Chapter 84:Dameon!
Above is Nightmare's new form and outfit, as well as some expressions or eye-lights depending on who he's dealing with. Made it myself.
2 days later Nightmare POV
Things have gone okay. I've been speaking with others again and learning why they didn't answer me. The reasons were reasonable. All except Dream's reason. Least to say, I have not spoken to him lately. But, I haven't been able to find Cross anywhere. That is, until I come across this door that was locked from the hallway side. That seemed strange, most locks are inside the room. I unlock it and enter. I look around. Inside was a dark room with only one lamp on for light. In a corner sits Cross. I come over to him quickly.
"Cross? What are you doing locked in here? Why are you in a corner?"I ask
Cross looks at me but telling by his eye-lights, he is not in control.
"X!Chara?"I say
"Hey! It's you, Nightmare! Cross, I knew we were right!"X!Chara says
"What happened?"I ask
"Apparently it's a bad thing to hope for the best. Cross was trying to look on the bright side and hope for your return and Dream put him in here. Saying he shouldn't give false hope. But I knew we were right! You are here, right?"X!Chara says
I nod.
"Score!"He cheers, fist pumping the air
"Sorry Dream did that to you. How's he taking it?"I say, knowing how Cross feels for Dream
"He's taking it rough. He doesn't like getting treated the way he was with this 'corner time' and he is basically questioning where he stands with Dream or how he feels and stuff. All I want is for that jerk to apologize and make it up to him at least. But I know that would be like winning the lottery based on how long it took for you to get an apology from him for the bullies."X!Chara says
I nod.
"Ya, I'm sorry for what I did isn't exactly his strength area. Anything I can do for you guys?"I ask
"I can't think of anything, Cross?"X!Chara says
Then, Cross seemed to have taken over. He looks at me, then pulls me in a hug.
"You rock, Nightmare."He says
Still not used to others hugging me, I stiffen up. And I'm not used to compliments and stuff either.
"Oh, t-thanks?"I say
He smiles at me, but doesn't release me from the hug. We talk for a bit and I explain what happened once he noticed my change in appearance. Once he learned what happened, he hugs me again and apologizes. Apparently Dream also took his phone so he couldn't fall for any tricks that were really from me. False hope excuse AGAIN. I tell him it's okay and that I'm past that with a lot of people now. Still, he keeps me in the hug very tightly. I smile, knowing he just means well.
"Ahem,"a voice says
Cross' grip on me loosens once he looks to the door. He completely releases me and I glance to the doorway. There is Killer. I smile happily.
"Oh! Hey, Killer!"I say, waving
"Hey dude!"Cross says
"Hey...."Killer says, coming in
"So is this where you've been hiding out."Killer says, looking around the room
"Nah, Dream locked him in here."I tell him
"Another reason to hate that jerk....'Great'"Killer says, sarcastic about the great part
The two chat and catch up, but I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look and see Killer had placed his hand on my shoulder while talking with Cross. He looks at me with a smile and then back at Cross, continuing to talk. I look away, feeling my face warm a bit.
"Wait...Is there something going on between you two that I missed?"Cross asks
I look at Killer. Is there?
"No."Killer says firmly
My soul sank a bit for some reason, but I just nod to show I agree with him. Though part of me did not. Killer is then called by Dust to come do something with him, which he happily went to do. Cross walks closer to me and I now look up at him. He hands me the cuff and I break it. Code goes into my wrist quickly. I test the hand and it turns. I got my form back.
"Did Killer tell you that he thinks you're cute like this?"He asks
"Yes, yes he did. Though, he says that it doesn't mean what could be assumed. Whatever that means."I say with a smile
"You're quite calm when saying that."He points out
"Yes, because it was more of a surprise in the moment. Now, the element of surprise is gone."I say
"Well, I think I know what he meant by what he was saying."He says
"What?"I ask
"When he called you cute, it can be assumed that he likes you a certain way. But when he says he doesn't mean what can be assumed, he's trying to convince you that he doesn't like you in that way."Cross says
"And what way can that be assumed do you think he means?"I ask
"That he likes likes you. Love you even. Like Error does to Ink or Dust does to Blue and vice versa. And he's doing a horrible job at hiding it."Cross says
"What? That's absurd! He just said there's nothing going on! And, we're friends! Nothing more! You're looking too deep into this!"I say
"Okay, his Nightmare! Ya know, that sounds like what he said when I found a message in your compliments to him!"Cross says, taking a paper out
It showed the compliments I told Killer. My eye lights shrank at the sight of it. I did put a message in it. It was in case I didn't come back. But now it's like a Gaster Blast to the face, a hole in my story. The I love you message is not helpful now. Or is it?
