Chapter 81: Seriously?
Nightmares POV some days later
Things have been good. Nothing has really happened. I've been hanging out with everyone, making sure they're happy. Cross has been hanging out with Dream more often which is good. It even seems like Dream is starting to get a soft spot for Cross as well.
I let Error and Dust know about the incident at the castle and they thanked me for telling them. Sure they went solo but they still care and at this point, it seems we're in this together in a way against the same enemy.
But while all that is happening, I've been sneaking off to the shack and hanging out with Killer. Each time I bring him food, bandages, clean clothes or something he needs. He thanks me, though doesn't ask for anything. There, we talk and hang out for hours that seem to be endless. I've found myself feeling happier with him and we've grown close. The feeling in me gets stronger each time but I deny it. It's not real. It's not important. It's not love. He's just a friend. Those kinds of excuses. I find that I can't stay longer than 4 hours each visit or Dream will call or text getting worried. And if I leave him worried, people will get suspicious. But that amount of time has been cut in half. Why? Because after two hours, I begin to turn to my passive form. There have been plenty of close calls when I am about to enter or leave. This feeling is responsible. I get the heck out of there when that happens, excusing myself to go take care of something. He doesn't question a thing. But when I return to Dream and the others, I excuse the secret visit as just some solo training time. They don't question anything either. Cross was gonna be told by Error, says Error himself. I don't mind.
But one day, I had enough of this strange feeling. I want help. Or to know what it really is. I go to Dream. He's alone in our room, which makes things easier.
"Hey...Dream? Can I ask you something? About a feeling?"I ask
He looks at me. For a split second he smirks but then smile went away.
(Dream's trying to play it cool as if he hasn't known this whole time)
"What makes you think I can ID the feeling?"He asks
"Because it's positive."I say
He smiles again, seeming excited. He shuts the door behind me and we sit on a bed together.
"So what is this feeling like? What does it cause?"He asks
"Well....It's warm and good, positive. It causes my soul to beat faster, my face to warm and I morph back into my passive whenever I feel it. It makes me think of people and want good to come to them. It also makes me feel awkward and nervous around them. What is the meaning of it?"I explain
He leans in close and smiles at me. I cross my arms.
"Awww, you are in love! You love someone!"He says, smiling
"W-What? What do you mean love?"I ask
Just great. My suspicion was right.
"You're in love! You love someone like Ink and Error do to one another!"He says
I feel my face warm.
"No! It isn't! It can't!"I say in denial
"Brother, I've known the whole time."He says
My face burns brighter and I panic. He knows? About Killer? The shack? What?!
"What do you mean?"I ask
"Ever since you came in from that patrol after dinner a few days ago, I've known that you fell for someone. I sensed it. It was the strongest thing I've sensed from anyone in my life!"Dream says
Okay, he just meant that..
"So who's the lucky one? Who'd you fall for?"He asks
"N-Nobody! You wouldn't like them anyway if I told you."I say
"What? Well, anyone who makes you happy I like, Nightmare. So, yes, I would."He says
"That doesn't seem to be the case with you guys."I say
"Wait! Do I know him?"He asks
I'm silent.
"Are you falling for Fresh?"He asks
I feel nauseous and run to the trash can in the room. I puke and look at him.
"Sorry but that was the worst guess ever!"I tell him
He looks at me confusedly.
"Then who is it?"He asks
"I'm just gonna go now..."I say, then leave
I check the clock and smile. Time to see Killer again. But now it's confirmed. I love him. How am I gonna handle things now? Not telling him or anyone, that's how. I head to the exit.
"Where ya heading?"Cross asks
"To train again."I lie
"So, by training, do you mean help Killer?"He asks
I stop in my tracks.
"I'll take that as a yes."He says, stepping in front of me
"How'd you find out?"I ask
"On a patrol I saw this shack. I went to investigate and find Killer in it. He called your name out, thinking it was you. Didn't take much to connect the dots. Just wanna know WHY?"He says
"So I'm guessing Error hasn't told you about the incident yet. The castle was attacked and I sent the gang back to their AUs to recover. Killer doesn't have much of an AU to recover in, so I made that shack and took him there. I've been simply helping him recover the best I can. I bet you could've told that from when you met him there. And he's a good friend to hang out with..."I say
"Oh...I see...."He says
"So this stays between us. I don't want anyone to find out and think I'm turning on them with the gang or something."I tell him
He nods.
