couldn't have been easy for you either. You don't have to hide it. You can tell me."He says
"O-Ok....I know Dream is the manipulator of this. But....What I saw hurts. It really does. He said that we were always gonna stay together. But he was a liar. That's what hurts me most besides that it's Killer."I say
"Well you don't deserve that either! You're just as good as he is! It seems that he justdoesn't want to see you happy, which is stupid because you deserve to be happy!"Cross tells me
"Guys, you have company."X!Chara says
Cross looks and frowns. I look to the right and see Killer standing there.
"Hey, Killer. Done with your kiss session with Dream yet?"Cross says with strong annoyance in his tone
"Hey, it has its perks. It was more of a silencer than anything."Killer says
Perks huh?
Cross looks at me, then at Killer. Killer doesn't see me since I'm still part spirit, half gone.
"Dude! You don't just say stuff like that! Word it better! Explain!"Cross snaps
"Oh whoops, sorry. I just mean that while he is so focused on distracting me, he becomes distracted and doesn't realize what I can do. Thief's rule #1, always take the oppurtunity."Killer says, raising the other half of my soul in his hand
"I'll take that!"Cross says, snatching it
X!Chara checks it and it's all clear. Cross gives it to me and I absorb it, coming back completely.
"Nightmare?!"Killer yells in surprise
"Hey, Killer. Thank you both for helping me. I think it's my turn to make dinner, so I'll go get on that."I say, then walk to the kitchen
I turn into my hostile form to have better self-defense. I won't get taken advantage of.
Cross POV
"Did something happen? He seems upset. Thanks for bringing him back, Cross!"Killer says
"Well, he has good reasons to be. He was killed! And then he saw some things. No prob."I say
"What do you mean?"He asks
"He saw you and Dream kiss while Dream still had half his soul. "I tell him
"Shoot!"He exclaims, facepalming
"Ya, and it gets worse."I tell him
"What do you mean?"He asks nervously
"Ya know that dream or nightmare thing you told me about?"I ask
He nods.
"Well, it was reality. You were just killed and brought back to life by him. He put you in bed so you must've thought you had just fallen asleep."I explain
"What?! Why didn't he tell me?"He asks
"Well, he has gotten pretty nervous around you. You're his first crush and with a brother like Dream, you get a fear of rejection. Why do you think he kept his passive form a secret from you? He thought you were gonna reject him like all the others in his past. And he didn't have the time, being killed and all. Plus, you thought it wasn't real as a good thing and if you told him that, he may think you found his confession bad. It was in your 'dream' and if it's a good thing the dream wasn't real, you're saying that so was his confession."I explain
"Oh gosh, I'm gonna go talk to him!"Killer says
"No. Leave him alone for now. It's best to give him time and space with these things."I say
"Good point."He says, then walks away
Now let's call that nice monster!
You just want to try to steal their chocolate.
But they'll make you happy!
I want you to be happy, bud!
...Thanks Chara. You rock.
No probs bud.
E!Pap's POV
I drag Dream away after spying on him and witnessing everything go down. I am not happy. I go to my room, shut the door and have him sit on the bed.
"My, yOu'Ve bEeN a JerK aNd a DiRtY bRoThEr kIlLer lAtElY."I say
"I dunno what you're talking about."Dream says confidently
"Do nOt lIe. I sAw iT gO dOwn. I hEaRd It gO dOwn. I kNow WhAt yOu dId."I say
All his confidence disappears.
"What do you want?"He asks
"An AcTuAl ExPlaNaTioN."I say
He sighs before speaking.
"He is why I'm hated! They love him for lies and such! I didn't go far enough! I have nothing to say sorry for! I had every reason to not save him! He is a liar and trickster! I shouldn't sacrifice your joy for his! I do that with enough other people! That's what I know. I thought if everyone got a little space from Nightmare, time with him out of the picture, people won't hate me as much."Dream explains
"Oh aNd I'm sO sOrry foR you! YoU'rE lIfe iS sO diFfIcult! WiTh eVeryThinG yOur hAndling, bEinG a GoOd peRsoN muSt bE sO harD!"I say with sarcasm
"Thank you! At least you understand!"He says
"THaT wAs sArcAsm. ThOse ReAsoNs gIve yOu nO reAson tO do tHat. DoN't pUt ThIs oN NighTmAre, yOu diD thIs oN yOur Own. YOur wOrds anD AcTIoNs cAuSed yOu tO bE hAted. ThAt's wHat iT seeMs to Be wItH yoU. PeOple lOveD yoU fOr yOur pOsiTivIty anD tiTle. BuT thE wAy yOu aCt is The oPPoSiTe! Is That tItLe jusT anOther lIe? And WhAt do YoU mEan, yoU shOuldn'T sAcRIFiCe yOur JoY foR hiS? THat yOu haVe a RigHt nOt tO sAve hiM? And That tiMe woUld jUst mAke uS mIss NiGhtMare! BecAuse hE at lEasT is GoOd famIlY or Friend!"I snap, enraged that a brother could act so selfishly
"What do you mean?"He asks
"He hAs deFeNdEd y0u f0r yEaRs! He hAs cAreD f0r y0u aNd sAcRifIcE hIs j0y f0r yoUrs! He haS hElpEd sAve y0u & hAs bEen preParEd t0 d0 s0 aT aNy c0st t0 tHis dAy! AnD tHis iS h0w y0u rEpaY hiM? Y0u're tHe w0rst brO I'vE evEr mEt! On tHat n0te, I tHink tHis tiMe, y0u bEinG hAted iS kArMa f0r eVeRytHing y0u've d0ne. AbAnd0niNg hiM coUntleSs timEs, bElitTling hIm, bUlLyIng hIm 0r leTtiNg hiM gEt bUllied, aNd nEver jUst bEing hAppy tHaT's hE's happy! Y0u're nEver tHere foR hiM! AnD kIssInG tHe pErSon I kNow yOu kNow he lIkeS to KeEp tHem qUieT iS jUst lOw! VeRy lOw aNd wRonG! ThEn thEre's wiTh eVeRyoNe elSe! YoU miStrEaT eVerYonE, mAnipUlaTe oR inSulTinG thEm. Y0u diD wHateVeR y0u c0uLd t0 MakE yoUrsElf feEl bEtTer thAn thEm! YoU wErE eVeN A cAuSe oF tHe prOblEm. BUt d0n't takE My w0rd foR it! TakE eviDeNCe! HiStOry! TiMeliNes!"I explain, snapping
Peekholes into the past of this timeline appear around Dream. They show every jerk move he did, wether it was to his brother, my brother, or just anyone he was mean to. Every shove or attack he did, every insult he said, every trick or manipulation he did, was all shown.