"You spent the time to find a message out of my words?"I ask
He nods.
"Yep, looking too deep. Feel free to use that for some other purpose or example of something you make yourself for someone you fall for."I say, then leave the room
I hear some noises and see check another room. I find quite the sight. I chuckle. I smile. Ink and Error are stuck together, bound by Error's string. Error is absolutely panicking. His phobia is in action and Ink just is resting peacefully, oblivious to the situation probably. Error is trying to pull free but the floor would creak or the strings would pull him back to Ink against the wall. Those were the noises.
"My, my, you've got yourself in a situation."I say teasingly
"S-ShuT uP!"He stutters
"Rather not. And don't worry, I won't call your brother in. He will surely add this to the album. Heh, but Ink and you deserve some privacy. Good luck getting untangled without waking him."I say
"O-Ok....ThanK yOu, NigHtmArE. BeWaRE tHe nOisE sOuRcEs. DoEsn'T sOunD gOoD."He says, unaware I got my hostile form back
I shrug it off and shut the door. They deserve privacy if you get what I'm saying.
I keep walking but suddenly hear yells. One was yells of distress like OW or AGH, while the other is filled in anger, rage and blame. I go to investigate.
I sigh. I should've known the King of Blaming would be doing this.
What do I find?
Dream trying to fight Killer.Killer is resisting though. They're both upset, but Killer seems angry in the sense that he wants nothing to do with Dream's junk. Dream did not. Killer has a hand on Dream's skull to hold him back and holding Dream's hand with his other to keep him back. Dream is trying to kick and throw punches like the idiot he is. And their yells supported my observations.
"AGH! Let me go, jerk!"Killer snaps
"Not until you pay for what you did! Everything was fine until you came along! Everything is always fine until your stupid gang comes along and messes everything up!"Dream snaps
"Me? Oh that's real mature, Dream! Blame others! Just like always! And I could say the same for you! Whenever you come along in a mood like this, trouble follows! May I remind you that your brother leads that gang?"Killer says
"Ya, when he changed!"Dream snaps
"Who made him turn huh? Cause it wasn't me! And don't you dare blame the gang for whatever illusion you have in your head about what happened to Nightmare or your relations! That was all you! The gang, his gang, my gang did nothing to him or any of your friends. They're even happy! Just look at Ink and Blue! Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a gang back in the day with those bullies! Called the Dream Jerks or something!"Killer says
"Oh, you did not go there!"Dream growls
"I did, can I leave now? I have training to do!"Killer snaps
"No!"Dream denies, swinging a fist at Killer
"What the hell is going on here?"I ask, though know the answer already
Dream froze. He glances at me. I could see his anger fade to anxiousness. I am not happy.
"Oh....Hey, brother....."Dream says, speechless
"That doesn't answer my question, Dream."I say
Then, before Dream could say anything, Killer pipes up.
"All I did was call down the hall to Dust that I was coming to train and Dream came at me! Speaking of which, get your grimey hands off me!"Killer explains, shoving Dream away from him
"B-Brother, I-I-That's not true! I-!"Dream says
Shino walks out of a doorway from behind Dream after spraying him with a fire extinguisher. Dream is now stuck under fire extinguishing foam and stuff. It looked like a giant scoop of whip cream knocked him down.
"Liar, liar, pants on fire! Don't even start, Dream! I will spray if you do! I heard the whole thing!"Shino says, then plays a voice recording of the whole argument, even parts that I did not hear
"I only heard the last part too, so it wasn't gonna work."Nightmare says
Reaper and Geno peek into the hall. They look at Shino and the situation.
"Smart...."Geno says, which makes Shino smile
"I'm so proud."Reaper adds, glancing at Shino with the extinguisher then at Dream, which made Shino even happier
Killer is now just frowning at Dream as he struggled to get out of the foam.