"Just one question."He says
I nod.
"Has he seen you in that form yet?"He says, pointing to me
I'm still in my passive form.
I shake my head.
"No, and I don't plan on showing him. Dunno how he'll react or what he will think of it."I say
"Well, you should tell him. Show him. Better that than to have an amalgamate in the room."He says
"But there's never an amalgamate."I say
"I mean so no tension or secrets are between you two. Killer doesn't like secrets or being lied to, just like anyone. He's gonna find out eventually."He says
"You're one to talk. That is...Just like how it's better for you to tell Dream how you feel. He's gonna learn eventually. But no, that's too unthinkable. Unless you do that, keep it secret and mind your own biz!"I say, then walk away
I climb up the ladder and get out. I morph to my hostile form. I walk to the shack and even whistle a bit. I know I'm a few minutes late but it's no big deal. I fix the door and smile. I go inside the shack and see Killer against the wall. I shut the door and his head goes up.
"Nightmare?"He calls
"Hey, Killer."I say
"Nightmare!"He cheers, getting up and limping over to me
He lifts bandages from over his eyes and looks at me. He smiles. He hugs me. I can not describe how fast my soul began beating. He never hugged me before.
"You're okay! You're back! Wait, are you okay?"He asks, checking me
"Killer, I'm fine."I say
"Okay, good. I heard some weird noises after the last time ya came and they became violent so I wasn't sure if something happened or...or....nevermind."He says
"Ok, well, everything is okay."I tell him, my soul slowing down to a normal rhythm.
Then I notice something around my right wrist. It looks like broken cuff from a pair of handcuffs. I shake my head, it's probably nothing. He walks back to the wall and sits. I walk over but trip on a loose floorboard. I hit the floor skull-first and groan.
"Nightmare!"He yells, running to me
I look up at him and he places his hand on my skull, near my cheek.
"Are you okay?"He asks
My soul beat way too fast for me to handle. I feel my face warm up. Then he gets this surprised look on his face. He raises the hand up higher along my skull.
"Y-Your your eye. T-The hidden one."He says
I look at him, confused. I give him a what-do-you-mean look. But then I see him with both my eyes. I reach up and feel where my eye would be hidden...only to feel my skull. And I mean the part of my passive form. It's coming back! I'm turning!
Nononononononono! Not now, not now! Crap! I gotta get outta here!
I get up as fast as I can. I try to leave, still covering my eye.
"Wait!"Killer shouts, grabbing my hand
I feel my face warm. He pulls me back and I fall right back down. I shut my eyes. My soul beats again.
"Welp, this wasn't what I was trying to do."He says
I open my eyes.
I'm on him. And he has his arms around me. My face burns more.
"Y-Your tentacles...."He says
I feel him grab one of them.
What the heck is he doing?!
"What about them?!"I ask
"They're shrinking away. Getting smaller and shorter. One's already gone."He says
I'm turning back! Nonono!
"Let me go! Now! I have to go!"I snap, shoving myself up and off him
I stand again. He's still holding my tentacle.
"Killer, please!"I snap
"What's wrong?"He asks, releasing it
"I have to go, that's what! I'll be back as soon as I can! Cya!"I yell, then quickly leave
I slam the door behind me and lock it. I slide down it and just in time. I check myself once I sat and my hand had just finished turning passive. That was too close. But...But nothing! That was too close! Stupid love! Stupid positivity!
Then I hear him through the other side.
"I saw his other eye....Was he coming back? Is that possible? I know what I saw though....Amazing!"He says
I was tempted to go in again, or call to him, but then I hear a snore. I sigh, shaking my head. I get up and leave. I go to the hideout.
Two days later
Everyone gathered in a circle, sitting in the main room. Palette and a few other had called everyone in for some games or something. Turned out to be truth or dare. It was fun learning about the others or seeing what they dare each other to do. I got more truths than dares, but they were nothing big. Then, Cross got a dare from Palette.
"I dare you to kiss Dream!"Palette cheers
E!Pap smiles. Nearly everyone did. I look at Dream beside me. He starts to blush.