"So, it'S nOt a sUrpRiSe tHat pEopLe d0n'T liKe y0u. Y0u aRe a liE t0 y0ur titLe & n0t s0me0ne t0 bE aR0und. Y0ur br0 iS, desPitE hiS rePutAti0n. I w0uLdn't bE suRpRisEd iF tHat iS juSt y0ur pr0pAgaNdA. S0, h0w aBoUt y0u tAke tHe blAme f0r 0ncE aNd tUrn 0vEr a nEw lEaf, stARtiNg wiTh reMoviNg tHat virUs gRowIng oN y0u. Y0u cAn mAke uP f0r iT thE riGhT way. Y0u jUst nEed a frIeNd t0 heLp y0u tAkE tHe riGhT steps. I'm heRe t0 bE tHat fRieNd. YoU cAn bE g0oD iF y0u tRy."I tell him
"You're not my friend. Just a glitch. It says right in your name."He says
"So aFteR aLl tHe tImeS I lEt yOur ActIonS sLidE, wAs niCe t0 yOu, gAvE You MERCY, EVEN sAvED YOU FrOm tHat tHiNg, uNdEr tHe iNfLueNcE yOu WeRe mY FrIeNd, NOW y0u tElL tHe tRuTh? wAs aLl tHat tIme fAKed? MaN, yOu ReaLlY Are a lIaR!"I snap
"Shut up!"He snaps
-everyone else's WHO TOUCHA THE CHIALD senses kick in. Who hurt the innocent cinnamon roll senses are tingling like SpiderMan's Spidey sense-
My eye-lights shrink.
Pain fills me like nothing I ever experienced. Not from someone I called a friend.
"D-Dream..."I stutter
His eye-lights shrink. He drops the arrow that he summoned without the bow. He covers his mouth. I stumble back and feel myself struggle to stay standing or from turning to dust. I feel my head come loose and I catch it. I hold it and see that I was glitching badly. He had stroked me with the arrow across the neck. My glitches are what's keeping me standing and allowing me to hold my head without turning to dust.
"E-E!Pap...I-I-I-!"He stutters
"Don'T. YoU ChOse YoUr sIdE."I say
I open the door and call for Error. He comes over and nearly crashed seeing me. He asked me what happened.
"I jUst wAnTed t0 hElP..."I say
Dream taps me on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry."He says
"HoW dO I kNow yOu ArE nOt lYinG sTiLl?"I ask
He is silent.
Error grabs Dream.
"NoW dO wE tHroW hIm tO thE fAndOm lIkE CookieChan_ wHo hAvE cHanClaS anD stUfF or JUst kIcK hIm oUt?"Error asks
"Let's see what the others have to say. Let's vote him out."I say
He nods and calls a meeting. Nightmare didn't come, but Cross came, representing himself, X!Chara and Nightmare. Just about everyone voted Dream out. He was forced to pack his things and get kicked through a portal, far from our location. He tried to talk but nobody let him, not trusting him. Just go! They said. You've had your chances to talk! Talk and Go! I leave the meeting, still carrying my skull. I peek into Nightmare's room. He is sitting on his bed, with the most hurt look on his face. But he was staring at his hands, not at me
"I, Nightmare Sans, pledge allegience to my brother. In this pledge, I promise to stay by his side forever. I shall love him, comfort him, protect him, give him advice, care for him, be the best brother he could have. We'll always stay together, through the brightest of days to the darkest of nights. We'll defend, not hurt each other. Nothing can come between us. And if I were to break this pledge, he may take my crown and shove an apple core in my eye. But that'll never happen, hah!"Nightmare says to himself, as if reciting something
He shakes his head and tears run down his face.
"How naive I was....Why'd he break his pledge? *sigh* It doesn't matter now."He mutters
I try to think on my feet. Then I get an idea.
"HeAds uP, NighTmArE!"I say, tossing my skull to him
He doesn't look up. He just catches me with one of his tentacles. He lowers me into his sight.
"HeYa bUd!"I say
He looks at me in utter shock.
"WhAt? I sAiD hEaDs uP!"I say with confidence
He snickers.
"E!Pap, that was silly and you know it."He says
"ThaT's wHy iT's caLlEd a JoKe!"I tell him
He chuckles.
"But you're not a fan of many jokes...."He says
"AnD I aM aLso nOt a FaN oF mY fRieNds beIng uPsEt bUt HeRe wE aRe."I say, the rest of my body walking over and hugging Nightmare
"E!Pap, you're too kind."He says, hugging me gently
"No, iT's jUst a lOt iN mY cOde. And NoBody cAn reAlLy cHaNge tHat. AlsO DreAm gOt kIckEd oUt sO yOu wOn't haVe to deAl wIth hiS gaRbaGe."I say
"You rock."He says
I smile and then it becomes a comfortable silence. The thing is, he is happy now. That's what counts.
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