"Don't ever do that again, Dream. Blaming others will get you nowhere. And blaming my gang will not do anything but make things worse between us. After all, they are family to me. You wouldn't mess with family, would you? Then again, this is you who is being asked."I say
"Go Nightmare!"Shino exclaims
I smirk, Dream's expression is shocked.
"Oh, and one last bit of advice for you. Don't lock them up, or anyone. Just because they don't say the same thing as you or you don't like doesn't mean they deserve that. I'm sure if it was like that, you'd never get out. A lot of annoying things do come out of that mouth of yours after all. Now, we'll be on our way."I say, taking Killer by the hand and walking away
We must've gotten at least a few feet down the hall before one of my senses kicked in. I turn and one of my tentacles form, just in time to deflect an arrow shot in Killer's direction. I recognize that arrow anywhere. I break it instantly. I put my arm in front of Killer and glare at Dream.
"Wow! Real smart! NOT! Dream, I advise you stop before I personally take you off Reaper's list!"I say, the tentacle shrinking away
I glare him down as he just stares at us.
"Do you have anything to say?"I ask
"I'm....I'm...."He mutters
"Huh? Speak up! You were so loud and strong in your voice and words before!"I snap
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry they changed you!"Dream says
"Oh, they changed me? Or you? Based on your actions, you're trying to say they changed me for the worse, but that was your doing. They changed me for the better."I say
I glance at Killer and smile at him.
"And I won't let you put them down. Don't make them your scapegoat for your mistakes and don't you dare try to hurt them. Now, let's go Killer."I say, turning and continuing to go, keeping my tentacle hovering protectively behind us
"Palette! Dream needs the corner!"Shino shouts
"Coming!"Palette yells
Palette runs past us hurriedly, shaking his head and muttering a quick sorry about him to me. I give him a look to tell him that it's fine and don't apologize for him.
I take Killer down the hall, my tentacle shrinking away once I'm sure we were out of Dream's arrow range. He keeps looking at me, then at my hand that is holding his. I look at him.
"Something wrong, Killer?" I ask
"N-No..I-I-I-I just, emm..."He stutters
"Killer! You are late!"Dust snaps
"Heh, sorry."Killer says
"Hey! Nightmare! It's your turn to patrol!"S!Reaper shouts
"Okay! Cya around Killer!"I say
"O-Ok! B-B-Bye!"He says
I walk off with a smirk.
"Smooth Killer, real smooth."Dust says
"Shut up!"Killer snaps
I head out, soon accompanied by Cross. We head out and make the first three rounds of the area, checking for anything out of place. We don't talk, he didn't want to. But then he makes an odd request.
"Hey, can I make a hole here? I want to bury something."He says
"Sure, what is it?"I ask
He takes out and envelope with a heart. He looks down and saddened by just holding it.
"What is it?"I repeat
He doesn't answer. He starts digging and makes a deep hole. He stands and holds the envelope.
"I didn't just figure that message out on my own. I was making something called an acrostic poem to admit how I feel for Dream, so when I heard those compliments, the message stood out. I was gonna give this to him, but now....I don't even know how to feel for him anymore. I don't want that to be normal for us. So, I was thinking of...getting rid of it all. Push the feelings aside and move on."He says, the envelope slipping from his fingers
I could tell this is hurting him already. I reach out and catch the envelope. I open it and find a letter.
And that's just a few reasons why I love you. I'll be real honest. I love you very much and would love to tell you if you'd let me. You know where to find me if you want to talk.
This letter clearly meant a lot to him and he didn't mean what he said. He seemed hurt at his own plans. I want him to be happy. I think for a few moments, then get an idea. I put the letter back in the envelope and tuck it in my pocket.
"Refill that hole."I say
"What do you mean?"He asks
"You're not ready to move on. Far from it. What I'll do is see if Dream turns out to be what you see in him according to this and if he passes, I'll give it to him after notifying you and you both get to be happy. You go from there. How does that sound?"I explain
He's silent.
"Sounds good."He says
We start to head back when we hear something. Cross listens for a few moments, then runs to the hideout. I guess I should've done the same. But I don't. I listen. And listen. And listen some more. The sound is getting louder, but also clearer. It sounds like a kid.