"H-Huh?"He says
"What?!"Cross exclaims, his face burning
"You heard me."Palette says
His face went brighter. I bet X!Chara is laughing right now.(And Nightmare is right) Cross comes over to Dream.
"Hey, Dream...."He says
"Cross, you don't have to do this, Cross. I can tell you don't want to or are nervous."Dream says
"No...I..I..."He says
"Hm?"My brother says questionably in his oblivion
Dream reaches out to Cross but gets stopped. Cross kissed Dream. Their faces got so bright. I smirk. I sensed nothing bad coming from them, meaning they are happy, and happy is good. Also E!Pap took a pic so nobody will forget this.
They part and Dream stares at him in shock.
"C-Cross..."Dream says
Cross nervously rubs his skull. He nervously smiles.
"Sorry, Dream...."He says
Dream leans back and got this dazed look on his face. Then that becomes a dizzy one and he shuts his eyes, falling backward. I catch him.
"Aww! He fainted!"Ink!Pap says
"Cross!"Palette exclaims
"What?"Cross replies
"You surely proved yourself now!"Palette says
"You dared me to do that!"Cross snaps
"Ya, but I never specified where! That was all you man!"Palette replies, fist-bumping Goth and E!Pap
Cross got this puzzled look on his face. Then a processing one. That changed to a look Error gets before he crashes and then he facepalms, his face burning bright.
"Chara must be laughing her head off!"Reaper says
"Yep, he is."Cross says
I smile. But then I sense something going wrong. While all the focus was on Cross as he tried to argue his way out of this miscommunication, I take a chance. I check under the glove and see that his hand was consumed by black goo. It's getting stronger. Dream is weakening. He didn't just pass out because of Cross. I look at E!Pap and signal him to come over. He comes over and I show him what I see. He picks Dream up and quickly walks to Dream's room, quitting the game both for him and Dream.
"And you thought my kisses were gonna be deadly, Geno. Or any contact with me."Reaper says to Geno teasingly after seeing this
"Oh shut up."Geno says, rolling his eyes
The circle closed tighter to fill in their spaces and continued. I am worried for Dream and really losing interest for the game now. But then, Science catches my attention.
"Nightmare, truth or dare?"He asks
"Dare cause why not."I say without much thought
"Okay, then I dare you to go to a shack one of my radars detected nearby in a certain form for an hour."He says
I smile. I know what shack he's talking about. Maybe seeing Killer will make me happier or get my mind off the worries.
"Sure! What form?"I ask
"The one you're in right now."Science says
My smile fades. Panic fills me but I don't show it. I'm in my passive form. Cross smirks at me. His gaze says: Told ya so! Now you're gonna do it the hard way!
"What?"I ask
"You heard me. You should've asked that before you agreed if you have an issue with that now. But since you agreed...."He says, pressing a button
I feel a small yet strong electric shock go through me. It comes from my right wrist.
"What the hell?!"Everyone yells, witnessing this
"What was that Science?"Cross asks
I look and see the cuff was glowing with a green light. This wasn't some random dare. This was a pre-meditated trick. Or to Science, an experiment.
"Just a little thingy as you call it to keep him to his word. Now I'll be able to track him just in case."Science says
"You're the one who put it on me? Someone please tell me why we keep this idiot around again!"I growl
"Ya gotta stay to your word, Nightmare. Or you won't be able to turn back."Science says
I shake my head and leave. I trudge to the shack, not wanting to do this. Thoughts whizz around my head and anxiety or worry fills me extremely fast. What was I gonna do or say? I try to think of a way to explain myself to Killer and a plan. I silently hope that Killer is just asleep. That may make this go over more easily. I unlock the door and go inside. I shut the door behind me and hear the auto-lock click. I'm stuck here now. I gaze around, trying to spot Killer. I see him sitting up at the sound of the click.
"Nightmare?"He calls
"Hey Killer.."I hesitantly say
He gets up and runs over. I tense up. He puts his arms on each side of me, pinning me against the wall. My soul pounds. I look up at him as he towers over me.
"Who are you and how the hell did you get in here?"He asks
"H-Huh? T-T-The d-d-door."I reply, incredibly nervous
"Ya, but you have a key for that door to click. Only Nightmare has it. Who are you?"He asks
"N-N-Nightmare.........I-I-I-I-"I struggle to speak
The plan has left and broke apart.
"Where is my Nightmare, huh? What did you to with him? He doesn't share easily and I doubt he'd give that key up easily."He snaps at me
I feel my face burn and soul beat quicker.
His? What's that supposed to mean?
"K-Killer?"Is all I could say
"Huh, so you know me. Then you must know how much trouble you're in. Now, I suggest you start talking."He says, grabbing my arm
He stomps on a floorboard and catches a knife that flung out from under it. He puts it at my neck. The tip inches from me.
"Because I am about to put my name to use on you."He says
That got me to get my act together.
"It's me! Nightmare! Killer, please! Put the knife down! I can explain I promise! I can't turn to how you see me!"I shout
"Hah, that's funny. The excuses people make these days when their life is on the line."He says
"Killer! Please! How can I make you believe me?"I plea
"Show or tell me something that only Nightmare knows. I'll give you 60 seconds. Starting now."He says
I look around and try to think. Then I notice something. I move fast and knock the knife out of his hand, catching it and pointing it at him.
"Rule #3, neve keep a loose grip on your weapon when you have the intent to kill. I taught you that, Killer. Come on."I say, tossing the knife aside
I won't hurt him.
"Was that within your requirements?"I ask
"H-How? Wait...."He says, lifting the bandages from over his eyes
I back up nervously. I'm ready for what I expect from him. I sense the negative emotions from him, many aimed to me. But then, I can't sense anything from him. I look at him.
"So...this is how you looked before you ate the apple?"He asks
I nod.
"How are you back like this then?"He asks
"Science..."I say
He steps closer. I step back. This continues until I feel the wall against me. I look up at Killer again. He just stares at me and he dosn't have any eye-lights so I don't know how he could be feeling or sense anything from him. I bow my head.
"I'm sorry, I-I'll go. I shouldn't have come until I came back the way you're used to."I say, starting to get my key from my pocket
He grabs my wrist before I could take it out.
"N-No! Don't go, Nightmare. It's okay."He says
"H-Huh? How?"I ask him, shocked at this
I wasn't expecting this.
"Because I love you no matter what form you take, Nightmare. You're my friend."He says
I feel my face warm. He used that word. Love. My soul beats faster. But then the bullies words flashed in my mind.
"Freak! You can't do anything right! You are not Dream!"One said
"I bet it isn't the apples causing the negativity, it's his stupidity and anything about him! Just look at him! he's useless!"Another says
"Face it! Nobody will love you, your own brother only pretends to protect your feelings!"One last bully says
I know I'm not like Dream....He isn't pretending....But could someone love me? Especially after what I did? Or is that faked?
That's what I wonder now.
"Really?"I ask him
"Of course. What makes you question that?"He says
"Words can leave marks I guess...Especially from bullies."I say
He looks at me and steps closer, leaning in. He leans in closer and looks me in the eyes. My soul pounds. He places a hand on my cheek. My face burns more and my soul pounds quicker.
"Now that's what I don't get. Who would bully someone like you? Especially when you look like this."He says
"What's that supposed to mean?! And the 'My Nightmare' statement?" I ask
He looks away from me after seeming surprised by my question. He looks back at me.
"Listen Nightmare....I..."He says, leaning closer
"K-K-Killer?"I stutter
"I.."He trails off
I don't speak, my soul pounding, face burning. His hand on my wrist slips and intertwines with my hand. He is getting so close, but then.....
"OPEN UP!" a voice I don't recognize demands
"You know that voice? Cause I sure don't."Killer whispers
"N-No."I tell him quietly
"You're not going anywhere then."He says, wrapping his arms around me.
I look up at him. He pulls me away from the door and then quickly sits down, putting me in his lap held close to him. I notice that his face had some color. Red even. I feel my face burn at how this situation is turning out. He nearly kissed me! Does he love me? Does he have the feeling I have for him? He IS protecting me...Wait no! Focus! We could be in trouble.
"I got you, Nightmare, I got you."Killer says
"K-Killer?!"I say, getting out of my thoughts with a burning face.
"Ya?"He says
"You can let me go. I'll go. I don't want you to get hurt."I tell him
He holds me tighter and closer to him.