"Help!...*cough, cough* Help! Somebody! Please! Help! Is anyone out there?!"The voice yells, full of pain and fear
I stay quiet. This could be a trick. I start contemplating the choice of leaving. But the voice changed my mind.
"Won't somebody help me?"It cries
That struck a memory. It was right after a beating before the apple incident, where I was laying on the ground, crying in pain and for help. So many people passed me as if I was nothing. Not even Dream gave me a second glance. I remember crying those words quietly. But from that point on, I helped myself and grew more distant from everyone.
I will not let some kid go down the same route of pain. I turn around and start to run.
"Kid! Where are you? I hear you! Come here if you can! Kid!"I yell
It goes quiet, but I could hear someone coming. I slow in my pace and look around. A kid slowly approaches me now. They have a limp in their step. They look at me, sizing me up. Or checking for weapons and such. I put my arms out.
"I'm here to help. I'll help you. Were you the kid calling for help?"I say
He nods.
"Come here. I got you."I say
He runs to me, knocking me back and hugging me.
"Thank you, sir! Thank you so, so much! Bless your soul! Bless your life! You're the best! Thank you!"He cries, then coughs and gags in pain
Now I got a chance to see his injuries. They are bad. Really bad. I fear for what might've happened if I didn't come to get him. The wounds he has are wounds no kid should have. I place a hand on his head.
"Kid, what happened? Who are you? Where'd you come from? Who are you running from? The ones that did this to you?"I ask
"T-They came after me....R-Renew, I mean. Change bought me some time....I'm Dameon. I came from a hidden place and ran as fast as I could. I'm running from the bad people. Yes, them."He replies
"Oh stars no...You poor kid...Don't worry, I got you. My name is Nightmare."I say
He looks up at me. I expected fear in his gaze or expression but don't find any. In fact, he smiles. His eyes show trust and grattitude or kindness. The kind of gaze that mad you feel like anything can happen or that there's still good out there. Like one a Papyrus gives. With the belief that anyone can be good.
"You're one of Geno's friends, aren't you?"He asks confidently
"How can you tell?"I ask
"I'd recognize that kindness anywhere. I was guessing his friends would have the same kindness."He says
I smile. But then I realize that the bad people may still be coming. Or around. My tentacles form and protectively wrap around him as well. He was not scared by this. He was more amazed by it.
"Cool!"He says
I smile, he seems to be so good. Then, I hear a voice calling me. That made the kid tense and hold me tighter.
"Don't worry, I got you. You're safe now."I assure him
"Nightmare! Where are you?"A voice calls
"I'm coming, Cross!"I shout to him
"You know that voice?"He asks
"Mhm, it's another friend. Come on. You're getting safety."I tell him, then bring him towards Cross' yells
I approach Cross with Dameon holding me tightly and nervously.
"Where were you?"Cross asks
"Being a hero!"Dameon says proudly before I could respond
"Who's the kid?"Cross asks
"This is Dameon. He was calling for somebody to help him so I went to do so, unlike you. He says he knows Geno."I say
"Are we sure we can trust him?"Cross asks
"Cross. Look at him. He's wounded badly and is shaking at just you standing here, even without your weapon. I think we'll be ok."I say as Dameon hides behind me nervously, trembling when Cross came closer.
Cross was about to object but I pick Dameon up and carry him inside, down the ladder, through the halls, into the hideout.
"Is Geno here? Is he okay? Can I see him?"Dameon asks
I nod.
"GENO!"I shout
"What?"Geno calls back
"There is a kid here looking for you!"I say, getting bandages and first aid out from a closet
"Ok, I'm coming."He says
I begin to use the supplies on Dameon to help his wounds. Geno walks over, putting some glitches over his eye again.
"So who's the ki-Wait. Daemon?"Geno says, recognizing him
"Geno!"Dameon cheers, hugging Geno
"I can't believe this! You're here! You're okay! How'd you get here? Are you ok?"Geno says, hugging him back and smiling
"I ran and Nightmare got to me before the bad people did! I'm okay because of him!"Dameon explains
Geno hugs him and over his shoulder looks at me and smiles.