"Nope. Nah. No. Not happening! A hundred ways to say no! You are staying with me, I'm not letting you get in danger. I don't care if they break in, I got you. And I didn't break rule #5, have more then one weapon."He says
"What do you mean?"I ask
"If they break in, I'll snap and some floorboards will go flying. And the contents beneath them."He whispers
If there was a knife under one, who knows what's under the rest. I nod, understanding.
"HAND HIM OVER!"The voice yells
I could sense the negativity from whoever was on the other side, but couldn't identify them. The strength of their emotions scares me. I grip onto Killer. He looks at me and puts me beside him protectively.
"Not gonna happen!"Killer yells
The banging keeps going, getting stronger and louder. Killer keeps me close and keeps yelling for the attacker to back off and leave. He quickly gets tired of this.
"I'm coming out! And you won't like what happens when I do!"He snaps, getting up and heading to the door
"Try me!"The voice shouts
He has me go against the wall. He reaches for the knob, but then banging also starts at the wall behind me. I jump and go to the center of the shack. The only things in it were some dummies, a punching bag, some blankets, pillows and food. Of course there's the knife in the corner, but it's by the wall that is being banged on. Killer looks at me and frowns. He wanders around the shack and picks stuff up. Then he comes over to me and wraps me in blankets to hide me. Then he makes some kind of fort with the pillows and punching bag around me. Like a pillow fort. He peeks at me and the red spreads across his face again. He reaches in and places a hand on my cheek. I feel my face burn.
"Stay here. I'll handle them."He says
"He is not a freak!"Killer shouts
"Just in case....Take this."He says, handing me a knife
Then he places one last pillow in front of me, giving me a narrow view out. I can see him leave and shut the door behind him, taking off the bandages. Then, I couldn't see anything. All I could do was listen to the noises and violent sounds, the shouts back and forth, hoping Killer is okay. The knife he gave me trembles in my hands, but then I check the cuff on my right wrist. The light turns yellow.
"20 minutes remaining....Error. Malfunction, restarting..."A robotic voice says from it
The light turns green again.
You're kidding me. I'm stuck like this longer?! In this situation?! Just my luck!
I try to break the cuff with the knife, but the cuff bent the knife's blade. Just. Perfect. TmT
I hear a crash sound and feel something hit me. I look and it's the pillows, blankets, as well as broken pieces of logs that were a wall to the shack.
"Chief! We've made entry! Locating him now!"A voice says
"Good!"Another says
I hide and couldn't move. I couldn't get out. So, I clench the knife, prepared. But then, I feel something get jabbed into my arm.
"Found him. Sweet dreams, idiot."The voice says
I swing the knife and hit something. I see someone fall in front of me, their leg bleeding. I don't recognize them and they are hidden by a grey cloak and mask. They look at me and aim some kind of gun with a needle at me. They pull the trigger but another knife swings in front of me, deflecting it.
"I don't think so!"Killer snaps
He quickly takes the attackers out. My grip on the knife weakened until I drop it. I start feeling dizzy and tired as frick. Everything was going dark.
"K-K-Killer....."I mutter, reaching out to him
"Nightmare! Nightmare, stay with me! Don't close your eyes! Stay up! You're gonna be ok! Come on!"He pleas, pulling me out with a blanket
He wraps me in it and holds me close.
"T-Thank you...."I say, one of my eyes closing
He holds my hand tight.
"Nightmare! Boss! Stay with me! Nononono!"He cries
I couldn't speak. Too weak. I smile at him a bit and grip his hand. I close my eyes.
"Nightmare! Wake up! Nightmare please!"Killer shouts
I don't say or do anything. My grip goes weak.
"Nightmare!"He shouts
I slowly open my eyes, regaining consciousness. My head is pounding, aching. Ugh, my head....What happened?
I lift my head slightly and look around. I see bricks where the wall had fallen. The door is shut. It's just us. I check the cuff. It was showing no light. What could this mean? I shut my eyes, shaking my aching head. I notice a hole in my sleeve, bleeding out a bit. I bet it is from whatever jabbed me. I shake my head and cover it. I look around and spot someone beside me. I jump, but realize who it is. I see Killer laying beside me, asleep it seems. I smile. He's okay!
I reach out and feel his cheek. It's not red anymore. Though it turned red when I feel his cheek softly. I try to turn and my left arm succeeds. I'm able to turn again! Time is up! I get up and begin to morph. Better to turn than stay in this form. Those jerks may still be nearby and I have to be able to protect Killer. On that note, I should also leave. Don't want to get him in more trouble. This feeling...this love, makes me want to keep him safe.
I get up and go to leave, morphing back to normal bit by bit. Some floorboard was still loose apparently, cause I trip on it but catch my fall with my hands. I feel an electric shock go through me and the light on the cuff glows green. Not this again! My arm that had just finished morphing undid itself back to its passive form. I get up, shaking my head. It aches still. I continue to try to exit.
Those efforts are stopped. Two arms wrap around me.
"Nightmare.~"A voice coos
I recognize it.
"H-Huh?"I say
I look up and see Killer behind me.
"I'm so happy that I wasn't dreaming and that you are still in your cute little form."He says, resting his head on mine with a smile
My face burns up.
C-C-Cute? He just called me cute?!
"K-Killer? W-What did you just say about my f-f-form?"I ask
"That it's cute."He says
I blink and my eye-lights finished their morphs.
"Y-You mean it?"I ask, my face burning more
My soul races even more. He nods. It feels like my soul exploded with emotions.
"K-Killer..."I say
He opens his eyes and looks at me.
"Wait...I said that out loud?"He asks
My face burns even more. He was thinking that?!
He turns me around to him.
"N-Nightmare, I-I-I-I-I know it may sound like o-one way but I d-didn't mean it like that! I-I-I-!"He says, trying to explain
My soul pounds.
"Then what do you mean?"I ask
He looks at me, his face getting warmer. I reach up, putting a hand on his cheek.
"What did they do to ya? Your face is very warm, Killer. Are you okay?"I ask
"They did nothing but annoy me. I'm alright, Nightmare. I'm just so glad you are."He says, pulling me close
"K-Killer, I...."I say, looking up at him
"Hm?"He asks
I grow nervous and hold his cheek still. I pull him closer and kiss his cheek.
"T-That didn't mean w-what you may think either. I-It was just a thank y-you for protecting m-me. Tell anyone and I kill you."I tell him
His face went real red. I realize he's blushing. D-Does he like me...?
"K-Killer, what do you mean about your statements? And be honest. You never really answered my questions about the 'My Nightmare' statement and all that."I say
"E-E-Emmm...I uh....well...I-I-I-"He replies
"F-F-F-F-Forget it. I'm being stupid again."I say
"Nightmare, you are not stupid."He tells me
"I....I think I am gonna go. I told Error that I'd return within an hour and this is way over an hour. I'll see you sometime when I can. Bye.."I say, tearing away from him
He frowns but doesn't do anything. I leave and couldn't morph. My thoughts whizz in my head, emotions twisting around in me. I get my priorities straight and try to get a plan together. I go to get back to the hideout but then think. If the castle was attacked to get me, now the shack, someone knows I am here. And if I return to the hideout, they could be put in danger. I run quickly away from the shack or hideout, but get stopped. I get put in some kind of orb or sphere. I pound on it, yelling.
"Killer! Error! Dream! Someone! Help!"I tell, knowing there is trouble
"Oh shut up, former boss."A voice says, a hand coming through the sphere and punching me in the face with a blade
I yell in pain and then, the blade cut or stabbed me three times as punishment for making noise I guess. One on my skull, two on my neck. I shut myself up and frown. I see Cipher!Sans as the one talking to me, but ignore him. He tears the cuff off me, dropping it on the ground. He made his usual statement before teleporting and sitting on the sphere, taking me with him.
"You're all pixel characters without real feelings. Send Temmie to college. BYEEE!"He shouts
And that was the end of that. I silently whimper but then get an idea. I shut my eyes and try to feel positive. I smile, thinking of good memories. Then I add a thought. Dream, I love you all. Cipher!Sans has taken me, so I will miss you all. I can't do anything. Find the cuff. Cross will explain...Stay safe....I....67...Science is dead to me. I-
I get another hit to the head and knocked out.
TO BE CONTINUED...Also here are some extras
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