"Thank you."He whispers to me
I give him a thumbs up.
"I can't believe you're here and okay! Serram told Renew that he killed you! How are you here?"Dameon says
"Well, he lied. He tried to, but I got help. A lot of it. And I wouldn't die if Reaper had anything to say about it. Or your sisters."Geno says
"Agreed. Now is this the same Dameon you told me about, Geno?"Reaper says, coming over
Geno nods. Reaper smiles. Dameon looks up at Reaper in awe.
"Heh, thanks for helping my Geno out. Glad you could come and be safer. Nice to meet you, Dameon."Reaper says, patting him on the back
"Pleasure meeting you too, Reaper. I'm glad Geno has you. Wait, where are my sisters then? Fenna and Samara?"Dameon asks
"Oh right. Fenna! Samara! Come here please!"Geno says
The two girls come out and immediately see Dameon.
"Dameon!"They cheer
"Fenna! Samara!"He cheers
That added to the hug. Then Fenna pulls me into the hug, thanking me for what I did. I smile. Then when the hug disbanded, I went to my room. I take the envelope out.
"What's that?"A voice asks
I look and there is Dream. I shake my head.
"It's just something from Cross that is none of your business at the moment."I say
"Looks like a love letter."He says, coming down and looking at me, then at it
"Gee, thanks, captain obvious! You sure do love putting yourself in other people's business but won't fix the issues in your own, huh? Now, I'm busy so don't start."I tell him
He goes quiet. I lock the letter in a box under the mattress of my bunk. Then I sleep in the bed. The next morning, I go out and sit with Dameon and the other kids after Shino dragged me over there. I'm not kidding you, she dragged me by the wrist over to them. For a little kid, she's strong. We sit and chat together. I don't really mind, they're good kids and they are some who make me feel accepted and such. Also it was funny how much Shino liked being lifted by my tentacle up and down. Killer soon sits beside me.
"Hey, Killer."I say as the kids have breakfast and Shino cheers wee while riding my tentacle
"Hello, Nightmare."He says
I look at him and could tell something is up.
"Something on your mind?"I ask
"Um, I hear Cross gave you a letter."He says
"You've got to be kidding me. Who told you?"I ask
"Dream."He replies
"Ugh, he couldn't stay out of anyone's business if his life depended on it. Cross wants me to hold onto a letter for Dream until he is ready to give Dream it."I tell him
"Ah, I see."He says
I feel someone poking my tentacle. I look at Shino.
"Can I get put down?"She asks
I nod.
I put her down. Then she walks away. Killer and I continue to talk with the kiddos. But then, someone yells.
"Nightmare! Patrol now!"A voice yells
"Fine....."I say with a shake of my head
I leave. I make a few rounds to check around. This time, I'm on my own. At least I thought I was alone. Then, I see a shadow overcasting the sky. I look and in a moment, something came crashing over me and my surroundings, like a wave coming down. I look around and frown. Nothing seemed to change. I start to head back but notice something is different. I reach out to see if there is something in the air, then jump when a human hand enters my sight. I check and apparently, I turned human. I head towards the hideout, but stop when I start hearing footsteps. One of my tentacles begins to form in case of danger. I look around and see Shino run over, though is now winged.
"Nightmare! Science says that something with high radiation went off in the area, causing changes in the code!"Shino says
"Shino! What are you doing here?"I ask
"Science sent me to make sure you are okay! Also, someone wanted me to get something to you, or should I say the light in his life."Shino responds, hovering to be at eye level and lifting a flower into view
"Pfft. Kid, I think you're mixing me up with my brother."I say, shaking my head
Me? Someone's light? That's ironic with my reputation and the fact that one of my forms is black. I don't exactly have the reputation or appearance of my glowstick brother. Then there's the meaning behind that. Love. Someone loving me like that just doesn't seem possible. Then again, that may be a force of habit of my thought process after everything.
"He knew you'd say that so he also told me to say that Dream seems too rude to be a light. He loves you. In fact, he insisted on you having it."She replies, lifting the flower to me
I feel my face warm.
I gaze at it in awe. It does look beautiful. Plus, I trust that Shino wouldn't lie to me. The thought of this being true, somebody saw me like that, loved me like that, seemed so nice and made my soul skip beats. But who is now the question.
"D-Do you know who he is?"I ask
"No, he didn't want me to say. Also, I got my directions from a post-it."She says, resting herself on my shoulders with her hands on my head
"Ah, ok."I say, nodding
"Can we head back?"Shino asks with a yawn
"Sure."I tell her
I walk back to the hideout. Shino rests on my shoulders, explaining what she has seen. Science has become the invisible man or a floating pair of glasses. Ink became a puppet and Error simply lost his error signs but his strings became strings to support Ink. Blue has lost his mercy option while Dust lost his attacks. The others have either changed like me, lost an ability, gained an ability, or got an addition like her and something unknown. Science is working to fix things from the radiation blast.
I climb down the ladder as she dozes off. I go to her room and tuck her in bed. Guess flying and all her excitement tired her out. I leave the room and sit down, soon accompanied by Dameon. He looks at me curiously.
"So, who are you and what did the radiation do to you?"He asks
"Nightmare. You're looking at what was done."I say
"Ah...Okay."He says
I notice his mouth doesn't move when he speaks.
"And you?"I ask
He lifts his hand and begins to move it to mimic speaking. His voice becomes heard.
"Some kind of code mistake. Can only speak with hands."He says
I nod.
"I see...."I say
"So, should I tell Killer you're back, or...?"He asks
Just then, a door opens. Killer walks out quickly and heads down the hall, nearly passing us. Dameon looks at me and smirks.
"Hey, Killer! Where you going?"He calls out to Killer
Killer stops. He puts a hand to the side of his head so I couldn't see his eyes. Odd.
"To find Nightmare. Can't risk losing him again to those pests and their tricks."Killer says
"He's right here, dude."Dameon says
Killer looks at him. Then he looks at me.
"Changed by the radiation."Dameon says before he could ask
Killer turns and walks over.
"Nightmare?"He says
I look up at him.
"Yes, Killer?"I reply
Then I notice his eyes. They had lights! Sure, they look like his soul, but they look nice. And it's also new, I've never seen him with any eye-lights before. I notice his face turned a bit red.
"Well, this is new."He says
I nod.
"Is there a problem?"Dameon asks
"No! I love him no matter how he looks."Killer says
I bow my head, feeling my face warm. Dang my feelings. I'm breaking one of the rules. Never wear your soul on your sleeve. Great. Now I have feelings growing for a mystery person AND him! I need to get my priorities straight, jeez.
"Love, huh?~"Dameon says suggestively
"N-Not like that! Shut up, kid!"He says, his face brightening
"I don't know, someone is showing the signs.~"Dameon teases
Killer pulls out one of his knives and Dameon runs for protection from his sisters.
"Killer, be nice. He's just a kid."I say with a shake of my head
"Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight."He says
"I can tell."I tell him
"Can somewhere...Private?"He asks
I nod. He takes me by the hand into his room, which he doesn't share. He shuts the door behind him. I lean against the wall.
"So what's up?"I ask
"I noticed you got a flower. Where'd you get it?"He asks
I feel it in my hair.
"I got it from Shino. She says she found some notes saying the flower comes to me, as well as other things..."I reply
"So she did steal it and sneak into my room...."Killer mutters
"What did you say?"I ask
"Nothing!"Killer says
"What's up? How come you wanted to talk about a flower privately?"I ask
"Do you know who's it from?"He asks, coming closer
I gaze at him. I try to figure out where this was going but couldn't. I shake my head. He traps me against the wall. He takes my hand and intertwined it with his.
"Well...What would you say or feel if I were to tell you it's from me?"He asks, his face turning brighter
My face burns up. My soul beat faster and I look at him to see this was a trick. Now, I can see honesty in his eyes. He is also waiting for an answer. I know I feel love but he doesn't need to know that. Besides, that's a big if.
"Well, did you?"I ask
His face gets brighter.
"I...I did."He says
"NiGhtMaRe! I NeEd SoMe HElP!"E!Pap yells
"Coming! Cya Killer!"I say, taking the chance to leave
I quickly get out there with my soul still pounding. All I left was Killer and an unanswered question. But I know that I love him and I may have a chance with him.
Little do I know what's to come.
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